
#19 How to Sight read: Sight read tips and tricks
#19 How to Sight read: Sight read tips and tricks
In this lesson I explain how to sight read sheet music. What things you should be looking for and how to practise your sight reading skill. Sight reading sheet music can be tough to start out but stick to it and you'll sight read like a pro after some practise. Check out my website and Join the music community! Visit www.howtoplaypiano.ca Thanks for watching! Hope this helps!

Yoshi's Island athletic theme, sight-read by Tom Brier & Co.
Yoshi's Island athletic theme, sight-read by Tom Brier & Co.
You can view the sheet music they are reading here: www.keeper1st.com Thanks to YouTubers Quietschquatsch and Raphy013 for the music suggestion a few days ago! Not only did Tom find this a fun tune to play, but, as you'll see, flautist Julia Riley and tubaist (tubist?) Mark Meeker decided to join in as well! After Tom's first sight-read, you hear Julia mention another Nintendo videogame tune that she liked. That was KK Ragtime. A short time later, Tom and Julia played it from memory! I'll have to post the video of that moment at a later date. It was fully evolved into a fleshed-out rag arrangement, much like the second run through this tune from Super Mario World 2 in this video. This tune was composed by Koji Kondo (近藤浩治). It is also known as "Hop! Hop! Donut Lifts" by some people, but in a concert video of Nintendo video game music at which the composer was in attendance, the title that appears clearly reads (if you read Japanese, anyway) simply "Yosshii Island Athletic Theme". You can purchase Tom's latest album here: cdbaby.com

Super Mario Athlete's Rag Air Platform sight-read; Tom Brier
Super Mario Athlete's Rag Air Platform sight-read; Tom Brier
If you've seen my other videos of Tom sight-reading videogame ragtime sheet music that I've put in front of him, this video should come as no surprise to you. I had not yet finished correcting the awful score that is available online for this tune (I did put it into the correct time signature, but it still has some really funky chords and other problems), nevertheless I put a copy of it as it stands in front of my amazingly talented friend Tom Brier this weekend. This was the result. Tom is a highly regarded pianist and sight-reader in the ragtime community. I have other videos of him you can find (and more to come) which will give you an idea why. There are so many amateur pianists out there playing these rags from video games, but I thought it would be nice to see what a pianist who specializes in ragtime music would make of them. This tune is by Koji Kondo (近藤浩治) and is one of the most famous tunes of all music from Nintendo video games. I still haven't cleaned up the score completely. Here it is as Tom was reading it -- no repeats, some questionable chords, etc. www.keeper1st.com

Sight Reading with Piano Marvel
Sight Reading with Piano Marvel
pianomarvel.com This video demonstrates how students can use Piano Marvel to develop sight reading skills. Piano Marvel students progress four times faster than traditional students. For a FREE trial and FREE printable music go to www.pianomarvel.com Piano Marvel now offers introductory programs for guitar, bass, and drums!

Mastering The Piano: Teaching Strategies--Sight Reading and the Sight-Reading Checklist--How the Great Readers Do It!
Mastering The Piano: Teaching Strategies--Sight Reading and the Sight-Reading Checklist--How the Great Readers Do It!
A workshop for piano teachers on the new curriculum and repertoire by Carole Bigler and Valery Lloyd-Watts titled “Mastering the Piano”

Super Mario World Ending Theme sight-read by Tom Brier
Super Mario World Ending Theme sight-read by Tom Brier
The most requested tune people have asked for is this one. Finally I got around to finishing a first-draft piano score for it which you can download here: www.keeper1st.com That is the score that Tom is reading (and taking "certain liberties"). I want to separate it into a few different parts -- take the piccolo part out of the right hand and into its own staff, and transcribe a tenor countermelody earlier in the piece. I don't know if I ever will, though, so... that's it for now. You can get Tom's albums online: www.cdbaby.com www.cdbaby.com You can hear how the original tune went here: www.youtube.com

Nyan Cat piano arrangement sight-read by Tom Brier
Nyan Cat piano arrangement sight-read by Tom Brier
It takes him a few minutes to wrap his head around this one. You can see the arrangement he's reading here: www.keeper1st.com . It was arranged by our friend Vincent Johnson, whose YouTube page is www.youtube.com Of course, technically the name of the tune is "Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!" composed by someone in Japan who is known as "daniwell". His web page is aidn.jp and his YouTube page is http He has an album out now which features a few different arrangements of this song as well as several other songs. The Pop Tart Cat was a separate entity by cartoonist Christopher Torres aka "PRguitarman" whose YouTube page is www.youtube.com . The two were merged together (using a remixed version of the song) by YouTuber "saraj00n" to create the bizarre sensation that is known as Nyan Cat: www.youtube.com This sight-read was at the end of the March 2012 meeting of the Mother Lode Ragtime Society at the Sutter Creek Ice Cream Emporium, 51 Main Street, Sutter Creek, California. www.suttercreekragtime.com The bulk of Tom's performances from the meeting have been posted at http

Sight Singing Techniques : How to Sight Sing Scales Using Hand Signs
Sight Singing Techniques : How to Sight Sing Scales Using Hand Signs
Learn how to sight sing using handsigns in scales in this free voice lesson video from our sight singing expert and award-winning choir singer. Expert: Ashley Charlton Bio: Ashley Charlton loves the holiday season, and shopping and preparing gifts for friends and family is a large part of her holiday experience. Filmmaker: kyle saylors

Ghosts 'n Goblins - 魔界村 - theme sight-read by Tom Brier, piano - ピアノ
Ghosts 'n Goblins - 魔界村 - theme sight-read by Tom Brier, piano - ピアノ
The melody of this 1985 Capcom coin-op videogame theme always has been ragtime, but the left-hand part in the game was arpeggiated. Last year, I received an arrangement from YouTube's "MrTrent" with a march bass and some extra little bits thrown in which turned the theme into a true rag. I finally got around to giving Tom a copy of it during this ragtime party last weekend. The theme was composed by Ayako Mori (森安也子). The game Ghosts 'n Goblins was titled 魔界村("Makaimura") in the original Japanese. The sheet music that Tom is reading can be downloaded here: www.keeper1st.com ...and just now I notice that I put a wrong note in the 13th measure. Ah well. It's obvious that it's wrong though, so shouldn't be a problem.

Animaniacs Theme sight-read by Tom Brier, piano
Animaniacs Theme sight-read by Tom Brier, piano
I suddenly realized before leaving my house on Saturday that Tom probably would have a blast playing the Animaniacs theme which I transcribed back in 1995 and finally created a score for earlier this year. So I put the sheet music in front of him that night, and this was his first read through it. Indeed he did have fun with it! He even said there's a lot of potential for ragging it up, so he might work on it some more... Don't know about you, but it sure made my day, year, decade... Two of my favorite things -- Tom's piano playing and Animaniacs -- all together! The "cheating" and "three hands" remarks are a reference to the fact that I put the flute/xylophone runs in the score as optional cue notes, which cannot be played by a single pianist without losing some of the melody. They're important parts of the tune, though, so I put them in there for the sake of multiple musicians or instruments who might want to play it. You can download my transcription that he is reading here: members.cruzio.com This was at the Sutter Creek Ice Cream Emporium in Sutter Creek, California. Sorry that the image is so dark. I was at the Lyon County Fly-In in Silver Springs, Nevada, earlier that day, and I had switched the camera to its automatic shutter speed setting which is ideal for outdoor use. I forgot to set it back to manual mode for indoor use (the camera's automatic mode always uses too fast of a shutter speed when indoors, resulting in a darker, grainier picture). If you haven't <b>...</b>

Get Piano Lesson 3 (Part One) Sight-Reading Introduction
Get Piano Lesson 3 (Part One) Sight-Reading Introduction
www.get-piano-lessons.com Another factor in developing good piano fingering skills involves being able to play without always relying on looking at your fingers. In fact, in order to read music notation (which we won't be doing right now), your eyes will constantly be focused away from your hands. So what we're going to do here today is learn my own "simplified" method of sight-reading. And there's only so much we can cover in this brief video lesson.

Denis DiBlasio, Sightreading
Denis DiBlasio, Sightreading
Recorded on October 1, 2011 using a Flip Video camcorder.

Sight Reading Piano Music -- Exercise 1
Sight Reading Piano Music -- Exercise 1
www.learn-treble-clef.info www.learn-bass-clef.info Also, please check out my other basic sight reading videos: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com for more info on my e-books, check out www.patternpiano.com

Коробейники sight-read & improvised from a lead sheet by Tom Brier
Коробейники sight-read & improvised from a lead sheet by Tom Brier
Sometimes called by the incipit "Коробушка" (Korobushka), this folk song (romanized "Korobeiniki") dates from the 1860s, though most people know of it from its use as the "Tetris A Theme" nearly 130 years later. Here, Tom reads a simple lead sheet (just the melody line with the chord names written on top) and embellishes it into different styles, including changing the rhythm to 3/4 and 5/4. I can't remember and can't find the Russian site from which I got this lead sheet (they had similar lead sheets for several Russian folk songs), but you can see it pretty clearly in this video, or view a copy of it (without the chord names) on this site: a-pesni.golosa.info (it's the second version -- though the first version does have chord names written on top only it's in E minor instead of G minor (and uses archaic European notation, where "H" is used instead of "B")). Of course, you game fans may notice that the version in Tetris was in A minor, so this performance may sound flat to you as the lead sheet is in G minor (which is how Tom "runs out of keyboard" at the end since the lowest note on a standard piano is an A, so he can't hit that low G he wants). The lyrics of the song are quite suggestive, about a peddler trying to peddle his wares to a girl who is not willing to pay the price at first. At least, that's what they mean at face value, but the implication of what the "wares" are and the "price" he wants her to pay is quite evident. Anyway, sorry about laughing so much <b>...</b>

Sight-reading lesson for piano - Notes
Sight-reading lesson for piano - Notes
A quick lesson how to easier sight-read single notes on either the bass or the treble clef.

Incredible piano sight-reading - Tom Brier plays "Tuxedo Vegas" by Rudolf B. Radna
Incredible piano sight-reading - Tom Brier plays "Tuxedo Vegas" by Rudolf B. Radna
YouTube's "Hrodulf" composed this rag earlier this year. Tom had not seen or heard the music before; this is a blind sight-read. I thought it was a rag he could really sink his teeth into, so I presented a score to him at the July 2009 meeting of the Mother Lode Ragtime Society. Tom has albums available on CDBaby, and a new album is expected to be available in November 2009. The composer's YouTube channel: www.youtube.com

PIANO LESSONS - Sightreading, The Building Blocks Of Chords Are 3rds
PIANO LESSONS - Sightreading, The Building Blocks Of Chords Are 3rds
www.webpianoteacher.com is where to get Shawn's extensive sight reading videos designed to help you get better and faster at reading music. Connect with Shawn on his Facebook Fan Page by doing a Google Search for webpianoteacher fans, or do a Facebook Search for www.webpianoteacher.com

Sight-reading lesson for piano - Intervals
Sight-reading lesson for piano - Intervals
A quick lesson how to easier recognize generic intervals.

Music sight-reading
Music sight-reading
www.doremifasoft.com Here is how we teach students to read music notes with our program Soft Mozart

Super Mario Bros. 2 / 夢工場ドキドキパニック/ sight-read by Tom Brier
Super Mario Bros. 2 / 夢工場ドキドキパニック/ sight-read by Tom Brier
Tom has not seen or heard the music before playing this. He's a terrific sight-reader, and loves to be given new bits of ragtime, or oddball ragtime like these tunes from video games that I created scores for. This is the Overworld Theme from a game that started life in Japan as 夢工場ドキドキパニック (literally "Dream Factory Heartbeat Panic"). Its real story, however, begins when the sequel to Super Mario Bros. was a flop in Japan. Given that there also was demand in the US for a sequel to Super Mario Bros., and that the one they made was a flop in Japan, Nintendo decided instead to take this other game, which wasn't released in the US, and replace the character sprites with the Mario Bros. characters. That odd combination was released in the US as Super Mario Bros. 2, and was a huge success. Many elements from the game have become staples of the Mario franchise. The game was such a hit that Nintendo actually released it in Japan as Super Mario Bros. USA, even though the game was exactly the same as 夢工場ドキドキパニック apart from the character graphics. Anyway, it was YouTuber "yukimatsuri" who showed me a transcription he had edited from one that was available online. I downloaded both, and found each to have some obvious errors (mainly that the chords were not changing on the syncopations like they should), and in need of clean-up, so I made my own score, but I still credit the arrangement to yukimatsuri. The tune was composed by Koji Kondo. You can download the <b>...</b>

Get Piano Lesson 5 (Part One) - Sight-Reading With Our Left Hand
Get Piano Lesson 5 (Part One) - Sight-Reading With Our Left Hand
www.get-piano-lessons.com Ok Ok... I know... this is a blast from the past (previously unreleased video on YouTube). Apparently, since YouTube now considers me a serious player I am now able to upload this slightly longer video footage where as before I was blocked from doing so... and just in time for the holidays! Now... I know what youre thinking... where the heck is the piano test? Wheres my next piano lesson? Yes I know your waiting... and thank you all for writing me and letting me know your still interested in what I do. As you probably know I am working on my first DVD release (which includes your piano exam as well as the few next steps in the get-piano-lessons.com video series). Now because of some formatting issues (real technical stuff) there is going to be a slight delay on the due date. But as you probably can tell from the quality of my piano lessons, I dont release material just to meet a quota... I actually want to present content worthy of peoples time and Im going to make sure its the very best that it can be before you see it. That said, Im looking at a DVD release date of the end of January/beginning of February 2009. So thank you all for your patience and your interest... and Im confident youll soon see that it was well worth the wait* ~ Brannie D*