- published: 26 Oct 2010
- views: 39406
- author: israelarchaeology
Virtual Reconstruction Of Second Temple Temple Mount
The Herodian version of the model shows visitors how excavators believe the Temple Mount s...
published: 26 Oct 2010
author: israelarchaeology
Virtual Reconstruction Of Second Temple Temple Mount
The Herodian version of the model shows visitors how excavators believe the Temple Mount site appeared prior to its destruction by Roman troops in the year 70 CE. The focus is on the southern portion of the enclosure, and includes reconstructions of Robinson's Arch (an early overpass linking the top of the platform with the major city street below), the Hulda Street gates and passages onto the platform, the Royal Stoa, and the Second Temple. The reconstruction is based on the excavations at the Temple Mount under the direction of Ronny Reich and regional archeologist Gideon Avni. On view at the Davidson Center,
- published: 26 Oct 2010
- views: 39406
- author: israelarchaeology
The Tragedy of the Second Temple
Rabbi Kenneth Brander, The David Mitzner Dean, Center for the Jewish Future discusses the ...
published: 15 Jul 2010
author: YeshivaUniversity
The Tragedy of the Second Temple
Rabbi Kenneth Brander, The David Mitzner Dean, Center for the Jewish Future discusses the importance of treating all Jews with respect and love, as a precursor to the redemption. www.yu.edu
- published: 15 Jul 2010
- views: 1139
- author: YeshivaUniversity
Differences Between the First and Second Temple - #14
JewishHistory.org The Second Temple was lacking in "The Holy Spirit". It did not have prop...
published: 13 May 2009
author: JewishHistoryDotOrg
Differences Between the First and Second Temple - #14
JewishHistory.org The Second Temple was lacking in "The Holy Spirit". It did not have prophecy, there has been no prophecy since the prophet Malachi. Due to this, it was much harder to have leadership and direction, so corruption ensues and spirituality declined. The Eternal Flame of the First Temple did not exist in the Second Temple. This symbolized a lack of Torah and connection to Gd. We still have a reminder in Jewish synagogues of the Eternal Flame, called a "ner Tamid." The Ark of the Covenant was also missing from the Second Temple since Jeremiah buried it somewhere. This included the 10 commandments. We do have a tradition that it will eventually be rediscovered. Due to this, the Holy of Holies was essentially empty, aside from the Foundation Stone. Nowadays, it is debatable where the Rock is exactly. Physically, the Second Temple was also lacking in materials and grandeur. However- it was rebuilt many times in the 420 years that it stood. It was rebuilt by the Hasmoneans, and it was rebuilt by Herod. Herod's Temple was actually physically more beautiful than Solomon's. Despite it's renovation and rejuvenation, the Second Temple was ultimately destroyed by the Roman conquest in 70 CE Due to this, the Jews enter into a long and continuing exile.
- published: 13 May 2009
- views: 6096
- author: JewishHistoryDotOrg
Jerusalem and the Second Temple
The Israel Museum holds impressive model of ancient Jerusalem.The model reconstructs the c...
published: 03 Feb 2011
author: Michael Grobman
Jerusalem and the Second Temple
The Israel Museum holds impressive model of ancient Jerusalem.The model reconstructs the city and the Second Temple as it was prior the destruction in 70 CE.
- published: 03 Feb 2011
- views: 1691
- author: Michael Grobman
Exclusive - Second Temple Treasure Discovered In The Hills o
Deep inside of the hills of Jerusalem rests the Kibbutz of Ramat Rachel. Over the past 50 ...
published: 07 Aug 2008
author: infolivetvenglish
Exclusive - Second Temple Treasure Discovered In The Hills o
Deep inside of the hills of Jerusalem rests the Kibbutz of Ramat Rachel. Over the past 50 years many archaeologists have realized that hidden beneath this kibbutz are archaeological treasures beyond one's imagination - the ruins of the palace of one of the king of Judah, along with relics from the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman era. At this site where space and time are mixed within the earth, another hidden treasure long buried underground has recently resurfaced. Just a few days ago, 15 silver coins dating from the Second Temple period were discovered inside of an ancient pot hidden in a columbarium. 08/07/08
- published: 07 Aug 2008
- views: 19807
- author: infolivetvenglish
בית המקדש - הורדוס - Jerusalem Temple - Herod
דוגמית מתוך שחזור ממוחשב של בית המקדש השני, ע"פ עבודת הדוקטורט של ד"ר יהושע פלג, מרכז רנרט...
published: 23 Feb 2010
author: Yehuda Vinograd
בית המקדש - הורדוס - Jerusalem Temple - Herod
דוגמית מתוך שחזור ממוחשב של בית המקדש השני, ע"פ עבודת הדוקטורט של ד"ר יהושע פלג, מרכז רנרט לחקר ירושלים, אוניברסיטת בר אילן; ביצוע: חברת אתום בע"מ, יזם ומנהל פרוייקט: יהודה וינוגרד - yvinograd@gmail.com אתר הפרוייקט: atom-mc.com --------- First Demo of Herods temple in Jerusalem; The Reconstruction of the Herodian Sanctuary According to the Writings of Josephus Flavius. Based on the Doctoral Dissertation of Dr. Yehoshua Peleg, department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Supported by the Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies, Prof. Joshua Schwartz, Director Project Initiator and Project Director: Yehuda Vinograd Production: Atom-mc Temple Utensils and Priests: Shilo Vinograd Project site: atom-mc.com
- published: 23 Feb 2010
- views: 75333
- author: Yehuda Vinograd
Minecraft: AdventureCraft Ep.2 (Second Temple=Raged SlyFox)
Homies Remember To Leave A Like It Helps and shows support :D How To install Adventure Cra...
published: 18 Jun 2011
author: xXSlyFoxHoundXx
Minecraft: AdventureCraft Ep.2 (Second Temple=Raged SlyFox)
Homies Remember To Leave A Like It Helps and shows support :D How To install Adventure Craft www.youtube.com Homies remember to like the video, it Shows Active Support :D Official SlyFoxHound & Homies Shirt Store www.redbubble.com My Twitter: twitter.com My Facebook: tinyurl.com
- published: 18 Jun 2011
- views: 331967
- author: xXSlyFoxHoundXx
Infolive.tv Minute - A Tour Of The Second Temple Model At Th
Come take a look at one of the most recent and exciting additions to the Israel Museum in ...
published: 10 Dec 2008
author: infolivetvenglish
Infolive.tv Minute - A Tour Of The Second Temple Model At Th
Come take a look at one of the most recent and exciting additions to the Israel Museum in Jerusalem - The Second Temple Era model of Jerusalem. The model reconstructs the topography and architectural character of the city as it was prior to 66 CE, the year in which the Great Revolt against the Romans erupted, leading to the eventual destruction of the city and the Temple. Originally constructed on the grounds of Jerusalems Holyland Hotel, the model is now a permanent feature of the Museums twenty-acre campus. 12/10/08
- published: 10 Dec 2008
- views: 2924
- author: infolivetvenglish
Second Temple
Android app that recreates the second Temple of Jerusaleum. You can walk around and explor...
published: 11 Nov 2011
author: skinhat
Second Temple
Android app that recreates the second Temple of Jerusaleum. You can walk around and explore the Second temple. market.android.com
- published: 11 Nov 2011
- views: 15642
- author: skinhat
Darksiders - Walkthrough - Second Temple (PART 24)
Part 24 of my walkthrough for Darksiders. There has been a lot of mixed reviews/feelings a...
published: 10 Jan 2010
author: darkshadows6
Darksiders - Walkthrough - Second Temple (PART 24)
Part 24 of my walkthrough for Darksiders. There has been a lot of mixed reviews/feelings about this game, but I think it's worth playing for sure. I have already beat the game twice and i'm still liking every moment of it. I'm playing on Normal. Gamertag: MaStErEnRIC0 (the 0 is a zero).
- published: 10 Jan 2010
- views: 75902
- author: darkshadows6
The Second Temple Model of Jerusalem
Second Temple Era Model of Jerusalem. The model reconstructs the topography and architectu...
published: 03 Dec 2008
author: museumisrael
The Second Temple Model of Jerusalem
Second Temple Era Model of Jerusalem. The model reconstructs the topography and architectural character of the city as it was prior to 66 CE, the year in which the Great Revolt against the Romans erupted, leading to the eventual destruction of the city and the Temple. Originally constructed on the grounds of Jerusalems Holyland Hotel, the model is now a permanent feature of the Museums twenty-acre campus, adjacent to the Shrine of the Book.
- published: 03 Dec 2008
- views: 3609
- author: museumisrael
Mysteries of Jerusalem - Hunt for the Treasures of God
Are the fabled treasures of the Second Temple (71 AD) among which is the celebrated Golden...
published: 19 Jan 2011
author: TheFaithTube
Mysteries of Jerusalem - Hunt for the Treasures of God
Are the fabled treasures of the Second Temple (71 AD) among which is the celebrated Golden Candelabra, still in existence? This mystery of Jerusalem has captured the imagination of novelists and screenwriters alike for almost two millenia. We will travel back in time to the destruction of the Second Temple, imperial Rome, Southern France, North Africa and Constantinople in search of the lost treasures and the Candelabra which has become the symbol of a nation.
- published: 19 Jan 2011
- views: 49648
- author: TheFaithTube
Second Temple - Wiki Article
The Second Temple was an important Jewish Holy Temple (Hebrew: בֵּית־הַמִּקְדָּשׁ: Bet Ha...
published: 04 Dec 2012
author: WikiPlays
Second Temple - Wiki Article
The Second Temple was an important Jewish Holy Temple (Hebrew: בֵּית־הַמִּקְדָּשׁ: Bet HaMikdash; Arabic: بيت القدس: Beit al-Quds) which stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the Second Tem... Second Temple - Wiki Article - wikiplays.org Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: en.wikipedia.org Author: Ariely Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( Creative Commons ASA 3.0 ) Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: Steerpike Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( Creative Commons ASA 3.0 ) Author: Juan R. Cuadra Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: James Tissot Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: Wilson44691 Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: David Roberts Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. )
- published: 04 Dec 2012
- views: 16
- author: WikiPlays
JPS Schiffman Interview
Prof. Lawrence Schiffman talks with Rabbi Barry Schwartz, JPS Director, about his role as ...
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: Sarah Segal
JPS Schiffman Interview
Prof. Lawrence Schiffman talks with Rabbi Barry Schwartz, JPS Director, about his role as one of the editors of Outside the Bible, a groundbreaking JPS anthology of second temple literature to be released in 2013.
- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 135
- author: Sarah Segal
Vimeo results:
Dublin's People: Canon 7d 24p
Filmed at the end of the 2 day F-Stop Academy Cinematography workshop in Dublin when we we...
published: 07 Sep 2009
author: Philip Bloom
Dublin's People: Canon 7d 24p
Filmed at the end of the 2 day F-Stop Academy Cinematography workshop in Dublin when we were in wind down mode. Shot on a pre-production Canon 7d.
I took the Canon 7d, Zacuto Tactical rig, Z-Finder V2 and one lone lens, a Canon 35mm f1.4, which becomes more like a 50mm lens on the 7d. So a bit like what I did with Sofia's People (but I didn't have the Zacuto rig for that).
I shot 1/50th of a second as I was shooting 24p and to match the 50hz frequency of the artificial all around me in Temple Bar.
I also shot some stuff 720p 50p with shutter at 1/100th to get the slow motion shots of the juggler which were conformed to 23.98p in Cinema tools to create the beautiful slow motion.
Sound on the last bit was just the internal mono cam mic as I didn't want a big mic on top of the camera.
Big thanks To Darragh and Emma for organizing the workshop. To all the people attended and especially the people who came to the intensive 1 day Cinematography practical workshop on Sunday. Jala (from Germany), Cathal (from N. Ireland) and Jean-Jacques (from France) stayed on another night and joined me for the night shooting. We had a great time. You may also spot my partner in crime Den Lennie a couple of times here.
Music is appropriately by the great THIN LIZZY and is of course Whiskey In The Jar.
Minor colour balance grading was done. That's all to take out the yellow of the sodium lights.
Smoking may look cool on camera kids but it's bad for you! The reason so many smokers in this? All the smokers are outside, all the non smokers are inside due to smoking ban. I hope you notice the one in my mouth was not lit! :-)
More info on my blog at http://philipbloom.co.uk/2009/09/07/dublins-people-shot-on-a-canon-7d-in-native-24p/
More workshops coming to you soon!
If you cannot download it anymore as their is a daily limit on vimeo, you can download it from here too as long as you are a free member: http://exposureroom.com/dublinspeople
Bald Spot
V'hayah im shamo'a tish'm'u el mitz'votai
asher anokhi m'tzaveh et'khem hayom
l'ahavah et ...
published: 11 Jan 2011
author: 5-Second Films
Bald Spot
V'hayah im shamo'a tish'm'u el mitz'votai
asher anokhi m'tzaveh et'khem hayom
l'ahavah et Adonai Eloheikhem ul'av'do b'khol l'vav'khem uv'khol naf'sh'khem
V'natati m'tar ar'tz'khem b'ito yoreh umal'kosh
v'asaf'ta d'ganekha v'tirosh'kha v'yitz'harekha.
-Prayer for hair, Deuteronomy 11:13-21
The Gospel According to Jazz Chapter 3 Double CD/DVD
The Gospel According to Jazz, Chapter III will be available as a Double CD and DVD on Marc...
published: 21 Dec 2009
author: Kirk Whalum
The Gospel According to Jazz Chapter 3 Double CD/DVD
The Gospel According to Jazz, Chapter III will be available as a Double CD and DVD on March 16, 2010. Featuring Kirk Whalum, George Duke, Lalah Hathaway, Doc Powell, Kevin Whalum with special guests, John Stoddart, Hugh "Peanuts" Whalum, Kenneth Whalum III, Kyle Whalum, and Caleb Tha Bridge. Also playing: Jerry Peters, Aaron Broadus, Reginald Veal, Lenny Castro, Sean McCurley, and Kortland Whalum
The Gospel According to Jazz, Chapter III
For yours is the kingdom, the victory and the majesty, the power and dominion, for all that is in heaven and earth are yours…1 Chronicles 29:11a
On October 13, 2007, at Reid Temple AME Church on the outskirts of Washington DC, a standing room only audience packed the 3000-plus capacity state-of-the-art worship complex to experience the transforming power of Kirk Whalum’s The Gospel According to Jazz, Chapter III. Recorded live by three generations of Whalums and some of the most resounding names in jazz, pop, gospel and r&b;, The Gospel According to Jazz, Chapter III comes ten years after the first chart-topping Gospel According to Jazz, Chapter I CD debuted, and in the wake of the Grammy nominated, Stellar Award winning second chapter, released in 2002.
The two-disk set, plus DVD, is the most expansive in the series in terms of sheer minutes of music, 118.35 to be exact, but also in terms of content and concept. From the first plaintive note in “Call to Worship,” it is clear that this will be far more than an extension or installment of what came before. Kirk Whalum and company blow the roof off with subtlety, nuance, inspired performances and a message of faith, hope and love that both encompasses and transcends every point on the musical compass.
The accompanying DVD makes the most of Whalum the philosopher, theologian and theorist, with film director Jim Hanon (End of The Spear; and Miss HIV, for which Kirk wrote the soundtrack) capturing him as he weaves the story of jazz, gospel, the blues (verbally and instrumentally) in candid shots interposed with concert footage.
Although Whalum—who lives up to his reputation as “the most influential saxophonist of his generation”—is front and center throughout, this is undoubtedly an ensemble recording. He shares the stage with what could be called the ‘Whalum dynasty’ (three generations and six Whalums: brother Kevin (vocals); Uncle Peanuts (vocals, sax, and piano); son, Kyle (electric bass); nephews Kenneth III (saxophone) and Kortland (vocals), plus first cousin Caleb tha Bridge (vocals/rap). The unparalleled George Duke, featured on both I and II, returns on keys, and is joined by vocalist Lalah Hathaway, guitarist Doc Powell, keyboardist/vocalist John Stoddart, trumpeter/vocalist Aaron Broadus, stand-up bassist, Reginald Veal, percussionist Lenny Castro and Kirk’s former bandmate, drummer Sean McCurley.
The renowned gospel/r&b; writer and producer Jerry Peters once again brings his prodigious talent, sharing credits with Whalum on two songs and also as album co-producer, along with Kirk and Hal Sacks, the latter has served as engineer for all three GATJ live recordings. “My father loved James Cleveland and Jerry brought that sensibility, as well as playing the B3 organ.”
But “gospel” in the radio/church sense is only whispered or suggested. The range of material is reflected in its creators/writers—from Whalum, himself, and son Kyle, to Charlie Chaplin, Diane Warren, Isaiah Jones and Frankie Beverly, among others. This genre-and-time-spanning array of songwriting is the perfect backdrop for Whalum’s seemingly endless expression. His signature r&b-inflected; jazz, rich with romance and melodic power, imbued with blues, funk, pop, Latin and world music is solidly present, but on songs like Ananias and Sapphira, we see the more adventurous Whalum. As he describes it, “The song is definitely avant garde; we go into deep improvisation. This isn’t a good groove and some licks, this is where we go somewhere.” And where he goes is in the direction of Elvin Jones, Coltrane and Henderson. Not only does Whalum pull out all the stops on this sobering nod to God’s holiness and power, but Reginald Veal is a standout on upright, as he turns his bass into a sitar and plucks out a driving percussive and intricate melody.
Whalum is on a mission not just to share the Good News of the Gospel, but to expand it far beyond the walls of the church and traditionally accepted ways of communicating the message, and jazz is the medium. Whalum’s God is a lot bigger and the music that glorifies him is as limitless, transcendent, unexpected and powerful as He is. “How can you describe the indescribable?” queries Whalum. “That’s an opportunity for jazz and other creative arts. I wanted to make sure there were moments where it was ethereal, avant garde—that’s something that’s missing in the genre we call gospel. It needs to go where it is more ‘art music,’ It’s not just in y
Sacred Marriage 2: The Refining Fire (How to Make a Great Rub)
We are all in the gutter, but some of us look at the stars-Oscar Wilde
They dream in court...
published: 03 Nov 2009
author: Jim Tompkins
Sacred Marriage 2: The Refining Fire (How to Make a Great Rub)
We are all in the gutter, but some of us look at the stars-Oscar Wilde
They dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake…Alexander Pope
Because marriage, more than any other relationship, reflects God’s involvement with us and bears more potential to draw our hearts to heaven, it can more readily give us a taste of hell (Dan Allender & Tremper Longman III)
We all associate the image of fire with hell. And many marriages in American have gone through this fire of Hell. Whether the marriage ends or the couple stays together, marriage is seen by some as hell on earth.
The Apostle Peter was well acquainted with fire.
He denied Jesus while warming his hands over fire. Jesus questioned his love while fish were roasting over fire. In both cases he associated fire with a test. One he failed another he passed. I think that is why he wrote these verses in 1 Peter 4:12-13 (NLT):
1 Peter 4:12-13 (NLT) Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.
1 Peter 1:6-7 (NLT) So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
Fire is certainly viewed as destructive and dangerous. Fires destroy forests, but fires also lead to renewal. Fire burns away the dross surrounding certain metals and reveals the pure gold or silver. The fires of life can destroy our marriage, or, if survived, purify our marriage. The fires of our marriage can draw our hearts to heaven or leave us with the taste of hell.
In the movie Fireproof
Captain Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) is a firefighter in Albany, Georgia. His seven-year marriage to Catherine is falling apart. Neither one understands the pressures the other faces, and after a heated argument in which Caleb screams in Catherine's face, she declares she wants out of the marriage, and takes off her wedding ring.
While Caleb claims to his friends and co-workers that Catherine is over-sensitive and disrespectful, Catherine simultaneously claims to her peers that Caleb is insensitive to her needs and doesn't listen to her. Further catalyzing Catherine's motivation for divorce is Caleb's addiction to Internet pornography and a large sum of money ($24,000, to be exact) he has saved up for a fishing boat he intends to buy, ignoring the fact that Catherine's disabled mother is in need of hospital equipment that she cannot afford, and which insurance refuses to cover. Caleb tells his father John about the impending divorce, and John challenges Caleb to commit to a 40-day test called, "The Love Dare." Caleb reluctantly agrees to do the test, but more for the sake of his father than his marriage. Catherine initially sees through Caleb's half-hearted attempts to win back her heart, which deepens Caleb's frustration. But with his father's encouragement, Caleb continues with The Love Dare, and eventually makes a life-changing commitment to God, unbeknownst to Catherine.
The movie has some various twists but the end result is Caleb and Catherine realize they need each other, and at the end they renew their vows in an outdoor ceremony, this time as a covenant with God. Their marriage is FIREPROOF.
Marriage is a Covenant
Did you see your marriage vows as a marriage Covenant? Did both you and your spouse get married knowing you were making a covenant before God! You did, whether you realized it or not.
Definition: a binding and solemn agreement to do or keep from doing a specified thing; compact
We know of Covenants from the Bible. God put a rainbow in the sky as a covenant that He would never destroy the world by rain. He made a Covenant with Abraham, He made a Covenant with David, He made a Covenant with all who by faith believe in Jesus Christ. That Covenant was sealed by the blood and body of Jesus.
When we get married, we enter into a covenant before God. In a Covenant, you make a binding agreement to stay with this woman or man until they die. In that Covenant we also promise to do so and so.
Most people believe “Well, my husband broke his promise to love me, or take care of me or so and so, so it’s OK for me to break my promise to him.” Or, well my wife is no longer the person I married, so my vow does not apply.
WE draw a line in our marriage
“I’ll keep my end of the covenant as long as you don’t cross over this line.” I’ll keep my word as long as you don’t … … … But as soon as you do, that’s it, I’m out of here!
That would be OK if marriage
Youtube results:
Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough - Part 23: Earth Temple
Hello Ninbuzz, and welcome to another part of the Skyward Sword Walkthrough! In this part,...
published: 09 Dec 2011
author: NinBuzz
Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough - Part 23: Earth Temple
Hello Ninbuzz, and welcome to another part of the Skyward Sword Walkthrough! In this part, we enter the second temple of the game, the Earth Temple! We also have some problems with Lizalfos, who prove to be a more difficult enemy than we have faced so far! SilverSleet Links: www.youtube.com www.facebook.com www.twitter.com ----- Facebook - www.facebook.com Twitter - twitter.com Website - www.nintendobuzz.com
- published: 09 Dec 2011
- views: 22718
- author: NinBuzz
בית המקדש השני בתלת מימד ,Jerusalem Second Temple Amazing
קטע מתוך מצגת תלמודית מקיפה על בנין בית המקדש השני...
published: 03 Dec 2012
author: batshaful
בית המקדש השני בתלת מימד ,Jerusalem Second Temple Amazing
קטע מתוך מצגת תלמודית מקיפה על בנין בית המקדש השני
- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 1
- author: batshaful
Let's Play - Final Fantasy - X - #8 - Kilika Temple
Don't forget to leave a rating it helps me out a lot! Second temple in the game, still on ...
published: 28 Mar 2012
author: sleepyjo2
Let's Play - Final Fantasy - X - #8 - Kilika Temple
Don't forget to leave a rating it helps me out a lot! Second temple in the game, still on the easy side. For the boss you just need to remove the tentacles in the back and beat the crap out of him, fairly straight forward. www.facebook.com steamcommunity.com www.twitch.tv This is the PAL version of the game. I am using a guide meant for the NTSC version of the game. This means there may be certain things I miss here and there. I will try to get as much as I can. I will likely not be doing the Dark Aeons (huge time sink) and the boss that comes after them. I will be trying to get most, if not all, of the ultimate weapons. I probably won't complete the Monster Arena but I will show it and do some of it. Most of the other side quests I should be doing (or at the least telling you how to do).
- published: 28 Mar 2012
- views: 405
- author: sleepyjo2
WAP4 Kerala 2nd Longest River Godavari
WAP4 India's longest running daily, 24 coach 12626 New Delhi Thiruvananthapuram Kerala exp...
published: 29 Oct 2012
author: indianrailways
WAP4 Kerala 2nd Longest River Godavari
WAP4 India's longest running daily, 24 coach 12626 New Delhi Thiruvananthapuram Kerala express smoothly cruises the Godavari river bridge. P4 ED 22256. The Godavari river runs from western to southern India and is considered to be one of the big river basins in India. With a length of 1465 km, it is the second longest river in India, after the Ganges. It originates near Trimbak in Nashik District of Maharashtra state and flows east across the Deccan Plateau into the Bay of Bengal near Narasapuram in West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. Rajahmundry, is the largest city on the banks of Godavari. At Rajahmundry, Godavari is in its widest form having a width of approximately 5 km from Rajahmundry to the other bank at Kovvur. Many religious places are situated on the banks of this great river including, Nanded in Maharashtra - Takht Sri Hazur Sahib, one of the five most sacred places in Sikhism and Basara in AP is home to a famous temple for Goddess Saraswati, the only second temple for the Goddess in India.. Kerala connects New Delhi and Thiruvananthapuram, covering a distance of 3036 km in about 50.25 hrs and 40 halts. Belongs to Southern Railway. SCR pilots handle this train for longest - 14+ hours and 925+ km. Brutal WAP4 22222 Kerala Aggressive Attack - www.youtube.com WAP4 Kerala Fastest Shatters Kavali 110+ - www.youtube.com Decorated WAP4 Kerala Express Republic Greetings - www.youtube.com WAP4 Kerala Express Mini Earthquake - www.youtube.com India's Longest Daily ...
- published: 29 Oct 2012
- views: 371
- author: indianrailways