- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 20684
- author: RussiaToday

Mossad vs Assad: 'Syrian rebels ally of Israel intelligence'
President Bashar al Assad says Syria can take-on any force that confronts it, while accusi...
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: RussiaToday
Mossad vs Assad: 'Syrian rebels ally of Israel intelligence'
President Bashar al Assad says Syria can take-on any force that confronts it, while accusing Israel of trying to destabilize the country. It was his first public statement since an alleged Israeli air-strike inside Syria last week. Israel's Defence Minister has given the strongest indication yet that the IDF was behind the attack. RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 20684
- author: RussiaToday

Mossad Murder in Dubai - Complete Timeline
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Interpol places 11 people suspected in the slaying of a Hama...
published: 11 Feb 2012
author: ProdigalSon888
Mossad Murder in Dubai - Complete Timeline
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Interpol places 11 people suspected in the slaying of a Hamas militant leader in Dubai on its most-wanted list on Thursday. The international police agency said it has issued red notices, its highest-level alert, to its member countries worldwide for "11 internationally wanted individuals who have been charged by UAE-Dubai authorities with coordinating and committing the murder." Interpol said it was acting on the request of Dubai authorities and that it believes the suspects used false passports. Interpol issued the notices — which include photographs — "to limit the ability of accused murderers from traveling freely using the same false passports." Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh's body was found Jan. 20 in his room at a luxury hotel near Dubai's international airport. Dubai's police chief said on Thursday that Interpol should issue a warrant to arrest the head of the Jewish state's spy agency Mossad if the organization was indeed responsible for the killing. In comments to be aired later on Dubai TV, police chief Dahi Khalfan Tamim called for the police authority to issue "a red notice against the head of Mossad ... as a killer in case Mossad is proved to be behind the crime, which is likely now." The Jewish state has declined to comment on whether its spy agency was responsible, although security officials have also said they were convinced the Mossad was behind the assassination, and harshly criticized the spy agency for allegedly ...
- published: 11 Feb 2012
- views: 91244
- author: ProdigalSon888

Mosassad & PM Golda Meir''s revenge -Mossad -Operation Bayoneta Operation Wrath of God.flv
Operation Wrath of God (Hebrew: מבצע זעם האל, Mivtza Za'am Ha'el), also called Operation ...
published: 01 Jul 2012
author: AVANHALEN21
Mosassad & PM Golda Meir''s revenge -Mossad -Operation Bayoneta Operation Wrath of God.flv
Operation Wrath of God (Hebrew: מבצע זעם האל, Mivtza Za'am Ha'el), also called Operation Bayonet, was a covert operation directed by Israel and the Mossad to assassinate individuals alleged to have been directly or indirectly involved in the 1972 Munich massacre.Their targets included members of the Palestinian terrorist group Black September, who were responsible for the Munich attack, and members of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) accused of being involved. Authorized by Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir in the autumn of 1972, the operation may have continued for more than 20 years.Covert Israeli assassination units killed dozens of terrorists and conspirators across Europe during this time, as well as mistakenly murdering an innocent waiter in Lillehammer, Norway, in what became known as the Lillehammer affair. An additional military assault was launched by Israeli commandos deep inside Lebanon to kill several high-profile Palestinian targets. This string of assassinations spurred retaliatory attacks by Black September against a variety of Israeli and Jewish targets around the world. It has also prompted criticism of Israel over its choice of targets, tactic of assassination, and overall effectiveness. Because of the secretive nature of the operation, some details are unverifiable beyond a single source, including the story of Yuval Aviv, who claims to have led an Israeli assassination squad. Some or all information about the operation might have been ...
- published: 01 Jul 2012
- views: 53644
- author: AVANHALEN21

✡✡ Israeli Secret Intelligence Service THE MOSSAD | המוסד ✡✡
New video I've just made about the Mossad! Israeli Mossad - the strongest and most qualita...
published: 30 May 2012
author: MrIlanKudlis
✡✡ Israeli Secret Intelligence Service THE MOSSAD | המוסד ✡✡
New video I've just made about the Mossad! Israeli Mossad - the strongest and most qualitative secret intelligence service in the world. **Credit to Speedy (media) for all the info on the Mossad ops.
- published: 30 May 2012
- views: 19557
- author: MrIlanKudlis

Insider: US Ambassador Killing an Inside Job!
critically acclaimed author and former State Department official Steve Pieczenik talks wit...
published: 17 Sep 2012
author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Insider: US Ambassador Killing an Inside Job!
critically acclaimed author and former State Department official Steve Pieczenik talks with Alex about the unfolding geopolitical situation in the middle East and who will start world war three. www.stevepieczenik.com [[[Enhance your stored food supply today]]] www.infowarsshop.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com [Join The Alex Jones Team and Start Getting Healthy Today!] www.infowarsteam.com [New Website] www.infowarshealth.com Get all your Youngevity Products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Alex Pack and Pollen Burst. These supplements are a great way to get your essentials vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other beneficial nutrients www.infowarsteam.com [[[ProPur Water Filtration]]] www.infowarsshop.com
- published: 17 Sep 2012
- views: 87063
- author: TheAlexJonesChannel

United States Police Departments Being Trained By Mossad, Treat Citizens Like Terrorists
US police forces train with Israel's Mossad agents, treating peaceful American protesters ...
published: 05 Apr 2012
author: FederalJacktube6
United States Police Departments Being Trained By Mossad, Treat Citizens Like Terrorists
US police forces train with Israel's Mossad agents, treating peaceful American protesters like terrorists, an online columnist tells Press TV. Experts say US police are increasing their use of excessive force against protesting students. Earlier this week, US police used pepper spray and heavy-handed tactics against students in California's Santa Monica College against their college's tuition policies. A four-year-old girl is among the at least 30 victims. Last November, students at a University of California campus were also pepper sprayed by police. Press TV has conducted an interview with Allen Roland, online columnist, to further discuss the issue.
- published: 05 Apr 2012
- views: 7352
- author: FederalJacktube6

Don't Attack Iran - Ex-Mossad Chief
Via CBS News/60 Minutes: "The former chief of Israel's Mossad agency, Meir Dagan, tells Le...
published: 10 Mar 2012
author: TheYoungTurks
Don't Attack Iran - Ex-Mossad Chief
Via CBS News/60 Minutes: "The former chief of Israel's Mossad agency, Meir Dagan, tells Lesley Stahl that Iran is a "rational" country and now is not the time for a strike on their nuclear facilities." Cenk Uygur and Michael Shure discuss on The Young Turks. Is war inevitable? Watch the original video: www.cbsnews.com Watch Michael on TwenTYTwelve: www.youtube.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com
- published: 10 Mar 2012
- views: 46671
- author: TheYoungTurks

« Les coulisses du Mossad : l'espion au champagne »
Portrait richement documenté de Gur Arie, un agent israélien infiltré en Égypte qui se fit...
published: 30 Aug 2012
author: NiC0CRV
« Les coulisses du Mossad : l'espion au champagne »
Portrait richement documenté de Gur Arie, un agent israélien infiltré en Égypte qui se fit si bien à son identité d'emprunt d'ex-nazi qu'il s'éloigna de sa famille restée en Israël. Dans les années 50 et 60, nombreux sont les Allemands installés au Caire. Parmi eux, des scientifiques engagés par le président Nasser afin d'élaborer des missiles et des fusées. Inquiets, les services secrets israéliens cherchent à récolter des informations sur ce programme. Ils choisissent comme agent Ze'ev Gur Arie, un commandant de cavalerie d'origine allemande arrivé en Israël dans les années 30 avec ses parents. Sous le nom de Wolfgang Lotz, ancien nazi et millionnaire, celui-ci s'installe dans la capitale égyptienne et mène grand train. Sa femme et son fils sont transférés à Paris le temps de la mission. Tous les six mois, il vient les voir et fait son rapport au Mossad. Au cours d'un de ces déplacements, il tombe amoureux d'une jeune femme allemande et se marie secrètement. Au Caire, où l'a suivi sa nouvelle épouse, Waltraud, qui ignore tout de sa véritable identité, il poursuit sa vie mondaine et se sert de ses amis allemands et égyptiens pour obtenir des renseignements sur le programme militaire égyptien. Démasqué, il avoue ses activités, mais continue de se prétendre citoyen allemand. Lorsqu'il sort de prison au bout de quelques années, il ne reprend pas contact avec sa femme et son fils mais part s'installer en Allemagne, où il meurt en 1993, seul et sans le sou. Avec l'équipe du ...
- published: 30 Aug 2012
- views: 15375
- author: NiC0CRV

Le Mossad : le service de renseignement extérieur israélien | [Toute l'Histoire]
Documentaire diffusé sur la chaîne Toute l'Histoire en 2007....
published: 13 Sep 2012
author: NiC0CRV
Le Mossad : le service de renseignement extérieur israélien | [Toute l'Histoire]
Documentaire diffusé sur la chaîne Toute l'Histoire en 2007.
- published: 13 Sep 2012
- views: 11922
- author: NiC0CRV

Fox 9-11 Israel-Mossad Banned News Report
Jews did 9-11 all the PROOF in the World zioncrimefactory.com 9/11 The Military Knows Isra...
published: 20 Apr 2012
author: o4optimus4o
Fox 9-11 Israel-Mossad Banned News Report
Jews did 9-11 all the PROOF in the World zioncrimefactory.com 9/11 The Military Knows Israel Did It www.youtube.com zioncrimefactory.com www.prothink.org www.prothink.tv www.theoccidentalobserver.net www.truthisahatecrime.blogspot.com incogman.net America Australia Austria Britain Croatia Czech Danish England Finnish Flemish France Germany Hungary Irish Italy Lithuania Latvia Netherlands Norwegian Poland Portugese Russia Slovakia Slovenian South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukrane Wallonian
- published: 20 Apr 2012
- views: 18570
- author: o4optimus4o

Les services secrets israëliens : le Mossad
Documentaire sur le Mossad....
published: 05 May 2012
author: Truculus000
Les services secrets israëliens : le Mossad
Documentaire sur le Mossad.
- published: 05 May 2012
- views: 182038
- author: Truculus000

Im Fadenkreuz des Mossad - Die wahre Geschichte des härtesten Geheimdienstes der Welt
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: phiwi2705
Im Fadenkreuz des Mossad - Die wahre Geschichte des härtesten Geheimdienstes der Welt
UNTERTITEL KÖNNEN ÜBER DEN BUTTON UNTER DEM VIDEO AKTIVERT WERDEN Die wahre Geschichte des härtesten Geheimdienstes der Welt. Goldas Rache In den frühen 1970ern richtet sich das Hauptaugenmerk des Mossad auf eine extremistische, palästinensische Terrorvereinigung, bekannt als SCHWARZER SEPTEMBER. Diese Organisation führt gewaltsame Aktionen im Zuge des Palästina-Konfliktes durch. Als die Terroristen einen Anschlag auf israelistische Athleten bei den Olympischen Spielen in München verüben und sie dadurch töten, ordert die Premierministerin Golda Meir Vergeltung an. Agenten des Mossad werden in die ganze Welt in tödlicher Mission ausgesandt. Operation Sphinx 1972 unterzeichnet der Irak ein Geheimabkommen mit der französischen und italienischen Regierung zum Bau eigener Atomkraftwerke. Israel würde sich nicht gegen einen Nuklearangriff wehren können, welcher die Zerstörung des jüdischen Staates zur Folge hätte. Der Mossad schickt Israels Top Guns auf eine todesmutige Mission, die irakische Bedrohung zu zerschlagen und unversehrt nach Hause zurück zu kehren. Unternehmen Entebbe Am 27. Juni 1976 entführen die Volksfront zur Befreiung Palästinas und die Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe ein Flugzeug der Air France auf dem Flug von Tel Aviv nach Paris und zwingen es, auf dem Flughafen Entebbe in Uganda zu landen. Sechs Tage später, nach einem verzweifelten Wettrennen gegen die Zeit, stehen Kommandotruppen des Mossad in den Startlöchern, um den Flughafen zu stürmen und die Geiseln zu befreien.
- published: 15 Dec 2011
- views: 167104
- author: phiwi2705

Daughter of Mossad Chief- I Refuse to Enlist in the Israeli Military
Uploaded by rageunderground on Jul 4, 2010 I refuse to take part in the war crimes committ...
published: 12 Mar 2012
author: servant4ahlubait
Daughter of Mossad Chief- I Refuse to Enlist in the Israeli Military
Uploaded by rageunderground on Jul 4, 2010 I refuse to take part in the war crimes committed by my country. Violence will not bring any kind of solution, and I shall not commit violence, come what may. Omer Goldman, age 19, Tel Aviv First Prison Sentence: 22nd Sept. - 10th Oct. 2008 (18 days) Second Prison Sentence: 12th - 24th Oct. 2008 (10 days) Omer Goldman, has had to confront the values of her own family. She is the daughter of the former deputy head of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service and who is still considered one of the most powerful men in the Israeli security system. Omer, without her fathers permission visited a Palestinian town in the West Bank and at a check-point, alongside Palestinians, her supposed enemies, was fired upon by Israeli soldiers, We were sitting by the roadside talking and soldiers came along and after a few seconds they received an order and fired gas grenades and rubber bullets at us. Then it struck me, to my astonishment, that the soldiers were following an order without thinking. For the first time in my life, an Israeli soldier raised his weapon and fired at me. Although, not surprisingly, her father does not support her decision to refuse, he still supports her as a daughter. He and I have very similar characters. I, too, fight to the end for what I believe in. But we are opposites ideologically. In her declaration of refusal she stated: I refuse to enlist in the Israeli military. I shall not be part of an army that needlessly ...
- published: 12 Mar 2012
- views: 13726
- author: servant4ahlubait

BBC Correspondent says MOSSAD did 9/11 and Iran doesn't want Nukes SEE INFO LINKS
Former Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart says on air that Israeli Mossad did 9/11...
published: 27 May 2010
author: 91177info
BBC Correspondent says MOSSAD did 9/11 and Iran doesn't want Nukes SEE INFO LINKS
Former Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart says on air that Israeli Mossad did 9/11 and much more in his revealing interview with Kevin Barrett which can be heard here- www.radiodujour.com Alan explains the take over of America by zionists and exposes the failed false flag attack of...
- published: 27 May 2010
- views: 111041
- author: 91177info
Vimeo results:

Retired Generals of the Israeli Defense Forces and high-ranking Mossad officials on Barack Obama...
Retired Generals of the Israeli Defense Forces and high-ranking Mossad officials discussin...
published: 04 Oct 2008
author: www.JCER.info
Retired Generals of the Israeli Defense Forces and high-ranking Mossad officials on Barack Obama...
Retired Generals of the Israeli Defense Forces and high-ranking Mossad officials discussing Barack Obama and Middle East policy.
Produced by ReviseFilms and presented by the Jewish Council for Education and Research (JCER).

Valójában azonban az emberek egyáltalán nem tehetetlenek, sőt az ellenkezője az igaz, mive...
published: 31 Jul 2010
Valójában azonban az emberek egyáltalán nem tehetetlenek, sőt az ellenkezője az igaz, mivel van egy igen egyszerű és hatásos módja annak, hogy megállítsuk az Új Világrendet.
Értsd meg, hogy amivel valódi változást tudunk elérni a világban, az a rendszerrel szembeni engedetlenség.
Tedd azt, ami helyes, mindenben, amit cselekszel.
A Teremtő az intelligencia, ami mindennek az alapját képezi, a váz, ami mindent átitat.
Tudd, hogy az élet, amit ezen a világon élünk, a szabad akarat játéka, melyet egyetlen tudat játszik, aminek mi csupán frekvenciái vagyunk.
Értsd meg, hogy ahhoz, hogy kezelni tudd a helyzetet és az eljövendő változásokat, amivel jelenleg a világban szembenézünk, nem kell mást tenned, mint hallgatni a szívedre; megérteni, hogy valójában minden, ami ebben a Teremtésben létezik, csupán energia, ami nem másból, mint tiszta és feltétel nélküli szeretetből áll.

Magyar szinkron: WWW.VALOSAG.NET
published: 22 Feb 2011
Magyar szinkron: WWW.VALOSAG.NET
FIGYELEM! A film DVD fomátumban letölthető innen:
Alan egy ismert író, rádió műsorvezető és az Új Világrend hosszú távú stratégiájának kutatója.
- A nevem Alan Watt, és életem nagy részében figyelemmel kísértem politikát és a geo-politikát. Nem úgy indultam neki az egésznek, hogy akkor most szeretnék mindennek a végére járni. Sőt igazából, hogy őszinte legyek, még nem is volt róla elképzelésem, hogy milyen komoly, milyen mély tervek... politikai tervek dolgoznak egy globális társadalom létrehozására...

Rotschild - Mossad Mossad
German Electro Music Video
"Mossad Mossad 1,2,3 Bin Laden ist noch immer frei..."
We did...
published: 03 Jun 2008
author: Rotschild
Rotschild - Mossad Mossad
German Electro Music Video
"Mossad Mossad 1,2,3 Bin Laden ist noch immer frei..."
We did the song the same day the bombs went off in London. The lyrics have a touch of black humour but that's our way to deal with the shock and the fact that there's a war going on and that it seems impossible to catch Bin Laden.
The video is our first attempt, it is inspired by Spielberg's movie "München" and directed by Sebastian Funke. We had big luck with the hotel as they were changing management at the very day of shooting and a lot of redecorating went on, so we could make noise and wreck the room without being bothered.
Enjoy, comments welcome!
Youtube results:

Mossad Works with Terror Group to Assassinate Iranian Scientist: Infowars Nightly News
Aaron Dykes covers the latest news, including: Reports that a large number of US warplanes...
published: 10 Feb 2012
author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Mossad Works with Terror Group to Assassinate Iranian Scientist: Infowars Nightly News
Aaron Dykes covers the latest news, including: Reports that a large number of US warplanes and transports are en route to the Persian Gulf and presumably headed for bases in Saudi Arabia where an attack on Iran will be staged. US officialdom stating that Israel's Mossad is behind the assassination campaign directed against Iran's nuclear scientist community. It is said that members of the designated terror group MEK are acting as triggermen in the assassinations. More on the Missouri FEMA camp as told by an anonymous contract worker at the facility. And finally, and informative run-down on ten things every American should know about the Federal Reserve and its manipulation of the US economy.
- published: 10 Feb 2012
- views: 16223
- author: TheAlexJonesChannel

9-11 Mossad 'Mural Van' - NYPD Radio Transmission
Just ONE of the Mossad 'Urban Moving Systems Incorporated' truck bombs on 9/11... "There w...
published: 23 Oct 2011
author: ProdigalSon888
9-11 Mossad 'Mural Van' - NYPD Radio Transmission
Just ONE of the Mossad 'Urban Moving Systems Incorporated' truck bombs on 9/11... "There were continuing moments of alarm. A panel truck with a painting of a plane flying into the World Trade Center was stopped near the temporary command post. It proved to be rented to a group of ethnic Middle Eastern people who did not speak English... " - MTI Report 02/06 "... It's a big truck with a mural painted of a... of an airplane diving into New York City and exploding." "We got both suspects under Kay, we have the suspects who drive...drove in the van, THE VAN EXPLODED -- we have both of them under Kay let's get some help over here..."
- published: 23 Oct 2011
- views: 20623
- author: ProdigalSon888

Mosaic News - 08/06/12: Mossad Agents Confess to Killing Nuclear Scientists on Iranian TV
Tunisian police violently disperse protestors holding "night of anger," Mossad agents conf...
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: linktv
Mosaic News - 08/06/12: Mossad Agents Confess to Killing Nuclear Scientists on Iranian TV
Tunisian police violently disperse protestors holding "night of anger," Mossad agents confess to killing nuclear scientists on Iranian TV, Egyptian army to take control of Sinai after deadly attack, and more. Today's headlines in full: Tunisian police violently disperse protestors holding 'night of anger' BBC Arabic, UK Mossad agents confess to killing nuclear scientists on Iranian TV Al-Alam, Iran Egyptian army to take control of Sinai after deadly attack Al Jazeera, Qatar IDF intercepts Islamist militants after Egyptian army base attack IBA, Israel Syrian prime minister joins opposition, defects to Jordan New TV, Lebanon Suicide bomber kills 45 in south Yemen Dubai TV, UAE Muslims killed in Myanmar as world remains silent Press TV, Iran Fresh anti-regime protests held in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain Press TV, Iran Image: A worshipper holds an anti-US President Barack Obama poster and portraits of killed Iranian nuclear scientists during the funeral for nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, January 13, 2012: REUTERS/Morteza Nikoubazl Mosaic is a Peabody Award-winning daily compilation of television news reports from the Middle East, including Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, Syria, the Palestinian Authority, Iraq and Iran. Watch more Mosaic at www.linktv.org
- published: 07 Aug 2012
- views: 1691
- author: linktv

The Pakistani Case: CIA/Mossad False Flag in Chile
"The Pakistani Case" covers the story of a 28 year old pakistani student called Mohammed S...
published: 22 Dec 2011
author: NWNoticias
The Pakistani Case: CIA/Mossad False Flag in Chile
"The Pakistani Case" covers the story of a 28 year old pakistani student called Mohammed Saif Ur Rehman Khan who was detained in the US embassy in Chile after the alledged detection of explosive traces on his belongings. The documentary details the contradictions of the official government version and the role of minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter in installing fear-based policies of counterterrorism following the guidelines of the United States police state.
- published: 22 Dec 2011
- views: 5679
- author: NWNoticias