- published: 01 Jun 2008
- views: 47348
- author: Tilfeldig123

The Clash - Capital Radio Two [Single]
This is plain and simple, the audio of the Clash single, Capital Radio Two of the single I...
published: 01 Jun 2008
author: Tilfeldig123
The Clash - Capital Radio Two [Single]
This is plain and simple, the audio of the Clash single, Capital Radio Two of the single I Fought the Law.

Kenny Everett - Capital Radio's First Anniversary Record (pt.1 of 2) - stereo - '74
If you lived in London in the Seventies, you can now have a naustalgic wallow! This was a ...
published: 09 May 2010
author: Raves0From0The0Grave
Kenny Everett - Capital Radio's First Anniversary Record (pt.1 of 2) - stereo - '74
If you lived in London in the Seventies, you can now have a naustalgic wallow! This was a LIMITED (very) edition record, put out as part of Britain's first ever TELETHON - "Help A London Child". Enjoy! (Part Two includes Kenny's "Moment Of Terror" promo!)
- published: 09 May 2010
- views: 3979
- author: Raves0From0The0Grave

The Clash - "Capital Radio One"
New Wave, Remembering WXB 102.7FM in Manila...
published: 12 Nov 2007
author: mandaluyongboy
The Clash - "Capital Radio One"
New Wave, Remembering WXB 102.7FM in Manila
- published: 12 Nov 2007
- views: 63409
- author: mandaluyongboy

Capital Radio jingle -1973
The original full length jingle from 1973, written by Roger Cook and Roger Greenaway, and ...
published: 22 May 2008
author: rayflute
Capital Radio jingle -1973
The original full length jingle from 1973, written by Roger Cook and Roger Greenaway, and performed by the band Blue Mink.
- published: 22 May 2008
- views: 29767
- author: rayflute

The Clash - Capital Radio & Janie Jones
Live from 1977...
published: 22 Nov 2006
author: sham64andahalf
The Clash - Capital Radio & Janie Jones
Live from 1977
- published: 22 Nov 2006
- views: 145333
- author: sham64andahalf

The Clash - Capital Radio [live]
the clash - capital radio live album= from here to eternity punk rock...
published: 04 Jun 2008
author: PunkInTheBox
The Clash - Capital Radio [live]
the clash - capital radio live album= from here to eternity punk rock
- published: 04 Jun 2008
- views: 12738
- author: PunkInTheBox

Capital Radio 95.8 FM Jingles from 1989
Some jingles I found on my pc going back to 1989, brings back some great memories of Capit...
published: 10 Apr 2012
author: Markie D
Capital Radio 95.8 FM Jingles from 1989
Some jingles I found on my pc going back to 1989, brings back some great memories of Capital Radio and the days of Chris Tarrent and Howard Hughes
- published: 10 Apr 2012
- views: 2397
- author: Markie D

Capital Radio off the Dutch Coast 1970
With its revolutionary aerial system Capital Radio began test transmissions off the Dutch ...
published: 24 Mar 2008
author: radprog
Capital Radio off the Dutch Coast 1970
With its revolutionary aerial system Capital Radio began test transmissions off the Dutch Coast in June 1970 on board the MV King David using the old Radio 270 transmitter. Most programming was in Dutch although they re-broadcast the BBC World Service at times. In November 1970 the ship drifted in a storm and ended up on the Noordwijk Beach. Eventually the King David was sold, never to broadcast again. ------------------------ The aerial was a ring antenna, never before used on a radio ship. It produced a ground wave only and no sky wave. Giving it less chance of interfering with land-based stations. The idea was originally designed by American Intelligence. The station was set up in 1969 by the International Broadcaster's Society whose directors included Tim Tomason and Paul Harris (author of 'When Pirates Ruled the Waves'). Each three hour programme from the station had a 20 minute feature on offshore radio. By May 1971 the International Broadcaster's Society was officially declared bankrupt. In 1981 the ship was towed to Heerwaarden where the upper structure was broken away and the hull was filled with concrete and is now in use as a floating quay. Taken from 'Pop Went the Pirates' by Keith Skues. Where you will find more information on Capital Radio & other stations.
- published: 24 Mar 2008
- views: 15455
- author: radprog

Chris Rainbow Jingles for Capital Radio
Chris rainbow recordings of jingles he wrote and performed for Capital Radio's Kenny Evere...
published: 14 Aug 2008
author: Shortscalejohn
Chris Rainbow Jingles for Capital Radio
Chris rainbow recordings of jingles he wrote and performed for Capital Radio's Kenny Everett in the 1970s. Kenny Everett was a great fan of Chris.
- published: 14 Aug 2008
- views: 14551
- author: Shortscalejohn

The Clash - Capital Radio / Janie Jones / What's My Name / Garageland - Oct 1977
Manchester, Oct. '77 Notes: - Filmed just six months after their first LP, THE CLASH, was ...
published: 13 Sep 2009
author: Ken James
The Clash - Capital Radio / Janie Jones / What's My Name / Garageland - Oct 1977
Manchester, Oct. '77 Notes: - Filmed just six months after their first LP, THE CLASH, was released. - "Capital Radio" was released as a 7" EP single on April Fool's Day, 1977. Personnel: Joe Strummer - v, g Paul Simonon - b Mick Jones - v, g Topper Headon - d
- published: 13 Sep 2009
- views: 20694
- author: Ken James

Capital Radio 95.8FM London
London radio station, Capital radio jingles starting from 87....
published: 06 Dec 2008
author: tartanbaws
Capital Radio 95.8FM London
London radio station, Capital radio jingles starting from 87.
- published: 06 Dec 2008
- views: 14833
- author: tartanbaws

David Tennant and Catherine Tate interview on Capital radio
as above recorded on the 4th April 2008...
published: 08 Apr 2008
author: tardisdrwho2007
David Tennant and Catherine Tate interview on Capital radio
as above recorded on the 4th April 2008
- published: 08 Apr 2008
- views: 18297
- author: tardisdrwho2007

Meeting Selena Gomez at Capital Radio
Meeting Selena Gomez at capital radio in London. We chased her car from oxford street to L...
published: 13 Apr 2010
author: jeniip
Meeting Selena Gomez at Capital Radio
Meeting Selena Gomez at capital radio in London. We chased her car from oxford street to Leister square so she bought me & my friend her favourite pizza! It had Gerkins on it - For obvious reasons! haha! She's so lovely & absolutely beautiful! :)
- published: 13 Apr 2010
- views: 3591
- author: jeniip

Capital Radio 194 Jingles & DJs
Great quality collection of vintage Capital Radio jingles and DJ announcements, plus a cou...
published: 20 Aug 2012
author: thetragicyouth
Capital Radio 194 Jingles & DJs
Great quality collection of vintage Capital Radio jingles and DJ announcements, plus a couple of memorable commercials. Jingles by Cook & Greenaway, Blue Mink, Chris Rainbow, Mike Moran, David Dundas and Kenny Everett.
- published: 20 Aug 2012
- views: 1113
- author: thetragicyouth
Vimeo results:

«Lights» Lyapis Trubetskoy / «Огоньки» Ляпис Трубецкой
official text:
Ogon’ki (Lights) is one of the most beautiful and lyrical songs in Lyapis ...
published: 10 Nov 2008
author: Alexey TEREHOFF
«Lights» Lyapis Trubetskoy / «Огоньки» Ляпис Трубецкой
official text:
Ogon’ki (Lights) is one of the most beautiful and lyrical songs in Lyapis Trubetskoy history. Soon after the release of the album Capital where this track was included, the group decided to make a music video with this song. Alexey TEREHOFF, the author of such classic Lyapis' music videos as Au, Rozochka and Capital, became the director of Ogon’ki.
"I've had an idea for a long time to make a pseudo 3D, to animate photos, - Terexov recollects. - I worked on this project for five years, I studied the essential methods and tested the graphics. And when I heard Ogon’ki - I recognized that my project will be released as a Soviet retro video for this song!".
At first TEREHOFF searched for some old soviet shots in his family photo-archives. Then Alexey asked his friend to find some Soviet private snaps in their albums - they began to bring him old black-and-white and rough color photos. Soon Nashe Radio (the main Russian rock station) took part in search process: after the announcement on the radiowave and on the site Nashe.ru thousands of photos were sent to Alexey from all the country. "I watched tons of photos and I understood one strange thing, - director recollects. - Originally I wanted to make a strict black-and-white music video. But then I recognised: my childhood was very bright and colorful. That's why I finally decided to paint almost every shot... ". As the result the final version of the Ogon’ki music video was released after 12 months of hard work.
But expectation was not vain: one more small masterpiece has turned out, and the international recognition of a clip became the first proof of it. Before the Russian premiere of Ogon’ki this music video was included in the competitive program of the prestiogious video festival ViMus (Portugal) and won the award for the best animation - having left behind a board such works as Salmon Dance by Chemical Brothers etc.
The official premiere of Ogon’ki video was on November 7 - the Birthday of the Soviet Union. "I don't feel nostalgia for the Soviet time, - Sergey Mikhalok, the frontman of Lyapis Trubetskoy, says. - But the Soviet family traditions, domestic games, slang, the fashion of the Soviet era is the "oldshool" of my generation! And elements of tradition is an important part of any author's outlook … Gojko Mitic, Odra jeans, Zita and Gita, Kharlamov, Verhovina moped, Ural guitar – all this things from Socialist Era are no more than symbols, but they are very significant for my generation. And we won't forget, that Ogon’ki is first of all the New Year's song. I have noticed, that when you become more and more senior, mature - you feel melancholy and sadness instead of happiness when you see all those Christmas Trees and garlands... Everybody is happy and you want to cry.... But you are the cheerful snowman and you shoud entertain everyone around...".
So, have good Holidays, amigos! It doesn't matter, which holiday you're going to celebrate.
Просто дадим слово лидеру «Ляписов» Сергею Михалку:
«Я не ностальгирую по СССР. Но советские семейные обычаи, дворовые игры, слэнг, мода советской эпохи – это «олдскул» моего поколения! А элементы традиции (пусть даже в рамках постмодернизма) – это важная часть любого авторского мировоззрения… Гойко Митич, джинсы «Одра», Зита и Гита, Харламов, мопед «Верховина», гитара «Урал» – все это не больше чем символы, но они очень значимы для моих ровесников».
А еще не будем забывать, что «Огоньки» – это, в первую очередь, новогодняя песня. И опять послушаем Михалка:
«Я заметил, что чем старше становишься, тем чаще, когда смотришь на празднично украшенные елки, гирлянды, предновогоднюю суету, вместо радости и веселья подкатывает тоска какая-то. Глаза слезятся, и мир превращается в огоньки. Кругом фейерверки, а тебе плакать хочется. Но ты веселый снеговичок и должен всех развлекать».

53rd Journalism Awards Gala (part 1)
A1. PRINT (Over 50,000 circulations)
Patrick Range McDonal...
published: 18 Jul 2011
author: EDP
53rd Journalism Awards Gala (part 1)
A1. PRINT (Over 50,000 circulations)
Patrick Range McDonald, LA Weekly
Comments: "Range" is an appropriate middle name. What incredibly
detailed reporting on a variety of complicated topics. What an ability to
make us feel as if we know the players. What skill in explaining messy
situations. The very essence of solid journalism.
2nd place: David Evans, Bloomberg Markets, "Duping the Families of
Fallen Soldiers"
HM: Mariel Garza, Los Angeles Daily News Editorials
A2. PRINT (Under 50,000 circulation)
Radley Balko, Reason Magazine
Comment: ―Radley Balko is one of those throw-back journalists that
understands the power of groundbreaking reporting and how to make a
significant impact through his work. Time and time again, his stories cause
readers to stop, think, and most significantly, take action.
2nd Place: Dan Evans, Glendale News-Press
HM: Ryan Vaillancourt, Los Angeles Downtown News
Ana Garcia and Fred Mamoun, KNBC-TV
Garcia and Mamoun shoot, write and edit compelling stories. One of
their strengths as a team is the obvious respect for their subjects, and the
ability through contacts in the community to land exclusive interviews and
opportunities. They are strong storytellers and the pieces move!
2nd Place: Antonio Valverde, Univision
Valverde has a wide range as a journalist. He is able to work with various
segments of the community to tell compelling stories. He has political
acumen and can accurately and fairly tell stories, while also reaching out
to the disenfranchised to share their stories of life in L.A.
Susan Valot, KPCC
Comments: Well-rounded reports with authoritative, informed tone. Great
use of sound. Valot‘s work is some of the best we‘ve heard.
2nd Place: Brian Watt: KPCC
HM: Kitty Felde: KPCC
Daniel Heimpel, FosteringMediaConnections.org
2nd Place: Chris Hedges, Truthdig.com
HM: Robert Scheer, Truthdig.com
Kim Masters, KCRW-FM Radio
Comments: Nice voice in both senses of the word, along with substantive
content. Covering a story about outed CIA agent Valerie Plame, she
tracked down Plame to comment on her portrayal, rather than just talking
to the actress. She also gave a lot of information on entertainment agents
that broadened the picture the public was likely to have of that
2nd Place: Tara Wallis-Finestone, NBC LA
HM: George Pennacchio, KABC-TV
Rick Loomis, Los Angeles Times
Over 50,000 circulations – including news bureaus and correspondents
Tracy Manzer and Sarah Peters, Long Beach Press-Telegram, "Heroes foil
bank heist"
Comments: The writing was appropriately-paced for the category and
the story content. I enjoyed the writers' use of sensory details and factual
information, presented with a slightly humorous/sarcastic tone that made
this piece fun to read.
Patrick Range McDonald, LA Weekly, ―The Parent Trigger‖.
Comments: Documents a groundswell of democracy while explaining a
new law through a real-world prism. Powerful. Incredibly well-sourced and
informative, yet provides a human touch. The story of poor minorities trying
to make a change documented how the masses can move the
establishment. Inspiring to others, this story shows what newspaper do like
no other. Bravo.
2nd Place: Thomas Curven, Los Angeles Times, ―Walking Away from Grief‖
HM: Kristopher Hanson, Long Beach Press-Telegram, ―Dangers Close to
Steve Friess, LA Weekly, ―A Tragic Love Story‖
2nd Place: Charlotte Hsu, LA Weekly, ―Forever Scared — The Story of
Herman Atkins‖
HM: Karen Robes Meeks, Long Beach Press-Telegram, ―Murchison: A
Portrait of a Long Beach Lobbyist‖
David Evans, Bloomberg News, "Fallen Soldiers' Families Denied Cash
Payout as Insurers Profit"
Comments: These articles are the soul of great investigative journalism,
uncovering a shocking system whereby the families of slain soldiers are
tricked about benefits, and where shameless insurance companies reap
big profits at the expense of those families.
Best of all, it led to immediate Congressional investigations and action.
2nd place: Beth Barrett, LA Weekly, "The Dance of the Lemons"
HM: Monica Alonzo and Simone Wilson, LA Weekly, "Culture of Cruelty"
Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times, "California unfriendly to business?
Figures say no"
Comments: This is an authoritative and well-documented piece that
refutes the common wisdom of California's tax structure being unfriendly
to business.
2nd place: Beth Barrett, LA Weekly, "Barry Minkow 2.0"
HM: Donna Howell, Investor's Business Daily,

Relatos Eróticos el espectáculo en el Teatro Arlequín
"Relatos Eróticos" llega a la Gran Vía. ¡3ª Temporad...
published: 29 Sep 2011
author: yotecuento
Relatos Eróticos el espectáculo en el Teatro Arlequín
"Relatos Eróticos" llega a la Gran Vía. ¡3ª Temporada de éxito!
Tras 28 meses de éxito en Madrid, Relatos eróticos sigue apasionando con su equilibrio perfecto entre cuentos, erotismo y muchísimo humor.
Gran éxito de público y crítica. Tercera temporada, más 250 funciones, más de 30.000 espectadores.
Porque el sexo de los ángeles puede estar muy claro para algunos, Victoria Siedlecki --actriz, cuentacuentos, narradora oral- nos susurrará esos secretos y nos encenderá otros, entre risas, erotismo, y el placer indudable que toda lengua es capaz de provocar.
"Imparable éxito", Todos al Teatro.
"Los fines de semana arden de pasión. Relatos eróticos está revolucionando la capital", On Madrid, Diario El País.
"Todos los fines de semana las entradas se agotan, por algo será", Metropoli, Diario El Mundo.
"Maravilloso espectáculo", Luz Sela, Punto Radio.
"Una de las revelaciones de la temporada", La república cultural.
"Dueña de infinitos registros, hace pensar y reír a ritmo trepidante", Público.
"Sensual, divertido, emocionante", Sexologies.
"Magnífica contadora de historias", La huella digital.
"'Se está convirtiendo en un espectáculo de culto", Le Cool.
"Deliciosa hora y cuarto de humor y emoción", Que.es.
"Un homenaje a la narración oral que lleva el género al límite uniendo la magia de la ficción, la gracia del monólogo y elplacer de escuchar una buena voz, sin dejar de ser fiel al origen de todo: una mujer contado historias", Madridiario.
Realización del vídeo:
http://www.cuelganseis.com / info@cuelganseis.com

Balta este un orãşel în stânga Nistrului, în Regiunea Odessa, fostã capitalã a RSSA Moldov...
published: 03 Feb 2011
author: Marian Voicu
Balta este un orãşel în stânga Nistrului, în Regiunea Odessa, fostã capitalã a RSSA Moldoveneşti în
1924– 1929. Destinul românilor de aici este exemplar pentru cel al tuturor celor care trãiesc dincolo de
Nistru. Cu totul aparte este povestea inochentiştilor, care urmeazã învãţãturile călugărului Inochentie
(Ioan Levizor), moldovean din judeţul Soroca, care a slujit în mãnãstirea de la Balta începând din 1909.
Astãzi, inochentiştii trăiesc în izolare, se lipsesc voluntar de televiziune, radio, chiar şi de curent electric.
Regie: Marian Voicu
Imagine: Radu Vizitiu
Asistent imagine: Dãnuţ Olariu
Editor imagine: Viorel Creangã, Dragoş Brehnescu
Ilustraţie muzicalã Silviu Iuraşcu
© TVR 2000
Youtube results:

La Vida Boheme "Radio Capital"
"Nuestra" available on iTunes !!! itun.es Amazon CD: amzn.to...
published: 20 Apr 2011
author: Nacionalrecords
La Vida Boheme "Radio Capital"
"Nuestra" available on iTunes !!! itun.es Amazon CD: amzn.to
- published: 20 Apr 2011
- views: 103105
- author: Nacionalrecords

Michael Aspel and Dave Cash, Capital Radio, 1976
Audio clips of Michael Aspel followed by Dave Cash on Capital Radio 15 January 1976....
published: 18 Mar 2012
author: grodvin
Michael Aspel and Dave Cash, Capital Radio, 1976
Audio clips of Michael Aspel followed by Dave Cash on Capital Radio 15 January 1976.
- published: 18 Mar 2012
- views: 292
- author: grodvin

Locutor De Radio Capital Intransigente Con William Luna.
Gracias Por Visitarnos CesarMadalengoitia.es.tl "El señor Tafur, desde que llegué, me trat...
published: 26 Apr 2011
author: mbcministries
Locutor De Radio Capital Intransigente Con William Luna.
Gracias Por Visitarnos CesarMadalengoitia.es.tl "El señor Tafur, desde que llegué, me trató de manera displicente e irónico. Tafur afirmó que él es Ateo y al decirle mi impresión: 'Siento que usted no tolera a los Cristianos', me catalogó de 'Paranoico' para finalmente cortar abruptamente la Entrevista, diciendo: 'Vamos a la pausa para que este señor se vaya'", relató el cantante.
- published: 26 Apr 2011
- views: 6757
- author: mbcministries

One Direction on Capital FM Radio 5/10/12
Recording of the live stream by Capital FM Radio with One Direction on October 5th, 2012. ...
published: 05 Oct 2012
author: britinvasion00
One Direction on Capital FM Radio 5/10/12
Recording of the live stream by Capital FM Radio with One Direction on October 5th, 2012. Like and subscribe for more One Direction! I don't own anything, etc. Tumblr at britihsinvasion-invademe.tumblr.com Twitter (I follow back when asked) at http Instagram (I follow back when asked) @samegan If you have a request for a video to be uploaded/ linked message me on this channel or on Tumblr and I'll be happy to help you out! And most of all thanks for watching :)
- published: 05 Oct 2012
- views: 141659
- author: britinvasion00