Mozarabic Chant: Gloria in Excelsis Deo
(Click more info) A Merry Christmas to all viewers! The Mozarabic version of the Gloria, sung by Ensemble Organum from 'Chant Mozarabe: Cathedrale de Tolede'. Of the Gloria, Dom Fernand Cabrol (The Mass of the Western Mass) writes: "The "Gloria in Excelsis" is enclosed at beginning and end by "Per omnia semper secula seculorum." It was sung in this rite on Sundays and Feast Days, as the Fourth Council of Toledo says (canon 12). Etherius and Beatus also state it (Ord. Elip., I, I; cf. also Lesley's note, PL, loc. cit., col. 531). Later the Mozarabites omitted this hymn on the Sundays of Advent and Lent. It wa also sung by the Gallicans, as may be seen by the Missal of Bobbio, and was followed by two prayers. In the Mozarabic rite, after the final "Per omnia," the Deacon cried "Oremus," and the Priest said a prayer. Later on this acclamation of the Deacon was suppressed, but not the Priest's prayer, which varied for the Sundays of Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and for the Feasts of Saints. The text of these various prayers will be found in the "Missale Mixtum," PL, Vol. LXXXV, col. 531 seq. The text of the "Gloria" here given is the same as usual, but other forms do exist. (On this point see the discussion between Lebrun and Lesley, PL, loc. cit., col. 33; and also Dom German Prado, "Una nueva recension del hymno Gloria in Excelsis" in "Ephemerides Liturg.," 1932, PP. 481-486.)" Nowt he Old Catholic Encyclopedia: "The Canticle or Canticles. This is now Gloria <b>...</b>