- published: 22 Mar 2013
- views: 961
- author: Leif Bugge
1960 - Murray Halberg 13.43.4 - 5000m - Rome Olympics
published: 22 Mar 2013
author: Leif Bugge
1960 - Murray Halberg 13.43.4 - 5000m - Rome Olympics
- published: 22 Mar 2013
- views: 961
- author: Leif Bugge
11 Finals:5000m/3 Miles-1950-90 Commonwealth/Empire Games
There have been some great races over the 3M/5k distance during these four decades.Medalis...
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: AthletixStuffChannel
11 Finals:5000m/3 Miles-1950-90 Commonwealth/Empire Games
There have been some great races over the 3M/5k distance during these four decades.Medalists include world record holders such as Murray Halberg,Ben Jipcho,R...
- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 209
- author: AthletixStuffChannel
Murray Helberg マレー・ハルバーグ
昭和37年3月18日 第2回室内陸上競技国際大会 祖父が8mmフィルムで撮影した1600m走のニュージーランドのマレー・ハルバーグ (ローマオリンピック5000m金メダリスト) m...
published: 25 Apr 2009
author: satoshiono1977
Murray Helberg マレー・ハルバーグ
昭和37年3月18日 第2回室内陸上競技国際大会 祖父が8mmフィルムで撮影した1600m走のニュージーランドのマレー・ハルバーグ (ローマオリンピック5000m金メダリスト) my grandfather shoot Murray Helberg by 8mm film at Tokyo on 18th Mar...
- published: 25 Apr 2009
- views: 4310
- author: satoshiono1977
Murray Halberg
published: 16 Aug 2012
author: tararuaroom8
Murray Halberg
- published: 16 Aug 2012
- views: 25
- author: tararuaroom8
Murray Halberg
Golden hour NZ....
published: 24 Jul 2012
author: jarjarson123
Murray Halberg
Golden hour NZ.
- published: 24 Jul 2012
- views: 152
- author: jarjarson123
Sir Murray Halberg, winner of the Sport NZ Leadership Award, talks about leadership.
Sir Murray Halberg has won the Sport New Zealand Leadership Award at this year's Westpac H...
published: 10 Feb 2012
author: Sport New Zealand
Sir Murray Halberg, winner of the Sport NZ Leadership Award, talks about leadership.
Sir Murray Halberg has won the Sport New Zealand Leadership Award at this year's Westpac Halberg Sports Awards. Sport NZ Chief Executive Peter Miskimmin said...
- published: 10 Feb 2012
- views: 500
- author: Sport New Zealand
Halberg Rap.f4v
For the 2009 Westpac Halberg Awards, SKY TV got together some of New Zealand's famous spor...
published: 05 Jul 2010
author: HalbergTrust
Halberg Rap.f4v
For the 2009 Westpac Halberg Awards, SKY TV got together some of New Zealand's famous sportspeople to do a rap on the Halberg Trust. Sportspeople included: V...
- published: 05 Jul 2010
- views: 4715
- author: HalbergTrust
The Golden Hour trailer
A group of young marginalized runners -- who include Sir Murray Halberg and Sir Peter Snel...
published: 19 Jul 2012
author: pollyfryer
The Golden Hour trailer
A group of young marginalized runners -- who include Sir Murray Halberg and Sir Peter Snell -- are lead by their unorthodox and controversial coach, Arthur L...
- published: 19 Jul 2012
- views: 777
- author: pollyfryer
1960 - Peter Snell vs Roger Moens - 800m - Rome Olympics
published: 22 Mar 2013
author: Leif Bugge
1960 - Peter Snell vs Roger Moens - 800m - Rome Olympics
- published: 22 Mar 2013
- views: 537
- author: Leif Bugge
Halberg Trust Promo Video
More than 40 years ago Sir Murray Halberg set up the Halberg Trust. The Halberg Trust hono...
published: 05 Jul 2010
author: HalbergTrust
Halberg Trust Promo Video
More than 40 years ago Sir Murray Halberg set up the Halberg Trust. The Halberg Trust honours sporting excellence with the Westpac Halberg Awards, but also h...
- published: 05 Jul 2010
- views: 1125
- author: HalbergTrust
Halberg Awards 2013. Sport NZ Leadership Award, Sir John Wells.
Sport New Zealand Chief Executive Peter Miskimmin said the leadership award pays tribute t...
published: 15 Feb 2013
author: Sport New Zealand
Halberg Awards 2013. Sport NZ Leadership Award, Sir John Wells.
Sport New Zealand Chief Executive Peter Miskimmin said the leadership award pays tribute to Sir John's significant contribution to the sector over many years...
- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 116
- author: Sport New Zealand
2011 Halberg Award winners talk to media after receiving their awards.
2011 Halberg Award winners talk to media after receiving their awards....
published: 08 Mar 2013
author: trans2020ff
2011 Halberg Award winners talk to media after receiving their awards.
2011 Halberg Award winners talk to media after receiving their awards.
- published: 08 Mar 2013
- views: 21
- author: trans2020ff
Youtube results:
ANZA Challenge Harcourts Thank You
Harcourts is the proud sponsor of the inaugural ANZA Challenge and we need your support to...
published: 23 Sep 2013
ANZA Challenge Harcourts Thank You
Harcourts is the proud sponsor of the inaugural ANZA Challenge and we need your support to make the event an epic fundraising success.
What is it? The ANZA Challenge is a trans-Tasman charity event where two teams of sporting greats and celebrities representing New Zealand and Australia race a gruelling 1300km around New Zealand. Former All Black and broadcaster Marc Ellis leads the Harcourts New Zealand Team along with Black Sticks player Gemma Flynn, World Champion Cyclist and netballer Alison Shanks, Olympic gold medal rower Nathan Cohen, Paralympic cyclist Nathan Smith, and sports presenter James Mconie -- with two more team members to be announced. They are up against an elite team of Australians, including former rugby league player and Wallaby Wendell Sailor, lifeguard and star of Bondi Rescue Andrew Reid, Olympic cyclist Shane Kelly, Hockeroo Kate Hollywood and former rugby league player Laurie Daley. The challenge starts at Parliament in Wellington on 15 October and then moves to Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin, up to Hamilton and culminates in simultaneous public runs in Auckland and Sydney on Sunday 20 October.
Who benefits? 100% of all money raised in New Zealand during the event goes to the Halberg Disability Sport Foundation. The foundation (formerly known as the Halberg Trust) is a charity that was founded by Sir Murray Halberg with the aim of enhancing the lives of physically disabled New Zealanders by enabling them to participate in sport. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the foundation.
- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 5
2013 Halberg Awards, on the red carpet with Sarah Walker
Sarah Walker chats with HPSNZ about the 2012 Olympics and the future for her. James McOnie...
published: 15 Feb 2013
author: HPSportNZ
2013 Halberg Awards, on the red carpet with Sarah Walker
Sarah Walker chats with HPSNZ about the 2012 Olympics and the future for her. James McOnie also features.
- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 465
- author: HPSportNZ
Billy Mills
William "Billy" Mervin Mills (Pine Ridge, 30 de junho de 1938) foi um corredor de longa di...
published: 22 Sep 2013
Billy Mills
William "Billy" Mervin Mills (Pine Ridge, 30 de junho de 1938) foi um corredor de longa distância, campeão olímpico dos 10.000 m nos Jogos Olímpicos de 1964, em Tóquio, e o segundo índio norte-americano, depois do decatleta Jim Thorpe, a conquistar uma medalha de ouro olímpica. Sua vitória é considerada uma das mais surpreendentes da história dos Jogos Olímpicos.1
Membro da tribo Sioux Oglaga e um ex-fuzileiro naval, Billy nasceu e cresceu na reserva indígena de Pine Ridge, na Dacota do Sul, ficando órfão aos doze anos de idade. Praticante do boxe e do atletismo na adolescência, passou a dedicar-se apenas as corridas quando fazia o curso secundário no Instituto Haskell, hoje Universidade das Nações Indígenas de Haskell, no estado de Kansas.
Destacando-se como fundista nos campeonatos nacionais de atletismo do começo da década de 1960, Mills se formou em educação física na Universidade do Kansas e entrou para o Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais dos Estados Unidos da América, onde obteve a patente de primeiro-tenente da reserva em 1964.
Mills se qualificou para os Jogos na equipe olímpica de atletismo dos Estados Unidos nos 10.000 m e na maratona, mas esperava-se dele apenas uma participação honrosa, com o favoritismo nos 10.000 m sendo do australiano Ron Clarke, então recordista mundial, e para os campeões olímpicos dos 10.000 e dos 5.000 nos Jogos de Roma de 1960, Pyotr Bolotnikov da União Soviética e Murray Halberg, da Nova Zelândia.
Virtualmente um desconhecido internacionalmente, classificado em segundo lugar na seletiva norte-americana, Mills tinha um tempo um minuto inteiro mais lento que Clarke, que começou dando o ritmo da prova. Sua tática de aumentar o ritmo a cada volta dava resultado, e na metade da corrida apenas quatro corredores ainda o acompanhavam, entre eles Mills. O favorito da multidão, o japonês Tsubaraya, foi o primeiro a deixar o grupo, seguido pelo etíope Mamo Wolde.
Com duas voltas para o final da prova, apenas dois corredores ainda acompanhavam o recordista mundial, Mohammed Gammoudi, da Tunísia, e Billy Mills. Para todos os espectadores que acompanhavam o evento, a prova era de Clarke. Ele possuía o tempo de 28m15s na distância, enquanto nem Gammoudi nem Mills a haviam corrido em menos de 29 minutos.
No início da última volta, Clarke e Mills corriam lado a lado com o tunisino logo atrás dos dois, e o grupo começou a ultrapassar os corredores retardatários. Clarke forçou Mills duas vezes, e o norte-americano o acompanhou. Então Ghammoudi saiu de trás dos dois e começou a forçar o ritmo, num sprint final, assumindo a liderança na última curva da pista. Enquanto Clarke recuperava o ritmo e colava no tunisino, Mills ficava alguns metros para trás, parecendo finalmente fora da disputa pela medalha de ouro.
Nos últimos cinquenta metros, entretanto, enquanto o australiano falhava em conseguir ultrapassar Gammmoudi, Billy Mills abriu por fora da pista e ultrapassou os dois de uma vez, acelerando num esforço final a poucos metros da chegada, e vencendo a prova em 28m24s, recorde olímpico e melhor tempo de sua vida. Nenhum norte-americano havia até então vencido os 10.000 m olímpicos, e nenhum venceria depois, até hoje.
Tempos depois, Mills estabeleceu o recorde norte-americano dos 10.000 m (28m17s) e o das 3 milhas, na meia distância, quebrando o recorde mundial das 6 milhas em 1965.
Em 1976, foi honrado ao ser investido no Hall da Fama do Atletismo dos Estados Unidos e em 1984, foi o personagem principal do filme Running Brave. Hoje ele é o principal porta-voz do Running Strong for American Indian Youth,2 uma organização que apóia projetos em benefício dos povos indígenas norte-americanos, especialmente os jovens.
- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 7