
Marvel Comics teases 'Infinity' cosmic crossover

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Marvel Comics has teased details of its upcoming Infinity cosmic crossover event.

The storyline will kick off on May 4 with a Free Comic Book Day special written by Jonathan Hickman and drawn by Jim Cheung.

Marvel Comics teases 'Infinity' cosmic crossover

© Marvel Comics

The event sees iconic villain Thanos take on the Avengers, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, Fantastic Four, Inhumans, Superior Spider-Man and more as the Marvel Universe stands on the brink of galactic war.

Comics including Nova, Thanos Rising, Guardians of the Galaxy and Hickman's Avengers are expected to tie in to Infinity when the event launches.

Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy will launch in February, with Thanos Rising following in April.

Infinity has been tipped for a summer debut.

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