- published: 24 Jan 2011
- views: 5295
- author: SlitereNationalPark

Wild boar - Meža cūka
Winter is quite a challenge for Wild boar Sus scrofa. When snow layer reaches 30-40 cm, ab...
published: 24 Jan 2011
author: SlitereNationalPark
Wild boar - Meža cūka
Winter is quite a challenge for Wild boar Sus scrofa. When snow layer reaches 30-40 cm, ability to walk and find food lowered. This is why wild boars try not to walk around very much and sleep close to their feeding ground. They beat a path to ease walking between feeding ground and their sleeping place. Wild boars have to dig up ground to have something to eat so it is very important that ground is not frozen like it is this winter. If they try dig up very frozen ground there are possibility that they will break their tusks. Even unfrozen ground is not easy to dig as they have to tear or bite some bigger roots to get to the food. Wild boar males are solitary outside breeding season while females live in groups. In one group or sounder there can be several sows with their offsprings, their daughters and infertile pigs. Adult boars dig up some area where piglets can search for food afterwards. If piglets would have to dig through the snow themselves they would waste too much energy and die. Forest soil contains vast range of edible things: roots, rhizomes, larva and earthworms; also they eat shrews and mouse-like rodents. If ground is not frozen, earthworms, which are very nourishing food, live near surface. Moles make earthworm reserves. When Wild boar finds these reserves it is like winning a lottery, and if the collector itself gets in its way it is a true windfall. Wild boars sometimes feed on carrion. Adult boars are more important for population so they eat first ...
- published: 24 Jan 2011
- views: 5295
- author: SlitereNationalPark

Meža brāļi
Meža brāļi...
published: 18 Oct 2008
author: marshal84lv
Meža brāļi
Meža brāļi
- published: 18 Oct 2008
- views: 2845
- author: marshal84lv

Meža sēšana
Priedes sēšana Garkalnes mežniecībā ar Bracke sējmašīnu 22.05.2009....
published: 22 May 2009
author: andislazdins
Meža sēšana
Priedes sēšana Garkalnes mežniecībā ar Bracke sējmašīnu 22.05.2009.
- published: 22 May 2009
- views: 461
- author: andislazdins

Quad bike with forest trailer/ Kvadracikls ar meža piekabi/ 2012
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: VaiKaspars
Quad bike with forest trailer/ Kvadracikls ar meža piekabi/ 2012
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 257
- author: VaiKaspars

Meklējot meža gariņu.
pa brīvlaiku....
published: 15 Mar 2012
author: Rūdolfs Zagorskis
Meklējot meža gariņu.
pa brīvlaiku.
- published: 15 Mar 2012
- views: 282
- author: Rūdolfs Zagorskis

Meža serpantīns
26.12.2011 03:45 UTC Suhocka- Grāveri, Aglona parish, Latgola...
published: 26 Dec 2011
author: greenland1967
Meža serpantīns
26.12.2011 03:45 UTC Suhocka- Grāveri, Aglona parish, Latgola
- published: 26 Dec 2011
- views: 19
- author: greenland1967

The European Pine Marten - Meža cauna
The European Pine Marten (Martes martes) is one of the most common predator that can be se...
published: 11 Jan 2011
author: SlitereNationalPark
The European Pine Marten - Meža cauna
The European Pine Marten (Martes martes) is one of the most common predator that can be seen in forests of Slitere National Park and Latvia. This almost half meter long animal weighting 0.8-2.2 kg has brow coat. In winter its thick undercoat makes coat look greyish. Throat patch colour varies from light yellow to bright orange. This small animal has very long fingers with sharp nails that help climb trees and walk across snow without going down. Males mostly remain on ground because they are heavier than females that are lighter and can easily jump from tree to tree. The European Pine Marten has very wide food range. In summer they usually feed on different insects, amphibians, small insectivores, mouse-like rodents, birds, berries and fruits. When there is a bad year for mouse-like rodents pine marten mostly feed on squirrels and birds. It really likes honey that pine marten seeks not only in bumblebee nest but also in bee-gardens. In winter mostly it live by carrion. Pine marten can eat about 100g meat at once. It has to eat as much as 1/5 of its own weight a day to survive, so it has to run around quite much to make that happen. Hunting area in winters is larger than 10km2, so if pine marten has had bad luck in hunt it has to run even 30km to have something to eat, so carrion is very important. When tummy is full pine marten goes to its lair to sleep. Lair usually is made under tree roots, tree stumps in hollows or squirrel nests. However, if the weather is nice enough ...
- published: 11 Jan 2011
- views: 1132
- author: SlitereNationalPark

Kā notiek meža apsaimniekošana?
published: 05 Nov 2008
author: Meistarklase
Kā notiek meža apsaimniekošana?
- published: 05 Nov 2008
- views: 1486
- author: Meistarklase

Meža dzīve.
Galvenie Varoņi: Lotus - Aiva. Nazja - Dāvis. Hujova - Kārlis. -Video klipu montēja Zane....
published: 29 Nov 2011
author: Kārlis Sietiņš
Meža dzīve.
Galvenie Varoņi: Lotus - Aiva. Nazja - Dāvis. Hujova - Kārlis. -Video klipu montēja Zane.
- published: 29 Nov 2011
- views: 557
- author: Kārlis Sietiņš

Narasla reka Meža in grabni v Črni na Koroškem
Po obilnem deževju z nedelje na ponedeljek je v Črni na Koroškem močno narasla reka Meža i...
published: 05 Nov 2012
author: Jani Hercog
Narasla reka Meža in grabni v Črni na Koroškem
Po obilnem deževju z nedelje na ponedeljek je v Črni na Koroškem močno narasla reka Meža in njeni pritoki (Bistra, Javorski potok, Topla), ter ponekod prestopila bregove, poškodovala cesto. Hudournik je v Koprivni odnesel pol hleva. Do večera je dež ponehal in vodostaj je nekoliko upadel.
- published: 05 Nov 2012
- views: 3306
- author: Jani Hercog
Youtube results:

Črna na Koroškem - Reka Meža in Javorski potok (poplave) 2
published: 05 Nov 2012
author: matic mezek
Črna na Koroškem - Reka Meža in Javorski potok (poplave) 2
- published: 05 Nov 2012
- views: 936
- author: matic mezek

Veiksmes stāsts meža nozarē - Griķis
published: 05 Nov 2008
author: Meistarklase
Veiksmes stāsts meža nozarē - Griķis
- published: 05 Nov 2008
- views: 513
- author: Meistarklase

Komatsu 911.4 Harvester Meža dienas 2012
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: valtek sia
Komatsu 911.4 Harvester Meža dienas 2012
- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 262
- author: valtek sia

Kā notiek meža stādīšana?
Forest management...
published: 05 Nov 2008
author: Meistarklase
Kā notiek meža stādīšana?
Forest management
- published: 05 Nov 2008
- views: 2189
- author: Meistarklase