
Cappadocia Kapadokya Cappadocia video cappadociamovies...
http://www.cappadocia.co.nr http://cappadociaguide.wordpress.com Cappadocia , ancient regi...
published: 27 May 2007
author: korkut00
Cappadocia Kapadokya Cappadocia video cappadociamovies...
Cappadocia Kapadokya Cappadocia video cappadociamovies...
http://www.cappadocia.co.nr http://cappadociaguide.wordpress.com Cappadocia , ancient region of Asia Minor, watered by the Halys River (the modern Kizil Irma...- published: 27 May 2007
- views: 27327
- author: korkut00

Dwindle of Assyrian empire and Inception of Achaemenid Empire and Cyrus the Great
Alliance of Chaldean,Babylonian and Medes.After the fall of the Assyrian Empire, between 6...
published: 25 Mar 2014
Dwindle of Assyrian empire and Inception of Achaemenid Empire and Cyrus the Great
Dwindle of Assyrian empire and Inception of Achaemenid Empire and Cyrus the Great
Alliance of Chaldean,Babylonian and Medes.After the fall of the Assyrian Empire, between 616 BCE and 605 BCE, a unified Median state was formed, which, together with Babylonia, Lydia, and Egypt became one of the four major powers of the ancient Near East. An alliance with the Babylonians and the Scythians helped the Medes to capture Nineveh in 612 BCE which resulted in the collapse of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. The Medes were subsequently able to establish their Median kingdom (with Ecbatana as their royal centre) beyond their original homeland (central-western Iran) and had eventually a territory stretching roughly from northeastern Iran to the Halys River in Anatolia. The Median kingdom was conquered in 550 BCE by Cyrus the Great, who established the Iranian dynasty—the Persian Achaemenid Empire.- published: 25 Mar 2014
- views: 5

Christian frauds are many, like Psychic Frauds
Shoutout vid to Rob Lester's Psychic Fraud series, starting here: http://www.youtube.com/w...
published: 05 Sep 2013
Christian frauds are many, like Psychic Frauds
Christian frauds are many, like Psychic Frauds
Shoutout vid to Rob Lester's Psychic Fraud series, starting here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeUIwOWNqdc . My video just asks the question, 'what parallels exist between Christian frauds, and these psychic frauds?' For these folks abound in Christendom, too. Moreover, almost every denomination in Christendom today, is based on the sect/denomination's leader claiming dreams/visions/revelations from God. Never mind, the leader contradicts Scripture. This phenomenon has gone on for two millennia, now. It was the bane of Israel, in the OT. That's why such folks were executed, under the Law. Pagan culture revered and employed such people for the 'visions', most famous being Pharaoh of the Exodus, the Oracle at Delphi, the magi; but even great houses and common folk would pay for these 'visions'. With devastating results (look up the 'Oracle of Delphi' and 'Halys River', in Google, for a famous example). For these folks were frauds after fame and money; or, adroitly, were demon-possessed, demon-influenced (since no demon can possess the body of a Christian), wrecking havoc as desired (Judas being a case in point). Larger writeup about this latter, is in http://www.brainout.net/SatTacExamp.htm#Mothman , so you can see the link between 'psychic' or 'UFO' stuff, and gullible Christianity. That whole webpage is on Satan's strategy and tactics, with hard data you can test yourself. So, as you subscribe to and watch Rob Lester's series (which I heartily recommend), you might want to ask the same 'fraud' question of the Christians who, past or present, essentially pose as God's mouthpiece. So to avoid them. KJVO frauds, in their own words, are linked in the video description, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX35-CEKfRs . Also search on Dremias5545's 'Mark of the Beast' video here in Youtube, showing Ruckman's vision claim in writing. Else, look up 'Millerite', 'Mormon', 'Ellen White', 'Rutherford', 'Adventism', 'Aime Semple McPherson' for just a smattering of the many visiion panderers over the last 100+ years, among protestants. Pope of Roman Catholicism is claimed to be infallible in his pronouncements, so that's a vision claim too -- the pronouncements usually contradict Bible in some major way. The Church Fathers, of course, pandered vision stories, or claimed to have them. Really, no denomination is without such claims, so it's an infection pan-Christendom. How to know the frauds? Compare what they say with Scripture. If Bible disagrees, Bible is right and the fraud is exposed. Of course, your reading of Bible might be wrong, so be sure to use 1John1:9 and ask God to show you the relevant verses and their meaning. AUDIT everything, lest you become a fraud, yourself. :)- published: 05 Sep 2013
- views: 14

Faces of Ancient Middle East Part 10 (Ancient Iranians)
The Medes were an ancient Iranian people who lived in an area known as Media (north...
published: 18 Jan 2014
Faces of Ancient Middle East Part 10 (Ancient Iranians)
Faces of Ancient Middle East Part 10 (Ancient Iranians)
Medes The Medes were an ancient Iranian people who lived in an area known as Media (northern Iran) and who spoke a northwestern Iranian language referred to as the Median language. Their arrival to the region is associated with the first wave of Iranian tribes in the late 2nd millennium BCE (the Bronze Age collapse) through the beginning of the 1st millennium BCE. From the 10th to late 7th centuries BCE, the Iranian Medes and Persians fell under the domination of the Neo-Assyrian Empire based in Mesopotamia.[6] After the fall of the Assyrian Empire, between 616 BCE and 605 BCE, a unified Median state was formed, which, together with Babylonia, Lydia, and Egypt became one of the four major powers of the ancient Near East. An alliance with the Babylonians and the Scythians helped the Medes to capture Nineveh in 612 BCE which resulted in the collapse of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. The Medes were subsequently able to establish their Median kingdom (with Ecbatana as their royal centre) beyond their original homeland (central-western Iran) and had eventually a territory stretching roughly from northeastern Iran to the Halys River in Anatolia. The Median kingdom was conquered in 550 BCE by Cyrus the Great, who established the next Iranian dynasty—the Persian Achaemenid Empire. A few archaeological sites (discovered in the "Median triangle" in western Iran) and textual sources (from contemporary Assyrians and also Greeks in later centuries) provide a brief documentation of the history and culture of the Median state. These architectural sources, religious temples, and literary references show the importance of Median lasting contributions (such as the Safavid-Achaemenid-Median link of the tradition of "columned audience halls") to the Iranian culture. A number of words from the Median language are still in use, and there are languages being geographically and comparatively traced to the northwestern Iranian language of Median. The Medes had an Ancient Iranian Religion (a form of pre-Zoroastrian Mazdaism or Mithra worshipping) with a priesthood named as "Magi". Later and during the reigns of the last Median kings, the reforms of Zarathustra spread in western Iran. Besides Ecbatana (modern Hamedan), the other cities existing in Media were Laodicea (modern Nahavand) and the mound that was the largest city of the Medes, Rhages (also called Rey), on the outskirts of Shahr Rey, south of Tehran. The fourth city of Media was Apamea, near Ecbatana, whose precise location is unknown. In later periods, Medes and especially Mede soldiers are identified and portrayed prominently in ancient Persian archaeological sites such as Persepolis, where they are shown to have a major role and presence in the military of the Persian Empire's Achaemenid dynasty. According to the Histories of Herodotus, there were six Median tribes: Thus Deioces collected the Medes into a nation, and ruled over them alone. Now these are the tribes of which they consist: the Busae, the Paretaceni, the Struchates, the Arizanti, the Budii, and the Magi. The six Median tribes resided in Media proper, the triangle between Ecbatana, Rhagae and Aspadana, in today's central Iran, the area between Tehran, Isfahan and Hamadan. Of the Median tribes, the Magi resided in Rhaga, modern Tehran. It was a sort of sacred caste, which ministered to the spiritual needs of the Medes. The Paretaceni tribe resided in and around Aspadana, modern Isfahan, the Arizanti lived in and around Kashan and the Busae tribe lived in and around the future Median capital of Ecbatana, modern Hamadan.The Struchates and the Budii lived in villages in the Median triangle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Persians The origin of the ethnic Iranian peoples/Persian peoples are traced to the Ancient Iranian peoples, who were part of the ancient Indo-Iranians and themselves part of the greater Indo-European language family. The Ancient Iranian peoples emerged in parts of the Iranian plateau circa 1000 BCE. Important Iranian tribes such as Old Persians, Medes, Parthians, Bactrians, Scythians, and the Avesta people used the name Arya (Iranian), which was a collective definition, denoting peoples who were aware of belonging to a generally common ethnic stock, speaking very closely related languages, and mainly sharing a religious tradition that centered on the worship of Ahura Mazda.- published: 18 Jan 2014
- views: 1

Make Eclipse Not War. May28: Jeremy Ratchford
Today in 585BC, a total solar eclipse took place at the River Halys in Turkey so ending a ...
published: 28 May 2012
author: TodayThis
Make Eclipse Not War. May28: Jeremy Ratchford
Make Eclipse Not War. May28: Jeremy Ratchford
Today in 585BC, a total solar eclipse took place at the River Halys in Turkey so ending a 5 year war... Watch more 'Sexy Astronomy' in our playlist: http://g...- published: 28 May 2012
- views: 420
- author: TodayThis

Welcome to Anatolia
Göbekli Tepe (Potbelly Hill) is an early Neolithic sanctuary located some 760 m (2493 ft) ...
published: 20 May 2013
author: Sardes McHughes
Welcome to Anatolia
Welcome to Anatolia
Göbekli Tepe (Potbelly Hill) is an early Neolithic sanctuary located some 760 m (2493 ft) above sea level at the top of a mountain ridge in the Southeastern...- published: 20 May 2013
- views: 301
- author: Sardes McHughes

Hattusa (Hittite: 𒌷𒄩𒀜𒌅𒊭, URUḪa-at-tu-ša, read "Ḫattuša") was the capital of the Hittite Em...
published: 23 May 2012
author: introduire
Hattusa (Hittite: 𒌷𒄩𒀜𒌅𒊭, URUḪa-at-tu-ša, read "Ḫattuša") was the capital of the Hittite Empire in the late Bronze Age. It was located near modern Boğazkale, ...- published: 23 May 2012
- views: 137
- author: introduire

Sardes: The Ancient City Of Anatolian Lost Prince
Sardes The earliest reference to Sardes is in the The Persians of Aeschylus (472 BC); in t...
published: 29 May 2013
author: Sardes McHughes
Sardes: The Ancient City Of Anatolian Lost Prince
Sardes: The Ancient City Of Anatolian Lost Prince
Sardes The earliest reference to Sardes is in the The Persians of Aeschylus (472 BC); in the Iliad the name Hyde seems to be given to the city of the Maeonia...- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 134
- author: Sardes McHughes

The Lords of Hattusa 6/6
'Hattusa' (URU''Ḫa-at-tu-ša'' ; ''Ḫattuša'') was the capital of the Hittite Empire. The si...
published: 16 May 2010
author: allisonpita
The Lords of Hattusa 6/6
The Lords of Hattusa 6/6
'Hattusa' (URU''Ḫa-at-tu-ša'' ; ''Ḫattuša'') was the capital of the Hittite Empire. The site is located near the modern-day town and district center of Boğaz...- published: 16 May 2010
- views: 20123
- author: allisonpita

The Lords of Hattusa 3/6
'Hattusa' (URU''Ḫa-at-tu-ša'' ; ''Ḫattuša'') was the capital of the Hittite Empire. The si...
published: 16 May 2010
author: allisonpita
The Lords of Hattusa 3/6
The Lords of Hattusa 3/6
'Hattusa' (URU''Ḫa-at-tu-ša'' ; ''Ḫattuša'') was the capital of the Hittite Empire. The site is located near the modern-day town and district center of Boğaz...- published: 16 May 2010
- views: 23750
- author: allisonpita

The Lords of Hattusa 5/6
'Hattusa' (URU''Ḫa-at-tu-ša'' ; ''Ḫattuša'') was the capital of the Hittite Empire. The si...
published: 16 May 2010
author: allisonpita
The Lords of Hattusa 5/6
The Lords of Hattusa 5/6
'Hattusa' (URU''Ḫa-at-tu-ša'' ; ''Ḫattuša'') was the capital of the Hittite Empire. The site is located near the modern-day town and district center of Boğaz...- published: 16 May 2010
- views: 20644
- author: allisonpita

The Lords of Hattusa 4/6
'Hattusa' (URU''Ḫa-at-tu-ša'' ; ''Ḫattuša'') was the capital of the Hittite Empire. The si...
published: 16 May 2010
author: allisonpita
The Lords of Hattusa 4/6
The Lords of Hattusa 4/6
'Hattusa' (URU''Ḫa-at-tu-ša'' ; ''Ḫattuša'') was the capital of the Hittite Empire. The site is located near the modern-day town and district center of Boğaz...- published: 16 May 2010
- views: 24130
- author: allisonpita

The Lords of Hattusa 2/6
'Hattusa' (URU''Ḫa-at-tu-ša'' ; ''Ḫattuša'') was the capital of the Hittite Empire. The si...
published: 16 May 2010
author: allisonpita
The Lords of Hattusa 2/6
The Lords of Hattusa 2/6
'Hattusa' (URU''Ḫa-at-tu-ša'' ; ''Ḫattuša'') was the capital of the Hittite Empire. The site is located near the modern-day town and district center of Boğaz...- published: 16 May 2010
- views: 27309
- author: allisonpita
Youtube results:

The Lords of Hattusa 1/6
'Hattusa' (URU''Ḫa-at-tu-ša'' ; ''Ḫattuša'') was the capital of the Hittite Empire. The si...
published: 16 May 2010
author: allisonpita
The Lords of Hattusa 1/6
The Lords of Hattusa 1/6
'Hattusa' (URU''Ḫa-at-tu-ša'' ; ''Ḫattuša'') was the capital of the Hittite Empire. The site is located near the modern-day town and district center of Boğaz...- published: 16 May 2010
- views: 42463
- author: allisonpita

矢倉緑地公園まで歩いてきました - Walking and birding at the bay area of Yodo river
published: 22 Sep 2013
矢倉緑地公園まで歩いてきました - Walking and birding at the bay area of Yodo river
矢倉緑地公園まで歩いてきました - Walking and birding at the bay area of Yodo river
潮の加減が悪くこの場所での野鳥観察には時間が悪いのはわかっていたのですが、とにかく歩きたかったのでここに来ました、ここはただただ広く開けっぴろげなところが好きなんです、 おかげでいい気分に落ち着いて帰ることができました。これから秋にかけて歩けば高い確率で最高なリラックスをゲットできると思います、ただし真夏は来ない方がいいですけど。それと 土手に折り畳みベッド置きそこに寝てお弁当食べながら対岸の景色をひたすら鑑賞している方を見つけました。なにもせずただ景色を見る、いいですね、うらやましかったです。- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 46

Ancient Armenian civilization-Urartu/Ararat/Armenian Kingdom
Jacquetta Hawkes, "The First Great Civilizations," London, 1967 "Yet the Hurrians did not ...
published: 07 Jan 2008
author: BeautySavesWorld
Ancient Armenian civilization-Urartu/Ararat/Armenian Kingdom
Ancient Armenian civilization-Urartu/Ararat/Armenian Kingdom
Jacquetta Hawkes, "The First Great Civilizations," London, 1967 "Yet the Hurrians did not disappear from history. Away to the North in their Armenian homelan...- published: 07 Jan 2008
- views: 78286
- author: BeautySavesWorld