'Rude' Paxman faces Twitter tirade over savaging of shy student who dared to get University Challenge history question wrong


Jeremy Paxman (right) has been labelled 'rude', 'nasty' and a 'bully' after his treatment of contestant Tom Tyszczuk Smith, representing University College London (left). Mr Tyszczuk Smith seemed shaken by the presenter's reaction, putting his hand nervously to his face and shaking his head. The episode prompted a storm of complaints on Twitter.

It isn't Maddie: DNA tests confirm that New Zealand girl is not missing Madeleine McCann

The DNA test will confirm the girl's identity, after she has been repeatedly mistake for missing Madeleine McCann

NEW Officers in England requested a DNA sample from the girl after a retailer in Queenstown, New Zealand, became suspicious of a man with a young girl and reported the sighting to police.

Royal fury after pregnant bikini-clad Kate pictures are sold round the world with titles in FOUR countries now set to publish beach photos

Pregnant: The Duchess of Cambridge, seen here at the unveiling of her picture at the National Portrait Gallery, has been photographed on holiday in Mustique

Palace sources condemned the ‘violating’ pictures, which show the couple walking along a beach while holidaying on the secluded Caribbean island of Mustique.

Britain faces a 12-hour blast of freezing weather with some areas to get a 6in blanket of snow

Chilly commute: The snowfall, pictured at Crystal Palace in London, continued to fall across many parts of the UK this morning

Most will have a dry, clear start today before a band of heavy snow moves into western Scotland this morning and passes eastwards throughout the day across most parts of the UK.

GPs 'ignore heart attack and stroke risk' of painkiller used by millions

Diclofenac is widely prescribed for all sorts of ailments, including gout and arthritis

Doctors are writing millions of prescriptions a year for a painkiller that is known to raise the risk of heart attacks and strokes, a study has warned.

Now it's British horsemeat in takeaway burgers and kebabs: Police raid UK abattoir as Environment Secretary heads for crisis talks with Euro food ministers

peter boddy

The shocking find, which implicates the UK for the first time in the food fraud scandal, came during police raids in Yorkshire and West Wales. Peter Boddy, left, who runs the slaughterhouse in Todmorden, West Yorkshire, top right, at the centre of the raids, last night denied any wrongdoing. Food officials believe burgers, bottom right, were labelled as beef and kebabs as lamb. Environment Secretary Owen Paterson will fly to Brussels today for crisis talks on the scandal with other EU leaders.

Waitrose 'beef' meatballs that are made with pork: Frozen 'essentials' range removed from shelves raising fears all stores and outlets are affected

Worrying: Waitrose meatballs labelled as being made from beef contained pork, it emerged last night

The first batch of frozen packs of 16 beef meatballs from its Essentials range were removed from sale on January 30 and a second batch on February 4.

Vicky Pryce? She's no quivering jelly! Huhne's wife is a powerful woman who told 'bare-faced lies' about being forced to break the law, jury told

Chris Huhne and Carina Trimingham arrive at Southwark Crown Court

As Vicky Pryce's trial drew to its close, prosecutor Andrew Edis QC accused the economist of being a ‘manipulative and deceitful’ woman who conjured up a ‘stage-managed performance’ for the court.

The perfect proposal according to WOMEN: Their ideal man would pop the question after two years, on a deserted beach, on Valentine's day (that's tomorrow!)

One in four say it is the biggest commitment you can make

NEW As Valentine's Day approaches, they're the questions plaguing many a nervous boyfriend. You want to ask her to marry you but how do you create the perfect proposal? And when is the right time to do it?

Utter madness: Iain Duncan Smith condemns Poundland benefits ruling that opens a £40million floodgate

Cait Reilly was backed by three judges in London who ruled that the regulations under which most of the Government's back-to-work schemes were created are unlawful and quashed them

University graduate Cait Reilly has won her claim but Ian Duncan Smith has condemned the move amid fears it could lead to compensation claims totalling more that £40milion.

Carpets soaked in urine, sewage running down walls and onion sandwiches for dinner: Passengers reveal dire conditions of US cruise ship stranded in the Caribbean


Some of the 4,200 passengers on board the Carnival cruise ship stuck in the Gulf of Mexico have used patchy cellphone coverage to reveal that conditions are 'worsening by the hour'. Many people are sleeping in tents on deck and queuing up to four hours for a hamburger. A passenger on a sister ship which pulled up alongside to drop off supplies, took a picture of desperate passengers lined along the top deck (right).

We lost £31,000 burglary payout when our insurer tore up our policy

Losing out: Robert and Louisa Cade with children (from left) Louis, Holly and Lara

The Cades (pictured) were told Paragon Insurance would not pay any of their claim because the valuables in their home were worth more than was listed in their paperwork.

Families will endure 15 more years of squeezed incomes until a return to better living standards

Difficult: Families must endure 15 years of squeezed incomes until living standards recover to pre-crash levels, a leading think tank has warned

It means that someone who earned £22,000 a year in 2008 will have to wait until 2023 to get back to a similar standard of living.

Can YOU see the dancing gorilla? New study reveals 83% of radiologists FAIL to spot it. And you probably will too - but click through and you will be amazed!

The gorilla was spotted by only four out of 24 radiologists when asked to examine the CT scans of 5 different patients lungs

A new psychological study from Brigham and Women's Hospital has demonstrated how 83 percent of radiologists fail to spot the gorilla that is in the lung scan below - despite running their eyes over it four times on average.

'I'll show you how I drive in Norfolk': What teenage driver said before accelerating into a bend and killing his friend in a crash

Ryan Grace at Aylesbury Crown Court

A teenager driver who killed a friend and left another brain-damaged had been 'showing off' at the wheel of his mother's Citroen C4, a judge heard on Tuesday.

Why did BBC chiefs rob Harold Wilson of his pipe? Questions asked as former PM's smoking is played down in new documentary

Harold Wilson, former Prime Minister, lights up in 1975

Former Prime Minister Harold Wilson famously took great pleasure in smoking a pipe. But the BBC has decided to downplay it, prompting criticisms of 'politically correct censorship'.

Burning in hell: America's most-wanted killer cop Christopher Dorner presumed dead after he was finally cornered in blazing mountain cabin


Fugitive Christopher Dorner Dorner, 33, is believed to be dead after taking refuge in a cabin in the San Bernardino National Forest that burned to the ground after an intense shootout with SWAT officers. His apparent death ends a five-day manhunt in which Dorner killed at least four people, including a sheriff's deputy shot in Tuesday's gunfight.

Litter police to punish spitting in the street with on-the-spot £80 fine

Do not spit

Waltham Forest council, in north-east London, has decided to fine people caught spitting in the street. The measure is part of their 'Wipe it Out' campaign.

A wife's higher salary 'can affect men in the bedroom': Those with well paid partners are more likely to take Viagra

Difficulty: Men whose wives earn more than they do are more likely to take viagra, according to a new study

A study found that husbands who earn less than their spouses are more likely to take Viagra and similar drugs than those who are the main breadwinners.

Why does no one ever take the blame any more? IAN BIRRELL on the death of accountability in public life

Big talk: Clegg forced his way into government by promising a new style of 'decent' politics that would 'persuade you to put your faith in politics once again'

Even if Clegg's refusal to apologise for the behaviour of his Liberal Democrat colleague, which caused this costly by-election, was disappointing, sadly it did not come as a surprise.

A day of shame for British banks: Watchdog accuses them of gambling your nest eggs

Exposed: The Financial Services Authority will publish a devastating dossier exposing how banks gave poor and misleading advice which put customer nest eggs at risk

In another day of shame for banks, the Financial Services Authority will publish a devastating dossier exposing how salesmen gave poor and misleading advice which put customer nest eggs at risk.

'He wanted a house full of kids for the benefit cash': Prosecutor claims father 'started blaze which killed six of his children to frame mother of his other four'

Mick Philpott with some of his children

There were emotional scenes during the manslaughter trial of Mick and Mairead Philpott (left) at Nottingham Crown Court as the 999 call made by the couple as the fire took hold was played to the jury. Philpott stood and tried to leave the dock saying 'I can't listen to it' before being made to sit down by security officers. The Philpotts allegedly started the fire at their home, in Derby, to frame his ex-girlfriend Lisa Willis after he became locked in a custody battle with her. The three had lived together with 11 children - the six (right with Philpott) who died in the fire, belonged to Mick and Mairead Philpott. He also had four children with Miss Willis.

Opening the door to more EU migrants makes me nervous, says planning minister

Concerned: The planning minister Nick Boles admits he is ¿nervous¿ about the impact of an influx of Romanians and Bulgarians who will have a ¿right to a home¿ in Britain

Nick Boles backed Government proposals to try to deter incomers from the two countries when controls are lifted on January 1.

Five children and one adult injured and 30 people rescued after skilift derails at Scottish ski resort

Derailment: The incident, which happened at 3.25pm, was the result of a 'suspected derailment' at the Lecht Ski Centre near Tomintoul in Aberdeenshire

Emergency services were scrambled from across the North-East to the Lecht Ski Centre after the mechanical failure at about 3.25pm yesterday.

Shocking moment gang of teenage girls batter a couple unconscious during attack at Australian train station

Australian railway station violence

Images taken from CCTV cameras in Sydney reveal the extent of violence in the city's railway stations, with three attacks recorded every day according to the Bureau of Crime. Opposition transport minister Penny Sharpe said cutbacks were having an effect due to a reduction in the number of guards manning stations.

Respected teacher hounded out of job: Career ruined by 7-year-old boy's unfounded assault claim

GV of St Bartholomew's Parish C.E. Aided Primary School in Great Harwood, Lancashire where Deputy Head Roy Cope was accused of assaulting a pupil.

Royden Cope has 'stepped down' from his job as Deputy Head at St Bartholomew School in Accrington, Lancashire, after unfounded claims that he assaulted a pupil.

Fashion retailer Republic becomes fourth chain to go into administration this year putting 1,000 jobs at risk

Casualty: Fashion chain Republic is expected to call in administrators tomorrow

Fashion chain Republic is expected to call in administrators, putting some 1,000 jobs at risk. The group will be the fourth this year to hit financial trouble.

Top plastic surgeon who took picture of woman's genitals on his iPhone while she was unconscious is allowed back to work

Plastic surgeon Eric Scholten has been allowed back to work despite photographing a woman's genitals as he was about to perform surgery on her breast implants

Dr Erik Scholten was about to replace a woman's breast implants at the private Fitzwilliam Hospital in Peterborough, when he took the photo without her consent, a court heard.

Sea slugs have a disposable penis that drops off after sex... then they grow another one, say astonished scientists

Impressive equipment: The Chromodoris reticulata, or sea slug, can grow a new penis after sex

NEW Japanese researchers were astonished when they realised that a group of sea slugs called Chromodoris reticulata, pictured, would lose their penises 20 minutes after mating.

'Catch me if you can!': Violent criminal on the run from police taunts officers on Facebook with string of pictures of him breaking the law

Alan Watkins

Fugitive Alan Watkins, 24, from Newport, South Wales, has been taunting Gwent Police officers who are trying to find him after he breached licence conditions. Watkins 'shared' a Facebook post on the Gwent Police page and commented: 'Wow, I'm on the Gwent police site. You catch me if you can - do your f****** job'. He has posted pictures of himself with alcohol, with a joint and urinating on a police car.



British backpacker reunited with 300 pictures of her adventures after man found her memory card in a Dutch bar and launched an internet hunt

Catriona Bowman

Catriona Bowman, pictured, 22, thought the digital pictures of her summer trip around Europe with friend Emily Fazah, 23, had gone forever when she lost the camera card in a bar in Amsterdam last July. But the miniature card, measuring just half an inch across, was later found by Dutch advertising agency boss Peter van Leeuwen on a baggage belt at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport.

Growing toll of smoking on UK women as it's revealed more die from lung than from breast cancer

Worrying: Lung cancer deaths in British women outnumber those from breast cancer and will continue rising for the rest of the decade, warn researchers.

At a time when death rates from other cancers are falling, an international survey shows lung cancer is the biggest killer in the UK, which has the highest rate in Europe.

Pregnant women who take folic acid could reduce their child's risk of autism by 40%

Women should take folic acid while they are trying to conceive and during the first three months of pregnancy

The reduced risk was observed in mothers who took folic acid from four weeks before to eight weeks after the start of their pregnancy, according to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Women with high levels of calcium are at twice the risk of dying from heart disease

Scientists say calcium supplements could be doing more harm than good in people with adequate intakes by overloading the body

New research adds to evidence that calcium supplements could be doing more harm than good in people with adequate intakes by overloading the body.

Saudi celebrity cleric who raped and murdered his daughter, five, claimed he injured her because he doubted she was a virgin

Lama suffered multiple injuries including a crushed skull, broken ribs and back, bruising and burns. She had been raped repeatedly and died of her injuries in October

Lama al-Ghamdi died in Saudi Arabia, having suffered multiple injuries including a crushed skull, severe burns and broken ribs.

Blogger behind 'Bitter Barista' website who wrote scathing comments about his customers and boss is outed and then fired

Outed: Matt Watson has been named as a blogger who wrote scathing posts about his job as a barista

Matt Watson, 30, had worked at All City Coffee in Georgetown, Seattle for two-and-a-half years before he launched the blog two weeks ago.

Diplomat sues government for £1million after he was removed from Belize post over allegations he touched politician's wife's bottom

John Yapp (right) was accused of acting inappropriately to Kim Simplis (left) the wife of Prime Minister Dean Barrow

John Yapp, right, the former British High Commissioner in Belize, was left 'shell-shocked' when his superiors accused him of acting inappropriately towards the Belize Prime Minister's wife Kim Simplis (left).

‘We cannot cut our way to prosperity’: Obama sets out vision to support a 'thriving middle class' without spending 'a single dime' in State of the Union address


President Obama railed against Congress on Tuesday for its lack of compromise on budget cuts as he called for greater investments in education and research, saying every one of his proposals is 'fully paid for.' In his State of the Union address, Obama repeatedly said 'we can't just cut our way to prosperity' and he warned that allowing $1.2 trillion in sequestration cuts to take effect would devastate the economy.

Britain's schools among WORST in the world for social mobility with disadvantaged pupils twice as likely to be poorest academic performers

Britain's schools have some of the largest achievement gaps between advantaged and disadvantaged students in the world, according to a new study

Schools in Britain have some of the largest achievement gaps between advantaged and disadvantaged students, along with France, Germany and the United States, a new report has warned.

'Pay NHS workers according to where they live': Claims new payment structures would allow more money to be diverted to patient care

Change: The Foundation Trust Network ¿ which represents more than 200 trusts across England ¿ said introducing new ways of negotiating pay would allow money to be diverted to patient care

The Foundation Trust Network, which represents more than 200 trusts across England, said introducing new ways of negotiating pay would allow money to be diverted to patient care.

Most popular book for MPs? How to be one! Idiot's guide was most borrowed in Commons library last year

paul flynn book.jpg

According to official figures, MPs borrowed veteran Labour MP Paul Flynn’s humorous, self-help tome 19 times. Mr Flynn says flings are ‘inevitable’.

Let it snow: Time-lapse video shows almost three feet of snow falling in 40 seconds

snow fall in 45 secs

This amazing footage recorded during Friday night's blizzard in Hartford, Connecticut condenses 16 hours of snowfall into a 40 second time-lapse video.

Thug police face axe: Violent officers will be 'struck off' as May tightens conduct rules to restore integrity

Struck off: A new register of second jobs held by all officers so that the public knows if a constable is moonlighting

In a dramatic shake-up of police rules, Theresa May yesterday also announced plans to force senior officers to disclose their pay and perks. The Home Secretary said the aim is to restore ‘integrity’.

Sex abuse of pupils at top music school 'goes back 40 YEARS'

Former pupils say sexual abuse at Chetham's School of Music dates back 40 years

One, a mother in her 50s, claims she was sexually abused by eminent Chopin specialist Ryszard Bakst for five years.

Drunken 'joker' left dangling over road for 90 minutes after bet with friends went wrong


Lee Bassett, 29, clambered over the edge of the bridge above passing cars in Plymouth, Devon, 'after a few jars' for 'a bit of a dare'. Bassett climbed in to a harness and lowered himself down and had asked a fellow drinker to pull him up after a few minutes. But his friend was unable to lift him back over the bridge and the emergency services had to be called to rescue him.

Why having a few ugly friends is the best way to catch a mate

Plenty more in the sea: A guppy looking for love should surround itself with less attractive friends to make it look better, scientists say

NEW New research published by the Royal Society has found that male guppy fish prefer to associate with their drab-colored counterparts when females were around.

Merciless father who killed daughter, 8, after torturing her with hot irons and stun guns for being 'naughty' is sentenced to death

Al Sherawi and his pregnant mistress, Al Anood Mohammad Al Ameri are accused of abusing sisters Wadiyma, eight, and Meyra, seven, at their home in International City, Dubai

NEW Hamad Saoud al Sherawi, 29 was found guilty in a Dubai court of torturing and imprisoning Wadeema al Sherawi and her seven-year-old sister Mira, who survived but suffered severe burns and injuries.

Barclays faces $1.5bn legal bill in U.S. which analysts warn could blow its march to recovery wildly off course

Sign of the times: Barclays faces a massive bill if it loses a legal battle over the sale of toxic mortgage backed securities in the US

Shares soared as Antony Jenkins outlined his vision for the future, but buried in its results document, the bank revealed it faces a huge bill if it loses a legal battle over the sale of toxic mortgage backed securities in the US.

Mary is The Oldie's pin-up of the year: Cambridge professor has last laugh against Internet trolls as she scoops award

Last laugh: Professor Mary Beard accepted The Oldie magazine¿s Pin-Up Of The Year award yesterday

Yesterday Professor Mary Beard accepted The Oldie magazine’s Pin-Up Of The Year award. Presenting her award, Sir Terry Wogan said she had ‘triumphed against adversity and battled ungentlemanly comments’.

Food prices rise three times faster than wages as the cost of living 'crisis' continues

vegetables, fruit and bread prices have shot up

Food prices are rising more than three times faster than the average worker's pay package as the cost of living 'crisis' continues, official figures revealed yesterday.

Ambridge umbrage! Archers fans are up in arms as BBC 'censors' criticism of racy plotlines

Critics of The Archers, who celebrate the 50th anniversary in 2001, pictured, say that the BBC is censoring their views

Fans of The Archers (pictured) say that the BBC cannot take 'constructive criticism' after the institution has decided to shut the show's online messageboard down because it was not being used enough.

Horrifying moment Tibetan set himself alight at Kathmandu tourist site in 101st self-immolation by a monk protesting against Chinese rule

Street protest: The man has yet to be identified, but appeared to be about 21 years old - he is currently in hospital

His demonstration is the latest in a string of self-immolations protesting China's rule over Tibet. Witnesses in Nepal said the man entered a cafe in Katmandu's Boudhanath district - home to many Tibetan Buddhist temples and monasteries - and asked to use the bathroom. After spending some time there, he went onto the street and lit himself on fire outside Boudhanath stupa, one of the holiest Buddhist sites in Nepal.

Two hearts really DO beat as one if you're in love: Scientists find couples' vital signs mimic each other


Couples in love share the same interests, finish each other sentences and laugh at the same jokes. Now a UC Davis study suggests even their hearts may beat to the same rhythm.

Valentine's Day gifts for her? It's diamonds and sexy lingerie for the mistress, and a DVD player for the wife

v day

Unfaithful men lavish romantic gifts upon their lovers while neglecting their spouse when buying Valentine’s Day gifts, spending on average over double on their lover than their wife.

DON'T say it with diamonds! Women would rather get a poem or hug than expensive jewels on Valentine's Day

Hug me tender: For most women, a big cuddle is at the top of their Valentine's Day wishlist

According to a new survey, the vast majority of women prefer hugs to diamonds on Valentine's Day. Love, it would seem, costs less than anyone realised.

How long will your Valentine's roses last? We put eight bouquets to the test ahead of Valentine's day


On Valentine's Day what could be more romantic than a bouquet of red roses. But how do you know if you're getting value for money?

Teenager dies after being catapulted from his car when it crashed and 'somersaulted' down road during police chase


Matt Seddon, 19, was thrown from the red Ford Fiesta and died at the scene of the crash in Reading, Berkshire, last night. He had reportedly failed to stop after being signalled to pull over by a marked police car. Police watchdog the Independent Police Complaints Commission is now investigating the conduct of Thames Valley traffic police officers during the incident.

Hospital staff who care for vulnerable patients have less training than cab drivers or bouncers, says man behind report into Mid Staffordshire care scandal

Dangerous: QC Robert Francis, who last week delivered a report on the scandal at Mid Staffordshire hospitals, said healthcare assistants have only ¿a few hours training¿ before being ¿let loose¿ on patients

QC Robert Francis said healthcare assistants have only ‘a few hours training’ before being ‘let loose’ on patients. He warned that NHS failings meant the Mid Staffordshire scandal could be repeated.

Food and drink companies are using the same dodgy tactics as tobacco companies to protect profits, leading experts warn

Food, drink and alcohol companies are employing tactics used by the tobacco industry to get around public health policies aimed at reducing obesity and other health problems, warn researchers

The tricks undermine public health policies designed to combat obesity, diabetes and alcohol-related illness, say researchers writing in The Lancet.

Former boxing champion jailed after crashing sports car into bus stop during 100mph police chase

Luqman Nazir

Luqman Nazir, 22, smashed his Subaru Impreza into Isaak Thompson, 20, leaving him with such serious injuries he had to have a leg amputated.

Jermain Defoe arrested during probe into death threats aimed at two women after clothing and jewellery worth £200,000 went missing from his home

Jermain Defoe has been arrested by police investigating claims two women were threatened after items went missing from the footballer's home

Jermain Defoe was arrested as police investigated threats to kill two women following the disappearance of jewels and clothing worth £200,000 from his home.

'I've got my eye on you, Charles!' Camilla poses with a pair of makeshift binoculars during lone visit to bric-a-brac store


The Duchess of Cornwall was visiting a number of community groups in Wiltshire, including the Wiltshire Scrapstore and Resource Centre in Lacock, where she was pictured fooling around with the pottery. The Duchess was later given a book called The Best Present Ever ahead of the royal baby birth.

Now buy by Twitter: New service allows you to buy products with a text

The new service will allow people to buy goods using just a tweet on Twitter for the first time

Twitter and American Express announced the new service yesterday. It will allow card holders in the United States to buy goods using a hashtag.

Iceland's bid to ban web porn: Nation could become first western country to block filth over fears of effects on children

The Icelandic government is planning to ban internet pornography

Iceland could become the first Western democracy to block all internet porn under radical new proposals.

Unofficial spokesman for Las Vegas Heart Attack Grill which serves 'taste worth dying for' dies of a... heart attack'

John Alleman visited the infamous restaurant, which holds the Guinness world record for the 'most calorific burger', on a daily basis and would often stand outside encouraging other people to enter.

John Alleman visited the infamous restaurant, which holds the Guinness world record for the 'most calorific burger', on a daily basis and would often stand outside encouraging other people to enter.

Singer with sea shanty group Fisherman's Friend dies days after metal door fell on him and killed band manager

Tragedy: Fisherman's Friend singer Trevor Grills has died in hospital after a metal door fell on top of him Saturday

Trevor Grills, 54, a singer with sea shanty group Fisherman's Friends, has died in hospital following a freak accident at a concert venue in Guildford.

Pictured: British girl, 10, who died despite wearing a helmet after skiing headfirst into a tree in front of her father and brother

Jemima Prees

Jemima Prees, pictured, was killed after losing control at the popular Mayrhofen resort where she was staying with family. Witnesses say the girl was unable to stop after skiing into an off-piste area and hit the tree at top speed - suffering massive head and upper body injuries. Jemima, of Colerne, near Chippenham, Wilts, was flown to a hospital in Innsbruck by helicopter within minutes of Sunday's ski crash, but later died.

North Korea is a serious threat to U.S., says American Defence Secretary Panetta after secretive state's successful nuclear test

North Korea successfully detonated a miniaturized nuclear device at a northeastern test site Tuesday, state media reported.

World leaders condemned North Korea’s defiant nuclear test yesterday amid fears the Communist pariah state is developing a weapon that could strike the US.

Coach driver who caused deaths of two people in motorway fog crash after drinking super-strength lager is jailed for six years

Jasminder Dhesi, 50 leaves Birmingham Crown Court after pleading guilty to charges of dangerous driving

Jasminder Singh Dhesi from Great Barr, Birmingham, was well over the drink drive limit when he attempted to drive his 19-year-old coach and killing a passenger and the driver of an HGV.

It's enough to drive you round the bend! Company orders all employees to park facing the same way 'for health and safety reasons'

Car Park: More than 130 employees at Alderley Systems (pictured), in Yate, Gloucestershire, have been ordered to reverse into their parking spaces. One of these drivers clearly forgot

More than 130 employees at Alderley Systems (pictured), based near Yate, in Gloucestershire, have been told they must reverse into spaces to make the car park safer for pedestrians.

Nurse at disgraced Staffordshire Hospital pulled dementia patient around by pyjamas with his genitals exposed and called him an 'animal'

A healthcare assistant at the disgraced Stafford Hospital pulled a dementia patient around by his pyjamas and then called him an 'animal', a nursing tribunal heard today

Bonka Kostova first pushed the 73-year-old man into the bathroom and on to the toilet before pulling him out by his pyjama collar and shouting at him, the Nursing and Midwifery Council heard today.

Moment man who murdered two policewomen in cold blood handed himself in and admitted 'I've just done two coppers': One-eyed killer finally switches his plea to GUILTY in middle of trial

Dale Cregan banner

In a dramatic development at Preston Crown Court this afternoon, the 29-year-old (inset) admitted killing Pcs Fiona Bone and Nicola Hughes in Mottram, Greater Manchester, last year. Earlier the court heard how Pc Bone fell in a hail of 24 bullets while Pc Hughes was also blasted three times as she lay paralysed on the floor. Cregan continues to deny the murders of father and son Mark and David Short and the trial will resume tomorrow. Police have also released footage showing the moment Cregan handed himself in to police at Hyde police station along with an image of a gun that was found close to where the two officers were murdered.

'Imp of Satan' turns killer: Teen who was Britain's youngest ASBO holder aged just TEN murdered peacekeeper who tried to break up fight

Robert Heneghan

Robert Heneghan achieved notoriety as a 10-year-old when he became the youngest person in Britain to be served an Asbo.

'It ripped us apart': On 20th anniversary of James Bulger's murder, father reveals he split from wife because they just couldn't console each other

Couple: Denise Fergus (right) wed electrician Stuart (left) in 1998 after the end of her marriage to Mr Bulger

Ralph Bulger said he split from his wife Denise because they had so much grief that they could not comfort each other after their son James was killed 20 years ago in Liverpool.

Cutting salt could save 20,000 lives each year in UK

Don't add salt: Our diets are already salt-heavy with 80% coming from processed foods

Reducing the amount of salt in our diets could save nearly 20,000 lives in the UK every year, say researchers from Harvard Medical School.

Why scientists say simple cup-and-ball is the best magic trick of all

Illusionist Raymond Teller performs the cup and ball trick

Scientists analysing how magicians Penn & Teller perform one of the oldest known illusions now reveal some aspects are more effective at manipulating audiences than the magicians predicted.

Body of 'ugliest woman in the world' returned to her birthplace in Mexico for burial more than 150 years after her death

julia pastrana

The body of Julia Pastrana, who had a rare disease that left her body covered in hair, had been languishing in a storage room at the University of Oslo until a New York-based artist launched a campaign to return her body to Sinaloa de Leyva nearly 10 years ago. The campaign has finally succeeded and Pastrana will be buried in the town on Tuesday - almost 153 years since her death following childbirth. Before and after she died, she was exhibited throughout Europe, the U.S. and Canada, where critics called her 'revolting in the extreme'.

Forget energy drinks - TOMATO juice could be the key to recovering from a workout

Tomato juice could be better than energy drinks at helping the body recover from exercise

Those who drank tomato juice had quicker levels of muscle recovery after strenuous exercise, say Greek researchers reporting in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology.

Teenagers with ADHD are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol, even if they're given medication

Teenagers with ADHD are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol, with cannabis a particular problem

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh found that young ADHD sufferers are much more likely to smoke cannabis and abuse alcohol than those without the condition.

'The astronaut who never made it to the moon': BBC's space race star Reg Turnill dies aged 97

Star: Reg turnhill, who reported on space exploration from the 1950s until the 1990s, died at the age of 97

As the BBC’s space correspondent from Sputnik through to the shuttle era, Mr Turnill was the voice of extra-planetary exploration for more than 40 years.

Out-of-hours locum doctor who travelled from India to work in Britain failed to send seriously ill diabetic man to hospital hours before he died


Dr Bala Kovvali ignored the classic signs of diabetes-related poisonous acids building up in Andrew Fellows' body, diagnosing him as 'depressed with a headache', Sheffield Crown Court (pictured) heard.

Yours for £14,200: The titanium-plated smartphone with its own concierge who will book a restaurant table for you

Luxury: The Vertu Ti smartphone is held aloft at its London launch today

Vertu's Ti - which runs on Google's Android operating systems - is cased in titanium, has 64mb of internal memory, and an 8mp rear camera.

Microsoft wants to keep an eye on you: Next Xbox console will only work with Kinect sensors connected, sources claim

The Xbox 360's Kinect motion sensors have been sold to 20 million homes worldwide

The machine - the follow up to the hugely successful Xbox 360 - will also feature new-look control pads and be capable of simultaneously running apps alongside video games.

On the wrong runway... Thai government hits out at budget airline after it releases racy calendar featuring bikini-clad models

Flying high: Budget airline Nok Air is known for his unconventional marketing tactics

Low-cost carrier Nok Air's calendar features models in different outfits posing around Nok Air planes, including a shot with 12 women in yellow bikinis -- the airline's signature colour. But according to Thai media, the Ministry of Culture says the calendar demonstrates that some businesses refuse to stop using women's bodies as a marketing tool.

Every big brand car 'will be connected to the internet by 2014', paving the way for apps that find a parking space or put directions on your windscreen

Experts say the 'connected car' technology could actually make driving safer by stopping people using their phones in the car but allowing them information without needing to touch a button

By next year drivers may be able to update Facebook statuses or find free parking spaces by having internet-connected cars and scrapping the need for phones while driving.

Members of 140-year-old pub bowls club accused of being a 'noisy nuisance' by landlord who wants to evict them from their green and turn it into a BEER GARDEN

Pensioners who play for the New Inn Bowling Club, in Harborne, Birmingham, were left shocked after pub bosses kicked them out because of their 'poor levels of etiquette'

Pensioners who play for the New Inn Bowling Club, in Harborne, Birmingham, were left shocked after pub bosses kicked them out because of their 'poor levels of etiquette'.

Turner Prize judge killed himself in his dinner suit in friend's garden after struggling with 'relationship and work issues'

Michael Stanley, the Turner Prize judge who killed himself. The father-of-three had suffered from depression for years

Michael Stanley, 37, hanged himself after struggling with 'relationship and work issues', Oxfordshire Coroner's Court heard.

Revealed: Pirate treasure 'pieces of eight' found on 300-year-old wreck of HMS Association (and they could be yours for only £50)

HMS Association

Real-life pieces of eight are going under the hammer in Etwall, Derbyshire, after being recovered from the wreckage of the British ship used in the Capture of Gibraltar in 1704.

Drunk? No, I'm going into labour! Mother is caught on CCTV giving birth in the street


Kim Leighton (right with baby Leanne) went into labour outside the Eden shopping centre in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire (bottom left) and gave birth to her daughter on the pavement. She was helped by security guards (left) from the shopping complex who had raced to the scene with blankets after spotting the emergency delivery on their CCTV cameras.

Police arrest man in Hawaii over brutal rape of a barmaid in Britain, following 23-year international hunt

Salvador Orozco

U.S. police arrested Salvador Orozco, 48, after executing a warrant at an address in the Kahului area of Hawaii. He is wanted in connection with a brutal sex attack in Gateshead in 1990.

Primary school pupil, 4, dies of suspected meningitis 48 hours after doctors sent her home from children's ward with 'lung infection'


Doctors at Good Hope Hospital, West Midlands, discharged Morgan Phelan saying she had a viral infection, but she died two days later.

Frail mother, 94, and daughter, 64, found dead in their home 'after breathing in fumes from faulty gas fire'

The bodies of widow Irene Sawyer, 94, and only daughter Kathleen, 64, were discovered by police in Kings Heath, Birmingham, after neighbours noticed bottles of milk building up on the doorstep and raised the alarm

The bodies of widow Irene Sawyer (pictured) and only daughter Kathleen were discovered by police in Kings Heath, Birmingham, after neighbours noticed bottles of milk building up on the doorstep and raised the alarm.

The gang rape that horrified South Africa: Girl, 17, is 'mutilated to death' and dumped on a building site

National outcry: Hundreds of mourners gather for the funeral of 17-year-old Anene Booysen who was brutally raped and murdered in a crime that has shocked south Africa

The brutal murder of Anene Booysen, who was attacked in the sleepy town of Bredasdorp, 80 miles east of Cape Town, has sparked a national outcry in South Africa.

Love can make people do the strangest things: A collection of the most awkward Valentine's Day photos ever

awkward valentine pics

The old saying goes that 'Love is Blind,' but as this collection of extremely awkward Valentine's photos show, at least there appears to be someone for everyone. On Valentine's Day most people will express their feelings by sending flowers, confectionery and greeting cards, but some may decide to get a photograph taken to mark the occasion, something unique that truly expresses how they feel for each other.

Saved by the drug she helped to develop, the 39-year-old researcher suffering from cervical cancer

Cancer Research worker Hayley Farmer was cured of cervical cancer with a drug that the charity had helped to develop

Dr Hayley Farmer, 39, from Bristol, works for Cancer Research UK as part of a team responsible for clinical trials on new medicines and vaccines.

How your relationship status affects the way you treat others: Married people more likely to prefer other spouses, study shows

An institution: Marriage

People like to believe that their way of life — whether single or coupled — is the best for everyone, especially if they think their relationship status is unlikely to change, a study shows.

Cancer patient left 'terrified' after hospital doctor issues him with a Do Not Resuscitate order

Mr Cargill ripped up his Do Not Resuscitate Order after speaking to his family and lawyer

Alan Cargill, 69, was being treated for cancer and a blood clot at the University Hospital of North Durham. He said a doctor told him he wouldn't be revived if he took a turn for the worse.

The real Man In The Iron Mask: Israel's top-secret Prisoner X who hanged himself in hi-tech fortress prison was Australian Mossad agent

Ben Zygier

The unsourced ABC story named the man as Ben Zygier. It added that it 'understood' the 34-year-old from Melbourne had been previously recruited by the Israeli spy agency.

Shocking footage shows moment woman and her three-year-old nephew miraculously survive unharmed after being ploughed down by hit and run driver

Terrifying: The driver of the black Audi estate then drives straight into the path of the woman, 42, and her three-year-old nephew

West Midlands Police have released horrifying CCTV of the incident to try to track down the driver of the car who sped off without even stopping after running the the pair down.

Former basketball star stabbed to death in his sleep by his wife 'because she caught him looking at child porn'

Matthew White's wife Maria Rey Garcia-Pellon admitted to stabbing her husband

Maria Rey Garcia-Pellon admitted to stabbing her husband Matthew White multiple times in the throat in their home in Media, Pennsylvania, in suburban Philadelphia on Monday night.

Inside Herod's house: Fascinating exhibition of 2,000-year-old treasures belonging Biblical king who tried to kill baby Jesus... including his bathtub

King Herod

The exhibition offers a glimpse in to the palace of King Herod (centre bottom), including his bath (top left) and the decorations that adorned his palace, including a bust of the Roman Emperor Augustus, who ruled at the time (right). The 250 artifacts were excavated over a period of 40 years at Herodium, the builder-king's excavated palace on an arid hilltop a short drive from Jerusalem.

Police name 31-year-old hillwalker found dead after accident in freezing Scottish mountains with student mountaineering club

Accident: Graham Connell died during an expedition with a mountaineering club in the Scottish Highlands

Graham Connell, 31, from Castleford, West Yorkshire, was found dead in the Jacob's Ladder area of the Cairngorms yesterday, following a large-scale search after a party of six were reported overdue on Sunday afternoon.

Mystery Good Samaritan gives £24,000 to D-Day veteran, 88, and his wife after Prudential refused to pay out for collapsed wall

Struggling: The couple couldn't afford to fix a collapsed wall at their home after insurance company Prudential refused to cover the cost

Former Royal Navy serviceman Gordon Fowle and his wife Betty were left homeless after insurance company Prudential refused to cover the cost of fixing a collapsed wall at their Cornwall home.

How the wrong kind of praise could HARM your children: It's better to applaud efforts than tell them 'you're great', study reveals

Good try! Youngster

Toddlers whose mothers and fathers applauded their efforts more than they praised them as individuals had a more positive approach to challenges five years later, it claims.

Shock and anger as Olympic wrestling is DROPPED from the 2020 Games after thousands of years

Ancient Greek Cup dating back to 530 BC is seen here showing two athletes wrestling

The IOC executive board decided to retain modern pentathlon and remove wrestling instead from its list of 25 'core sports ' on Tuesday in a move that sent waves of outrage through the wrestling community.

The nervous cheetahs who need a canine companion to get them relaxed enough to breed

Shiley, a male cheetah 3-and-a-half-years-old, and Yeti, a female Anatolian shepherd who serves as Shiley's companion, take a break outside the elephant enclosure during a walk through Safari Park, San Diego

With cheetahs in danger of becoming extinct because they don't breed easily, zoos are introducing 'companion dogs' to serve as playmates and provide the cats with guidance of how to act.



Man who fought off four muggers who stabbed him with a screwdriver outside takeaway... and didn't even drop his chips

john wood

John Wood, 37, pictured, managed to fight off four would-be muggers who stabbed him with a screwdriver as he lived a takeaway in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire - and he still kept hold of his dinner. Mr Wood, a pub landlord from Cambridgeshire, put martial arts training from when he was a teenager into good use to fend off his attackers. Cambridgeshire Police said that they are investigating the incident.

Holidaymaker captures the breathtaking moment an ice bridge collapses sending a huge wave careering through the lake below

Collapse: Christian Grosso captured this breathtaking image

Christian Grosso was visiting the Perito Moreno Glacier in Argentina's Patagonia region and had his camera trained on the ice bridge at the opportune moment.

It's a WHIRLED record! 4,500 Thai dancers perform mass simultaneous hula hoop

Here's hooping: Thai children swing the hula hoop simultaneously during seven minutes in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record in Bangkok

NEW Guinness World Records adjudicator Seyda Subasi-Gemici said 4,483 people had swung hula hoops to dance music for seven minutes without interruption.

Mac on... Horse meat scandal and Romanian migrants

'... so I said,

'... so I said, "If you can smuggle horse into the UK, you can smuggle us in." "Okay," he said, "Twenty smackers."'

Just in time for Valentine's Day, the love hearts created by nature


These extraordinary images, taken by photographers across the globe, show Mother Nature is also gearing up to celebrate the big day with iconic heart shapes appearing all over the natural world. The charming pictures capture Mother Nature's romantic side and feature several signs of love including an adorable fluffy penguin with a white heart emblazoned on its chest.


Pope preview        

Thieves, thugs and a conman who impersonated a vicar: The first-ever criminal mugshots taken in Britain revealed 150 years on

first mugshots

The first mugshots were the brainchild of Robert Evan Roberts, the governor of Bedford Prison in the 1850s, who became concerned that too many habitual criminals were getting away. The convicts include, top left, George Henry Charles Perry, 32, who was arrested for posing as a vicar to con people; top right, Catherine May, 26, a dressmaker sentenced to three years for stealing a purse; bottom right, George Bennett, who clearly wanted the camera to capture his best side, had many poaching convictions and assaulted a police constable; and, bottom left, James Knapton, a 22-year-old miner sentenced for six years for setting fire to a stack of oats.

The chances of you being involved in a fatal air crash in America is ONE in 45million... as flight accidents reach their lowest since 1945

Air space: There are 10 million commercial flights a year in America

Researchers said flying has become so reliable that a traveler could fly every day for 123,000 years before being involved in a fatal crash in the U.S.

Mark Zuckerberg and his wife are America's second-biggest charity donors after giving away nearly half a BILLION dollars in one year

Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan were listed as the second-largest donors in the country in 2012 after giving away $498.8million

The Facebook founder and his pediatrician wife donated a total of $498.8million to charitable causes in 2012, putting them in line after billionaire Warren Buffett.

A city designed to foil the drones: U.S. student creates a stir with his concept for a community built in response to UAVs

Shura city: Drone-proof

Shura City, designed as a class project by Asher Kohn, is an attempt to use architecture to counter surveillance and targeted attacks by the remote-controlled aircraft.

The family portrait that has been on the MOON for 40 years: Astronaut left behind a picture of himself and his wife and kids in 1972

Charles Duke's family on moon surface

The reverse of the photo is signed by Apollo 16 astronaut Charles Duke and his family, and bears the message: 'This is the family of Astronaut Duke from Planet Earth. Landed on the Moon, April 1972.'

Step by step: 3,000-year-old bridge 'where the devil sunbathed' is rebuilt after floods washed away two-tonne stone slabs

Engineers began to rebuild the Tarr Steps in Exmoor today after the ancient bridge was washed away by floods last December

Situated on the River Barle in Exmoor, Somerset, the Tarr Steps was washed away by a 10ft wall of flood water last December.

Hang on a minute lads, I've got a great idea... Lorry left hanging over edge of bridge in scene similar to The Italian Job


In a scene reminiscent of the cliffhanger ending of 1969 film The Italian Job, a truck carrying food was left teetering on the edge of a bridge on the M6 in Cumbria. The road passing under the bridge was closed off by quick thinking passers-by following the incident between junctions 41 and 42 at around 8.25am. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the incident and the driver of the lorry was taken to Cumberland Infirmary purely for a cautionary check-up.