- published: 15 Oct 2012
- views: 697897
- author: BarackObamadotcom

Obama Pride: LGBT Americans for Obama
Commit to vote: OFA.BO Jane Lynch, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Billie Jean King, George Takei, W...
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: BarackObamadotcom
Obama Pride: LGBT Americans for Obama
Commit to vote: OFA.BO Jane Lynch, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Billie Jean King, George Takei, Wanda Sykes, Zachary Quinto, and Chaz Bono share why they're supporting President Obama and why Mitt Romney isn't the choice for them.
- published: 15 Oct 2012
- views: 697897
- author: BarackObamadotcom

In My Shoes: Stories of Youth with LGBT Parents
In a time when LGBT families are debated and attacked in the media, courts and Congress, f...
published: 15 Apr 2011
author: Frameline
In My Shoes: Stories of Youth with LGBT Parents
In a time when LGBT families are debated and attacked in the media, courts and Congress, from school houses to state houses across the country, five young people who are children of LGBT parents give you a chance to walk in their shoes - to hear their own views on marriage, making change, and what it means to be a family. This film was produced by the COLAGE Youth Leadership and Action Program and directed by Jen Gilomen. Dir. Jen Gilomen & COLAGE 2005 31min. USA Founded in 1977, Frameline is the nation's only nonprofit organization solely dedicated to the funding, exhibition, distribution and promotion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender media arts. Frameline Voices is a new digital initiative that showcases diverse LGBT stories and expands access to films by and about people of color, transgender people, youth, and elders. More information: www.frameline.org.
- published: 15 Apr 2011
- views: 59352
- author: Frameline

Ok though we would lighten it up this week with a Tag video...We used to do a lot of these...
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: depfox
Ok though we would lighten it up this week with a Tag video...We used to do a lot of these but for some reason people don't tag us anymore ;O( QUESTIONS: 1. where did we meet? 2. what was our first date? 3. where was our first kiss and how was it? 4. did u know that i was the one 5. first impression? 6. when did u meet the family 7. do we have a tradition 8. what was our first roadtrip 9. who said i love u first and where were we 10. what do we argue about the most 11. who wears the pants in the relationship 12. if im sitting in front of the tv what am i watching 13. what dressing do i get on my salad 14. whats the one food don't i like 15. we go out to eat what do i get to drink 16. what size shoe do i wear 17. if i was collecting anything what would it be 18. what is my favorite type of sandwich 19. what would i eat everyday if i could 20. what my fav cereal 21. what is my fav music 22. whats my fav sports team 23. what is my eye color 24. who is my best friend 25. what is something that you do that i wish you didn't 26. what is my heritage 27. you bake me a cake for my birthday what kind do u make 28. did i play any sports 29. what could i spend hours doing 30. what is one unique talent that i have
- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 9063
- author: depfox

I Want to Break Free - LGBT Assembly
This is a video I made for an assembly at school with the theme of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bis...
published: 22 Feb 2013
author: GeesonTV
I Want to Break Free - LGBT Assembly
This is a video I made for an assembly at school with the theme of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender). We had a lot of fun making this but more importantly we're spreading a message, we're doing more than just having a laugh. The other people on stage are the other performers involved with this assembly and they were all amazing, it feels great to be surrounded by so much talent! At least one of them will be famous one day, mark my words! Hope you enjoy it dudes and dudettes! In the words of a friend of mine "Fair ye well, have a joyous day!" Queen - I Want to Break Free: www.youtube.com Chalk Stream (Credits music): www.youtube.com Freddie Deighton: www.youtube.com Mistreated Misplaced Misunderstood Mistaken Please don't ever feel like you're less than perfect. -P!nk
- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 633
- author: GeesonTV

Our Families: LGBT Asian and Pacific Islander Stories
Check out the first video from Our Families, in our series of videos that highlight the tr...
published: 03 Oct 2011
author: BasicRights
Our Families: LGBT Asian and Pacific Islander Stories
Check out the first video from Our Families, in our series of videos that highlight the trials of triumphs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people of color. Our Families is a community education campaign that raises the visibility of LGBT people of color. In this video Asian and Pacific Islander families share with us their personal experiences. To learn more about Our Families, go to www.basicrights.org
- published: 03 Oct 2011
- views: 14715
- author: BasicRights

Indiana teacher wants straight prom because LGBT people have no 'purpose'
www.facebook.com Indiana teacher wants straight prom because LGBT people have no 'purpose'...
published: 11 Feb 2013
author: HoodNews
Indiana teacher wants straight prom because LGBT people have no 'purpose'
www.facebook.com Indiana teacher wants straight prom because LGBT people have no 'purpose'
- published: 11 Feb 2013
- views: 32381
- author: HoodNews

Is Being Gay a Choice? (A Universal Perspective on LGBT)
Ask Teal Website - www.askteal.com Is being gay or lesbian a choice? The answer is yes. Bu...
published: 05 Jan 2013
author: TheSpiritualCatalyst
Is Being Gay a Choice? (A Universal Perspective on LGBT)
Ask Teal Website - www.askteal.com Is being gay or lesbian a choice? The answer is yes. But its often a choice you make prior to coming to this planet, just as it was your choice to have green eyes or brown hair. Gender is an expression of Source energy just like any other choice that is part of physical manifestation (such as brown hair or green eyes). It is a perspective. If one "opts" into one gender or another that comes with its own additives to perspective. Especially when society has its own ideas of what gender means. Gender does not matter beyond the physical. It is merely contrast to aid with perspective. The source self is without gender, rather the source self chose to temporarily explore the perspective of the polarity of one gender or another. Many of the most advanced beings in this universe are without gender because they have transcended their own polarity meaning that balance is found within and not externally through the combining of polar energies like male or yin/yang. In today's society, being gay can come with immense challenge but also with immense advantages. The first main advantage is that someone who (in this current time frame of society) is gay, has a better opportunity than most who live heterosexual lives do to examine their belief patterns about gender and who determines what is right or wrong. This is an opportunity to get "out of the box", which is a big big part of opening up to spiritual expansion. And this leads to the second main ...
- published: 05 Jan 2013
- views: 12864
- author: TheSpiritualCatalyst

JWHD - How to Come Out of the Closet to Parents & Friends LGBT @JessicaWhoHD
GAMING CHANNEL - youtube.com 2ND CHANNEL - youtube.com Please Like, Share & Subscribe!! I'...
published: 01 Jan 2013
author: JessicaWhoHD
JWHD - How to Come Out of the Closet to Parents & Friends LGBT @JessicaWhoHD
GAMING CHANNEL - youtube.com 2ND CHANNEL - youtube.com Please Like, Share & Subscribe!! I've come out of the closet to many people in my life including my wife, mom, sister, in-laws, best friend, cousins, dogs, therapist, postal carrier, coach, etc. With all this experience, I like to think that I know a thing or two about coming out. So in this video, I'll show you some good and not-so-good ways of having "the talk". Hope you find this useful as a time-waster or maybe a film festival entry! :) BLOG - jessica-who.com TWITTER - http FACEBOOK - www.facebook.com INSTAGRAM - instagram.com TUMBLR - jessicawhohd.tumblr.com PINTEREST - http GOOGLE+ - gplus.to PERSONAL FB - facebook.com Hi, I'm Jessica Who? And yea, I'm a dude! Thank you so much for watching!! Makeup - MAC foundation, Urban Decay eyeshadow eyeliner mascara eye primer, Sephora blush & bronzer, Smashbox finishing powder, dermablend concealer, makeup forever concealer Outfit - Pink button up shirt and Black top by Forever 21 This video was filmed with a Canon Rebel T3i and edited in Sony Vegas Movie Studio 11.0 Audio file(s) provided by www.audiomicro.com "How to Come out of the closet to your parents" "How to Come out of the closet to your friends" "Coming Out LGBT" "How to Tell your Girlfriend You're a Crossdresser" "How to Tell Family You're Transgender" "Male Comedian in Drag" "Makeup for Men" "Male to Female Makeup Transformation Full Body" "Drag Queen Tutorial" "Coming Out to My Family" Father Mother Wife ...
- published: 01 Jan 2013
- views: 3991
- author: JessicaWhoHD

girlfriend tag [LGBT/lesbian Edition]
so we decided to do the girlfriend tag for this video :D with random talking in between ha...
published: 10 Dec 2012
author: SteezyStazzay
girlfriend tag [LGBT/lesbian Edition]
so we decided to do the girlfriend tag for this video :D with random talking in between haha. if you guys want to send us letters/fanmail/packages, just come off anon and message us on tumblr or message us directly on facebook & we'll be more than happy to give you our address :) acid-washed-thoughts.tumblr.com http acid-washed-trancefables.tumblr.com http twitter.com facebook.com instagram: ashlieiniguez & steezy_stazzay
- published: 10 Dec 2012
- views: 64145
- author: SteezyStazzay

It's really SO much BIGGER than LGBT
Pink Therapy founder and director, Dominic Davies and clinical associate (and director of ...
published: 20 Feb 2013
author: Dominic Davies
It's really SO much BIGGER than LGBT
Pink Therapy founder and director, Dominic Davies and clinical associate (and director of the BeeLeaf Institute) Pam Gawler-Wright (www.beeleaf.com) are interviewed by Shelley Bridgman (http (who is also a clinical associate with Pink Therapy) about the move to embrace a wider range of gender and sexual diversities beyond the more traditional LGBT. Check our website for self help resources and our training courses for therapists www.pinktherapy.com
- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 3324
- author: Dominic Davies

Averil Calls on Government to End Discrimination Against LGBT Teachers, Doctors and Other Staff
Did you know that a teacher or doctor may still be fired just for being gay? A year ago Av...
published: 28 Feb 2013
author: Senator Averil Power
Averil Calls on Government to End Discrimination Against LGBT Teachers, Doctors and Other Staff
Did you know that a teacher or doctor may still be fired just for being gay? A year ago Averil published a Fianna Fail bill to end this discrimination. In opposing our bill, Minister Shatter promised to bring forward his own proposals early in the New Year. Not only has this not happened, the body he tasked with developing those proposals hasn't even been established yet. Today in the Seanad, Averil questioned the Government about this delay and highlighted the fear and unhappiness this delay is causing for gay teachers, doctors and other staff.
- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 37
- author: Senator Averil Power

Kindle Gay Amazon Commercial - Out Now Business Class - Better LGBT
The new Amazon Kindle commercial takes an unexpected turn. Gay visibility moves another st...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: gaymarketing
Kindle Gay Amazon Commercial - Out Now Business Class - Better LGBT
The new Amazon Kindle commercial takes an unexpected turn. Gay visibility moves another step upwards. More information? Visit www.OutNowBusinessClass.com + http and join us at www.facebook.com The world's leading LGBT market resource is Out Now Global www.outnowconsulting.com
- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 22808
- author: gaymarketing

TD Strives to Make it Better for LGBT Youth
LGBT TD Employees and their allies share stories on experiencing bullying in their youth a...
published: 17 May 2012
author: TDCanada
TD Strives to Make it Better for LGBT Youth
LGBT TD Employees and their allies share stories on experiencing bullying in their youth and share a message of how It Gets Better. The video closes with a message from TD's President and CEO, Ed Clark, emphasizing the importance of allies to 'Make it Better' for LGBT youth.
- published: 17 May 2012
- views: 11321
- author: TDCanada
Vimeo results:

(n) one of two equal parts that together constitute a whole
Chloe Howcroft
published: 20 May 2011
author: Alex Bohs
(n) one of two equal parts that together constitute a whole
Chloe Howcroft
Emily Deering
Melody Snyder
Written, Directed & Edited by:
Alex Bohs
Cinematography by:
Mark Johnson
Original Music by:
Davis Jones
Animation by:
Marissa Dorman
Chelsea Gyger
Special Thanks:
Amanda Brinton
Brian Patterson
Dirk Matthews
Adam Glab
Kimberley Pinto
Michael Pinto
© 2011
2011 Reeling: The Chicago Lesbian & Gay International Film Festival (Chicago, IL)
2011 Take 1 Film Festival (Chicago, IL)
2011 Circus Surreal Film Festival (Chicago, IL)
2011 Out in the Desert: Tucson's International LGBT Film Festival (Tuscon, AZ)
2011 South Texas Underground Film Festival (Corpus Christi, TX)
2011 Pink Sheep Film Festival (Wilmington, NC)
2011 OUTrageous! LGBTQ Film Festival (Santa Barbara, CA)
2011 Short Film Showcase (London, United Kingdom)
2011 The Stepping Stone Film Festival (Bangalore, India)
2012 KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival (Mumbai, India)
2012 Chicago International Film Festival (Chicago, IL)
2012 Indie Boots Film Festival (Chicago, IL)
2012 NFFTY Film Festival (Seattle, WA)
2012 Frameline Film Festival (San Francisco, CA)
2012 Outfest Film Festival (Los Angeles, CA)
2012 Newfest (New York City, NY)
2013 Ascona Film Festival 2013 (Ascona, Switzerland)
The 1st Annual Short Film Channel (VMSplay.com)
The 2nd Annual New Media Film Festival (San Francisco, CA)
The 22nd Fresno Reel Pride Film Festival (Fresno, CA)
The 16th Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (Seattle, WA)
The 26th BFI London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (London, UK)
Staff Pick (Vimeo)
Audience Award (Take 1)
Audience Award (Indie Boots)
Best Drama (CineYouth)
Most Innovative Award (SLGFF)
Editing Award and Cinematography Award (STUFF)

MATES (film excerpt)
Ever had anonymous gay sex with someone you met online? It’s okay. Most of us have. We jus...
published: 19 Sep 2011
author: Antonio da Silva Films
MATES (film excerpt)
Ever had anonymous gay sex with someone you met online? It’s okay. Most of us have. We just don’t talk about it a lot. This kaleidoscopic short takes a graphic, unsimulated look at several seriously sexy hookups—cross-cutting between scenes of hot, hung men in action. This one is for adults only!
DONATE to WATCH and SUPORT my films.
The full length film is available online after a donation
How it works:
Go to: www.matesfilmdonations.tumblr.com/
Just press the donation button and insert the amount you wish to contribute with. Once your donation has been received I will send you an email with a password to view the film online / vimeo.
All the films have been self-funded, the donations will help me to continue producing films that could be artistic as well as sexually explicit. Any contribution will be very grateful and this will give you access to the full version of the short film MATES.
The amount you're giving is up to you, but depending on your generosity and interest in my work I can also provide you with links and passwords to see my latest short film BANKERS and/or why not some other scenes from MATES and BANKERS that aren't included in the film...
* If you do not receive an email in the next 12 hours with the link and password to watch the film(s), please check your spam folder or email the confirmation number to antoniodasilvafilms@gmail.com
MATES a film by Antonio da Silva
Camera, editing and sound design: Antonio Da Silva
Cast: Mates from online flirting/mobile phone applications
Music: Anklepants
Year: 2011
Length: 04:50
THANKS to everyone that donated to watch and support my work!!!
- Melbourne Queer Film Festival, Australia.
- Mix NYC, USA.
- Mix Brasil
- Slovak Queer Film Festival, Slovakia.
- Pink Screens Film Festival Brussels, Belgium.
- Rochester LGBT Film and Video Festival, USA.
- Perlen / Hannovers Queer Film Festival, Germany.
- InDPanda International Short Film Festival, Hong Kong, China.
- Radical Queer D.I.Y. Film Fest Berlin, Germany.
- MIX Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Tel Aviv International LGBT Film Festival, Israel.
- North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, USA.
- Perv Queerotic Film Festival, Australia.
- Philadelphia QFest, LGBT Film Festival, USA.
- Gaze, Dublin LGBT film festival, Ireland.
- Out Takes film festival, New Zealand.
- Fringe East London Gay Film Festival, UK.
- Strangelove Film Fest, Belgium.
- Amsterdam Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, Netherlands.
- Cork Film Festival, Ireland.
- Queer Lisboa Film Festival, Portugal.
- Barcelona Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, Spain.
- Berlin Porn Film Festival, Germany.
- Hamburg lesbian and gay film festival, Germany.
© Antonio da Silva

The Morning After
The Morning After a drunken night out Harry's (Joshua Berg) world is turned upside down wh...
published: 03 Jan 2012
author: Bruno Collins
The Morning After
The Morning After a drunken night out Harry's (Joshua Berg) world is turned upside down when as he awakens to discover a naked man, Thom (Luke Striffler), in his bed. stunned and confused he tries to make sense of his repressed desires. In an attempt to re-assert his heterosexuality he revisits an old lover, Lucy (Juliet Lundholm), but finds little comfort from the encounter. Harry is left to make a decision: to follow his set path and return to his doting girlfriend Jess (Jane Alice), or attempt to understand his own wants and desires.....

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce...
Ken Starr, who led the campaign to impeach Preside...
published: 05 Feb 2009
author: Courage Campaign
"Fidelity": Don't Divorce...
Ken Starr, who led the campaign to impeach President Bill Clinton, filed a legal brief last month -- on behalf of the "Yes on 8" campaign -- that would forcibly divorce 18,000 same-sex couples that were married in California last year before the passage of Prop 8.
Watch "Fidelity" and sign our letter to the state Supreme Court before they hear oral arguments in the case on March 5. Tell the Supreme Court to invalidate Prop 8, reject Ken Starr's case, and let loving, committed couples marry.
371,155 people have signed this letter. Will you add your name now by clicking on the following link?:
"Fidelity" is also now at over 1 million total views currently on Vimeo and YouTube. To help this video reach as many people as possible, please tell your friends to watch it and tell their friends!
"Fidelity" used with permission from Regina Spektor and EMI Records.
Youtube results:

Girlfriend Tag (LGBT Edition)
With my girlfriend :) Tumblr- neverhealing.tumblr.com...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: lesbeeh0nest
Girlfriend Tag (LGBT Edition)
With my girlfriend :) Tumblr- neverhealing.tumblr.com
- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 103
- author: lesbeeh0nest

The LGBT area of East Vancouver - Commercial Drive
One of my favorite streets in Vancouver is Commercial Drive because it has a lot of intere...
published: 28 Feb 2013
author: AGayCollab
The LGBT area of East Vancouver - Commercial Drive
One of my favorite streets in Vancouver is Commercial Drive because it has a lot of interesting stores and people all along it. Check out the video I made showing what it's like! I auditioned for the Amazing Race Canada with my brother - check out our video for it at youtu.be Don't forget to like us on facebook: fb.agaycollab.com And follow us on twitter tweet.agaycollab.com
- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 9
- author: AGayCollab

make up artist jessie glova performing live for LGBT COLORS event by Jessieglova
Streamed by Jessieglova in Philippines. More at qik.com Qik is the fastest way to upload v...
published: 27 Feb 2013
author: Jessie Glova
make up artist jessie glova performing live for LGBT COLORS event by Jessieglova
Streamed by Jessieglova in Philippines. More at qik.com Qik is the fastest way to upload videos to YouTube from your mobile phone. Find out more at qik.com.
- published: 27 Feb 2013
- views: 12
- author: Jessie Glova

"LGBT, LGBTeens! Your Celestial Space Father Says Help my Friend."
Video uploaded by joetalk100. /watch?v=LDMTYprbbqA "RAGE ! RAGE ! RAGE !" Children help ou...
published: 28 Feb 2013
author: WorkHardEnterHeaven
"LGBT, LGBTeens! Your Celestial Space Father Says Help my Friend."
Video uploaded by joetalk100. /watch?v=LDMTYprbbqA "RAGE ! RAGE ! RAGE !" Children help out Joetalk100. I am saint, they LGBT are sinners. I got my videos uploaded on youtube. Watch my friends video titles called: "Part 1-4. Opportunity To Enter Heaven Is For All People!", "Part 1 of 4. Saint Jesus Saves Human Sinners From Ending Up In Hell.", "Part 1-4. Happy New Year 2013. Give Jesus Christ Thanks For Being Your Savior Daily!" & "Part 1-3 Moving Up Or Moving Down! Deliverance From All Evil!" First black president. I knew black man would run for president & that he was pharoah back in year 2001. I will get my earth scattered multitudes of children who lowered their souls when they became Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals & transgender to donate to you Joseph. Some started straight, became bisexual & returned back to being straight. I will tell LGBT & LGBTeens to help you. I have also informed aliens & angels in the stars up in space so they can crush all evil on this earth once and for all. There are three, God the Father in heaven, God Father in son Jesus, & lastly myself the Celestial Space Father.
- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 6
- author: WorkHardEnterHeaven