There are parallels between America’s current political situation and the conditions leading to the collapse of the Roman Republic more than 2,000 years ago, according to an International Business Times commentary published on Resnikoff, political capital reporter for IBT, writes that the Roman Republic was decaying long before Julius Caesar marched on the city in 49 B.C. and toppled it for good ..., Jim Berrie ....
More than a foot of rain in some places flooded low-lying areas across the Houston region on Monday, forcing officials to suspend bus and rail service, close schools and government offices and urge residents to stay home amid what authorities said were extremely dangerous conditions, CNN reported."This is a life-threatening emergency....
A report in the Belfast Telegraph Monday says dinosaurs were already on the path to extinction millions of years before the meteor impact that is widely believed to have wiped them out, scientists said.Experts have always believed dinosaurs were flourishing on Earth just before the disaster struck when a huge asteroid or comet hit the planet just off the coast of Mexico, the report said....
Article by Correspondent Dallas DarlingNot only is New York State the future face of the two main political parties, but with 400 delegates at stake in Tuesday’s primary race starring presidential hopefuls Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, everything can change in a “New York minute.” Indeed, the Empire State is where millions of immigrants suddenly got a new start in life and fortunes made overnight on Wall Street....
Relief efforts continue in southern Japan following back-to-back strong earthquakes that killed at least 42 people last week and left the country in shambles, the Belfast Telegraph reported Monday.The U.S. military will join rescuers as they redouble efforts for 10 missing people on the southern island of Kyushu, where many area were cut off by landslides and road and bridge damage ... The U.S....
(Source. Glen InnesSevernCouncil) ... A preliminary schedule for these business areas is as follows ... Glen Innes Severn Council issued this content on 19 April 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein ... OriginalDocument ... (noodl. 33129249) ....
FredUpton (R-OH), who chairs the House Energy and Commerce Committee from telling The Hill newspaper this week that this time the party is really, really close. Upton, a member of a small task force tapped by House SpeakerPaul...Upton told reporters that his task force is still in “listening” mode and is in discussions with many different experts....
Lightwood, Derbyshire The females act like magnets for all that testosterone. A toad ball could number about a dozen ... Those cartographic changes reflect a heart-warming story of how toads can alter whole landscapes. The wedge-shaped bloc was once a reservoir and, when it was decommissioned by SevernTrent, the company was highly sensitive to local wishes that Lightwood’s wildlife should be accommodated ... Twitter ... Related. In pictures ... ....
The defender believes his side can take heart from a hard-fought point at UptonPark, and will be able to ride out the absence of their star striker ... ....
Hong Kong Exchanges and ClearingLimited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement....
When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy." ... The real-world impact of elites upon public policy may be still greater....
Upon disposition of FAA, the Senate will execute the below agreement on S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization. ... That following the disposition of Cassidy-Markey amendment #2954, the substitute amendment #2953, as amended, will be agreed to; that the Senate vote on the motion to invoke cloture, upon reconsideration, on S.2012, as amended; that if ......
Today a ceasefire has been agreed upon between Azerbaijan and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, which unlike the unilateral ceasefire declared by Azerbaijan three days ago seems to be holding. First, the Azeris have made gains, but their advance was ultimately quite modest – only around a quarter of a kilometer across a narrow stretch of the northern front – and ultimately ground to a halt ... ....
Four more families of crew members who died when the El Faro cargo ship sank during an October hurricane have settled wrongful-death claims for $500,000 each with the ship’s operator. Tote Services Inc ... Each includes the same $500,000 for damages for pre-death pain and suffering and “an agreed upon amount for pecuniary (economic losses) damages covering the estate’s full economic loss.”. read more ... ....
The former Lazio man reflected upon his time at Old Trafford and admitted that he regrets heading for the exit door so early in his Red Devils career ... ....