- published: 11 Jan 2012
- views: 352513
- author: scishow

Tardigrades: Adorable Extremophiles
Hank explains why NASA and the European Space Agency are in love with tardigrades and how ...
published: 11 Jan 2012
author: scishow
Tardigrades: Adorable Extremophiles
Hank explains why NASA and the European Space Agency are in love with tardigrades and how these extremophiles are helping us study the panspermia hypothesis. Follow SciShow on Twitter! www.twitter.com Like SciShow on Facebook! www.facebook.com Credits: Produced by Hank Green Chief Editor: Blake de Pastino Cinematography: Nick Jenkins Video Editor: Matt Ferguson Graphics: Amber Bushnell Written by: Hank Green TAGS: tardigrade, water bear, moss piglet, extremophile, inhospitable, environment, revive, dormant, dormancy, absolute zero, radiation, pressure, vacuum, outer space, space, NASA, european space agency, space shuttle, endeavor, TARDIS, panspermia, meteorite, science, scientists, scishow, hank green, dose
- published: 11 Jan 2012
- views: 352513
- author: scishow

First Animal to Survive in Space
Tardigrades or "Water Bears" are the only creatures that can survive the extreme condition...
published: 04 Sep 2012
author: vice
First Animal to Survive in Space
Tardigrades or "Water Bears" are the only creatures that can survive the extreme conditions in the vacuum of outer space. Watch the comments response video here! bit.ly Read more at bit.ly SPACED OUT - produced by Motherboard.vice.com Follow MOTHERBOARD Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Check out the first episode of Spaced Out: bit.ly Subscribe for new videos everyday: bit.ly Check out our full video catalog: www.youtube.com Videos, daily editorial and more: vice.com Like VICE on Facebook fb.com Follow VICE on Twitter: twitter.com Read our tumblr: vicemag.tumblr.com
- published: 04 Sep 2012
- views: 10313825
- author: vice

The water bear (tardigrade), the most extreme animal on our planet
Meet the water bear, the world thoughest animal. Measuring only some 0.1 to 1.5mm, this ti...
published: 26 Mar 2010
author: Mudfooted
The water bear (tardigrade), the most extreme animal on our planet
Meet the water bear, the world thoughest animal. Measuring only some 0.1 to 1.5mm, this tiny creature resembles a minature bear. Read all about it at mudfooted.com Watch more fascinating animal video's at www.youtube.com
- published: 26 Mar 2010
- views: 228279
- author: Mudfooted

A Water Bear (tardigrade) from my backyard pond water
I found this microscopic "water bear" (aka, tardigrade) in an eyedropper-full of water fro...
published: 05 Mar 2010
author: AkiraFlickr
A Water Bear (tardigrade) from my backyard pond water
I found this microscopic "water bear" (aka, tardigrade) in an eyedropper-full of water from the backyard pond/puddle. Note the claws on its 8 legs, as well as bear-like (?) movements, that gave rise to the common name. They can survive complete desiccation ("cryptobiosis") that is common in their natural habitats of small puddles of water and mossy area. This one measures about 0.25mm (1/100 of an inch) in length. I released it to the same water where I found it. [Specimen collected on 3/4/2010. Location: Pleasanton, CA, USA] For more info, you may want to explore Martin Mach's wonderful Water Bear website: www.baertierchen.de
- published: 05 Mar 2010
- views: 40452
- author: AkiraFlickr

Tardigrades (Water Bears)
For Ms. Valla's Biology class....
published: 10 Jun 2010
author: COTTProductions
Tardigrades (Water Bears)
For Ms. Valla's Biology class.
- published: 10 Jun 2010
- views: 81208
- author: COTTProductions

Tardigrades in space on NatGeoTV
UNC Chanel Hill laboratory discusses tardigrades on the National Geographic channel, with ...
published: 09 Jun 2010
author: nethyrr
Tardigrades in space on NatGeoTV
UNC Chanel Hill laboratory discusses tardigrades on the National Geographic channel, with a film of tun formation by Daiki Horikawa.
- published: 09 Jun 2010
- views: 17232
- author: nethyrr

Tardigrade (Water Bear)
Water Bear under dark field...
published: 16 Feb 2008
author: Duane Frybarger
Tardigrade (Water Bear)
Water Bear under dark field
- published: 16 Feb 2008
- views: 63499
- author: Duane Frybarger

D 1 Tardigrade -- The strange, almost immortal living sea creature, perhaps most numerous on Earth
Karl Loren talks about the Tardigrade, one of the most indestructible living tiny creature...
published: 22 Jun 2012
author: Karl Loren
D 1 Tardigrade -- The strange, almost immortal living sea creature, perhaps most numerous on Earth
Karl Loren talks about the Tardigrade, one of the most indestructible living tiny creatures on earth. They are found by anyone with a very good microscope by looking in drops of either fresh or sea water. Karl Loren did not discover these creatures, but when he studied the scientific background of the Tardigrade he realized there was an entire SCIENCE missing from dictionaries. Karl Loren INVENTED that word and it has been given an official US trademark, the word is "Anabiology," the study or science of "restoration to a previous state of health from a death-like condition." Karl owns several web domains which include the word "Anabiology." Since Karl was the first to invent this word, he is the only one who can, as he is doing, establish the "LAWS OF ANABIOLOGY."
- published: 22 Jun 2012
- views: 264
- author: Karl Loren

Comments Response: First Animal to Survive in Space
Science? Religion? Tardigrades? 42? Our piece received so much feedback that we had to ask...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: vice
Comments Response: First Animal to Survive in Space
Science? Religion? Tardigrades? 42? Our piece received so much feedback that we had to ask Mike to respond to some of the most interesting, bizarre, and controversial comments. Watch "First Animal to Survive in Space" here: bit.ly "The First Animal to Survive in Space" struck a chord with the internet. Often, we here at Motherboard are not ever sure of why something pieces sail into the stratosphere while others remain cast away like an old teddy bear prize at Coney Island. With 9 million views and counting and over 20000 comments Motherboard thought it behoved us to go down to Virginia once more and talk to the now internet-famous Mike Shaw. Out of the 20000 comments there was a prevalent theme, the clash between the religious and the agonistic. Science vs. Faith. Mike Shaw contemplated this at national park in Virginia. He mused that science and religion both of a place in this video, that "religion tells us the why, science tells us the how." Mike spoke to these deep philosophical issues while still maintaining his wry sense of humor when it comes to often audacious YouTube commenters. Check out Motherboard's respond video here. SPACED OUT - produced by Motherboard.vice.com Follow MOTHERBOARD Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Check out the first episode of Spaced Out: bit.ly Subscribe for new videos everyday: bit.ly Check out our full video catalog: www.youtube.com Videos, daily editorial and more: vice.com Like VICE on Facebook fb.com Follow VICE on ...
- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 39706
- author: vice

Tardigrades in Space
Here is a vodcast about Tardigrades and an experiment conducted in space....
published: 16 Mar 2012
author: Kinsey Allen
Tardigrades in Space
Here is a vodcast about Tardigrades and an experiment conducted in space.
- published: 16 Mar 2012
- views: 1254
- author: Kinsey Allen

Water bear (Tardigrade) meets Paramecium
This video is showing the meeting between a water bear and Paramecium bursaria...
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: Dr. Ralf Wagner
Water bear (Tardigrade) meets Paramecium
This video is showing the meeting between a water bear and Paramecium bursaria
- published: 10 Sep 2012
- views: 1126
- author: Dr. Ralf Wagner

Tardigrade Video Science Friday
published: 31 Oct 2009
author: mikesavarese
Tardigrade Video Science Friday
- published: 31 Oct 2009
- views: 4246
- author: mikesavarese

Real Aliens on Earth! (ET Tardigrades) UFO X-Files 2012 - Not Alone
NOT ALONE: Alien Tardigrades (commonly known as waterbears or moss piglets) are small, wat...
published: 23 Nov 2012
author: UFOMAXTV
Real Aliens on Earth! (ET Tardigrades) UFO X-Files 2012 - Not Alone
NOT ALONE: Alien Tardigrades (commonly known as waterbears or moss piglets) are small, water-dwelling, segmented aliens with eight legs. They form the phylum Tardigrada, and part of the superphylum ET Ecdysozoa. It's an alien ancient group, with fossils dating from 530 million years ago, in the cambrian period. The first tardigrades were discovered by Johann August Ephraim Goeze in 1773. Since 1778, over 500 new tardigrade species have been found. Usually, Tardigrades are 1mm when they are fully grown. They are short and plump with 4 pairs of poorly articulated lobopodial limbs. Each limb has 4-8 claws also known as disks. Tardigrades all possess a buccopharyngeal membrane apparatus, which, along with the claws, are used to differentiate the different species. Tardigrades are covered in cuticle which contains chitin and protein. UFOMAXTV 2012
- published: 23 Nov 2012
- views: 584
- author: UFOMAXTV

Tardigrade dance
A Tardigrade (water bear) from MBR WWTP mixed liquor after increased pond return. 100x mag...
published: 01 May 2008
author: ScopeGlobal
Tardigrade dance
A Tardigrade (water bear) from MBR WWTP mixed liquor after increased pond return. 100x mag & 400x mag.Music backing, no narration.
- published: 01 May 2008
- views: 12122
- author: ScopeGlobal
Youtube results:

Tardigrades - NPR Science Friday video (Jan 23, 2009)
Tardigrades - NPR Science Friday video (Jan 23, 2009) Behold The Mighty, Microscopic Water...
published: 07 Nov 2010
author: Evoimpertinente
Tardigrades - NPR Science Friday video (Jan 23, 2009)
Tardigrades - NPR Science Friday video (Jan 23, 2009) Behold The Mighty, Microscopic Water Bear www.npr.org Microscopic water bears, also known as tardigrades, can withstand boiling, freezing, radiation, the vacuum of space and years of dehydration. Biologist Bob Goldstein of the University of North Carolina describes the creatures and why he studies them.
- published: 07 Nov 2010
- views: 3050
- author: Evoimpertinente

Water bear (tardigrade) - mouth stuck to a worm (oh no!)
Here is yet another water bear, this time from a patch of moss at the bottom of tree trunk...
published: 22 Mar 2010
author: AkiraFlickr
Water bear (tardigrade) - mouth stuck to a worm (oh no!)
Here is yet another water bear, this time from a patch of moss at the bottom of tree trunk near my backyard. Note how its piercing stylets seem stuck to the worm (nematode), that it appears to have been feeding on. From the claw shape and other characteristics I suspect Family macrobiotidae. [Collection: 3/20/2010, Pleasanton, California, USA]
- published: 22 Mar 2010
- views: 3854
- author: AkiraFlickr

Spore Tardigrade
Spore.com user name is SpongB6F1. To see the real animal go here: video.google.com...
published: 01 Jul 2008
author: adamspongB6F1
Spore Tardigrade
Spore.com user name is SpongB6F1. To see the real animal go here: video.google.com
- published: 01 Jul 2008
- views: 75724
- author: adamspongB6F1

Water Bear - Tardigrades! - Microscope Fun
Tardigrades are multi-cellular metazoan life forms. Tardigrades are often called Water Bea...
published: 15 Dec 2012
author: antiprotons
Water Bear - Tardigrades! - Microscope Fun
Tardigrades are multi-cellular metazoan life forms. Tardigrades are often called Water Bears. Water Bears are known for at least the following list of amazing feats: 1. Can live 100+ years without water (dormant) 2. Can survive in over 150 C.!!! temperature! 3. Can survive in -200 C.!!! 4. Can endure 1000+ atmospheres of pressure... AND zero pressure (total vacuum) 5. The LD50 for radiation of about 5000 Grays!!!! OMG! 6. Can survive at least ten days in open space! (they did it) I picked some of this up from Wikipedia. Please go and read as these facts are amazing (and true)! en.wikipedia.org Water Bears from Carolina.com
- published: 15 Dec 2012
- views: 480
- author: antiprotons