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- Duration: 3:01
- Published: 2008-10-24
- Uploaded: 2011-01-01
- Author: PokerPlum
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Though they are the traditional goldsmiths of North India, now many are also landowners, involved in cultivation, as well as selling grocery. But their main occupation remains the manufacture and selling of jewellery. Members of the community are also involved in pawnbroking and moneylending.
This caste is found in varying categories within the caste system of India such as Mair Rajput, Taunk Rajput, lower reserved backwards castes, other upper Khatri descents and other castes.
The two primary tribes of goldsmiths in present-day Punjab are the Mairs and the Tanks. The two tribes have several gothras in common so it is possible that movement between the two tribes or simultaneous entry by gothras into both tribes has historically taken place. Currently, Mairs claim to have a higher status than the Tanks. This was true historically also— Mairs did not accept water from Tanks.
The Tanks had claimed Kshatriya descent in 1911 but later did not pursue that claim. It may be that the Tank goldsmiths are descendants of the ancient Takshac, or Taunk Rajput tribe. The Tanks worship the snake as an emblem of Takshac, the founder of the Nagvanshi, or Tank family.
In Haryana, the Sonar are often known as Verma, there common surname. They are further divided into two segments, the Hindu Sonar and the Sikh Sonar. These two groupings are further divided into the Baari Sunar and the Shudre Sonar. All these groups are strictly endogamous, and practice clan exogamy. These divisions are further divided into clans, known as gotras. There are said to be fifty gotras with in the Sonar community. Some of them are the Gund, Bhole, Kuhal, Vaid, Mai, Ratti, Bhulan, Odhera, Naali, Deo, Masoun, Vatash, Kushal, Kashyap, Dhir and Turar. The Sonar are still involved in their traditional occupation, that is being goldsmiths. There is however a steady process in taking up other occupations, and the community in Haryana as whole is fairly successful, having produced several professionals.
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