
1928 Western Electric cinema speaker
1928 Western Electric cinema speaker
This is authentic Western Electric cinema speaker from 1928, as presented by Mr. Joe Roberts of Silbatone Acoustics at the 2011 High End Show in Munich, Germany. From Wikipedia: "It is a wide-audio-range horn loudspeaker estimated to be nearly 50% efficient, thus allowing a cinema to be filled with sound from a 3-watt amplifier. This was an important breakthrough in 1929 because high-powered audio valves were not generally available back then." We feel truly fortunate to have been able to listen to and enjoy this magnificent piece of audio history. (Note: This is authentic in-room sound as recorded with a Sony handycam; no enhancements used.)

1970s Bell System (Western Electric) "Promo" Film (Dig That Soundtrack!)
1970s Bell System (Western Electric) "Promo" Film (Dig That Soundtrack!)
Great fun! This tightly edited and professionally scored clip was obviously made for the Bell System's "Western Electric" manufacturing unit, probably in the mid to late 1970s -- showing the manufacturing, testing, and use of phones such as the WE 2500. It does not include titles or credits, and ends abruptly. It has no narration, but the soundtrack is pure 70s and includes spacey sci-fi sound effects, plus various footage that might have been inspired by "2001: A Space Odyssey" perhaps. Where else can you see a technician testing phone handsets from inside an environmental chamber "space suit" rig? Ma Bell at AT&T's pre-divestiture peak of influence! The countdown leader (apparently originally included with this clip), is notable for the flash of a woman that appears (handy for color correction -- I've seen this leader featuring her on other clips over the years as well). Speaking of color correction, the original clip had suffered extreme differential dye fading and was subsequently heavily skewed toward deep red in color. I have done my best to correct this for more comfortable viewing. Enjoy.

Western Electric 757-A Monitor SystemでRenata Mauroを聴く
Western Electric 757-A Monitor SystemでRenata Mauroを聴く
Western Electric 757-A Monitor System ←WE212-DSing.le Power Amplifier by EIFL (WE212D←WE205D←WE417A←STC5R4GY×4 ←WE274B←412A←Marantz 7C←Wilson Benesch The CIRCLE、ACT-0.5 www.gokudo.co.jp

Western Electric sound at the coffee shop STAIN
Western Electric sound at the coffee shop STAIN
Use headphones or earphones. A reproduction of the WE system by GIP Laboratory in Yamagata, Japan. Open baffle + front diffuser + horn + electromagnetic drivers. Recorded with the Zoom Q3 at the coffee shop STAIN in Kumamoto, Japan. Compared with the actual sound, the sound here lacks bass and smoothness. The song is "The More I See You" by the Four Freshmen.

Western Electric L9
Western Electric L9
Authentic 1948 Western Electric L9 loudspeakers in action at 2010 High End Show in Munich, Germany. The music in the video is from Friedrich Gulda's LP "As You Like It", on BASF (courtesy of Mr. Joe Roberts and Frank Schroder ).

Western Electric Color Telephone Marketing: "Once Upon a Honeymoon" 1956 AT&T; 15min
Western Electric Color Telephone Marketing: "Once Upon a Honeymoon" 1956 AT&T; 15min
more at phones.quickfound.net "Delightful musical made to promote color telephones as a decorator accessory in the home." Public domain film from the Library of Congress Prelinger Archive, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and equalization. en.wikipedia.org The Western Electric model 500 telephone series was the standard desk-style domestic telephone set issued by the Bell System in North America from late 1949 through the 1984 Bell System divestiture. Millions of model 500-series phones were produced and were present in almost every home in North America. Many are still in use today thanks to their durability and ample availability. Its modular construction made manufacture and repair simple, and facilitated a large number of variants and derivatives with added features. Touch-Tone was introduced to home customers in 1963 with the model 1500 telephone, which had only the 10 number keys. In 1968 the model 2500 telephone was introduced, which added the * and # keys. The model 2500 is still in production today by several manufacturers, over 40 years after it was introduced. Model 500 The original Western Electric Model 500 was designed by the firm of industrial designer Henry Dreyfuss, the product of several years of research and testing, and introduced in 1949. The 500 replaced the Dreyfuss <b>...</b>

Telephone Repair Western Electric Wall Telephone
Telephone Repair Western Electric Wall Telephone
Dennis McDonald www.A1-Telephone.com 618-235-6959 Shows The Initial Check Out of A Customers Western Electric Wall Telephone.

Western Electric sound at STAIN Pt.2
Western Electric sound at STAIN Pt.2
Use headphones or earphones. "If I Were A Bell" from the album "The Broadway Bit" by Marty Paich (1959). I forgot that I had recorded a few more tracks at STAIN. This is one of them. Sorry about some noises and poor camera work.

Western Electric 555 Vintage Driver sn 31774 sweep test
Western Electric 555 Vintage Driver sn 31774 sweep test
Sweep test of a 1930s vintage Western Electric 555 driver. In excellent audio condition. My camera does not have very good audio above 4kHz. The driver was much stronger above 4kHz to 15kHz than the video shows.

1941 Western Electric 302 Demo
1941 Western Electric 302 Demo
The oldest phone in my collection, a 1941-manufacture Western Electric 302. One thing I forgot to mention in vid is that this phone has a VERY HEAVY metal body!

Western Electric Vintage 13 inch speaker sweep.MOV
Western Electric Vintage 13 inch speaker sweep.MOV
I got this 30s? vintage Western Electric 13 in a couple of parts. It took me about 30 minutes to lightly bolt it together and slowly torque the magnet to the frame and damper screws while listening to a signal generator to align the voice coil. It weighs 15KG! very efficient! No power amp, just the signal generator driving the speaker.

Western Electric 302 antique telephone
Western Electric 302 antique telephone
Part of my telephone collection. WE 302 H1 mount. One of Ma Bell's first combined telephones. Even though I say numbers matching, it's very close in parts dates. This video is for those who may have an interest in antique telephones of yesterday. Enjoy

Western Electric 300B DIY amplifier
Western Electric 300B DIY amplifier
This is our DIY tube amplifier with famous Western Electric 300B triodes and Siemens C3g pentodes (here strapped in triode mode). It is a parallel single ended, class A amp with zero feedback and the output power of close to 20W per channel. The transformers were made by Mr. Milan Sebart from Slovenia, who we believe is a rank genius when it comes to winding transformers for tube amps. The engineering, design and construction of the amp (named "Dufresne") were entirely done by us alone. Sure, the amp cost a fortune in time, brains and money to build but now, 2 years down the road, we can safely say that the end result is priceless. :) The camera and sound were recorded separately with the Zoom Q3 A/V recorder and then put together in A/V editing software. The sound in this clip was recorded about 2 meters in front of the stereo system, with no enhancements or filters of any kind used before, during or after the recording process so this is how our stereo system actually sounds in the reality of our living room. The loudspeakers are our Tannoy HPD385's, the preamplifier is Rossellini UARSS and the CD player is Tascam CD701. Everything except the CD player is DIY, including all the cabling. The schematics, measurements and other details are published on our web site: www.moxtone.com .

Western electric 124 amplifier
Western electric 124 amplifier
Vintage Western Electric 124 amplifiers using WE350b tubes.

Telephone Assembly: "Just Imagine" 1947 AT&T; Western Electric Model 302 telephone
Telephone Assembly: "Just Imagine" 1947 AT&T; Western Electric Model 302 telephone
more at phones.quickfound.net "Animated character "Tommy Telephone" produces a telephone by assembling 433 separate parts." Public domain film from the Library of Congress Prelinger Archive, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and equalization. en.wikipedia.org The Model 302 telephone subscriber set was manufactured by Western Electric from 1937; manufacture of entirely new units was ceased after the introduction of the Model 500, but Model 302 units were continually remanufactured as such at least until 1958, and as the Model 5302 telephone which was simply a change to a more modern housing, well into the next decade. Overseas, the Model 302's exterior design was retained by European Bell branch companies for such models as the 1954 Bell Standard, widely used in the Netherlands and Belgium. The Model 302 was in-plant from 1937 and was never completely retired from service. Designed by Henry Dreyfuss, it was the first widely-used american subscriber set to include the ringer and anti-sidetone circuitry in the same unit as the rest of the subscriber set; prior Western Electric models required the use of an external "subset" (ringer box). It was heavily influenced by Ericsson model DBH 1001 of 1931, designed in 1929 by the Norwegian artist and designer Jean Heiberg. The Model 302's base shell was <b>...</b>

Western Electric Three Slot Payphone Collects and Returns Coins
Western Electric Three Slot Payphone Collects and Returns Coins
This is an original three slot payphone made by western electric. It has been fully refurbished and it really takes a coin to dial out. It has a coin module that is hidden behind the coin return pull bucket. It enables the phone to be truly automated, as if hooked up to a telephone company Central Office. It operates just like it did when they were on every street corner in North America. It collects AND returns coins, based on if someone answers the phone, does not answer or when you get a busy signal. It will work on any ATT, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile phone line. It also is compatible with U-Verse, Comcast or any other Voip provider, with a small dial tone converter, which I can supply. Visit www.threeslotpayphone.com for more photos and info

Western Electric Rotary Telephone Repair
Western Electric Rotary Telephone Repair
Dennis McDonald www.A1-Telephone.com Shows the Final Check out OF A Western Electric Rotary Wall Telephone.