Design and style from a Scandinavian perspective

Real or not? 3D graphics have come a long way...

Do you remember the photos of &Traditions new designs that I showed you in a post a few weeks ago? I just got an email from an architect who used a 3D-rendering software to reproduce the images because he was so inspired by them, so he tried to catch the wonderful light in the photos. Meaning, he created these pictures himself, from scratch, on his computer, to look almost exactly as the original photos. I think it's just crazy how far 3D graphics has come in the last few years! No one could tell that these are not photographs, and I almost can't tell the difference between these and the originals. Can you?
I actually studied 3D graphics briefly in college, but let me tell you, pictures like these weren't even imaginable back then, and even though we had some great software, these results would have been impossible even for the most talented persons. (I was not among those talented persons. I was happy if I could make an image that someone could see what it was supposed to depict. Like a ball, or a snowman...)
All images by Lasse Rode at Xoio studio


Photo locations to dream of

I found these wonderful photo locations in the UK, available through JJ Locations. I dream of finding places like these in Sweden!


Norm Architects Zen House

Last week when reading Norm's blog at Bo Bedre I saw some great pictures from their latest project that I wanted to share with you, so I emailed Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen, one of the architects and also the photographer behind their photos. He sent me the pictures and many more, so many in fact that I had a very hard time choosing which ones to show here. To be able to show you as many as possible without making this post into a huge picture bomb I decided to make small collages of some photos and show some of the others in full size. Do you like this format?

The house looks like a normal Copenhagen house from the outside, but once inside a whole new world opens up. Extremely minimalistic and very zen. I'm drawn to the calm and tranquil atmosphere, but I'm not sure I could live like this myself. How about you?



Fave Instagrammers: designoform

Swedish blogger Emma with the blog Design and Form is one of my favorite instagrammers. Her pictures shows lots of DIY inspiration with paper, both origami and other techniques, and are always very beautiful, and as a big bonus you can find all the tutorials on her blog. Find her on Instagram under the name designoform.

Lotta Agaton lives here!

The blogosphere have been waiting for the pictures of Lotta Agaton's home to come online ever since they were published in RUM magazine this last autumn, and now when Swedish magazine Residence published them they are finally released! You may have already seen them, but I think they are so amazing that I just have to blog them. To me, this is perfection. The balance between the graphic white and black, softened by natural leather, wood and an abundance of green plants and the stylish little vignettes placed around the apartment makes this home feel so inviting and fresh!
Styling: Lotta Agaton
Photo: Pia Ulin


Nice new styling from Jotun

When Jotun launches their new color charts they always have really nicely styled pictures to inspire their customers, and this time is no exception. Their brand Lady is extending their range with a new matte washable paint called Wonderwall, and below are the product shots.
Ps. Thank you all so much for your nice encouraging words about my book! I really appreciate your support!


Northern Delights, my book almost finished!

I'm so excited to share this with you today! The first pictures of my book, Northern Delights: Scandinavian Homes, Interiors and Design are out now, and although it's not printed yet (it will be published mid March), you can see exactly how it's going to look. It's such a great feeling to see how all my hard work and favorite pictures are coming together as a real book! The book shares the aestethics of this blog for the most parts, but there is also a more colorful chapter, and some other surprises that you wouldn't find on my blog. Also, the book holds a mix of interiors and products, and several nice interviews with interesting people from the Scandinavian design scene. You can read all about it here on Gestalten's site where you can also see some more pictures.

My styling for Brdr. Krüger

Remember back in December, when I went to Copenhagen (again) for a styling job, and showed you some behind-the-scenes? The shoot was for Brdr. Krüger's new catalogue. They are an old Danish family business, established in 1886, probably most famous for their Tray Tables designed in 1963 by architect Hans Bølling. What you perhaps didn't know is that they are also producing the world famous wooden monkey by Kay Bojesen. The monkey production actually takes place in their home, with the whole family gathered around the dining table, attaching the different parts by hand. Isn't that awesome?!
The brief for the pictures was to make some fresh and inspirational photos of the tray tables and Orbis Mobile glass tables/carts. I wanted to take them out of their traditional context and make them a bit more modern and playful, so I chose to do the shoot in a studio where we could play around a bit more and not be constrained by the limits of a real home. I also tried to vary the settings and expressions as much as I could for each photo, to show the versatility of the tables. The pictures are meant to be more as loose suggestions sparking the imagination than real life settings that you can copy and use in your home.
Below are my favorite pictures (there are more photos, but we played around worked hard in the studio for two days so I won't show you everything because you would get bored). What do you think? Which one is your favorite?
Photo: Jonas Krüger
Styling: Emma Fexeus


Est magazine issue 8 is out!

I just finished reading the latest issue of Est Magazine that was released today, and as soon as I put my iPad down I quickly threw an email to Lynda, their creative director, asking if I could share these pictures with you. Luckily, she said yes! The photos, shot by Marjon Hoogervorst and styled by Anouk B, are from a family home in the red light district of Amsterdam, my favourite city in the world. Every spring I get this strong urge to go back there, and these photos didn't make that longing any weaker. Hmm, perhaps just a little weekend...
Have a look in the magazine for more pictures.

Colorless and boring? Nope, not this time either.

Remember these bedroom pics that I blogged a couple of weeks ago? Now the whole apartment is professionally shot by Kristofer Johnsson, and I couldn't resist showing you some of the pictures. Styling by Pella Hedeby, of course. I think you recognize her style by now, don't you?
You can see more pictures here and here.
And as an answer to the question that Pella asks on her blog, about minimalist and colourless being boring, I say H*LL NO! It's beautiful and harmonious and gives me a feeling of calm and tranquility. Strong colors and busy patterns stress me out. Contrasts can be added with different materials, textures and by using darker vs lighter hues within the natural spectrum, instead of those cliché "pops of color" that everyone keeps talking about. However, I do love the fresh green colors of plants and flowers. But that's enough, I don't need to tell you more about this do I, because you are already here so I guess that means you share my opinions on this? Or do you disagree?


Fresh new week with new inspiration

Let's start this new winter week with some fresh monocrome inspiration! I love the candle holders that you can see in two of the pictures. I forgot who makes them, but I think you can get them at Lotta Agaton's shop here in Stockholm. I also love the little candle stumps, they have a tendency to add up here too, but I never really thought of them as worth saving before seeing these pics.

Going Down (Under)

This Australian home was transformed from drab Victorian to modern minimalist by interior designers Georgina Jeffries and Pip McCully, founders of Wonder. New skylights and large windows were added to maximise natural light and accentuate the bright, clean lines of the reworked interior spaces. A selection of textural materials was chosen to purposefully offset the newly bold forms. Photography Christine Francis.
Found via Yatzer


Fave Instagrammers: paul&henriette;

Are you using Instagram? If you are, I think you should follow paul&henriette (user name paulhenriette). She posts amazing pictures of her home, which seems to be changing every day. It is minimal, stylish and highly inspiring. You can also follow her tumblr blog.
I am planning to make this a recurring column, where I post about the most inspiring Instagram users that I find. If you have any tips and recommendations of great instagrammers, please leave them in the comments below!


Københavns Møbelsnedkeri

I just got a question regarding the wooden chair in my post with behind-the-scene snapshots from my latest trip to Copenhagen. The chair is from Københavns Møbelsnedkeri, and I thought you would enjoy some pictures of their other work. This is top class craftmanship, in the classic Scandinavian tradition.


Inspiring start to the week!

Let's start this new week with a little inspiration from Bolaget real estate!
I would also like to let you know that I picked a winner in last week's competition, look here to see who won.