
BERLIN - May 14, 1945 (HD)
May, 14...
published: 07 Nov 2010
BERLIN - May 14, 1945 (HD)
May, 14 1945. Berlin in ruins (including aerial shots).
Music score (Demo Only) added in 2010 by ROMANO-ARCHIVES (Introspective - "Crossing Borders").
"SUBSCRIBING to this Channel is a MUST for researchers and RARE HISTORICAL FOOTAGE fans!!!"
V. Romano
This is a clip from the ROMANO-ARCHIVES' new website "Unknown World War 2 in Color"-"WW2 Post-War" section.
Visit also:
A Hi-Def silent copy of this clip is available.
Hi-Res videos from our Collections are available on DVD, CD or directly in your inbox. Clips and movies can also be downloaded from our servers using a PW or uploaded by us to your FTP.
published: 07 Nov 2010
views: 1112031

Deutsche Wehrmacht ╬ 1945 Das Ende ╬
STRICTLY UNPOLITICAL VIDEO.please DO NOT post any abusive / insulting , ultra nationalisti...
published: 17 Jan 2011
Deutsche Wehrmacht ╬ 1945 Das Ende ╬
STRICTLY UNPOLITICAL VIDEO.please DO NOT post any abusive / insulting , ultra nationalistic , silly , religious ,communistic nor neo nazi comments , many thanks pals !!!
Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
published: 17 Jan 2011
views: 589462

Holland, 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel
Holland, 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel, from their album "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea"
published: 09 Apr 2008
Holland, 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel
Holland, 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel, from their album "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea"
published: 09 Apr 2008
views: 868067

Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]. The first atom bomb to be u...
published: 01 Aug 2011
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]. The first atom bomb to be used as a weapon, "Little Boy" (as was its codename) was dropped on to the flat terrain of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The bomb vapourised buildings and killed nearly 70,000 people directly but by the end of 1945, nearly 100,000 had died from its protracted effects.
A Day That Shook The World is the classic series that recalls the days of the 20th century that proved to be era-defining and pivotal in the course of modern history.
Check out our A Day That Shook the World playlist:
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From: http://britishpathe.com
published: 01 Aug 2011
views: 728922

Swing Dancing from the Movie Twiced Blessed (1945)
Swing Dancing from the Movie Twiced Blessed (1945). Some square cats try their best in a s...
published: 25 Jan 2007
Swing Dancing from the Movie Twiced Blessed (1945)
Swing Dancing from the Movie Twiced Blessed (1945). Some square cats try their best in a swing dance contest. Dancers cutting a major rug - Hal Takier & Alice Scott, Lenny & Kay Smith, Wally & Mousie Albright, Freda Angela Wyckoff, Bob Ashley, Chuck Saggau.
published: 25 Jan 2007
views: 1552130

Japanese Surrender in Color (1945)
This color footage of the Japanese surrender ceremony on board the battleship USS Missouri...
published: 28 Aug 2010
Japanese Surrender in Color (1945)
This color footage of the Japanese surrender ceremony on board the battleship USS Missouri (BB-63) on 2 September 1945, was filmed by Commander George F. Kosco. In 2010, the Kosco family had the film restored, and the footage is presented now for viewing by the public. Source: Naval History and Heritage Command, Photographic Section. (Note: The original footage is silent. The 2010 restoration of the film by the Kosco family includes overdubbed music by the United States Navy Band, which has been removed to avoid possible YouTube copyright violations).
published: 28 Aug 2010
views: 76428

Великая Отечественная война 1941-1945 гг.
Видеоканал SENATMEDIA Федерального журнала СЕНАТОР представляет фильм Романа Кармена «ВЕЛИ...
published: 18 May 2011
Великая Отечественная война 1941-1945 гг.
Видеоканал SENATMEDIA Федерального журнала СЕНАТОР представляет фильм Романа Кармена «ВЕЛИКАЯ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННАЯ ВОЙНА 1941-1945 ГГ.»
Фильм демонстрируется в рамках Международного творческого конкурса «ВЕЧНАЯ ПАМЯТЬ», традиционно проводимого в честь юбилея Великой Победы редакцией Федерального журнала «СЕНАТОР» и Фондом «Маршалы Победы»: http://www.konkurs.senat.org
Этот фильм снимался в годы Великой Отечественной войны 236 советскими кинооператорами, из которых 40 человек погибли на боевом посту. В фильме также использованы материалы киноархивов Советского Союза, Германской Демократической республики, Венгрии, Польши, Чехословакии, Югославии, Англии и Франции.
Режиссёры: Роман Кармен (худ. руководитель), Ирина Венжер, Ирина Сеткина
Авторы сценария: Роман Кармен, Сергей Смирнов
Композитор: Кара Караев
Авторы дикторского текста: Георгий Кублицкий, Семён Нагорный
Производство ЦСДФ, 1965 г.
Далее: http://www.konkurs.senat.org/index.html
Нашумевший фильм «ПЛАЧ РОССИИ»: http://www.youtube.com/user/SENATMEDIA#p/u/0/OUeVdfDsgeg
published: 18 May 2011
views: 496346

Nuclear Testing 1945 - 1998 Complete Video HD
"2053" - This is the number of nuclear explosions conducted in various parts of the globe....
published: 06 Aug 2010
Nuclear Testing 1945 - 1998 Complete Video HD
"2053" - This is the number of nuclear explosions conducted in various parts of the globe.
Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably scary time-lapse map of the 2053 nuclear explosions which have taken place between 1945 and 1998, beginning with the Manhattan Project's "Trinity" test near Los Alamos and concluding with Pakistan's nuclear tests in May of 1998. This leaves out North Korea's two alleged nuclear tests in this past decade. Each nation gets a blip and a flashing dot on the map whenever they detonate a nuclear weapon, with a running tally kept on the top and bottom bars of the screen.
Video credit: Isao Hashimoto
published: 06 Aug 2010
views: 177514

A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto
Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably scary time-lapse map of...
published: 24 Oct 2010
A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto
Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably scary time-lapse map of the 2053 nuclear explosions which have taken place between 1945 and 1998, beginning with the Manhattan Project's "Trinity" test near Los Alamos and concluding with Pakistan's nuclear tests in May of 1998. This leaves out North Korea's two alleged nuclear tests in this past decade (the legitimacy of both of which is not 100% clear).
Each nation gets a blip and a flashing dot on the map whenever they detonate a nuclear weapon, with a running tally kept on the top and bottom bars of the screen. Hashimoto, who began the project in 2003, says that he created it with the goal of showing"the fear and folly of nuclear weapons." It starts really slow — if you want to see real action, skip ahead to 1962 or so — but the buildup becomes overwhelming.
Multimedia artwork
"2053" - This is the number of nuclear explosions conducted in various parts of the globe.*
Profile of the artist: Isao HASHIMOTO
Born in Kumamoto prefecture, Japan in 1959.
Worked for 17 years in financial industry as a foreign exchange dealer. Studied at Department of Arts, Policy and Management of Musashino Art University, Tokyo.
Currently working for Lalique Museum, Hakone, Japan as a curator.
Created artwork series expressing, in the artist's view, "the fear and the folly of nuclear weapons":
"1945-1998" © 2003
"The Names of Experiments"
About "1945-1998" ©2003
"This piece of work is a bird's eye view of the history by scaling down a month length of time into one second. No letter is used for equal messaging to all viewers without language barrier. The blinking light, sound and the numbers on the world map show when, where and how many experiments each country have conducted. I created this work for the means of an interface to the people who are yet to know of the extremely grave, but present problem of the world."
Contact the artist:
Should you have any query regarding this artwork, please contact e-mail address below:
* The number excludes both tests by North Korea (October 2006 and May 2009).
published: 24 Oct 2010
views: 2455364

Soviet Victory Parade of 1945 [Part I]
Moscow Victory Parade of 1945 was a victory parade held after the defeat of Nazi Germany i...
published: 24 Jan 2008
Soviet Victory Parade of 1945 [Part I]
Moscow Victory Parade of 1945 was a victory parade held after the defeat of Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. It took place in the Soviet capital of Moscow, mostly centering around a military parade through Red Square. The parade took place on a rainy June 24, 1945, over a month after May 9th, the day of Germany's surrender to Soviet commanders.
Marshals Georgy Zhukov, who had formally accepted the German surrender to the Soviet Union, and Konstantin Rokossovsky, rode through the parade ground on white and black stallions, respectively. The fact is commemorated by the equestrian statue of Zhukov in front of the State Historical Museum, on Manege Square. The Premier of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin stood atop of Lenin's Mausoleum and watched the parade.
Displays of the Red Army aircraft and vehicles were some of the focal points of the ceremony. One of the most famous moments at the end of the troops parade took place when various Red Army soldiers carried the banners of Nazi Germany and threw them down next to the Mausoleum. One of the standards that were tossed down belonged to the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, Hitler's personal bodyguard raised to divisional size.
published: 24 Jan 2008
views: 392124

1945 Kamikaze Hitting Carriers!!!
published: 02 Jan 2008
1945 Kamikaze Hitting Carriers!!!
Japanese Kamikaze hitting US Navy carriers. Color footage filmed in the Pacific by USMC Camera Units in 1945.
Linn Productions Media soundtrack added (Demo Only) in 2008 by ROMANO-ARCHIVES, available on:
"SUBSCRIBING to this Channel is a MUST for researchers and RARE HISTORICAL FOOTAGE fans!!!"
V. Romano
This is a clip from the ROMANO-ARCHIVES' new website-"Unknown World War 2 in Color"-"WW2 Japan & Pacific" section.
Visit also:
Hours of unknown WW2 combat footage hi-res videos are available.
Hi-Res videos from our Collections are available on DVD, CD or directly in your inbox. Clips and movies can also be downloaded from our servers using a PW or uploaded by us to your FTP.
published: 02 Jan 2008
views: 1105730

Overwinning in Nederland (1945)
Film over de bevrijding van Nederland in WO II en de eerste weken na de oorlog, samengeste...
published: 27 Apr 2011
Overwinning in Nederland (1945)
Film over de bevrijding van Nederland in WO II en de eerste weken na de oorlog, samengesteld door de filmafdeling van het Canadese leger. Auteurs: Francis Chagrin, muziek: Ernst Hameetman.
Deze video of jouw TV-favoriet op DVD bestellen?
Ga naar: http://www.beeldengeluid.nl/tvfavoriet
published: 27 Apr 2011
views: 16484
Youtube results:

Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945
Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945. Track 6. from In The Aeroplane Over The Sea.
I do NOT...
published: 01 Jan 2011
Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945
Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945. Track 6. from In The Aeroplane Over The Sea.
I do NOT claim to own ANY rights to this music or the image used for the video. If the copyright owners have a problem with this video in any way, please contact me and I'll remove it immediately.
If you love Neutral Milk Hotel, please support them by BUYING their music! :) Here are a few ways to do so:
published: 01 Jan 2011
views: 191022

Captured German War Films (1945)
Captured German War Films
Summary: POSTHUMOS AWARDS: CU, Swastika emblem, CUs, display of ...
published: 12 Sep 2010
Captured German War Films (1945)
Captured German War Films
Summary: POSTHUMOS AWARDS: CU, Swastika emblem, CUs, display of medals - men at attention. Sequence: Civilians receiving awards from Herman Goering. Karl Von Rumstedt, Admiral Erich Raeder and Herman Goering. Goering pays homage at dead soldier's bier. MS, casket placed into mausoleum. HITLER VISITS WOUNDED VETS IN HOSPITAL: CU, Adolf Hitler arriving; with wounded vets, people cheer as he departs. MS, Hitler with officers in the field. MS, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph P Goebbels, Gen Guderian and others standing and talking in field. Review: Sequence - youthful officer inspecting and addressing company of German soldiers at attention, cut ins soldiers listening. VOLKSTURM ON PARADE: Sequence: Aged civilian members Of the Home Guard on parade. CU's brassards with insignia typifying Volksturm. Parade scenes. U BOAT INSPECTION: Sequence: Aged civilian arriving at dock, touring interior of sub, at periscope (evidently U BOAT INVENTOR).
Department of Defense. Department of the Air Force. (09/26/1947 - )
ARC Identifier 64760 / Local Identifier 342-USAF-13034 and ARC Identifier 24043 / Local Identifier 111-ADC-10281. 1939-1945.
published: 12 Sep 2010
views: 779319

Les Armes Secrètes 1939-1945 1/3
Les Ailes de la Guerre -- épisode 28 --
"les armes secrètes de la 2ième guerre mondiale...
published: 05 Nov 2011
Les Armes Secrètes 1939-1945 1/3
Les Ailes de la Guerre -- épisode 28 --
"les armes secrètes de la 2ième guerre mondiale" partie 1 :
Développé sous le manteau du secret, ces armes portaient les derniers espoirs de victoire. Elles devaient causer des ravages dans les rangs ennemis. A la fin de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, les alliés et les forces de l'axe dévoilent leurs armes secrètes pour tenter de prendre un avantage décisif. Lors d'attaques surprises, ils lancent alors au combat des sous marins suicides, des avions fusées et des bombardiers télécommandés
published: 05 Nov 2011
views: 143537