
Kennedy Space Center 2012 and Beyond
If arecognizable person appears in this video, use for commercial purposes may infringe a ...
published: 11 May 2012
author: NASAKennedy
Kennedy Space Center 2012 and Beyond
If arecognizable person appears in this video, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA employees of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if this video is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release.

Letzten Sekunden KSC vs Jahn Regensburg - Randale nach Schlusspfiff - Feiernde Regensburger Fans
Am 14. Mai gabs es das Relegatinsspiel zwischen dem KSC und Jahn 2000 Regensburg Nach dem ...
published: 14 May 2012
author: Spiegelwagen
Letzten Sekunden KSC vs Jahn Regensburg - Randale nach Schlusspfiff - Feiernde Regensburger Fans
Am 14. Mai gabs es das Relegatinsspiel zwischen dem KSC und Jahn 2000 Regensburg Nach dem 2:2 steigen die Regensburger nun auf und unser KSC muss in die 3 Liga ... Lieder kamm es nach dem Schlußpfiff zu mehr als unnötigen Szenen einiger KSC Fans die veruschten den Rasen zu stürmen , die Polizei war allerdings schnell zur Stelle , die Regensburger feierten in ihrem Block und zündeten etwas Pyro. Jetzt heißt es nächste Saison alles zu geben um Bald wieder in der zweiten Liga zu spielen . Und der Hertha im Spiele gegen Düsseldorf wünsche ich viel Glück und einen Sieg. Glückwunsch an Regensburg zum Aufstieg ! Ein Video mit 3 der 4 Tore und der Stimmung der Fans folgt in den nächsten Tagen. Da auch schon gefragt wurde wie das Lied heißt : All the Right Moves von One Republic.

(Airsoft) MP7 KSC Custom
My facebook page : www.facebook.com I bought this gun second handed. This specific model i...
published: 25 Mar 2012
author: KhanSeb
(Airsoft) MP7 KSC Custom
My facebook page : www.facebook.com I bought this gun second handed. This specific model is hard to find now, but you can buy the KWA or the Umarex version. This gun used to be sold on UNCompany for 430 USD : www.uncompany.com I bought the Micro Red Dot on Begadi, for 65 € : begadishop.com I bought the fake PEQ-15 on UNCompany for 25 USD : www.uncompany.com The laser is ridiculous, but it looks cool. I bought the surefire M952V second handed. Brand new, this thing cost 600 USD (www.surefire.com but I find it for a very good price. Note that this gun is the KSC Japan version. The difference with the KWA/Umarex are : - It's less powerfull (about 300 fps). - It has better trademarks. - It's much more expensive mostly because it has high quality control. The fact that it's less powerfull is GOOD thing to me, because I mostly want to use this game in CQB areas, so for close ranges. This gun also has custom parts. A Ready Fighter Reinforced Nozzle (that's why it's white on my model) and a PDI 6.01 inner barrel. Note that not all the springs in the nozzle have been put back in place, that's why the nozzle doesn't go back when the bolt is blocked to the rear. It still works fine this way, so I never tried to put them back really. That's one of my favorite gas SMG in the airsoft world. Mostly because I like the look a lot. Honestly, I think the MP9 is better. They have similar performances, but the MP9 has a better kick, you can put more bb's in each magazines (50 bb's in a MP9 <b>...</b>

Atlantis's Final Landing at Kennedy Space Center
After more than 30 years, the space shuttle era has come to a close. Space shuttle Atlanti...
published: 21 Jul 2011
author: NASAtelevision
Atlantis's Final Landing at Kennedy Space Center
After more than 30 years, the space shuttle era has come to a close. Space shuttle Atlantis and the STS-135 crew landed safely on runway 15 at 5:57 am EDT at Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle Landing Facility in Florida, ending a 13-day journey of more than five million miles. It was the final and 133rd landing in shuttle history. The STS-135 crew consisted of Commander Chris Ferguson, Pilot Doug Hurley, Mission Specialists Sandra Magnus and Rex Walheim.

Shuttle Discovery Departs KSC As She Flys By Several Times
After 39 missions and 365 days, 22 hours, 39 minutes, 29 seconds in space, Shuttle Discove...
published: 17 Apr 2012
author: SpaceVidsNet
Shuttle Discovery Departs KSC As She Flys By Several Times
After 39 missions and 365 days, 22 hours, 39 minutes, 29 seconds in space, Shuttle Discovery departs Kennedy Space Center for her final time on the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA). The SCA then performed several fly bys of surrounding area for KSC workers and lucky members of the public to view the unique flight of the Boeing 747 with Discovery attached. Discovery will land at Washington DC later today ahead of her final stop, the Smithsonian museum where she will remain for public display.

NASA Kennedy Space Center & KSC Up-Close Tour
www.pommietravels.com Video of the NASA Kennedy Space Center and the "KSC Up-Close&qu...;
published: 24 Jun 2012
author: PommieTravels
NASA Kennedy Space Center & KSC Up-Close Tour
www.pommietravels.com Video of the NASA Kennedy Space Center and the "KSC Up-Close" Vehicle Assembly Building tour, which includes the Vehicle Assembly Building, the Apollo 8 launch and the Apollo V Center where you can see the 363-foot long Saturn V rocket. This video is shot with a Panasonic V100 Song is called "Vantage Point" by Dominic on Jamendo For more information about KSC visit: kennedyspacecenter.com For information about Florida visit: www.visitflorida.com For holidays to Florida, see www.virginholidays.co.uk

KSC ThrowDown WOD 1: Fran
Movement Standards...
published: 24 Jun 2012
author: jtbell91
KSC ThrowDown WOD 1: Fran
Movement Standards

KSC - Liebe kennt keine Liga!
Liebe kennt keine Liga! Auch in Liga 3... ALLES FÜR KARLSRUH'!!!...
published: 27 May 2012
author: Ultras Karlsruhe
KSC - Liebe kennt keine Liga!
Liebe kennt keine Liga! Auch in Liga 3... ALLES FÜR KARLSRUH'!!!

Kennedy Space Center Employees Assemble for Historic Photo
Employees at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Fla., took a few moments to assemble for a h...
published: 18 Mar 2011
author: NASAKennedy
Kennedy Space Center Employees Assemble for Historic Photo
Employees at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Fla., took a few moments to assemble for a historic aerial photo Friday outside Kennedy's Vehicle Assembly Building. Thousands of workers stood side-by-side to form an outline of a space shuttle. The event was organized in honor of the Space Shuttle Program's 30-yearlegacy. If a recognizable person appears in this video, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA employees of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if this video is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release.

(Airsoft) MP7 KSC
Shots with the MP7 KSC (japan version), a GBB version of the H&K MP7. Very fun to shot...
published: 18 Nov 2011
author: KhanSeb
(Airsoft) MP7 KSC
Shots with the MP7 KSC (japan version), a GBB version of the H&K MP7. Very fun to shot. It's more or less the same "concept" than the MP9 KSC. I do prefer the MP7 though, but only because I prefer the look of the MP7. They are pretty much the same thing in the airsoft world. The MP9 may have a bit more kick though. Note that this MP7 is not an "out of the box" version, it has a guarder polycarbonate nozzle (that's the white thing you can see behind the bolt). It has also a PDI 6,01 inner barrel. I also use an umarex suppressor. It does nothing. It just looks cool. 40 bbs per magazine. It shots at about 300 fps. I bought it second hand from an other airsoft player a few months ago (it was actually broken, that's why I didn't make any video about it). I just get it repaired last week. It cost 430 USD on Uncompany (the japan version, which has higher quality control, better trademarks and less power). Considering I use my guns mostly in CQB, having low fps is actually a good thing to me. The flashlight on the right side is a surefire X300. The eotech 553 is a fake one bought on Uncompany for something like 60 bucks. I bought the skull balaclava on RSOV a long time ago for 10 bucks. I've got tattoo sleeves, not real tattoos. I bought them on the french website "manches tatouages".

Orbiter 2010 - KSC to Wideawake International in the XR2 Ravenstar
I was inspired to try this after watching this video: www.youtube.com This was my personal...
published: 27 Jan 2012
author: DavidWCourtney
Orbiter 2010 - KSC to Wideawake International in the XR2 Ravenstar
I was inspired to try this after watching this video: www.youtube.com This was my personal best (so far): 22m 44s from take off to wheel stop. Orbiter is a free space simulator by Martin Schweiger that can be downloaded at: orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk XR2 Ravenstar by Doug Beachy http Be sure to visit the Orbiter online community: www.Orbiter-Forum.com

STS-133 Lands at Kennedy Space Center for the last time
The final landing of Space Shuttle Discovery at the Kennedy Space Center. OV-103 has flown...
published: 09 Mar 2011
author: spacevidcast
STS-133 Lands at Kennedy Space Center for the last time
The final landing of Space Shuttle Discovery at the Kennedy Space Center. OV-103 has flown over 365 days in space in total. This final landing took place on March 9th, 2011 concluding the success mission of STS-133.

(Airsoft) MP7 KSC
Shots with the MP7 KSC (japan version), a GBB version of the H&K MP7. Very fun to shot...
published: 22 Oct 2011
author: KhanSeb
(Airsoft) MP7 KSC
Shots with the MP7 KSC (japan version), a GBB version of the H&K MP7. Very fun to shot. It's more or less the same "concept" than the MP9 KSC. I do prefer the MP7 though, but only because I prefer the look of the MP7. They are pretty much the same thing in the airsoft world. The MP9 may have a bit more kick though. Note that this MP7 is not an "out of the box" version, it has a guarder polycarbonate nozzle (that's the white thing you can see behind the bolt). It has also a PDI 6,01 inner barrel. 40 bbs per magazine. It shots at about 300 fps. I bought it second hand from an other airsoft player a few months ago (it was actually broken, that's why I didn't make any video about it). I just get it repaired last week. It cost 430 USD on Uncompany (the japan version, which has higher quality control, better trademarks and less power). Considering I use my guns mostly in CQB, having low fps is actually a good thing to me. The flashlight on the right side is a surefire X300. The eotech 553 is a fake one bought on Uncompany for something like 60 bucks. I bought the skull balaclava on RSOV a long time ago for 10 bucks.

MilSimJunkie's Day-Off: March 4, 2012 (POV Shotgun TM Five Seven KSC 18c)
Over the weekend I met up Tom Harris of Harris Media who also writes for Pyramyd Airsoft&#...
published: 10 Mar 2012
author: MilsimJunkie1
MilSimJunkie's Day-Off: March 4, 2012 (POV Shotgun TM Five Seven KSC 18c)
Over the weekend I met up Tom Harris of Harris Media who also writes for Pyramyd Airsoft's blog. Great guy to be around and all around funny-badass. Fortunately for me my band of "junkies" came out to enjoy the day of airsoft with us making for some awesome action. Sorry for the whining noise it was coming from the fan on my Revision Locust goggles. Next time I will take that into account when playing. ========= Pyramyd Airsoft Blog (voted best in the world): airsoft-guns-blog.pyramydair.com Tom's Other Blog: www.airsoft-obsessed.com Thanks to Pyramyd Air for FREE BB's: www.pyramydair.com ========= Gameday: March 4, 2012 Location: CQB CITY Stockton, California ========= Weapon seen in video: Tokyo Marui Five-Seven KSC (KWA) Glock 18c Double Eagle (generic) stockless Tri-shot Shotgun ========= Please visit: www.milsimjunkie.com Please follow www.twitter.com Please like: www.facebook.com =========

A Visit to Kennedy Space Center and Astronaut Training Experience
Experience a day of fun, a lifetime of inspiration at Kennedy Space Center. Walk among tow...
published: 06 May 2010
author: ExploreSpaceKSC
A Visit to Kennedy Space Center and Astronaut Training Experience
Experience a day of fun, a lifetime of inspiration at Kennedy Space Center. Walk among towering rockets, tour behind the scenes and get vertical on the Shuttle Launch Experience. Train for the rigors of space flight and participate in a space shuttle mission simulation during the Astronaut Training Experience program.

26.02.2012 FSV Frankfurt - KSC
26.02.2012 FSV Frankfurt - KSC (1080p)...
published: 27 Feb 2012
author: UltraCrew2002
26.02.2012 FSV Frankfurt - KSC
26.02.2012 FSV Frankfurt - KSC (1080p)

KSC - Jahn Regensburg / Randale nach Spielende
Nach der verspielten Relegation eskalieren die Ultras des KSC und stürmen den Platz. ...
published: 14 May 2012
author: knochenfresser500
KSC - Jahn Regensburg / Randale nach Spielende
Nach der verspielten Relegation eskalieren die Ultras des KSC und stürmen den Platz. Nach dem die Polizei das ganze im Griff hat gehen viele in den Aussenbereich des Stadions um die 3. Halbzeit zu feiern.

Juno Launch: from the KSC VAB roof, and Atlas 5 rocket launches NASA's Jupiter probe
Shot from the roof of the Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center, I captured th...
published: 06 Aug 2011
author: spacearium
Juno Launch: from the KSC VAB roof, and Atlas 5 rocket launches NASA's Jupiter probe
Shot from the roof of the Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center, I captured this video of a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket launch with NASA's Juno spacecraft bound for Jupiter. I also shot the view from 525 feet above KSC of the various launch pads at Kennedy and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. NASA's solar-powered Juno spacecraft lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 9:25 am PDT (12:25 pm EDT) Friday to begin a five-year journey to Jupiter. Juno's detailed study of the largest planet in our solar system will help reveal Jupiter's origin and evolution. As the archetype of giant gas planets, Jupiter can help scientists understand the origin of our solar system and learn more about planetary systems around other stars. "Today, with the launch of the Juno spacecraft, NASA began a journey to yet another new frontier," NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said. "The future of exploration includes cutting- edge science like this to help us better understand our solar system and an ever-increasing array of challenging destinations." After Juno's launch aboard an Atlas V rocket, mission controllers now await telemetry from the spacecraft indicating it has achieved its proper orientation, and that its massive solar arrays, the biggest on any NASA deep-space probe, have deployed and are generating power. "We are on our way, and early indications show we are on our planned trajectory," said Jan Chodas, Juno project manager at NASA's Jet <b>...</b>

11.04.2012 KSC - Dynamo Dresden
11.04.2012 KSC - Dynamo Dresden (1080p)...
published: 12 Apr 2012
author: UltraCrew2002
11.04.2012 KSC - Dynamo Dresden
11.04.2012 KSC - Dynamo Dresden (1080p)

06.05.2012 KSC - Eintracht Frankfurt
06.05.2012 KSC - Eintracht Frankfurt (1080p)...
published: 07 May 2012
author: UltraCrew2002
06.05.2012 KSC - Eintracht Frankfurt
06.05.2012 KSC - Eintracht Frankfurt (1080p)

Shuttle Discovery: Final Flight Over DC
April 17, 2012 — In its final journey to its permanent museum home, NASA's space...
published: 17 Apr 2012
author: NationalGeographic
Shuttle Discovery: Final Flight Over DC
April 17, 2012 — In its final journey to its permanent museum home, NASA's space shuttle Discovery makes a flyover above the US capital. NASA coordinated with the US Federal Aviation Administration to navigate through the restricted air space over Washington, DC Space Shuttle Discovery Buzzes DC Monuments news.nationalgeographic.com

STS-135 Crew Welcomed at KSC
The STS-135 astronauts got to take a look at the vehicle that carried them on the final sp...
published: 21 Jul 2011
author: NASAtelevision
STS-135 Crew Welcomed at KSC
The STS-135 astronauts got to take a look at the vehicle that carried them on the final space shuttle mission, and paused for a moment to reflect on the journey. "Although we got to take the ride," said Commander Chris Ferguson on behalf of his crew, " we sure hope that everybody who has ever worked on, or touched, or looked at, or envied or admired a space shuttle was able to take just a little part of the journey with us."