- published: 05 Apr 2013
- views: 311
- author: asebucuresti1913

Grade de libertate in calibrarea politicii monetare. Academician MUGUR ISARESCU
Grade de libertate in calibrarea politicii monetare. Academician MUGUR ISARESCU....
published: 05 Apr 2013
author: asebucuresti1913
Grade de libertate in calibrarea politicii monetare. Academician MUGUR ISARESCU
Grade de libertate in calibrarea politicii monetare. Academician MUGUR ISARESCU.
- published: 05 Apr 2013
- views: 311
- author: asebucuresti1913

Interview with Academician Durga Dahal
Interview with academician Durga Dahal....
published: 12 Jun 2013
author: sunil thapa
Interview with Academician Durga Dahal
Interview with academician Durga Dahal.
- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 301
- author: sunil thapa

Riscul evitabil de la Rosia Montana - Academician Ionel Haiduc
Nici o companie de asigurari nu risca sa asigure proiectul minier al RMGC. Este...ori nu e...
published: 25 Feb 2012
author: SmashedRemote
Riscul evitabil de la Rosia Montana - Academician Ionel Haiduc
Nici o companie de asigurari nu risca sa asigure proiectul minier al RMGC. Este...ori nu este, barajul de la Rosia Montana cel mai sigur din lume ?? http://w...
- published: 25 Feb 2012
- views: 664
- author: SmashedRemote

Bangladesh academician points at enmity between BNP & Awami League ahead of elections
Dhaka, Oct 05 (ANI): As tensions mounted ahead of the general elections, Bangladesh academ...
published: 05 Oct 2013
Bangladesh academician points at enmity between BNP & Awami League ahead of elections
Dhaka, Oct 05 (ANI): As tensions mounted ahead of the general elections, Bangladesh academician, Fakrul Alam, said on Friday that the politics of the country was based on the enmity between the two leading political parties, the ruling Awami League led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the Bangladesh National Party (BNP) headed by Begum Khaleda Zia. Alam also said that a caretaker government was no longer possible under the present constitution. Alam also said that the government led by Hasina was inclined to promote Islam.
- published: 05 Oct 2013
- views: 33

Jamaat used Islam for political purposes: Bangladesh Academician
Dhaka, June 15 (ANI): Bangladesh academician, Nazma Shaheen has called for the banning of ...
published: 15 Jun 2013
author: Bangladesh Today
Jamaat used Islam for political purposes: Bangladesh Academician
Dhaka, June 15 (ANI): Bangladesh academician, Nazma Shaheen has called for the banning of the country's biggest Islamist party, Jamaat-e-Islami and blamed th...
- published: 15 Jun 2013
- views: 127
- author: Bangladesh Today

An academician in politician's clothing
Video journalist: Hisyam Salleh....
published: 11 Mar 2011
author: FreeMalaysiaToday
An academician in politician's clothing
Video journalist: Hisyam Salleh.
- published: 11 Mar 2011
- views: 325
- author: FreeMalaysiaToday

Academician and general designer Victor Makeyev
Chief-designer of russian strategic missiles for submarines....
published: 11 May 2008
author: Sergei Makeev
Academician and general designer Victor Makeyev
Chief-designer of russian strategic missiles for submarines.
- published: 11 May 2008
- views: 2237
- author: Sergei Makeev

Bangladesh academician hails Pranab's visit to Dhaka
Dhaka, March 24 (ANI): Bangladesh's leading academician Mustafizur Rahman has hailed the r...
published: 24 Mar 2013
author: ANImultimedia
Bangladesh academician hails Pranab's visit to Dhaka
Dhaka, March 24 (ANI): Bangladesh's leading academician Mustafizur Rahman has hailed the recent visit of President Pranab Mukherjee to his country and added ...
- published: 24 Mar 2013
- views: 56
- author: ANImultimedia

Credo of academician Skoromets part three mpeg2video
published: 18 Apr 2010
author: Stanislav Meleyko
Credo of academician Skoromets part three mpeg2video
- published: 18 Apr 2010
- views: 121
- author: Stanislav Meleyko

Academician Kulchin Y.N. on NANO2013 in the frame of Nanotwinning project
"Academician Kulchin Y.N. (Russia), "Photonic of self - organizing biomineral nanostructur...
published: 10 Sep 2013
Academician Kulchin Y.N. on NANO2013 in the frame of Nanotwinning project
"Academician Kulchin Y.N. (Russia), "Photonic of self - organizing biomineral nanostructures"
the International research and practice Conference "Nanotechnology and nanomaterials", August 29-31, 2013
Held in the Framework of the Nanotwinning Project"
- published: 10 Sep 2013
- views: 4

Premiile "Eminescu, ziaristul" - Nae Georgescu propus ca academician al UZP
Detalii: http://uzp.org.ro/ http://www.ziaristionline.ro/...
published: 30 Jun 2013
author: Ziaristi Online
Premiile "Eminescu, ziaristul" - Nae Georgescu propus ca academician al UZP
Detalii: http://uzp.org.ro/ http://www.ziaristionline.ro/
- published: 30 Jun 2013
- views: 33
- author: Ziaristi Online

Absolut TV - La Vama Vremii - 19.02.13 Cu academician Gh. Păun
La vama vremii
published: 20 Feb 2013
Absolut TV - La Vama Vremii - 19.02.13 Cu academician Gh. Păun
La vama vremii
- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 13

Ozan Örmeci-Being an academician in Turkey 1
A speech made by Dr. Ozan Örmeci about being an academician in Turkey on 14 March 2012 at ...
published: 15 Mar 2012
author: Ozan Ormeci
Ozan Örmeci-Being an academician in Turkey 1
A speech made by Dr. Ozan Örmeci about being an academician in Turkey on 14 March 2012 at Bilkent University.
- published: 15 Mar 2012
- views: 145
- author: Ozan Ormeci
Youtube results:

An Academician, Dr. Terry O' Brien
An Academician, Dr. Terry O' Brien, in
AIC Lecture Series -162
2nd August 2013
Topic: "...
published: 30 Aug 2013
An Academician, Dr. Terry O' Brien
An Academician, Dr. Terry O' Brien, in
AIC Lecture Series -162
2nd August 2013
Topic: "The New Concept of Teaching & Motivation"
Amity University, Uttar Pradesh
- published: 30 Aug 2013
- views: 1

Scientist & Academician - Dr. D. S Rathore
Scientist & Academician - Dr. D. S Rathore, in "Third International Conference on POSITIVI...
published: 06 Sep 2012
author: amityuni
Scientist & Academician - Dr. D. S Rathore
Scientist & Academician - Dr. D. S Rathore, in "Third International Conference on POSITIVISM (Foundation for Human Dimension)" 6th to 8th, August 2012 at Ami...
- published: 06 Sep 2012
- views: 13
- author: amityuni

Bangladesh academician hails trials of 1971 war criminals
Dhaka, June 22 (ANI): Bangladesh academician, S M Imamul Huq, hailed the trials of the war...
published: 22 Jun 2013
author: Bangladesh Today
Bangladesh academician hails trials of 1971 war criminals
Dhaka, June 22 (ANI): Bangladesh academician, S M Imamul Huq, hailed the trials of the war criminals, accused of genocide during 1971 liberation struggle alt...
- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 20
- author: Bangladesh Today

Jamaat represents wrong face of Islam: Bangladesh Academician
Dhaka, May 21 (ANI): Bangladesh academician, Rashiduddin Ahmed has called for the banning ...
published: 21 May 2013
author: Bangladesh Today
Jamaat represents wrong face of Islam: Bangladesh Academician
Dhaka, May 21 (ANI): Bangladesh academician, Rashiduddin Ahmed has called for the banning of the country's biggest Islamist party, Jamaat-e-Islami saying tha...
- published: 21 May 2013
- views: 124
- author: Bangladesh Today