
Five in the Chamber Live on WPKN
Five in the Chamber, Live on Jim Motavalli's WPKN-FM show, performing "Love 'Em and Leave...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Five in the Chamber Live on WPKN
Five in the Chamber Live on WPKN
Five in the Chamber, Live on Jim Motavalli's WPKN-FM show, performing "Love 'Em and Leave 'Em."- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 58

WPKN Jump,Jive&Wail; Dance 3/11
13 min. video of Jump, Jive, & Wail WPKN (wpkn.org) benefit dance featuring Eight to the B...
published: 26 Apr 2011
author: MEdiaJezUS
WPKN Jump,Jive&Wail; Dance 3/11
WPKN Jump,Jive&Wail; Dance 3/11
13 min. video of Jump, Jive, & Wail WPKN (wpkn.org) benefit dance featuring Eight to the Bar, held 3/13/11 at Milford Center for the Arts in Milford, CT. Fea...- published: 26 Apr 2011
- views: 104
- author: MEdiaJezUS

WPKN SUNDAY BRUNCH - A Kick Out of Cole 1
The Orange Players performing selections from...
published: 09 Jul 2014
WPKN SUNDAY BRUNCH - A Kick Out of Cole 1
WPKN SUNDAY BRUNCH - A Kick Out of Cole 1
WPKN SUNDAY BRUNCH - A Kick Out of Cole II The Orange Players performing selections from their recent show "A Kick Out of Cole". Recorded at WPKN Studio 207 on June 6 2014. WPKN.org- published: 09 Jul 2014
- views: 72

Live on WPKN FM
Sarah LeMieux sings live on Bill Nolan's Antique Blues show on WPKN FM....
published: 23 Jun 2008
author: sarahlemieux
Live on WPKN FM
Live on WPKN FM
Sarah LeMieux sings live on Bill Nolan's Antique Blues show on WPKN FM.- published: 23 Jun 2008
- views: 585
- author: sarahlemieux

Teen Town Live At Wpkn Radio
Austin- Wah Guitar Criston- Bass Dom- Lead Guitar Sam- Saxophone Vinny- Trombone Will- Dru...
published: 26 Apr 2013
author: theman38sam
Teen Town Live At Wpkn Radio
Teen Town Live At Wpkn Radio
Austin- Wah Guitar Criston- Bass Dom- Lead Guitar Sam- Saxophone Vinny- Trombone Will- Drums Performed Live at WPKN 89.5 FM in bridgeport on april 23rd, 2013.- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 93
- author: theman38sam

WPKN SUNDAY BRUNCH - A Kick Out of Cole Part II
The Orange Players performing selections from...
published: 09 Jul 2014
WPKN SUNDAY BRUNCH - A Kick Out of Cole Part II
WPKN SUNDAY BRUNCH - A Kick Out of Cole Part II
WPKN SUNDAY BRUNCH - A Kick Out of Cole II The Orange Players performing selections from their recent show "A Kick Out of Cole". Recorded at WPKN Studio 207 on June 6 2014. WPKN.org- published: 09 Jul 2014
- views: 64

Nanette Natal Interview on WPKN with Valerie Richardson
Nanette Natal is interviewed by Valerie Richardson on her show, "Radio Something" - WPKN, ...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: pyzel3
Nanette Natal Interview on WPKN with Valerie Richardson
Nanette Natal Interview on WPKN with Valerie Richardson
Nanette Natal is interviewed by Valerie Richardson on her show, "Radio Something" - WPKN, Bridgeport, CT. on November 29, 2011.- published: 28 Feb 2012
- views: 137
- author: pyzel3

California '66 Revue WPKN Concert
Fairfield,CT, Aug. 6, 2009. Blues Magoos, Love, and The Electric Prunes play in this 2nd o...
published: 08 Aug 2009
author: TwiftiesTV
California '66 Revue WPKN Concert
California '66 Revue WPKN Concert
Fairfield,CT, Aug. 6, 2009. Blues Magoos, Love, and The Electric Prunes play in this 2nd of 18 shows tour. Lauren Traub Teton of Twifties.com is your video h...- published: 08 Aug 2009
- views: 649
- author: TwiftiesTV

Glenn Roth "Mountain Theme" Live On WPKN 10/31/13
Glenn Roth performs Mountain Theme on Bob DAprile's radio show CT Rocks!
WPKN 89.5 f.m. ww...
published: 03 Nov 2013
Glenn Roth "Mountain Theme" Live On WPKN 10/31/13
Glenn Roth "Mountain Theme" Live On WPKN 10/31/13
Glenn Roth performs Mountain Theme on Bob DAprile's radio show CT Rocks! WPKN 89.5 f.m. www.wpkn.org "Mountain Theme" Original by Glenn Roth www.glennroth.com- published: 03 Nov 2013
- views: 132

Live on WPKN: The Littlest Birds Meet Five in the Chamber
On WPKN October 29, 2013, an impromptu jam on "Hot Corn, Cold Corn" between California-bas...
published: 30 Oct 2013
Live on WPKN: The Littlest Birds Meet Five in the Chamber
Live on WPKN: The Littlest Birds Meet Five in the Chamber
On WPKN October 29, 2013, an impromptu jam on "Hot Corn, Cold Corn" between California-based The Littlest Birds and Connecticut's own Five in the Chamber. Program host (and cameraman) Jim Motavalli.- published: 30 Oct 2013
- views: 237

Kaivama playing "Edina Speedtrap" live on WPKN.
Finnish Music On WPKN with Kaivama
Sara Pajunen - fiddle
Jonathan Rundman. - guitar a...
published: 08 Sep 2011
Kaivama playing "Edina Speedtrap" live on WPKN.
Kaivama playing "Edina Speedtrap" live on WPKN.
Finnish Music On WPKN with Kaivama Sara Pajunen - fiddle Jonathan Rundman. - guitar and harmonium, Kaivama" is a Finnish word stemming from kaivaa: to delve or dig. They will perform on fiddle, guitar and harmonium, More about the Kaivama online at: www.kaivama.com WPKN - WPKN.org Nick Jacobs Host Cliff Furnald - Producer Dave Schwartz - Audio / Video- published: 08 Sep 2011
- views: 202

Waterbound by The Littlest Birds on WPKN
The Littlest Birds play Waterbound on Jim Motovalli's show on WPKN in Bridgeport CT.
published: 17 Nov 2013
Waterbound by The Littlest Birds on WPKN
Waterbound by The Littlest Birds on WPKN
The Littlest Birds play Waterbound on Jim Motovalli's show on WPKN in Bridgeport CT. http://littlestbirds.net http://facebook.com/thelittlestbirds- published: 17 Nov 2013
- views: 33

WPKN-String Band-Blue Skies (Sunday Brunch)
On 10-14-12 String Band performed on the Sunday Brunch with David Golden on 89.5 FM WPKN. ...
published: 16 Oct 2012
author: livebandstouring
WPKN-String Band-Blue Skies (Sunday Brunch)
WPKN-String Band-Blue Skies (Sunday Brunch)
On 10-14-12 String Band performed on the Sunday Brunch with David Golden on 89.5 FM WPKN. This song is called Blue Skies by Donna the Buffalo. WPKN- http://w...- published: 16 Oct 2012
- views: 150
- author: livebandstouring
Youtube results:

Jon and Ronnie of Fe Fi Fo on WPKN 89.5FM
Jon and I were on Terry Hoppers show "The Quest" on WPKN 89.5FM Bridge[port, CT, on 5/27/1...
published: 31 May 2014
Jon and Ronnie of Fe Fi Fo on WPKN 89.5FM
Jon and Ronnie of Fe Fi Fo on WPKN 89.5FM
Jon and I were on Terry Hoppers show "The Quest" on WPKN 89.5FM Bridge[port, CT, on 5/27/14. We spent about an hour chatting and playing our CD's and we go to perform our song "Plea" live on the air, stripped down and raw. Hope you enjoy!- published: 31 May 2014
- views: 13

Mr. Grinch - Caravan of Thieves on WPKN
Go to youtube.com/melmmvs for all of my videos. I don't use this account anymore Fuzz, Car...
published: 23 Dec 2008
author: melmull16
Mr. Grinch - Caravan of Thieves on WPKN
Mr. Grinch - Caravan of Thieves on WPKN
Go to youtube.com/melmmvs for all of my videos. I don't use this account anymore Fuzz, Carrie and Brian from Caravan of Thieves rip it up on The Singers' Cir...- published: 23 Dec 2008
- views: 3427
- author: melmull16

Paula G on WPKN
Paula Gallo, vocalist for the Paula G Reality, speaks with Bruce Swan of WPKN about the ba...
published: 24 Aug 2012
author: PaulaGReality
Paula G on WPKN
Paula G on WPKN
Paula Gallo, vocalist for the Paula G Reality, speaks with Bruce Swan of WPKN about the band's CD, their upcoming performances, and the Breaking the Band con...- published: 24 Aug 2012
- views: 130
- author: PaulaGReality

Part 2 WPKN Jazz Adventures - Mike Armando - guitar, Bob Reale - bass, Matt Crawford - drums, 2006
WPKN radio live performance hosted by Phil Bowler. Featuring Mike Armando - guitar, Bob Re...
published: 06 Nov 2011
author: Mike Armando
Part 2 WPKN Jazz Adventures - Mike Armando - guitar, Bob Reale - bass, Matt Crawford - drums, 2006
Part 2 WPKN Jazz Adventures - Mike Armando - guitar, Bob Reale - bass, Matt Crawford - drums, 2006
WPKN radio live performance hosted by Phil Bowler. Featuring Mike Armando - guitar, Bob Reale - bass, Matt Crawford - drums. Recorded in house studio at WPKN...- published: 06 Nov 2011
- views: 129
- author: Mike Armando