Spain: a Pressure Cooker without a Safety Valve

Written by Jorge Martín Friday, 22 February 2013

Spain: a Pressure Cooker without a Safety Valve. Photo: Imagen en AccionFebruary 20th and 21st saw Spain’s Congress (Parliament) debating the “State of the Nation”. While the debate was going on an opinion poll showed that of 80% the people do not feel they are represented by the Congress.  A growing wave of discontent is being translated into struggle. Spain is like a pressure cooker without a safety valve, facing a crisis of the regime which can only be solved through the eruption of the masses onto the scene.


Morocco: A Balance Sheet of Two Years of Struggle against the Dictatorship and Exploitation - ‘The Dictatorship of the Monarchy can be overthrown through the Class Struggle’

Written by Editorial Board of the Communist Friday, 22 February 2013

A Balance Sheet of Two Years of Struggle against the Dictatorship and Exploitation - ‘The Dictatorship of the Monarchy can be overthrown through the Class Struggle’. Photo: MarocStounTwo years ago, on February 20th, 2011, a wave of protests began against the Moroccan regime. Was it just about imitating the events in Tunisia and Egypt or do young people and workers from Morocco have their own reasons to take to the streets?


[Video] Portuguese people fight back against austerity measures of the troika

Written by Rui Faustino Friday, 22 February 2013

Rui-thRui Faustino is a librarian and a civil servant in Lisbon. He talks about the economic crisis in Portugal as part of the general crisis of European capitalism. The government is implementing the demands of the troika (IMF, ECB, EU) by attacking the conditions and rights of the workers and youth, which leads to a social disaster. Meanwhile unemployment is rising to a record high. The workers and youth fought back on several occasions with demonstrations and general strikes. He is proposing a united front of the Left Block (Bloco de Esquerda) and the Communist Party against the austerity measures in breaking with the capitalist conception of Europe.


Perspectives for Revolution in the Middle East – Part Two

Written by International Marxist Tendency Thursday, 21 February 2013

cairos-tahrir-square-2-thAs we explained in Part One, the Arab Revolution brought down several despotic regimes, but due to the lack of a clear revolutionary workers’ alternative, the vacuum was filled by Islamist parties. But once in power, these forces soon began to expose their true reactionary nature, and thus prepared the ground for a second wave of mobilisations. How did all this affect Syria and other countries in the region?


Pakistan: Economic Salvation - Privatisation or Expropriation

Written by Lal Khan Thursday, 21 February 2013

postal workers protest 4 january-thumbThere has been an aggressive campaign in the media that the recipe for growth and the solution to the economic crisis is privatisation and not the nationalisation of industry, agriculture, finance capital and the economy. Nationalisation has been dubbed as a failure and an economic disaster.


9th edition of The Communist - paper of the Moroccan section of the IMT

Written by Thursday, 21 February 2013

communism-9-thThe ninth edition of The Communist, paper of the Moroccan section of the IMT, is out! This new edition contains articles on the new government budget, the uprising of the masses in the Sidi Youssef Ben Ali neighbourhood in Marrakech, the meaning of the imperialist intervention in Mali, and the future of the left student movement.


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Francia: Un gobierno temeroso de los mercados

Written by La Riposte (Franciae) Friday, 22 February 2013

Francia: Un gobierno temeroso de los mercados. Foto: European CouncilDesde hace veinte meses consecutivos, aumenta en Francia el número de desempleados. Aproximadamente cinco millones de personas están desempleadas, estén censadas o no como tales. Dos millones de personas más, al no encontrar suficiente trabajo para mantenerse, sufren un desempleo "parcial". La subida de los precios y de los alquileres corroe el valor de los salarios, pensiones y subsidios. 


El problema de la vivienda en el Estado Español

Written by Francesc Sorà y Miguel Jiménez Thursday, 21 February 2013

housing-thApoyemos las movilizaciones de la PAH De cómo Deuda, Banca y Vivienda están intrínsicamente unidas!


Salió América Socialista 7

Written by In Defence of Marxism Wednesday, 20 February 2013

portada AS7El número 7 de América Socialista, revista política de la Corriente Marxista Internacional, ya está a la venta. Publicamos aquí la presentación y el índice de contenidos.