- published: 06 Feb 2009
- views: 3018553
- author: FallenUSSoldiers

US Marine Corps - Making a Marine (Part 1)
Real footage of Marine Corps recruit training at Boot Camp. Part 1 (1-6 weeks). Week 01 - ...
published: 06 Feb 2009
author: FallenUSSoldiers
US Marine Corps - Making a Marine (Part 1)
Real footage of Marine Corps recruit training at Boot Camp. Part 1 (1-6 weeks). Week 01 - Receiving: 2 am new recruits arrive at Parris Island, SC. Week 02 - In the Barracks: Bringing discipline into the recruits routine. Week 03 - Bayonet Assault Course: Turning instruction into intensity. Week 04 - Pugil Sticks: Facing opponents for the first time. Week 05 - MCMAP: Learning Marine Corps Martial Arts. Week 06 - Rappelling: Overcoming fear.
- published: 06 Feb 2009
- views: 3018553
- author: FallenUSSoldiers

Celebrating 72 years of the 1st Marine Division
Celebrating the rich history and traditions of the 1st Marine Division....
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: marines
Celebrating 72 years of the 1st Marine Division
Celebrating the rich history and traditions of the 1st Marine Division.
- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 4049
- author: marines

Marine reunites with daughter
Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Preston Judd helps his daughter Madison Judd in her class at the G...
published: 05 Feb 2013
author: TheSuburbanJournals
Marine reunites with daughter
Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Preston Judd helps his daughter Madison Judd in her class at the Granite City School District Early Childhood Center. He hadn't seen her since he was deployed to Afghanistan last June. Read more about their reunion at suburbanjournals.stltoday.com
- published: 05 Feb 2013
- views: 7
- author: TheSuburbanJournals

2012 Marine Corps Birthday Message: "For Honor, For Country" HIGH DEF
The Commandant and SgtMaj of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos and Sgt. Maj. Micheal P....
published: 19 Oct 2012
author: marinedevdog
2012 Marine Corps Birthday Message: "For Honor, For Country" HIGH DEF
The Commandant and SgtMaj of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos and Sgt. Maj. Micheal P. Barrett, present the 2012 Marine Corps Birthday Message celebrating the 237th Anniversary of the USMC. Footage includes historical b-roll and images from Guadalcanal as well as interviews with WWII veterans, subject matter experts, active duty Marines and Marine spouses. Happy Birthday Marines! Semper Fi. The Marine Corps Birthday is November 10, 1775. Download at: www.dvidshub.net This video is from the Department of Defense and as such is in the public domain. Any copying, editing or reproduction is authorized and encouraged.
- published: 19 Oct 2012
- views: 50817
- author: marinedevdog

Your first 5 minutes at Marine Corps Recruit Depot - San Diego
Subscribe for more. www.facebook.com ....
published: 19 Aug 2011
author: ILiveLeak
Your first 5 minutes at Marine Corps Recruit Depot - San Diego
Subscribe for more. www.facebook.com .
- published: 19 Aug 2011
- views: 2569157
- author: ILiveLeak

2011 Marine Corps 236th Birthday Message - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEVIL DOGS!
2011 Marine Corps Birthday PLAYLIST: www.youtube.com The Commandant of the Marine Corps an...
published: 22 Oct 2011
author: MilitaryNotes
2011 Marine Corps 236th Birthday Message - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEVIL DOGS!
2011 Marine Corps Birthday PLAYLIST: www.youtube.com The Commandant of the Marine Corps and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps present the 236th Marine Corps birthday message and honor the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and how the events shaped the lives of Marines past and present. Available in HD. Additonal links: General Toolan's Birthday Message from Afghanistan www.youtube.com The Commandant's visit to Afghanistan 9/22/2011 www.youtube.com Sgt. Dakota Meyer, Medal of Honor USMC www.youtube.com
- published: 22 Oct 2011
- views: 170656
- author: MilitaryNotes

US Marine Corps- Life as a Marine part 1
Got this from my Marine Corp. recuriter during my Delayed Entry Program. May God Bless us ...
published: 16 May 2009
author: evosc007
US Marine Corps- Life as a Marine part 1
Got this from my Marine Corp. recuriter during my Delayed Entry Program. May God Bless us with Honor, Courage & Commitment. Oooorah!
- published: 16 May 2009
- views: 835313
- author: evosc007

Marine Corps Boot Camp Drill Instructors World's Best!
As seen on CNN: ireport.cnn.com Exclusive HD Footage - The USMC Bootcamp Challenge - 2000 ...
published: 30 Sep 2012
author: SurfsUpStudios
Marine Corps Boot Camp Drill Instructors World's Best!
As seen on CNN: ireport.cnn.com Exclusive HD Footage - The USMC Bootcamp Challenge - 2000 Particpants, 50 Drill Instructors and 45 Obstacles. Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. 11th Annual Bootcamp Challenge. www.SurfsUpStudios.com
- published: 30 Sep 2012
- views: 39327
- author: SurfsUpStudios

US Marine Corps Drill Instructor vs US Army Drill Sergeant
USMC vs US Army drill instructor tactics. You will notice much more screaming in the ear a...
published: 20 Jul 2011
author: MrBreal01
US Marine Corps Drill Instructor vs US Army Drill Sergeant
USMC vs US Army drill instructor tactics. You will notice much more screaming in the ear and just general aggression with the USMC instructors. www.bestscopereviews.com
- published: 20 Jul 2011
- views: 4404295
- author: MrBreal01

Best US Marine Corps Tribute
Modern Marine Corp Tribute Made in 2012. Music Video with Nickleback- "Savin Me" .. God bl...
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: AltairSmite
Best US Marine Corps Tribute
Modern Marine Corp Tribute Made in 2012. Music Video with Nickleback- "Savin Me" .. God bless the USA.
- published: 07 Feb 2012
- views: 161865
- author: AltairSmite

Lifting of the 1994 Combat Exclusion Policy — Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps responds
Since 1918, women have been an integral part of the Marine Corps and for the past eleven y...
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: marines
Lifting of the 1994 Combat Exclusion Policy — Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps responds
Since 1918, women have been an integral part of the Marine Corps and for the past eleven years of fighting, have proven themselves worthy in the face of the enemy. Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps Micheal P. Barrett addresses the recent lifting of the 1994 Combat Exclusion Policy and assures Marines that this will not affect mission accomplishment or lower standards.
- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 18929
- author: marines

The Warrior Song - Hard Corps
To the United States Marine Corps, with our thanks. Visit us at www.thewarriorsong.com or ...
published: 10 Jul 2010
author: TheWarriorProject
The Warrior Song - Hard Corps
To the United States Marine Corps, with our thanks. Visit us at www.thewarriorsong.com or on iTunes Tom Reynolds - Guitars Vince Tividad - Bass Vincent Gaona - Vocals JC Sutherland - Vocals Bill Taylor - Vocals Chris Ojeda - Vocals Rock Williams - Voice Talent Sean Householder - Vocals, Production
- published: 10 Jul 2010
- views: 4638752
- author: TheWarriorProject

'Call Me Maybe' Spoofed by US Marines: Carly Rae Jepsen's Hit Song Parodied Again
US Marines stationed in Afghanistan dance, lip-sync to Carly Rae Jepsen's hit song. For mo...
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: ABCNews
'Call Me Maybe' Spoofed by US Marines: Carly Rae Jepsen's Hit Song Parodied Again
US Marines stationed in Afghanistan dance, lip-sync to Carly Rae Jepsen's hit song. For more, click here: www.ericraum.com
- published: 18 Jul 2012
- views: 2182695
- author: ABCNews

2012 Marine Corps 237th Birthday Message - SEMPER FIDELIS
On November 10th, 2012, Marines stationed all over the world will celebrate the 237th Birt...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: MilitaryNotes
2012 Marine Corps 237th Birthday Message - SEMPER FIDELIS
On November 10th, 2012, Marines stationed all over the world will celebrate the 237th Birthday of our beloved Corps. The Commandant and Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos and Sgt. Maj. Micheal P. Barrett, present the 2012 Marine Corps Birthday Message. Footage includes historical b-roll and images from Guadalcanal as well as interviews with WWII veterans, subject matter experts, active duty Marines and Marine spouses. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARINES AND SEMPER FI!
- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 34783
- author: MilitaryNotes
Vimeo results:

This Scene expresses- FEAR- noun: an emotion experience...
published: 22 Jun 2009
author: MANI NASRY
This Scene expresses- FEAR- noun: an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight). noun: a feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the presence or nearness of danger, evil, pain, etc.; timidity; dread; terror; fright; apprehension. Terrify not your soul with vain imaginary fears. By realizing that you are the one feeding the fire, you can start to take control of your fears. Panic is a vicious cycle that can be broken. When you start to have irrational fears you need to take action quick. Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing, which you think you cannot do." We must stop running away from things that frighten us, face our fears head on, and do the thing we fear the most. Most of the time we'll find out that the "thing" was not that scary after all. Our imaginations had behaved like a super fertilizer and grown a grotesque monstrosity in our minds. Remember, our imaginations are incredibly powerful. They can work against us, creating horrible images that leave us paralyzed with fear and they can also work for us, building a world where everything we do is an adventure, a miracle. And the most amazing thing is that we hold the power to control our minds - we allow fear to dominate our lives or we choose to dominate fear. Those are our only two choices.
Links of Interest for Producers and Filmmakers
Canadian Film Exhibiton Listing http://www.aflick.ca
Festival Info - Worldwide
Box Office-theatrical box office figures
film releases - chronologically listing of theatrical releases
Coming Soon- trailer archive and other stuff
Indie WIRE -Independent film and dialy new
Academmy of Canadian Cinema - www.academy.ca
Toronto Film and Television Office (for permits, etc.) - www.toronto.ca
Canadian Filmmaker (great site for producers and independent film development) - canadianfilmmaker.com
Writer's Guild Development Funding link - www/wgc/ca
LIFT Film co-op - - www.lift.on.ca
Jobs-Crews - Indie Access - www.indieaccess.com
Mandy.com - Cast and Crew - www.mandy.com
National Screen Instistute - - www.nsi-canada.ca
Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund - - www.cifvf.ca
Ontario Media Development Corporation (former OFDC) www.omdc.on.ca/
Telefilm Canada http://www.telefilm.gc.ca
Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/ac-ca/progs/bcpac-cavco/index_e.cfm
Harold Greenberg Fund - - www.astralmedia.com
National Film Board http://www.nfb.ca
National Film Board - Seven week training for docs
BRAVO Fact fund - www.bravofact.com
Canadian Film and Televsion Production Association (CFTPA) http://www.cftpa.ca
Toronto Arts Council http://www.torontoartscouncil.org/
Ontario Arts Council http://www.arts.on.ca/?source=renaissancefaire.ca
Canada Council for the Arts http://www.canadacouncil.ca
Canadian Film Centre http://www.cdnfilmcentre.com
Directors Guild of Canada http://www.dgc.ca
Canadian Society of Cinematographers (CSC)
I.A.T.S.E.- Cameraman http://www.iatse667.com/
I.A.T.S.E.- Technicians http://www.iatse873.com
ACTRA http://www.actra.ca
Writers Guild http://www.writersguildofcanada.com
Canadian Copyright: Infringement, Fair Dealing, Ownership CIPO
Canadian Authors Association CAA
Music Rights and Licenses SOCAN
FilmToronto.com http://www.filmtoronto.com
Women in Film & Television (WIFT) http://www.wift.com
Internet Movie Database (imdb.com) http://www.imdb.com
Playback Magazine http://www.playbackmag.com
My Mediabiz http://www.mymediabiz.com
Links of Interest for Producers and Production Managers
Toronto Film Office - permits, etc.
Film Locations in Toronto
PS Production Services
William F. Whites
Sim Video
Video Scope
Digital video supplies
Film Stock - Kodak
MANI NASRY FILM AND TELEVISION RESUME Performer Profile Gender: Male Height: 5 feet 7 in Weight: 140 Age Range: 21 - 29 Physique: Athletic Hair Color: Brown Eyes: Brown Film Family Curse (2003 TV movie) Cast-Apr 01, 2003 SHADOW WALKERS PRODUCTIONS LTD Dawn of the Dead (2004) Cast-May 25, 2003/Jul 20, 2003 CORPUS VIVOS PRODUCTIONS INC Beautiful Girl (2003 TV movie) Cast-Aug 31, 2003 NEVER TIME PRODUCTIONS LTD New York Minute (2004/I) Cast-Sep 07, 2003 NY MINUTE FILMS INC Prom Queen: The Marc Hall Story (2004 TV movie) Cast-Oct 18, 2003 ADJUSTMENT BULLOCH Childstar (2004) Cast-Nov 23, 2003/Dec 07, 2003 RHOMBUS MEDIA The Coven (2004 TV movie) Cast-Dec 07, 2003 COVEN PRODUCTIONS CORP Man of the Year (2006) Cast-Feb 14, 2006 AXIUM ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES CANADA HOOKED ON SPEEDMAN Cast-Mar 08, 2006 PLAYING ARMY PRODUCTIONS INC "WHAT DO YOU SEE 1" Cast-Mar 14, 2006 ARNOLD WORLDWIDE CANADA Roa

Flamenco guitar Antonio Raya Pardo
Antonio Raya Pardo negra 2009 flamenco guitar.
Although born in Jaen, luthier Antonio Ray...
published: 12 Jul 2009
author: Flamenco Music Corp La Sonanta
Flamenco guitar Antonio Raya Pardo
Antonio Raya Pardo negra 2009 flamenco guitar.
Although born in Jaen, luthier Antonio Raya Pardo has lived in Granada since childhood. Antonio now is one of the most important names in the Granada school of guitar making as well as one of the more experienced luthiers alive today. Before becoming a guitar maker Antonio worked as a weaver, as did many guitar makers of his generation. At the start he apprenticed with Eduardo Ferrer for a short time, and eventually married Pilar Ferrer, Eduardo's granddaughter. Later, he was given valuable advice by Jose Lopez Bellido and Antonio Marin Montero. In 1972 Antonio opened his own workshop. He builds handmade flamenco guitars using traditional methods of construction. His son, Antonio Raya Ferrer, trained by his father and sharing his workshop, currently builds under his own name. Antonio is among one of the few luthiers to whom Luis F. Leal Pinar devotes an entire chapter in "Guitarreros de Andalucia" (2004).
This Raya Pardo negra will be available in May 2009. Antonio is currently making this negra according to our personal specifications...we selected some really high quality woods, old aged 1st grade German spruce for the top, a gorgeous Indian palosanto for the back and the sides, a neck thickness of only 22mm, a nut with of 52mm and entirely finished in French polish. This negra is Antonio his top flamenco model.

Prevention of Injury (POI)
FB: https://www.facebook.com/PreventionOfInjury
Twitter: http...
published: 31 Jul 2011
author: kyle broom
Prevention of Injury (POI)
FB: https://www.facebook.com/PreventionOfInjury
Twitter: https://twitter.com/detainee
Salon article on Prevention of Injury (POI): http://tinyurl.com/7zrtg6y
IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2009556/
Contact us at detainee@preventionofinjury.com
Prevention of Injury (POI) is a short film written and directed by Kyle Broom and produced by Alexandra Spector through Poly- Blue . It is inspired by the events taking place during the detention of PFC Bradley E. Manning. Bradley Manning is a United States Army soldier who was arrested in May 2010 in Iraq on suspicion of having passed restricted material to the website WikiLeaks. He was charged in July that year with transferring classified data onto his personal computer, and communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source. An additional 22 charges were preferred in March 2011, including "aiding the enemy," a capital offense, though prosecutors said they would not seek the death penalty. He was found fit to face court martial in April 2011, and currently awaits the first hearing.
Manning had been assigned in October 2009 to a unit of the 10th Mountain Division, based near Baghdad. There he had access to the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet), used by the United States government to transmit classified information. He was arrested after Adrian Lamo, a computer hacker, reported to the FBI that Manning had told him during online chats in May 2010 that he had downloaded material from SIPRNet and passed it to WikiLeaks. The leaked material is said to have included 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables; footage of a July 2007 Baghdad airstrike, released by Wikileaks as "Collateral Murder"; and footage of the May 2009 Granai airstrike in Afghanistan.
Manning was held in maximum custody beginning in July 2010 in the Marine Corps Brig, Quantico, Virginia, which in effect meant solitary confinement, conditions that Amnesty International called harsh and punitive. In April 2011, 295 scholars, including legal scholars and philosophers signed a letter saying the conditions he experienced amounted to a violation of the U.S. Constitution; later that month the Pentagon transferred him to a medium-security facility in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, allowing him to interact with other pre-trial detainees.
An article 32 hearing began on December 16, 2011, in Fort Meade, Maryland.

Survive. Recover. Live. (The Rob Jones Story) -- FULL MOVIE
Winner of the Marine Corps. Heritage Foundation 2012 Sgt. William Genaust A...
published: 23 Jul 2011
author: Ivan Kander
Survive. Recover. Live. (The Rob Jones Story) -- FULL MOVIE
Winner of the Marine Corps. Heritage Foundation 2012 Sgt. William Genaust Award
Best Short Documentary 2012 GI Film Festival
On July 22nd 2010, Sergeant Rob Jones lost his legs when struck by an IED in Afghanistan. One year later, this is his story.
To donate to the Wounded Warrior Project in Rob's name, please click the following link:
Music courtesy:
Windom Earle
State Shirt
Moby Gratis
For more information, visit www.lucky9studios.com
Youtube results:

Marine Corps Mondays - PMO
Hey guys just an update on my situation and I talk about the worst Marines on the planet P...
published: 14 Jan 2013
author: TheDevildogGamer
Marine Corps Mondays - PMO
Hey guys just an update on my situation and I talk about the worst Marines on the planet PMO! Wanna help me out click here: www.paypal.com Check me out on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com
- published: 14 Jan 2013
- views: 12026
- author: TheDevildogGamer

Marine Corps Mondays - Story Time with Upchuck
Hey guys I sit down with my fellow devildog while he shares some funny stories about his t...
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: TheDevildogGamer
Marine Corps Mondays - Story Time with Upchuck
Hey guys I sit down with my fellow devildog while he shares some funny stories about his time in the Marines! Check me out on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com
- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 7465
- author: TheDevildogGamer

Gangnam Style Marine Corps & Army version
Gangnam Marines & Army dancing Style...
published: 13 Sep 2012
author: bosphotoman2a
Gangnam Style Marine Corps & Army version
Gangnam Marines & Army dancing Style
- published: 13 Sep 2012
- views: 122741
- author: bosphotoman2a

100 years of Marine Corps Aviation
A message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos, commemorating 100 y...
published: 21 May 2012
author: marines
100 years of Marine Corps Aviation
A message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos, commemorating 100 years of Marine Corps Aviation.
- published: 21 May 2012
- views: 40246
- author: marines