
Halt dein MAUL
iTunes http://bit.ly/1cyqlNn ▻▻Amazon http://amzn.to/148FRX0 ▻▻▻▻Alle Links für euch auf h...
published: 09 Aug 2013
author: YTITTY
Halt dein MAUL
iTunes http://bit.ly/1cyqlNn ▻▻Amazon http://amzn.to/148FRX0 ▻▻▻▻Alle Links für euch auf http://haltdeinmaul.com ▻▻Album iTunes vorbestellen http://bit.ly/...
published: 09 Aug 2013
views: 2051271

Menú XBOX ONE y Configuración + Skype
Aquí un video en el que enseño el menú de la XBOX ONE y como configurar las cosas básicas,...
published: 20 Nov 2013
Menú XBOX ONE y Configuración + Skype
Aquí un video en el que enseño el menú de la XBOX ONE y como configurar las cosas básicas, espero que os sirva. Like y Fav ayudan :)
Menú XBOX ONE y Configuración.
Menú XBOX ONE y Configuración.
Menú XBOX ONE y Configuración.
published: 20 Nov 2013
views: 128585

Le live sur la Ligue Pokémon de Pokémon Y / Pokémon X débutera SAMEDI à 20h30. Une rediffu...
published: 11 Nov 2013
Le live sur la Ligue Pokémon de Pokémon Y / Pokémon X débutera SAMEDI à 20h30. Une rediffusion sera disponible après celui-ci.
Pokémon X et Pokémon Y sont des jeux Nintendo 3DS. je vous propose de découvrir ensemble la région de Kalos à travers ce Let's Play français de Pokémon X et Pokémon Y.
N'hésite pas à liker, commenter ou partager la vidéo ! Abonne-toi à la chaine pour plus de Pokéfun !
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GOOGLE+ ► http://goo.gl/l5wNiQ
published: 11 Nov 2013
views: 719

Weird/Creepy Pokédex Entries: X and Y
With barely enough Pokémon to fill half a "normal" generation, I thought finding a handful...
published: 21 Nov 2013
Weird/Creepy Pokédex Entries: X and Y
With barely enough Pokémon to fill half a "normal" generation, I thought finding a handful of weird and creepy Pokédex entries from Kalos would be tough.
I was wrong.
Want to send fan mail? I have a P.O. box now!
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Blog: http://wittzgaming.com
published: 21 Nov 2013
views: 238103

Pokemon X and Y Wi-Fi Battle: shofu vs Jon
►►► Enjoy the video? Subscribe! http://bit.ly/SubscribeShofu ◄◄◄
TyranitarTube's channel...
published: 14 Nov 2013
Pokemon X and Y Wi-Fi Battle: shofu vs Jon
►►► Enjoy the video? Subscribe! http://bit.ly/SubscribeShofu ◄◄◄
TyranitarTube's channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TyranitarTube
Subscribe to the show! http://bit.ly/PokemonXandY
Hoodies and such: http://shofu.spreadshirt.com/
I made a tumblr. Ask me whatever the hell you want: http://thecoolestintheworld.tumblr.com/
Follow me on twitter! http://www.twitter.com/OfficialShofu
facebook fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pa...
Also, check out my personal channel, where I upload skits, blogs, and other funny stuff!
Finally, check out my music channel!: http://www.youtube.com/user/WDFAmusic
Pokemon X and Y - Pokemon X and Y Wi-Fi Battle: shofu vs Jon
Pokemon X and Y - Pokemon X and Y Wi-Fi Battle: shofu vs Jon
Pokemon X and Y - Pokemon X and Y Wi-Fi Battle: shofu vs Jon
published: 14 Nov 2013
views: 110794

Pokemon X and Y Wi-Fi Battle: shofu & pokeaimMD vs GCPM11 & Beatdown
►►► Enjoy the video? Subscribe! http://bit.ly/SubscribeShofu ◄◄◄
Gian's channel: http:/...
published: 14 Nov 2013
Pokemon X and Y Wi-Fi Battle: shofu & pokeaimMD vs GCPM11 & Beatdown
►►► Enjoy the video? Subscribe! http://bit.ly/SubscribeShofu ◄◄◄
Gian's channel: http://www.youtube.com/giancarloparimango11
Joey's channel: http://www.youtube.com/pokeaimMD
Follow me on twitter!
► http://www.twitter.com/OfficialShofu
Check out my live stream!
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I made a tumblr. Ask me whatever the hell you want:
► http://thecoolestintheworld.tumblr.com/
Check out my Facebook fanpage! ►http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Shofu/140008339409352
Also, check out my personal channel, where I upload skits, blogs, and other funny stuff!
► http://www.youtube.com/user/ShofuTV
Finally, check out my music channel!:
► http://www.youtube.com/user/WDFAmusic
Pokemon X and Y -
Pokemon X and Y -
Pokemon X and Y -
published: 14 Nov 2013
views: 55173

Minecraft: Pixelmon Mini-Game X and Y w/Mitch! - CHAMPION! (Pokemon Mod)
Hey Doods! ♦♦♦ http://bit.ly/SubscribeToMyFridge ♦♦♦ Much Luv :)
Pokemon XY Mini-Game, th...
published: 15 Nov 2013
Minecraft: Pixelmon Mini-Game X and Y w/Mitch! - CHAMPION! (Pokemon Mod)
Hey Doods! ♦♦♦ http://bit.ly/SubscribeToMyFridge ♦♦♦ Much Luv :)
Pokemon XY Mini-Game, the third Mini-Game of my Pixelmon Adventure!
Let's see how long we can keep these daily :)
Pixelmon is a Minecraft Mod that changes the gameplay entirely and places the player in the shoes of a Pokemon trainer! Mitch and Jerome set off on an adventure to catch'em all! Follow their journey in this Let's Play Adventure and keep an eye out for Pixelmon Mini-Games too :D
Artwork by --
Hope you enjoyed - and if you did please give the video a thumbs up!
Much luv!
♦ Stalk me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bajan_canadian
♦ Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/bajancanadian
♦ Like Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheBajanCanadian
♦ Check out my T-Shirts: https://bajancanadian.spreadshirt.com/
Jerome's Channel:
Ryan's Channel:
Scott's Channel:
Lachlan's Channel:
Download Pixelmon Mod -- (Tell them Mitch sent you!)
published: 15 Nov 2013
views: 88259

POKEMON X and Y Minecraft Pixelmon Minigame w/ BajanCanadian, xRPMx13 and Friends #2
Can we get 20,000 likes on this video?
I set out on my adventure to be a Pokemon master!
published: 14 Nov 2013
POKEMON X and Y Minecraft Pixelmon Minigame w/ BajanCanadian, xRPMx13 and Friends #2
Can we get 20,000 likes on this video?
I set out on my adventure to be a Pokemon master!
Be sure to subscribe if you haven't done so already!
Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/JeromeASF
Buy some T-Shirts at http://www.jeromeasf.spreadshirt.com
Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF
Mitch: http://www.youtube.com/TheBajanCanadian
Ryan: http://www.youtube.com/xRPMx13
Scott: http://www.youtube.com/LittleLizardGaming
Lachlan: http://www.youtube.com/CraftBattleDuty
Mod: http://pixelmonmod.com/blog/
Thumbnail: http://regalchaos.deviantart.com/
published: 14 Nov 2013
views: 136944

[Pokemon X and Y WiFi Battle] - #2 vs Deidara21 - MegaBlastoise!
This battle has more strategy and better plays than the last one; still rolling with an in...
published: 13 Oct 2013
[Pokemon X and Y WiFi Battle] - #2 vs Deidara21 - MegaBlastoise!
This battle has more strategy and better plays than the last one; still rolling with an in game team but it is as follows:
Chesnaught, Heliolisk, Doublade, Sliggoo, Drapion, MegaBlastoise
Opponent's Channel:
Other Channel:
Gotta Kill [With] 'Em All List:
published: 13 Oct 2013
views: 32951

Historia De Una Gaviota (y del gato que la enseño a volar) full español
pelicula completa del libro de Luis Sepulveda....
published: 27 Mar 2011
author: Slanx1744
Historia De Una Gaviota (y del gato que la enseño a volar) full español
pelicula completa del libro de Luis Sepulveda.
published: 27 Mar 2011
views: 4274948

Los Tres Cerditos y el Lobo Feroz
Fabula infantil con muchas metaforas para poderlas aplicar a la vida cotidiana de cada dia...
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: DecoglobosLPA
Los Tres Cerditos y el Lobo Feroz
Fabula infantil con muchas metaforas para poderlas aplicar a la vida cotidiana de cada dia.Pueden ver nuestra página y darle a me gusta en www.facebook.com/G...
published: 18 Jul 2012
views: 3016729

Draw My Life - Y-Titty
Draw My Life bzw. Draw Our Life von Y-Titty. Eigentlich aber nur ein Bruchteil... Was sagt...
published: 10 May 2013
author: YTITTY
Draw My Life - Y-Titty
Draw My Life bzw. Draw Our Life von Y-Titty. Eigentlich aber nur ein Bruchteil... Was sagt ihr dazu? Euer Draw My Life? Wir freuen uns drauf! Facebooke das V...
published: 10 May 2013
views: 1225038

The 10 Best Things about Pokémon X and Y
This game is freaking phenomenal.
IV Breeding Guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81MW...
published: 11 Nov 2013
The 10 Best Things about Pokémon X and Y
This game is freaking phenomenal.
IV Breeding Guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81MWuGT-9XI
Pokemon X - http://awe.sm/bGqGj
Pokemon Y -http://awe.sm/jHTGb
Intro/outro music: Mega Man 2 Nuclear Flash by zircon, Sixto Sounds
Get it here! http://zirconmusic.com/
Some graphics and voiceovers by dookieshed.
All other content is intellectual property of its respective owners and included under fair use for entertainment purposes only.
The links in this video are part of an affiliate marketing program. By clicking on the link, I may receive compensation.
published: 11 Nov 2013
views: 93375

Pokemon X and Y: Ultimate Breeding Guide (How to get Perfect Natures and IVs)
Note: If you see anybody stealing my videos or screenshots from my video,please tell it to...
published: 06 Nov 2013
Pokemon X and Y: Ultimate Breeding Guide (How to get Perfect Natures and IVs)
Note: If you see anybody stealing my videos or screenshots from my video,please tell it to me,i will report him to machinima.
- You can breed two pokemon only if they are of opposite gender and belong to same egg group.
- Day Care center in Pokemon X and Y is on Route 7
- Keeping a pokemon with Flame Body/Magma Armour reduces the steps taken to hatch the egg by 50%.
- Egg Group category page (Bulbapedia) - http://bit.ly/177t7Th
- Ditto can breed with every single pokemon in the game except legedaries
- Ditto cannot breed with Ditto
Breeding for Competitive Battles:
- Everstone ALWAYS passes down the nature of the parent holding it.
- You can find Everstone in Geosenge Town to North-West house of pokemon center
- You can find Everstone on wild gravellers (Victory Road)
- You can pokemon with Hidden Ability sometimes in Horders and Friend Safari
- Now Males can also pass down the hidden ability (MAN POWER!!)
- But male pokemon have some chance to pass the hidden ability
- A male pokemon can ONLY pass Hidden ability if it breeds with a DITTO,ONLY WITH DITTO
- Pokemon can learn egg moves only if they breed with a Specific pokemon from their egg group which knows that move
- Parents of both gender can pass down egg moves if they know it
- You cannot pass TM moves anymore
- For knowing which pokemon gets which egg moves please refer to Bulbapedia
~What are IVs?
IVs are individual values which are like genes in pokemon.Every pokemon have 6 IVs one for each stat,they can be between 0 to 31.Max IV is 31.
~What do IVs do?
IVs influence a pokemon's main stats if a pokemon has 31 in Attack,it will hit very hard but if it has 0 in Attack,It won't be able to cause much Damage.
~What are Flawless pokemon?
A PERFECT pokemon which has 4-5 Max IVs in stat it uses most is called 'Flawless' pokemon a.k.a Perfect pokemon,if your pokemon is flawless it will have stats to his MAX potential and it will be competitively successful.
~What is destiny knot?
If one of the parents holds this item,it will ALWAYS pass down five IVs to the child.This item will help you to chain IVs and get a PERFECT pokemon.
~What is Friend Safari?
Friend Safari is place in Kiloude city,which you have access to only after beating Elite 4.
The more friends you have registered,the more pokemon you will able to find here.You can even find pokemon with their hidden ability here.You can get great parents for you flawless pokemon here like Ditto.Every pokemon that you find here is GUARANTEED to have two Max IVs in any 2/6 stats.They can even have 3-4 Max IVs but that kinda depends on your luck.
~How to check IVs?
Talk to guy in Kiloude City's pokemon center.Stats which appreciates have 31 IVs.
• Step.1: Choose a pokemon to breed.
• Step 2: You need to get Destiny Knot,go to Cyllage City's hotel to get it.
• Step 3: Dittos play main role in Getting perfect IV pokemon.If you have a Friend a 'Normal' type friend safari you could find Ditto in the third slot of their safari.
• Step 4: Breed your chosen pokemon with ditto which has Max IVs which you would like you to have in your final product for eg. Atk for Tyranitar,Sp.A for Greninja,Speed for fast pokemon like Alakazam,Talonflame etc.
- It takes HOURS to get a flawless pokemon.Stay Ready for it,don't give up!
- Give Everstone to the pokemon whose nature you want on your final product and give a Destiny Knot to others
- Hatch eggs until you get a child which has more 3 Max IVs than the initial parent,replace it with the previous parent and breed it with Ditto
- Hatch more eggs and get a child with 4 Max IVs replace it with Ditto.
- If you get another child with 4 IVs replace it with the other parent so now you are breeding two pokemon of same species.
- You breeding a pokemon with 4 Max IVs and one with 3/4 Max IVs
- Hatch more eggs,and this time you will be getting your flawless with 5 Max IVs
- Getting 6 Perfect IVs if very difficult and you need be extremely luck,no need to spend your time in that
- A pokemon with 4-5 Max IVs is amazing pokemon,you don't need a pokemon with all 6 Perfect IVs!
• Credits:
- All Memes from Google and Tumblr
- Pokemon Artwork by Ken Sugimori & Xous54
• Find me on these sites!
...Like me on Facebook: http://bit.ly/Pheonixmaster1
...Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pheonixmaster1
...Follow me on Deviantart: http://pheonixmaster1.deviantart.com/
"how to breed pokemon"
breeding pokemon in x and y
how to get pokemon with perfect nature
how to get flawless pokemon
how to get perfect pokemon
"how to get good IVs on pokemon"
"pokemon x and y breeding guide"
breeding guide for pokemon x and y
published: 06 Nov 2013
views: 15809
Vimeo results:

Biting Elbows - 'Bad Motherfucker' Official Music Video
Official music video for Biting Elbows' 2013 single 'Bad Motherfucker'
Out now @iTunes htt...
published: 18 Mar 2013
author: Ilya Naishuller
Biting Elbows - 'Bad Motherfucker' Official Music Video
Official music video for Biting Elbows' 2013 single 'Bad Motherfucker'
Out now @iTunes http://goo.gl/fpNCl @AmazonMP3 http://goo.gl/H3YIj
Original Video found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rgox84KE7iY

The Art of Making, Alma Flamenca
Pieces of wood, love, knowledge and 299 hours of work, condensed in a 3 minute film.
The ...
published: 28 May 2012
author: Deep Green Sea
The Art of Making, Alma Flamenca
Pieces of wood, love, knowledge and 299 hours of work, condensed in a 3 minute film.
The ‘Art of Making’ series aspires to display and highlight people who go against the spirit of today’s pessimism and desperation. They dare to dream and create with zeal and imagination. Armed with passion for knowledge and emotion, they attempt to combine the precision of science with the elegance and resourcefulness of art. We thank them wholeheartedly for their contribution.
Directed & VFX - Spiros Rasidakis, Dimitris Ladopoulos
Director of photography - Nikos Mexis
Editing - Yiannis Kostavaras
Sound design - Nikos Tsines
Guitarist & composer - Edsart Udo De Haes www.edsartudodehaes.nl
Guitar maker - Vassilis Lazarides www.lazaridesguitars.com
visit film page www.theartofmaking.eu
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Κομμάτια από ξύλο, αγάπη, μεράκι, τεχνογνωσία και 299 ώρες εργασίας συμπυκνωμένα σε κάτι περισσότερο από 3 λεπτά.
Η σειρά ‘The Art of Making’ φιλοδοξεί να αναδείξει και να προβάλλει τους συναναθρώπους μας, οι οποίοι πέραν από το πνεύμα του καιρού, την απαισιοδοξία και την μοιρολατρία, επιμένουν να ονειρεύονται και να δημιουργούν με πάθος και φαντασία. Αυτοί οι εραστές της γνώσης και της συγκίνησης επιχειρούν να συνδυάσουν την οργάνωση και την ακρίβεια της επιστήμης με την κομψότητα, την λεπτότητα και την επινοητικότητα της τέχνης. Η προσφορά τους ανεκτίμητη και τους ευχαριστούμε.
Σκηνοθεσία & VFX - Σπύρος Ρασιδάκης, Δημήτρης Λαδόπουλος
Διεύθυνση Φωτογραφίας - Νίκος Μέξης
Μοντάζ - Γιάννης Κωσταβάρας
Ηχητική επιμέλεια - Νίκος Τσινές
Κιθαρίστας / Συνθέτης - Edsart Udo De Haes www.edsartudodehaes.nl
Κατασκευαστής - Βασίλης Λαζαρίδης www.lazaridesguitars.com
επίσημη σελίδα στο www.theartofmaking.eu
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Pedazos de madera, amor, esmero, celo, conocimiento y 299 horas de trabajo, concentradas en una película de algo más de 3 minutos.
La serie “The Art of Making” pretende mostrar y promocionar a gente de nuestros días que, superando el fatalismo y el pesimismo del espíritu contemporáneo, se atreven, con pasión e imaginación, a seguir soñando y creando. Estos amantes del conocimiento y de la emoción, intentan combinar la organización y la precisión de la ciencia con la elegancia, la sutileza y el ingenio del arte. Su oferta es de un valor incalculable y se lo agradecemos profundamente.
Dirección y VFX: Spiros Rasidakis y Dimitris Ladópoulos
Dirección de fotografía: Níkos Mexis
Edición: Yiannis Kostavaras
Diseño Acústico: Nikos Tsines
Guitarrista y compositor: Edsart Udo de Haes www.edsartudodehaes.nl
Constructor de guitarras, luthier: Vassilis Lazarides www.lazaridesguitars.com
Visite el sitio oficial en www.theartofmaking.eu

INFLUENCERS is a short documentary that explores what it means to be an influencer and how...
published: 02 Nov 2010
author: R+I creative
INFLUENCERS is a short documentary that explores what it means to be an influencer and how trends and creativity become contagious today in music, fashion and entertainment.
The film attempts to understand the essence of influence, what makes a person influential without taking a statistical or metric approach.
Written and Directed by Paul Rojanathara and Davis Johnson, the film is a Polaroid snapshot of New York influential creatives (advertising, design, fashion and entertainment) who are shaping today's pop culture.
"Influencers" belongs to the new generation of short films, webdocs, which combine the documentary style and the online experience.
Director's Note: http://on.fb.me/bQ3kHj
Playlist: http://on.fb.me/cve0yF
Follow us on:

The Most Astounding Fact
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MaxSchlick?feature=mhee
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: Max Schlickenmeyer
The Most Astounding Fact
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MaxSchlick?feature=mhee
Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked in an interview with TIME magazine, "What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?" This is his answer.
Special thanks to:
Reid Gower http://saganseries.com/
Michael Marantz http://vimeo.com/2822787
Carl Sagan http://www.hulu.com/cosmos
Neil deGrasse Tyson http://www.facebook.com/neiltyson
NASA http://www.nasa.gov/
...for their inspiration.
Narration: TIME Magazine's "10 Questions for Neil Degrasse Tyson"
Music: "To Build a Home" by the Cinematic Orchestra feat. Patrick Watson
Video (in order of appearance):
IMAX: Hubble 3D (Orion)
Animal Planet: Safari
Yellowstone: Battle for Life (Waterfall)
Supernova to Crab Nebula
BBC: Wonders of the Solar System (formation of the solar system)
Accretion and First Eukaryotes from the 2011 film "Tree of Life" directed by Terrence Malick
BBC: Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life
"Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia" by Ayrton Orio (Model: Xharon Kendelker)
BBC: Wonders of the Solar System (Brian Cox w/ telescope)
"Afghanistan - touch down in flight" by Augustin Pictures
"mongolia!" by wiissa
Excerpt from "Outside In", Copyright Stephen van Vuuren/SV2 Studios
IMAX: Hubble 3D (Inside Orion Nebula)
Shuttle Launch from 1985 IMAX film "The Dream is Alive"
"Earth -- Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over -- NASA, ISS" by Michael Konig
Excerpt from "The Island" - La Palma Time Lapse Video by Christoph Malin
Galaxy Map and Galaxy Formation by NCSA's Advanced Visualization Lab
"Mars sunset" captured by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit (from BBC: Wonders of the Solar System)
Edited by Max Schlickenmeyer
Neil goes on to say "For me, that is the most profound revelation of 20th century astrophysics and I look forward to what the 21st century will bring us, given the frontiers that are now unfolding."
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All copyrighted materials contained herein belong to their respective copyright holders, I do not claim ownership over any of these materials. I realize no profit, monetary or otherwise, from the exhibition of these videos.
Youtube results:

Minecraft: Pixelmon Mini-Game X and Y w/Mitch! - STRONGEST TEAM! (Pokemon Mod)
Hey Doods! ♦♦♦ http://bit.ly/SubscribeToMyFridge ♦♦♦ Much Luv :)
Pokemon XY Mini-Game, th...
published: 12 Nov 2013
Minecraft: Pixelmon Mini-Game X and Y w/Mitch! - STRONGEST TEAM! (Pokemon Mod)
Hey Doods! ♦♦♦ http://bit.ly/SubscribeToMyFridge ♦♦♦ Much Luv :)
Pokemon XY Mini-Game, the first Mini-Game of my Pixelmon Adventure!
Let's see how long we can keep these daily :)
Pixelmon is a Minecraft Mod that changes the gameplay entirely and places the player in the shoes of a Pokemon trainer! Mitch and Jerome set off on an adventure to catch'em all! Follow their journey in this Let's Play Adventure and keep an eye out for Pixelmon Mini-Games too :D
Artwork by --
Hope you enjoyed - and if you did please give the video a thumbs up!
Much luv!
♦ Stalk me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bajan_canadian
♦ Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/bajancanadian
♦ Like Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheBajanCanadian
♦ Check out my T-Shirts: https://bajancanadian.spreadshirt.com/
Jerome's Channel:
Ryan's Channel:
Scott's Channel:
Lachlan's Channel:
Download Pixelmon Mod -- (Tell them Mitch sent you!)
published: 12 Nov 2013
views: 201259

Pokémon X and Y - Episode 61 | Serena's Last Stand!
Pokémon X and Y Let's Play / HD Gameplay Walkthrough Part 61!
Our new adventures have brou...
published: 24 Oct 2013
Pokémon X and Y - Episode 61 | Serena's Last Stand!
Pokémon X and Y Let's Play / HD Gameplay Walkthrough Part 61!
Our new adventures have brought us to Kiloude City, home of the Battle Maison! Here we rematch our Rival Serena one last time!
Subscribe to stay tuned! http://bit.ly/SubscribeMO
Check out my Stream! https://twitch.tv/NotMunchingOrange
Pokémon X and Pokémon Y are developed and published by Nintendo and Game Freak. Please support the official release!
published: 24 Oct 2013
views: 51865

Pokemon X & Y - Cloning Glitch [How to Clone]
[Nov 6, 2013] In this video I guide you through cloning your own Pokemon in the new X & Y ...
published: 06 Nov 2013
Pokemon X & Y - Cloning Glitch [How to Clone]
[Nov 6, 2013] In this video I guide you through cloning your own Pokemon in the new X & Y games.
Much discussion about cloning rumours for the new Pokemon X & Y games have been talked about online. Many claim to know how to clone but no one has actually explained HOW. In this guide I explain and show how it all works.
published: 06 Nov 2013
views: 8531

Curren$y - "AD4" (Official Video)
Shot & Edited by CJ Wallis, @fortyfps
#AD4 is the first visual shot off of ...
published: 21 Sep 2013
Curren$y - "AD4" (Official Video)
Shot & Edited by CJ Wallis, @fortyfps
#AD4 is the first visual shot off of the @CurrenSy_Spitta & @Young_Roddy album #Bales which can be downloaded thru @BitTorrent here: http://blog.bittorrent.com/2013/09/06/friday-download-young-roddy-x-curreny-bales/
courtesy of The Never Die Corporation
published: 21 Sep 2013
views: 59254