
Palestinians battle Israeli wall
Palestinians battle Israeli wall
Palestinians and Israeli dissenters are getting together to fight Israel's plan to build another section of the separation wall in the occupied West Bank. According to environmentalists, the wall will stop water flow to the natural springs and thus threatens to dry out much of the Palestinian land. They also see the wall - illegal under international law - as a part of long-term Israeli policy to take more and more Palestinian land in the West Bank. But the Israeli government says their separation wall is for security reasons, in order to stop Palestinians carrying out attacks in Israel. Al Jazeera Sherine Tadros reports from Wadi Fukin, the village that is now at the centre of the legal battle. [February 7, 2010]

Mr. Soapbox. - English Country Press Statement
Mr. Soapbox. - English Country Press Statement
Song created by Mr. Soapbox. Website: www.myspace.com Lyrics: I have a feeling my dear, you are going to enjoy this quite a lot. Worship the blue bloods Worship the blue bloods Worship the blue bloods Worship the blue bloods Worship the monarchy Worship the monarchy Gotta keep face Gotta keep face Gotta keep face (Worship the monarchy) Gotta keep face Gotta keep face No dissenters Gotta keep face Send out presenters Gotta keep face No dissenters Gotta keep face Send out presenters Worship the monarchy Worship the blue bloods Worship the blue bloods Worship the monarchy Demokratie ist krebs

People & Power - Human Wrongs - 17 Jun 07 - Part 1
People & Power - Human Wrongs - 17 Jun 07 - Part 1
People & Power investigates Tunisia's darker side, particularly its treatment of political dissenters.

People & Power - Human Wrongs - 17 Jun 07 - Part 2
People & Power - Human Wrongs - 17 Jun 07 - Part 2
People & Power investigates Tunisia's darker side, particularly its treatment of political dissenters.

THE GREAT DICTATOR | EL GRAN DICTADOR (subs. english & español)
THE GREAT DICTATOR | EL GRAN DICTADOR (subs. english & español)
----------------- THE GREAT DICTATOR | EL GRAN DICTADOR ----------------- Entire movie. Includes English and Spanish subtitles. ---------- Película entera. Incluye subtítulos en inglés y español. __________________________________________ - LANGUAGE | IDIOMA: English - SUTITLES | SUBTÍTULOS: English & Spanish (español) - SYNOPSIS | SINÓPSIS: Charlie Chaplin has a dual role in this film, his first with dialogue. He plays a sweet-natured Jewish barber and a murderous Hitler-type dictator with such satirical impact that it counterbalanced the oratory of Adolf Hitler. Particularly delectable comic scenes are Hynkel's balletic "pas de deux" with a globe, and a cream cake fight between Hynkel and Napoloni, the dictator of Bacteria. ---------- Un humilde barbero judío tiene un parecido asombroso con el dictador de Tomania, un tirano que culpa a los judíos de la crítica situación que atraviesa el país. Un día, sus propios guardias lo confunden con el barbero y lo llevan a un campo de concentración. Al mismo tiempo, al pobre barbero lo confunden con el tirano. - YEAR | AÑO: 1940 - RUNNING TIME | DURACIÓN: 120 min. - COUNTRY | PAÍS: United States - DIRECTOR: Charles Chaplin - SCREENWRITER | GUIONISTA: Charles Chaplin - COMPOSER | COMPOSITOR: Charles Chaplin & Meredith Willson - CINEMATOGRAPHER | FOTOGRAFÍA: Rollie Totheroh & Karl Struss (B&W) - CAST | REPARTO: Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Jack Oakie, Reginald Gardiner, Henry Daniell, Carter De Haven, Grace Hayle, Maurice <b>...</b>

Chinese Regime Defends its Veto of UN Resolution That Condems Syria's Violence
Chinese Regime Defends its Veto of UN Resolution That Condems Syria's Violence
For more news and videos visit ➡ english.ntdtv.com Follow us on Twitter ➡ http Add us on Facebook ➡ on.fb.me The Chinese regime is defending its rejection of a UN resolution that condemns the Syrian government's violent crackdown on dissenters and presses Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Syrian to step down. The move has been sharply criticized by other countries on the UN Security Council, including the US Secretary of State and Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary. Content: The Chinese regime defended its highly controversial veto of a UN resolution that would have called for Syrian President Bashar al Assad to leave power—even as other countries on the UN Security Council denounced the veto. A spokesman for the Chinese regime's Foreign Ministry, Liu Weimin, told reporters that China chose to veto the resolution because it did not think it would resolve the violence in Syria. He said, "The vote on the resolution was pushed through when different parties still had serious disagreements. Doing it this way is not conducive to maintaining the unity and authority of the Security Council, and not conducive to a proper resolution to the problem. This is why China vetoed this resolution." But the other members of the UN Security Council—save Russia who also vetoed the resolution—were livid. US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton called the veto a "travesty" and suggested that China and Russia now have blood on their hands as the civilian death toll in Syria continues to rise <b>...</b>

PHSS Session 09e Isaac Watts
PHSS Session 09e Isaac Watts
A quick survey of the contributions of Isaac Watts to the repertoire of congregational singing throughout the English speaking world.

Shine Jesus Shine, and great Christian quotes.
Shine Jesus Shine, and great Christian quotes.
Michael Faraday (22 September 1791 -- 25 August 1867) was an English chemist and physicist (or natural philosopher, in the terminology of the time) who contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. Faraday established the basis for the electromagnetic field concept in physics. He also discovered electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and laws of electrolysis. Although Faraday received little formal education and knew little of higher mathematics, such as calculus, he was one of the most influential scientists in history. Historians of science refer to him as the best experimentalist in the history of science. Albert Einstein kept a photograph of Faraday on his study wall alongside pictures of Isaac Newton and James Clerk Maxwell.Faraday was highly religious; he was a member of the Sandemanian Church, a Christian sect founded in 1730 that demanded total faith and commitment. Biographers have noted that "a strong sense of the unity of God and nature pervaded Faraday's life and work." William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564; died 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. His faith was Catholic. John Bunyan (28 November 1628 -- 31 August 1688) was an English Christian writer and preacher, famous for writing Pilgrim's Progress. Though he was a Reformed Baptist, in the Church of England he is remembered with a Lesser Festival on 30 August <b>...</b>

Syrians find sanctuary in Jordan
Syrians find sanctuary in Jordan
Thousands of Syrians have fled to Turkey and Lebanon to escape the government's brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protests since March. Some Syrians have also found sanctuary in Jordan, a neighbouring country that has helped provide the immigrants with shelter and protection from Syrian authorities. One of those refugees in Jordan, speaking on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal, told Al Jazeera that he will not return home until the ruling Baath party is toppled. He also said that the three-day national dialogue talks in Syria, which were concluded on Tuesday, were "bogus" as long as the country's security forces continues what he described as their shoot-to-kill policy and mass arrest campaign against dissenters across the country. Nisreen El-Shamayleh reports from the Jordanian town of Ramtha, along the border with Syria.

Sri Nandakumara Ashtakam by Sri Vallabhacharya
Sri Nandakumara Ashtakam by Sri Vallabhacharya
This hymn was composed by Sri Vallabhacharya, the founder of the Pushti Marg Vaishnavas. A brief life sketch of Sri Vallabhacharya by Swami Shivananda is available at: www.dlshq.org An English transliteration of this hymn is found at: www.shrinathdham.com A Devanagari script version is found at: prramamurthy1931.blogspot.com This hymn is like Sri Achyutashtakam by Sri Adya Shankaracharya which is descriptive in nature, yet the philosophy is unmistakably clear and simply stated. Advaita (non-dualism) Vedanta as explained by Sri Adya Shankaracharya has seen four Vaishnava dissenting schools of thought so far. One of them, the Vishishta-advaita school started by Sri Ramanuja of Tamil Nadu, is centred around Sri Vishnu as the Absolute. The other three schools centre around Sri Krishna as the Absolute. Two of these three agree on advaita, non-dualism. These two are the Dvaita-advaita school founded by Sri Nimbarkacharya of Andhra Pradesh and the Shuddha-advaita school founded by Sri Vallabhacharya, also of Andhra Pradesh. The dvaita (dualism) school established by Sri Ananda Tirtha (popularly known as Sri Madhavacharya) of Karnataka is at the farthest end of the spectrum. The Gaudiya Vaishnavas are a branch of the dvaita school. Gaud is a region in Bengal and hence the name. Common to all the dissenters is the presence of a specific Form. None of the inheritors of Sri Adya Shankaracharya stopped or moulded the dissenters or in any way encouraged/ supported others to do so <b>...</b>

Fatherland (1994) - Rutger Hauer / Miranda Richardson
Fatherland (1994) - Rutger Hauer / Miranda Richardson
Fatherland is a TV film directed by Christopher Menaul based on the bestselling 1992 thriller by the English writer and journalist Robert Harris. It takes the form of a high concept alternative history set in a world in which Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany won World War II. At the end of the war, Western Europe has been left relatively untouched by the Reich, as Germany concentrates on the conquest of what is left of Russia. The United Kingdom holds on to the remains of its empire and Germany relies on the British to keep the peace in Africa and Asia. Although Hitler has taken some steps to soften his image, no substantive changes have taken place in the Nazi regime's basic character. The Reichstag Fire Decree and the Enabling Act of 1933, the legal bases for Hitler's dictatorship, still remain in effect. The press, radio and the new medium of television are very tightly controlled. Dissenters are dealt with very harshly, often being sent to concentration camps. Plot Summary: The story begins in Nazi Germany (the Third Reich) in April 1964, in the week leading up to Adolf Hitler's 75th birthday. The plot follows detective Xavier March, an investigator working for the Kriminalpolizei (Kripo), as he probes the suspicious death of a high-ranking Nazi, Josef Bühler, in the Havel, on the outskirts of Berlin. As March uncovers more details he realises that he is caught up in a political scandal involving senior Nazi party officials, who are apparently being systematically <b>...</b>

Bernanke's QE2 Criticized by Fed Dissenters, Tea Party
Bernanke's QE2 Criticized by Fed Dissenters, Tea Party
Nov. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg's Michael McKee reports on criticism of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing policy. (Source: Bloomberg) FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

Thomas Watson - High, Supercilious Thoughts of Yourselves
Thomas Watson - High, Supercilious Thoughts of Yourselves
Thomas Watson playlist: www.youtube.com Thomas Watson - (ca. 1620-1686), English non-conformist Puritan preacher and author Watson was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he was noted for remarkably intense study. In 1646 he commenced a sixteen year pastorate at St. Stephen's, Walbrook. He showed strong Presbyterian views during the civil war, with, however, an attachment to the king, and in 1651 he was imprisoned briefly with some other ministers for his share in Christopher Love's plot to recall Charles II of England. He was released on June 30, 1652, and was formally reinstated as vicar of St. Stephen's Walbrook. Watson obtained great fame and popularity as a preacher until the Restoration, when he was ejected for nonconformity. Notwithstanding the rigor of the acts against dissenters, Watson continued to exercise his ministry privately as he found opportunity. Upon the Declaration of Indulgence in 1672 he obtained a license to preach at the great hall in Crosby House. After preaching there for several years, his health gave way, and he retired to Barnston, Essex, where he died suddenly while praying in secret. He was buried on 28 July 1686.

Thomas Watson - Lord, Smite this Sin
Thomas Watson - Lord, Smite this Sin
Thomas Watson playlist: www.youtube.com Thomas Watson - (ca. 1620-1686), English non-conformist Puritan preacher and author Watson was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he was noted for remarkably intense study. In 1646 he commenced a sixteen year pastorate at St. Stephen's, Walbrook. He showed strong Presbyterian views during the civil war, with, however, an attachment to the king, and in 1651 he was imprisoned briefly with some other ministers for his share in Christopher Love's plot to recall Charles II of England. He was released on June 30, 1652, and was formally reinstated as vicar of St. Stephen's Walbrook. Watson obtained great fame and popularity as a preacher until the Restoration, when he was ejected for nonconformity. Notwithstanding the rigor of the acts against dissenters, Watson continued to exercise his ministry privately as he found opportunity. Upon the Declaration of Indulgence in 1672 he obtained a license to preach at the great hall in Crosby House. After preaching there for several years, his health gave way, and he retired to Barnston, Essex, where he died suddenly while praying in secret. He was buried on 28 July 1686. Thomas Watson - Lord, Smite this Sin

JF Kennedy's toespraak over samenzweringen, nederlands ondertiteld
JF Kennedy's toespraak over samenzweringen, nederlands ondertiteld
Full version of the speech: video.google.com English transcript: "Ladies and gentlemen, the very word secrecy is repugnant, in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating it's arbitrary restrictions. Even today there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation, if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious who wish to expand it's meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit, to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my administration whether his rank as high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight, as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know. For we are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, that relies primarily on covet means for expanding it's fear of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation, instead of free choice, on <b>...</b>

Thomas Watson - Heart Purity (Part 1 of 11)
Thomas Watson - Heart Purity (Part 1 of 11)
Thomas Watson playlist: www.youtube.com Thomas Watson - Heart Purity (Part 1 of 11) Thomas Watson - (ca. 1620-1686), English non-conformist Puritan preacher and author Watson was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he was noted for remarkably intense study. In 1646 he commenced a sixteen year pastorate at St. Stephen's, Walbrook. He showed strong Presbyterian views during the civil war, with, however, an attachment to the king, and in 1651 he was imprisoned briefly with some other ministers for his share in Christopher Love's plot to recall Charles II of England. He was released on June 30, 1652, and was formally reinstated as vicar of St. Stephen's Walbrook. Watson obtained great fame and popularity as a preacher until the Restoration, when he was ejected for nonconformity. Notwithstanding the rigor of the acts against dissenters, Watson continued to exercise his ministry privately as he found opportunity. Upon the Declaration of Indulgence in 1672 he obtained a license to preach at the great hall in Crosby House. After preaching there for several years, his health gave way, and he retired to Barnston, Essex, where he died suddenly while praying in secret. He was buried on 28 July 1686.

Thomas Watson - He Welcomes Them to Hell
Thomas Watson - He Welcomes Them to Hell
Thomas Watson playlist: www.youtube.com Thomas Watson - (ca. 1620-1686), English non-conformist Puritan preacher and author Watson was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he was noted for remarkably intense study. In 1646 he commenced a sixteen year pastorate at St. Stephen's, Walbrook. He showed strong Presbyterian views during the civil war, with, however, an attachment to the king, and in 1651 he was imprisoned briefly with some other ministers for his share in Christopher Love's plot to recall Charles II of England. He was released on June 30, 1652, and was formally reinstated as vicar of St. Stephen's Walbrook. Watson obtained great fame and popularity as a preacher until the Restoration, when he was ejected for nonconformity. Notwithstanding the rigor of the acts against dissenters, Watson continued to exercise his ministry privately as he found opportunity. Upon the Declaration of Indulgence in 1672 he obtained a license to preach at the great hall in Crosby House. After preaching there for several years, his health gave way, and he retired to Barnston, Essex, where he died suddenly while praying in secret. He was buried on 28 July 1686. Thomas Watson - He Welcomes Them to Hell

Thomas Watson - Temptations Work for our Good
Thomas Watson - Temptations Work for our Good
Thomas Watson - Buffeted by Satan's Temptations Thomas Watson playlist: www.youtube.com Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Thomas Watson - (ca. 1620-1686), English non-conformist Puritan preacher and author Watson was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he was noted for remarkably intense study. In 1646 he commenced a sixteen year pastorate at St. Stephen's, Walbrook. He showed strong Presbyterian views during the civil war, with, however, an attachment to the king, and in 1651 he was imprisoned briefly with some other ministers for his share in Christopher Love's plot to recall Charles II of England. He was released on June 30, 1652, and was formally reinstated as vicar of St. Stephen's Walbrook. Watson obtained great fame and popularity as a preacher until the Restoration, when he was ejected for nonconformity. Notwithstanding the rigor of the acts against dissenters, Watson continued to exercise his ministry privately as he found opportunity. Upon the Declaration of Indulgence in 1672 he obtained a license to preach at the great hall in Crosby House. After preaching there for several years, his health gave way, and he retired to Barnston, Essex, where he died suddenly while praying in secret. He was buried on 28 July 1686. Thomas Watson - Temptations Work for our Good

The Worst Things - Thomas Watson (Part 1 of 7)
The Worst Things - Thomas Watson (Part 1 of 7)
Thomas Watson playlist: www.youtube.com Thomas Watson - (ca. 1620-1686), English non-conformist Puritan preacher and author Watson was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he was noted for remarkably intense study. In 1646 he commenced a sixteen year pastorate at St. Stephen's, Walbrook. He showed strong Presbyterian views during the civil war, with, however, an attachment to the king, and in 1651 he was imprisoned briefly with some other ministers for his share in Christopher Love's plot to recall Charles II of England. He was released on June 30, 1652, and was formally reinstated as vicar of St. Stephen's Walbrook. Watson obtained great fame and popularity as a preacher until the Restoration, when he was ejected for nonconformity. Notwithstanding the rigor of the acts against dissenters, Watson continued to exercise his ministry privately as he found opportunity. Upon the Declaration of Indulgence in 1672 he obtained a license to preach at the great hall in Crosby House. After preaching there for several years, his health gave way, and he retired to Barnston, Essex, where he died suddenly while praying in secret. He was buried on 28 July 1686.

Thomas Watson - The Doctrine of Repentance (1 of 4)
Thomas Watson - The Doctrine of Repentance (1 of 4)
Thomas Watson playlist: www.youtube.com Thomas Watson - (ca. 1620-1686), English non-conformist Puritan preacher and author Watson was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he was noted for remarkably intense study. In 1646 he commenced a sixteen year pastorate at St. Stephen's, Walbrook. He showed strong Presbyterian views during the civil war, with, however, an attachment to the king, and in 1651 he was imprisoned briefly with some other ministers for his share in Christopher Love's plot to recall Charles II of England. He was released on June 30, 1652, and was formally reinstated as vicar of St. Stephen's Walbrook. Watson obtained great fame and popularity as a preacher until the Restoration, when he was ejected for nonconformity. Notwithstanding the rigor of the acts against dissenters, Watson continued to exercise his ministry privately as he found opportunity. Upon the Declaration of Indulgence in 1672 he obtained a license to preach at the great hall in Crosby House. After preaching there for several years, his health gave way, and he retired to Barnston, Essex, where he died suddenly while praying in secret. He was buried on 28 July 1686. Thomas Watson - The Doctrine of Repentance (1 of 4)

The Arrivals pt.26 (The Antichrist/ Dajjal is Here)
The Arrivals pt.26 (The Antichrist/ Dajjal is Here)
Catch the full online version only on WakeUpProject.com Series Explores the Revelations in World Religions Regarding the Arrivals of the Antichrist Dajjal, Imam Al-Mahdi, and The Second Coming of The Christ.A Work Inspired by Hashemsfilms and of Course the Words of the Noble Qoran, The Holy Bible, and The Torah, The Arrivals is a Joint Production by truthseekers Noreagaaa and Achernahr.

Daniel De Foe and Moll Flanders
Daniel De Foe and Moll Flanders
Daniel Defoe (1660?-1731), businessman, journalist, pamphleteer and prolific author wrote Robinson Crusoe (1719); Not much is known of his early years, but Daniel Defoe was born sometime in the year 1659 or 1660 in the Cripplegate Parish of London, England, the youngest of three children born to Alice and James Foe, a tallow chandler. He began to preface his name with De sometime during the mid-to late 1690's. His parents being Presbyterian dissenters, Daniel attended Charles Morton's Dissenting Academy in Newington Green for four years, with plans to enter the ministry. But it was not to be, for as his non-Conformist father, he too decided to enter the business world. Settling in Cornhill, he became a merchant in various woolen goods as well as tobacco, wine, and wood. Religious upheaval and Plague did not stop Defoe as importer-exporter from also becoming involved with many social, political and religious causes including freedom of religion and the press. His first foray into the publishing world was his series of essays on business and banking collected in An Essay Upon Projects (1697). Dickory Cronke (1719) was followed by The Life of Captain Singleton (1720) and Memoirs of a Cavalier (1720). Defoe's next major work is Moll Flanders (1722), sub-titled Who was Born in Newgate, and during a Life of continu'd Variety for Threescore Years, besides her Childhood, was Twelve Year a Whore, five times a Wife (whereof once to her own Brother), Twelve Year a Thief, Eight Year <b>...</b>