Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Lyngas Motorbane - Lier, Norway
Randy Lewis, World's #1 Trackchaser, visited the Lyngas Motorbane bilcross racetrack in Li...
published: 18 May 2011
author: Randy Lewis
sikh temple opening in Lier(Norway) part 1
This video clip is from opening of new gurdwara sahib in lier norway on 11/4/2010. thousan...
published: 11 Apr 2010
author: barbilrup
Lier, Norway, Norge
Lier, Norway...
published: 04 Jan 2007
Sikh temple (gurdwara) opening in Lier(Norway) part2
This video clip is from opening of new gurdwara sahib in lier norway on 11/4/2010. thousan...
published: 11 Apr 2010
author: barbilrup
sikh new gurdwara opening in lier(Norway) part 3
this is part 3 from special occasion of opening of new sikh temple in lier norway in 11/4/...
published: 11 Apr 2010
author: barbilrup
New sikh temple opening(lier Norway) part 4
video clip from opening of new sikh temple in lier Norway 11/4/2010.www.desinorway.com...
published: 11 Apr 2010
author: barbilrup
sikh vaisakhi day lier gurdwara(2010),Norway
this video is from lier sikh temple(gurdwara) there sikhs in norway had gathered to celebr...
published: 03 May 2010
author: barbilrup
Bhai Surinder Singh Ji. Lier, Norway
Shabad Kirtan at Gurdwara Sahin Lier, Norway...
published: 03 Aug 2009
Visiting Lier Mental Hospital
exploring old mental hospital in Lier, Norway...
published: 05 Nov 2009
author: volknes
Lyngas Motorbane - Lier, Norway
Randy Lewis, World's #1 Trackchaser, visited the Lyngas Motorbane bilcross track in Lier, ...
published: 16 May 2011
author: Randy Lewis
Three trains at Lier (13-9-10)
I was on my way home when, I passed Lier station and desided to film so trains. Here is th...
published: 14 Sep 2010
author: Jonern67
Hukunama from Gurudwara Guru Nanak Niwas, Lier Norway
Kirtan jatha from Patiala, Bhai Ravinder Singh , Bahi Baldev Singh & Bhai Sukhdev Singh ji...
published: 27 May 2012
author: desinor007
Various trains at Lier station (30-3-10).
Various trains at Lier. Here you will see a variety of Norwegian trains. Hope you like it....
published: 30 Mar 2010
author: Jonern67
Lier Bygdetun 20th Anniversary Dance II
The Lier (Norway) Historical Park (Bygdetun) celebrated its 20th anniversary on June 20, 2...
published: 20 Jun 2010
author: JTHeg01
Youtube results:
Urban Exploration - Psychiatric Hospital (Lier, Norway)
Die Psychiatrie Lier unweit von Oslo wurde 1926 mit einer Kapazität von 600 Betten erbaut ...
published: 10 Oct 2012
author: k0b41t
World Service - The Last Train Home
World Service Live @ LMV, Lier, Norway...
published: 02 Nov 2009
author: AnyLMo
An hour at Lier station (25-4-10).
This is the trains I caught in an hour at Lier this day. Today I also again caught a BM 69...
published: 25 Apr 2010
author: Jonern67
GoPro followcam at Lier Norway
Followcam in snowy conditions at the Lier track in Norway....
published: 21 Jan 2012
author: jocko0094