
Galway Ireland
Galway the third largest and the fastest-growing city in Ireland and the only city in the ...
published: 06 Feb 2010
Galway Ireland
Galway the third largest and the fastest-growing city in Ireland and the only city in the province of Connacht. It is located on the west coast of Ireland. In Irish, Galway is also called Cathair na Gaillimhe (City of Galway). The city takes its name from the Gaillimh river (River Corrib) that formed the western boundary of the earliest settlement, which was called Dún Bhun na Gaillimhe (meaning "fort at the mouth of the Gaillimh"). The word Gaillimh means "stony" as in "stony river" (the mythical and alternative derivations are given in History of Galway). Historically, the name was written as Gallive,[1] which is closer to the Irish pronunciation. The city also bears the nickname City of the Tribes / Cathair na dTreabh because "fourteen tribes" (merchant families)[2] led the city in its Hiberno-Norman period. The term tribes was often a derogatory phrase in Cromwellian times. The merchants would have seen themselves as Irish gentry, but were loyal to the King. They subsequently adopted the term in defiance to the Cromwellian occupiers of the town. The population of Galway city, given in the 2006 census, is 72414. ( source Wikipedia )

Chris de Burgh (born Christopher John Davison, 15 October 1948) is a British/Irish singer-...
published: 28 Jan 2012
Chris de Burgh (born Christopher John Davison, 15 October 1948) is a British/Irish singer-songwriter. He is most famous for his 1986 love song "The Lady in Red". De Burgh was born in Venado Tuerto, Argentina, to Colonel Charles Davison, a British diplomat, and Maeve Emily de Burgh, an Irish secretary. His father had substantial farming interests, and he spent much of his early years in Malta, Nigeria and Zaire, as he, his mother and brother accompanied Colonel Davison on his diplomatic and engineering work. The Davisons finally settled in Bargy Castle, County Wexford, a twelfth-century castle in Ireland bought by his maternal grandfather, General Sir Eric de Burgh, a former Chief of the General Staff in India and from a distinguished Hiberno-Norman family. The castle was converted into a hotel where Chris gained much early experience performing to the guests and he later assumed de Burgh as his stage name. After attending Marlborough College in Wiltshire, England, de Burgh went on to graduate from Trinity College, Dublin with a Master of Arts degree in French, English and History. For complete text please visit Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chris de Burgh (born Christopher John Davison, 15 October 1948) is an Argentinian born Bri...
published: 16 Jun 2012
Author: MrLarson40
Chris de Burgh (born Christopher John Davison, 15 October 1948) is an Argentinian born British-Irish singer-songwriter. He is most famous for his 1986 love song "The Lady in Red", which reached number-one in Belgium, Canada, Ireland, Norway, and the United Kingdom. Early life De Burgh was born in Venado Tuerto, Argentina, to Colonel Charles Davison, a British diplomat, and Maeve Emily de Burgh, an Irish secretary. His father had substantial farming interests, and he spent much of his early years in Malta, Nigeria and Zaire, as he, his mother and brother accompanied Colonel Davison on his diplomatic and engineering work. The Davisons finally settled in Bargy Castle, County Wexford, a twelfth-century castle in Ireland bought by his maternal grandfather, General Sir Eric de Burgh, a former Chief of the General Staff in India and from a distinguished Hiberno-Norman family. The castle was converted into a hotel where Chris gained much early experience performing to the guests and he later assumed de Burgh as his stage name. After attending Marlborough College in Wiltshire, England, de Burgh went on to graduate from Trinity College, Dublin with a Master of Arts degree in French, English and History. Musical career De Burgh performing with Moya Brennan, Bono and Bob Geldof at the Self Aid Concert in Dublin, 1986. Chris de Burgh signed his first contract with A&M Records in 1974, and supported Supertramp on their Crime of the Century tour, building himself a small fan base. His <b>...</b>

Early Norman - Hiberno Contact
From part 2 of the BBC documentary "Normans: Conquest" www.dailymotion.com autis...
published: 17 Apr 2012
Author: NeanderthalInfo
Early Norman - Hiberno Contact
From part 2 of the BBC documentary "Normans: Conquest" www.dailymotion.com autismandhumanatavism.tumblr.com

Love Is My Decision
Chris de Burgh (born Christopher John Davison, 15 October 1948, Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe Pr...
published: 27 Jun 2011
Author: audioslave0910
Love Is My Decision
Chris de Burgh (born Christopher John Davison, 15 October 1948, Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe Province, Argentina) is a British/Irish singer-songwriter. He is most famous for his 1986 love song "The Lady in Red". De Burgh was born in Venado Tuerto, Argentina, to Colonel Charles Davison, a British diplomat, and Maeve Emily de Burgh, an Irish secretary. His father had substantial farming interests, and he spent much of his early years in Malta, Nigeria and Zaire, as he, his mother and brother accompanied Colonel Davison on his diplomatic and engineering work. The Davisons finally settled in Bargy Castle, County Wexford, a twelfth-century castle in Ireland bought by his maternal grandfather, General Sir Eric de Burgh, a former Chief of the General Staff, British Indian Army, and from a distinguished Hiberno-Norman family. The castle was converted into a hotel where Chris gained much early experience performing to the guests and he later assumed de Burgh as his stage name. After attending Marlborough College in Wiltshire, England, de Burgh went on to graduate from Trinity College, Dublin with a Master of Arts degree in French, English and History. He took his mother's maiden name as his professional stage name. Chris de Burgh signed his first contract with A&M Records in 1974, and supported Supertramp on their Crime of the Century tour, building himself a small fan base. His début album, Far Beyond These Castle Walls, was a folk-tinged stab at fantasy in the tradition of the Moody <b>...</b>

Béal Ború - Brian Boru's Fort. Killaloe, County Clare...
A tour of Béal Ború - Brian Boru's Fort, Killaloe, County Clare, Ireland...
published: 12 Jun 2012
Author: thebettyfordclinic
Béal Ború - Brian Boru's Fort. Killaloe, County Clare...
A tour of Béal Ború - Brian Boru's Fort, Killaloe, County Clare, Ireland. The extremely old Beech Tree beside the fort is also covered. More info at: www.clarelibrary.ie Text from Clare Library: "BEAL BORU, sometimes called BRIAN BORU'S FORT and often mistaken for Kincora, stands on a spur of land which commands the point where Lough Derg narrows into the River Shannon. In ancient times cattle designated as tribute for the Dalcassian chiefs were driven across the river at this point. Over 800 stone implements, including stone axes, hammer stones and perforated stone sinkers for lines and nets, have been found in the immediate neighbourhood. Ten stone axes were found within the fort in 1936. So it is quite possible that a Stone Age settlement occupied the site of Beal Boru because of its position on the river, which could be forded at this point or used as a safe harbour by craft. In 1961 Professor O'Kelly's excavations revealed an early ring fort which had been inhabited, abandoned and later built over. The larger structure was never completed, nor does it appear to have been occupied. The first habitation dated from the eleventh century until, possibly 1116 when Turlough O'Connor destroyed Boroma and Kincora. In 1207 the Normans tried to build a castle here, probably a motte and bailey type, but were driven off. Geoffrey de Marisco, the Lord Justice, eventually succeeded in building a castle in Killaloe in 1216. Except for some filling in of the ditch and the planting of <b>...</b>

Les vikings, Paris, Pauleta et le camenbert normand
www.vannoni.com Francais - Merci a' tous les playmobils qui m'ont aide'. -----...
published: 14 May 2008
Author: wvannoni
Les vikings, Paris, Pauleta et le camenbert normand
www.vannoni.com Francais - Merci a' tous les playmobils qui m'ont aide'. ------------ English - Thanks to the brave playmobils and legos who took part in this venture. ------------ Suite à sa création en 911 par le Traité de Saint-Clair-sur-Epte entre le Viking Rollon et Charles le Simple, sur une portion de l'ancienne Neustrie définie par le traité de Verdun de 843, le duché de Normandie ajouta des territoires à l'ouest : en 924, la Normandie centrale (Bessin, pays d'Auge et Hiémois) ; en 933 le Cotentin et les îles, aujourd'hui « Anglo-Normandes », situées à l'Ouest du Cotentin. Celles-ci sont restées sous la souveraineté de la couronne britannique (la Normandie et l'Angleterre n'ayant fait qu'un de 1066 à 1204) contrairement à la partie continentale devenue française en 1204. Vers 1009, les terres entre Sélune et Couesnon auparavant disputées à la Bretagne, furent rattachées à la Normandie. -------------------- Normandy was created for the Viking leader Rollo (also known as Robert of Normandy). Rollo had besieged Paris but in 911 entered vassalage to the king of the West Franks Charles the Simple through the Treaty of Saint Clair-sur-Epte. In exchange for his homage and fealty, Rollo legally gained the territory he and his Viking allies had previously conquered. The name "Normandy" reflects Rollo's Viking (ie "Northman") origins. The descendants of Rollo and his followers adopted the local Gallo-Romantic language and intermarried with the area's previous inhabitants <b>...</b>

Resident Evil 5 Killin' Me
My 9th music video on youtube. Looks like I have a future in front of me... yet with no pa...
published: 23 Nov 2011
Author: MegaSkaro
Resident Evil 5 Killin' Me
My 9th music video on youtube. Looks like I have a future in front of me... yet with no pay... Oh by the way, I am now taking requests. Please don't hesitate to send me a message. But, it'll cost you a subscription. I am so cruel, aren't I? **IGNORE TAGS** Many ancient standing stone monuments were erected during the prehistoric period, amongst the best known are Stonehenge, Devil's Arrows, Rudston Monolith and Castlerigg.[225] With the introduction of Ancient Roman architecture there was a development of basilicas, baths, amphitheaters, triumphal arches, villas, Roman temples, Roman roads, Roman forts, stockades and aqueducts.[226] It was the Romans who founded the first cities and towns such as London, Bath, York, Chester and St Albans. Perhaps the best known example is Hadrian's Wall stretching right across northern England.[226] Another well preserved example is the Roman Baths at Bath, Somerset.[226] Early Medieval architecture's secular buildings were simple constructions mainly using timber with thatch for roofing. Ecclesiastical architecture ranged from a synthesis of Hiberno—Saxon monasticism,[227][228] to Early Christian basilica and architecture characterised by pilaster-strips, blank arcading, baluster shafts and triangular headed openings. After the Norman conquest in 1066 various Castles in England were created so law lords could uphold their authority and in the north to protect from invasion. Some of the best known medieval castles include the Towe

2012 What will be the impact of François Hollande's election on France's role in NATO?
Is Stéphane Abrial the French pilot who shot down Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870 on 27...
published: 17 May 2012
Author: rettznorge
2012 What will be the impact of François Hollande's election on France's role in NATO?
Is Stéphane Abrial the French pilot who shot down Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870 on 27 June 1980? General Stéphane Abrial, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, NATO FRANCE 24 - 14/05/2012 - THE INTERVIEW | What will be the impact of François Hollande's election on France's role in NATO? What is NATO's withdrawal strategy from Afghanistan? And what impact will European defence cuts have on NATO's operations? General Stéphane Abrial, NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, tells France 24's Philip Crowther what challenges lie ahead for the Atlantic Alliance, just days before the NATO summit in Chicago. Latest update: 15/05/2012 - Afghanistan - Europe - NATO THE INTERVIEW An interview with a French or international personality from the world of economics, politics, culture or diplomacy. Monday to Thursday at 9.45 pm. www.france24.com Stéphane Abrial (French pronunciation: [abʁiɑl]), born on 7 September 1954 in the South-Western French region of Armagnac, is a French General who is the Commander of Allied Command Transformation based in Norfolk, VA, one of the two NATO strategic commands. His previous posting was as the Chief of Staff of the French Air Force.[1] French Military career General Stéphane Abrial graduated in 1973 from the French Air Force academy (the Ecole de l'Air), and in 1974 from the US Air Force Academy. He completed pilot training at the French Air Force Academy in 1976. From 1977 to 1991, he served as a fighter pilot both in France (in Cambrai <b>...</b>