- published: 01 Feb 2012
- views: 73786
- author: explainingcomputers

Explaining Quantum Computing
Quantum computers store and process information using quantum mechanical states. This vide...
published: 01 Feb 2012
author: explainingcomputers
Explaining Quantum Computing
Quantum computers store and process information using quantum mechanical states. This video by futurist Christopher Barnatt explains what this means and the future implications. For more information see www.explainingcomputers.com
- published: 01 Feb 2012
- views: 73786
- author: explainingcomputers

Michio Kaku: The Future of Quantum Computing
bigthink.com Today's robots are less intelligent than cockroaches, but advances in quantum...
published: 31 May 2011
author: bigthink
Michio Kaku: The Future of Quantum Computing
bigthink.com Today's robots are less intelligent than cockroaches, but advances in quantum computing—transferring information using atoms rather than silicon—could revolutionize the field of AI.
- published: 31 May 2011
- views: 140582
- author: bigthink

Intel DC3217IYE NUC Next Unit of Computing Unboxing & First Look Linus Tech Tips
Intel NUC Next Unit of Computing Unboxing. Click the link below to read more: linustechtip...
published: 19 Jan 2013
author: LinusTechTips
Intel DC3217IYE NUC Next Unit of Computing Unboxing & First Look Linus Tech Tips
Intel NUC Next Unit of Computing Unboxing. Click the link below to read more: linustechtips.com
- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 40682
- author: LinusTechTips

Steve about cloud computing in 1997
Here is Steve introducing the iCloud in 1997...
published: 05 Jun 2011
author: Frederic Jacobs
Steve about cloud computing in 1997
Here is Steve introducing the iCloud in 1997
- published: 05 Jun 2011
- views: 127450
- author: Frederic Jacobs

Newegg TV: Intel Next Unit of Computing (NUC) Overview
www.newegg.com | Black NUC bit.ly 56-102-002 www.newegg.com | Dark Red NUC bit.ly 56-102-0...
published: 22 Jan 2013
author: newegg
Newegg TV: Intel Next Unit of Computing (NUC) Overview
www.newegg.com | Black NUC bit.ly 56-102-002 www.newegg.com | Dark Red NUC bit.ly 56-102-001 The Shape that Fits the Future. Think you know what small can do? Think again. Incorporating performance, function and power efficiency into a petite, stylish enclosure, the Intel DC3217BY Next Unit of Computing (NUC) redefines your impression on what the small can do. It's one thing to power your digital display and transfer video blazingly fast. It's another to do all that and more with a miniscule, intelligent powerhouse of a computing device. At a diminutive 4"×4"×2" form factor and equipped with the Third Generation Intel Core i3 processor, the DC3217BY delivers stunning visuals and responsive performance from a pocket sized solution. What's even more amazing is that such a small device can offer so much power in an expandable, customizable package. Dramatically increase data transfer rates and transform device interconnectivity with Thunderbolt technology. Get a difference in performance you can truly see and feel. - Credits - Presenter: Paul Producer: Lam Camera: Anna Post-Production: Anna Check out our channel for more tech videos! www.youtube.com and for all other newegg products, check out our second channel at www.youtube.com Newegg Inc. provides the information contained herein as an educational service. Although we believe the information in this presentation to be accurate and timely, because of the rapid changes in the industry and our reliance on information ...
- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 21567
- author: newegg

Future of Gaming? Intel's Perceptual Computing (CES 2013)
Other places I hang out: FaceBook Fan Page: goo.gl Twitter: twitter.com Instagram: instagr...
published: 09 Jan 2013
author: SoldierKnowsBest
Future of Gaming? Intel's Perceptual Computing (CES 2013)
Other places I hang out: FaceBook Fan Page: goo.gl Twitter: twitter.com Instagram: instagram.com Google+: goo.gl Gaming Channel: youtube.com Get the Official SoldierKnowsBest Apps: iPhone: goo.gl Android: goo.gl
- published: 09 Jan 2013
- views: 66486
- author: SoldierKnowsBest

Walter Cronkite's 1967 Vision Of The 21st Century Home Office Is Shockingly On Point (VIDE...
published: 12 Feb 2013
author: 4038137045
Walter Cronkite's 1967 Vision Of The 21st Century Home Office Is Shockingly On Point (VIDEO).mp4
- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 88
- author: 4038137045

Trusted Computing Platform: Security in the Cloud
An animation illustrating how Intel technologies can create a cloud-based trusted computin...
published: 12 Feb 2013
author: channelintel
Trusted Computing Platform: Security in the Cloud
An animation illustrating how Intel technologies can create a cloud-based trusted computing platform without sacrificing security.
- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 38
- author: channelintel

Intel NUC Next Unit of Computing Barebone PC Overview NCIX Tech Tips
This episode of NCIX Tech Tips Linus is going to take a look at the Next Unit of Computing...
published: 30 Jan 2013
author: NCIXcom
Intel NUC Next Unit of Computing Barebone PC Overview NCIX Tech Tips
This episode of NCIX Tech Tips Linus is going to take a look at the Next Unit of Computing (NUC) Barebone PC from Intel. CA: ncix.com US: us.ncix.com
- published: 30 Jan 2013
- views: 27502
- author: NCIXcom

Cory Doctorow: "The Coming Civil War over General-purpose Computing", Talks at Google
Who governs digital trust? Doctorow framed the question this way: "Computers are everywher...
published: 22 Aug 2012
author: AtGoogleTalks
Cory Doctorow: "The Coming Civil War over General-purpose Computing", Talks at Google
Who governs digital trust? Doctorow framed the question this way: "Computers are everywhere. They are now something we put our whole bodies into---airplanes, cars---and something we put into our bodies---pacemakers, cochlear implants. They HAVE to be trustworthy." Sometimes humans are not so trustworthy, and programs may override you: "I can't let you do that, Dave." (Reference to the self-protective insane computer Hal in Kubrick's film "2001." That time the human was more trustworthy than the computer.) Who decides who can override whom? The core issues for Doctorow come down to Human Rights versus Property Rights, Lockdown versus Certainty, and Owners versus mere Users.
- published: 22 Aug 2012
- views: 50298
- author: AtGoogleTalks

Conrad Wolfram: Teaching kids real math with computers
www.ted.com From rockets to stock markets, math powers many of humanity's most thrilling c...
published: 15 Nov 2010
author: TEDtalksDirector
Conrad Wolfram: Teaching kids real math with computers
www.ted.com From rockets to stock markets, math powers many of humanity's most thrilling creations. So why do kids lose interest? Conrad Wolfram says the part of math we teach -- calculation by hand -- isn't just tedious, it's mostly irrelevant to real mathematics and the real world. He presents his radical idea teaching kids math through computer programming.TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on TED.com, at www.ted.com Watch a highlight reel of the Top 10 TEDTalks at www.ted.com
- published: 15 Nov 2010
- views: 141676
- author: TEDtalksDirector

Immediate Commands in Stata®: Computing Odds Ratios from Summary Data
Discover how to use Stata's -cci- command to compute odds ratios from summary data....
published: 17 Jan 2013
author: StataCorp LP
Immediate Commands in Stata®: Computing Odds Ratios from Summary Data
Discover how to use Stata's -cci- command to compute odds ratios from summary data.
- published: 17 Jan 2013
- views: 169
- author: StataCorp LP

Introduction to Cloud Computing
Please give us a THUMBS UP if you like our videos!!! Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli t...
published: 18 Feb 2011
author: elithecomputerguy
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Please give us a THUMBS UP if you like our videos!!! Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: December 17, 2010 Length of Class: 75 Minutes Tracks Cloud and Virtual Computing Prerequisites None Purpose of Class This class introduces students to the world of Cloud Computing and explains that Cloud Computing is more then Virtualization. Chapters Introduction (00:00) Web Applications (06:51) Clustering (09:26) Terminal Services (16:26) Application Servers (25:13) Virtualization (30:00) Hosted Instances (44:05) Hosted Solutions (54:41) Public vs. Private Clouds (58:06) Final Thoughts (60:00) Class Notes Introduction Cloud Computing is a design philosophy that breaks the Operating System and Applications from the Hardware Web Applications Are Created in Web Programming Languages Generally Use Databases to Store Data Clusters Are Generally Used for Database Servers (MySQL, Microsoft Active Directory) Load is balanced between servers in a cluster. If one server fails the cluster responds by not sending traffic to it. Servers maintain the same data by using replication Terminal Services Based off of old Mainframe and Dumb Terminal Architecture Now You Use Terminal Services Servers and Thin Clients Thin Clients can be Hardware Devices or Software installed on a computer All processing happens on Terminal Services Server and the Thin Client simply gets a "Window" into the server. Example: www.ncomputing.com Application Servers Uses Terminal Services but ...
- published: 18 Feb 2011
- views: 171531
- author: elithecomputerguy

Immediate Commands in Stata®: Computing Incidence Rate Ratios from Summary Data
Discover how to use Stata's -iri- command to compute incidence rate ratios from summary da...
published: 17 Jan 2013
author: StataCorp LP
Immediate Commands in Stata®: Computing Incidence Rate Ratios from Summary Data
Discover how to use Stata's -iri- command to compute incidence rate ratios from summary data.
- published: 17 Jan 2013
- views: 105
- author: StataCorp LP
Vimeo results:

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus
An infographic dissecting the nature and ramifications of Stuxnet, the first weapon made e...
published: 15 Jun 2011
author: Patrick Clair
Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus
An infographic dissecting the nature and ramifications of Stuxnet, the first weapon made entirely out of code. This was produced for Australian TV program HungryBeast on Australia's ABC1
Direction and Motion Graphics: Patrick Clair www.patrickclair.com
Written by: Scott Mitchell
Production Company: Zapruder's Other Films.

The Arctic Light
Follow me on https://facebook.com/TSOphotography for more photos, videos & updates.
This ...
published: 31 May 2011
author: TSO Photography
The Arctic Light
Follow me on https://facebook.com/TSOphotography for more photos, videos & updates.
This was filmed between 29th April and 10th May 2011 in the Arctic, on
the archipelago Lofoten in Norway.
My favorite natural phenomenon is one I do not even know the name of, even after talking to meteorologists and astrophysicists I am none the wiser.What I am talking about I have decided to call The Arctic Light and it is a natural phenomenon occurring 2-4 weeks before you can see the Midnight Sun.
The Sunset and Sunrise are connected in one magnificent show of color and light lasting from 8 to 12 hours. The sun is barely going below the horizon before coming up again. This is the most colorful light that I know, and the main reason I have been going up there for the last 4 years, at the exact
same time of year, to photograph. Based on previous experience, I knew this was going to be a very
difficult trip. Having lost a couple of cameras and some other equipment up there before, it was crucial to bring an extra set of everything. I also
made sure I had plenty of time in case something went wrong.
If you can imagine roping down mountain cliffs, or jumping around on slippery rocks covered in seaweed with 2 tripods, a rail, a controller,
camera, lenses, filters and rigging for 4-5 hour long sequences at a time, and then
having to calculate the rise and fall of the tides in order to capture the essence - it all proved bit of a challenge.
And almost as if planned, the trip would turn out to become very
difficult indeed. I had numerous setbacks including: airline lost my
luggage, struggling to swim ashore after falling into the Arctic sea: twice, breaking lenses, filters, tripod, computer, losing the whole dolly rig and controller into the sea, and even falling off a rather tall rock and ending
up in the hospital. As much as I wanted to give up, the best way Out is
always “Through”. I am glad I stuck it through though because there were some amazing sunrises waiting. At 1:06 you see a single scene from day to night to day which is from 9pm to 7am. Think about that for a minute.. 10 hours with light like that.
I asked the very talented Marika Takeuchi to specifically compose and
perform a song for this movie, and what she came up with is absolutely remarkable. Thank you very much Marika!
Available in Digital Cinema 4k
Follow Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TSOPhotography
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Press/licensing/projects contact: tsophotography@gmail.com
Music: "The Arctic Light" by Marika Takeuchi
Buy it on iTunes

TimeScapes 4K
Purchase "TimeScapes" the movie here: timescapes.org/products/default.aspx
Purchase the fi...
published: 04 Dec 2011
author: Tom Lowe
TimeScapes 4K
Purchase "TimeScapes" the movie here: timescapes.org/products/default.aspx
Purchase the film on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/movie/timescapes/id523328712
This is production footage from my forthcoming debut film, "TimeScapes," a portrait of the American Southwest. This video was filmed and edited at 4K (4096x2304) resolution, four times greater than regular 1080p HD. A 4K DCP file is available upon request. Shot on Red Epic and Canon RAW still cameras.
Follow me here: 1) http://twitter.com/DreamCorePics 2) http://www.facebook.com/TimeScapes
If you have a 30" monitor and fast computer you can download a 2560x1440 copy of this video here: http://red.cachefly.net/TimeScapes4K2560p.mp4 4K version only if you have a 4K monitor or projector: coming soon. Here is a 4K version on youtube: http://youtu.be/e-GYrbecb88
Thank you to Terrence Malick and Godfrey Reggio for their support and inspiration. Also thanks to Eric Kessler, Curt Morgan, Jim Jannard, Vincent Laforet, Bruce Allen, Phil Plait, Dave Finley, and to Helio Collective for the beautiful title logo. My most sincere and humble respect to Mark Magidson and Ron Fricke.
Thank you to my sponsors Kessler Crane, Adobe, camBLOCK, Vinten, Canon USA, TVLogic, Borrow Lenses, Wooden Camera, and KATA.
Music by Nigel "John" Stanford: http://johnstanfordmusic.com

OFFF Barcelona 2011 Main Titles
Still shocked and excited from last night, it's an honor for us to show you this absolutel...
published: 12 Jun 2011
author: OFFF, let's feed the future
OFFF Barcelona 2011 Main Titles
Still shocked and excited from last night, it's an honor for us to show you this absolutely MINDBLOWING TITLES made for OFFF by PostPanic.
Thank you so much to PostPanic, and specially to Mischa Rozema, Ania Markham and Si Scott, simply epic!!!
Written by Mischa Rozema and British graphic designer, Si Scott, the opening titles reflect their dark thoughts on a possible future. Directed by Mischa and shot on location in Prague, the film guides the viewer through a grim scenario embedded with the names of artists appearing at this year’s OFFF festival. The live action was brought back to Amsterdam for post, primarily carried out by PostPanic’s in-house team of artists but also with the additional help of freelancers and partner companies that we have enjoyed strong creative relationships with over the years. It’s really fair to say that this was a labour of love by a passionate crew of people.
Says Ania Markham, Executive Producer at PostPanic:
“The images created by the crew of people working on the titles has been unbelievable, with nationalities represented including Dutch, Czech, English, American, Polish, German, Swedish and Belgian. It’s been a great opportunity for all of us to work together on a non-commercial project we’re passionate about and we’re so proud of the combined effort and final result.”
This project started out as a collaboration between myself and Si Scott. Right from the start, we decided that it should be the darkest thing we could make. I think it just felt natural to the both of us; if we had to nail the future, it would not be a nice place.
This idea evolved into a clash of times. Inspired by an idea from the late Arthur C. Clarke. He wrote about different historical civilizations meeting in a single point in time. So what happens when civilizations meet? The 'weaker' one gets eaten by the 'stronger'. You only have to look at history to see the destructive power of civilizations.
So the main underlying idea is: what would happen if the future lands on our doorstep today? Let's take mankind, add perhaps 100 years and then let them show up on our doorstep today. The future would pretty much devour the present. Probably in a matter of, let's say, 7 days… So that's what we're looking at. But every ending also means a new beginning, hence Year Zero.
There's all kinds of hidden messages in there. Like the virus eating away at reality, buildings and people, even at the viewers brain. It's behaving off course much like a computer virus. And the network of wires represents the future of social networking. I just made it physical and let it 'catch' the city and it's people like a net. All these ideas just serve as inspiration for us to create a future that worked for this concept. They're not meant to be deciphered by the audience. It's still meant to be just a title sequence and not an actual movie.
Now what makes a good title sequence? Personally, I think it's something that gets you in the mood, warms you up for what you're about to experience, be it a film, tv series or in our case, the OFFF festival. We decided to treat the OFFF festival as a feature film experience. So all we had to do was get the viewer into the right state of mind. Without, of course, being too narrative led. The best title sequences out there are nothing but a random collection of images/scenes that don't tell a lot if you watch them on their own. But edit them together and a new context is created. A context that matters, a feeling that gets the viewer ready for the main event, in our case, the festival.
To get started, the next thing we did was make a collection of ideas that would scare me and Si. So, anything drawn from our youth, right through to stuff that's inspired us over the years as well as seemingly random compositions that trigger the imagination of the viewer. For example, when we show you the aesthetics of a car explosion, it's carefully constructed. Why a car and not something else? Because an exploding car brings extra content to an otherwise simple aesthetic display of violence. A car doesn't explode by itself so instantly the brain tries to formulate the background behind it. It adds an either political or criminal edge to the violence. To me it felt appropriate because of the sense of protest and rebellion the shot has. And maybe the biggest question; was there someone in the car and if so, who was it? For me, every idea should provoke these kind of questions; from a girl in a prom dress holding a rocket launcher to a riot cop standing in the kitchen. All scenes have a pre and post story to them. In no time you're actually trying to connect these seemingly random scenes and boom; you've just created your own strange context. You now have a feeling, a taste and lots of questions probably. Questions that normally would be answered by watching the actual movie. But since there's no actual movie here we'll leave stranded with, hopefully,
Youtube results:

Corsair Obsidian 550D Quiet Computing Computer Case Unboxing & First Look Linus Tech Tips
CA: ncix.com US: us.ncix.com Corsair's silence optimized computer case, the 550D has reall...
published: 13 Jun 2012
author: LinusTechTips
Corsair Obsidian 550D Quiet Computing Computer Case Unboxing & First Look Linus Tech Tips
CA: ncix.com US: us.ncix.com Corsair's silence optimized computer case, the 550D has really been turning some heads. Not only is it great for quiet computing, but simply by removing a couple of panels, it can also be turned into a reasonably high airflow and cool case!
- published: 13 Jun 2012
- views: 65727
- author: LinusTechTips

16-bit ALU in minecraft
This is the first part of a planned 16-bit computer that will run entirely in minecraft. T...
published: 28 Sep 2010
author: theinternetftw
16-bit ALU in minecraft
This is the first part of a planned 16-bit computer that will run entirely in minecraft. That computer will be "Hack" compatible, which is to say that it'll run code meant for the Hack machine described in The Elements of Computing Systems (a fantastic book that you should look up if you are at all interested in how computers work. Its website is www.idc.ac.il ). Some more info: The design was drawn up in a program called Redstone Simulator (does what it says on the tin), which was written by Baezon on the Minecraft Forums www.minecraftforum.net MCEdit ( minecraftforums.net ) was used to help clear off space and import the design into minecraft. Hours of experimenting with prototypes, modifications to the design, and debugging took place in the game itself, however. This project is far from over. Memory, here I come...
- published: 28 Sep 2010
- views: 3474528
- author: theinternetftw

Adaptive Computing | 2013 Cloud Predictions
www.AdpativeCumputing.com -- Adaptive Computing VP of Marketing, Chad Harrington sits down...
published: 07 Jan 2013
author: AdaptiveComputing
Adaptive Computing | 2013 Cloud Predictions
www.AdpativeCumputing.com -- Adaptive Computing VP of Marketing, Chad Harrington sits down with Adaptive Computing CEO, Rob Clyde, to take a look back at 2012 and discuss Clyde's predictions for the cloud computing industry in 2013. ------------------------ http -------------------------- Adaptive Computing in 2012: More companies have been adopting cloud computing and making the move to a private cloud. However, some companies haven't been seeing the ROI, and private cloud is actually costing them more than what they were using before. That's where Adaptive Computing comes in... We provide policy-based optimization that drives utilization rates higher and cuts the investment so the ROI automatically goes up. ------------------------ AdaptiveComputing.com -------------------------- Cloud Predictions in 2013: Clyde makes a number of interesting, and somewhat unconventional predictions about some of the trends in cloud computing: 1. Demand for Cloud-like Experience and Increase in Virtualized Environments 2. Continued Growth of Bare Metal Clouds 3. De-emphasis of Cloud Bursting 4. Added Emphasis on Applications ------------------------ AdaptiveComputing.com -------------------------- What are your cloud predictions for 2013? Which of these predictions do you already see starting to take shape in the first quarter? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below. ------------------------ AdaptiveComputing.com -------------------------- Blog: AdaptiveComputing.com Twitter ...
- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 120
- author: AdaptiveComputing

Defining Quantum Computing
The next big thing in computing is very small. Professor Michelle Simmons explains quantum...
published: 09 Jul 2010
author: UNSW
Defining Quantum Computing
The next big thing in computing is very small. Professor Michelle Simmons explains quantum computing, a field so complex that one pundit says you never fully understand - you just learn to live with it.
- published: 09 Jul 2010
- views: 48609
- author: UNSW