- published: 31 Jan 2010
- views: 465454
- author: Sixlets69

Radiohead - Feral (The King Of Limbs)
Track 4 from 'The King Of Limbs' By Radiohead. This album can be downloaded from www.radio...
published: 18 Feb 2011
author: kaleidoscopification
Radiohead - Feral (The King Of Limbs)
Track 4 from 'The King Of Limbs' By Radiohead. This album can be downloaded from www.radiohead.com It's too early to say that this could be Radiohead's best album to date, or weather it can live up to 'In Rainbows' artistry. King of Limbs revisits the Kid A / Amnesiac period that alienated so many fans of OK Computer but does so with a greater maturity and weight of experience that enriches both the songs and the process. The members of Radiohead are growing into middle age now; it makes sense, perhaps, to increasingly align themselves with jazz and the experimental tradition rather than the youth and virility-obsessed conventions of rock n' roll. King of Limbs is Radiohead moving further into leftfield, away from the mainstream they once courted, a mainstream that will no doubt damn this album as pretentious and self-indulgent, with all the confused venom of a lover spurned. And they will no doubt meet with equal brickbats from the other side, once again cursing them as an uppity pop band appropriating the innovations of the avant-garde for their own ends, like Bowie before them. I don't really care. ENJOY!
- published: 18 Feb 2011
- views: 133966
- author: kaleidoscopification

Tough Love: Socializing Feral Kittens (Part 1 of 3)
The Urban Cat League teaches you how to tame and socialize feral kittens to make them read...
published: 27 Feb 2008
author: manyca
Tough Love: Socializing Feral Kittens (Part 1 of 3)
The Urban Cat League teaches you how to tame and socialize feral kittens to make them ready for adoption into homes instead of life on the streets. Questions? Contact Mike at urbancatleague.tamingferals@gmail.com. Produced for the Urban Cat League (www.urbancatleague.org) with a Partners in Caring grant from the ASPCA (www.aspca.org). Producers: Cathe Neukum and Daniel Breton Camera: Daniel Breton and Cathe Neukum Music: Kim Sherman Post Sound-Mix: Eric Shim In-Kind Services: Ganglion Films (www.ganglionfilms.com), Neukum Pictures, Kim Sherman, and Scott Killian
- published: 27 Feb 2008
- views: 98602
- author: manyca

Ribari - Feral na provi
s tobom iu tisnoj postelji iu srići iu nevolji noću bi me nebom pokrila jutrom suncem otkr...
published: 26 Jun 2008
author: madafak14
Ribari - Feral na provi
s tobom iu tisnoj postelji iu srići iu nevolji noću bi me nebom pokrila jutrom suncem otkrila s tobom proša sve san nevere smješkom tugu si mi gasila i kad bilo mi je najgore tvoja me je ljubav spasila ča je brodu feral na provi to si mom životu ti ako misec i ne isplovi ja ću s tobom ploviti x2 iu srići iu nevolji sa mnom uvik sve si dilila i kad puta nisan vidija ti si meni svitlila ča je brodu feral na provi to si mom životu ti ako misec i ne isplovi ja ću s tobom ploviti x2 ako misec i ne isplovi ti ćeš meni svitliti
- published: 26 Jun 2008
- views: 157301
- author: madafak14

★ WoW Druid - Feral Druid DPS! - Level 85, ft. Cromar - TGN
worldofwarcraft.tgn.tv — DPS rundown series, episode 8 of 22 Feral Druid! We look at the s...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: tgnWorldOfWarcraft
★ WoW Druid - Feral Druid DPS! - Level 85, ft. Cromar - TGN
worldofwarcraft.tgn.tv — DPS rundown series, episode 8 of 22 Feral Druid! We look at the spec and rotation for a Feral Druid, and analyze the testing results via Recount. All testing is done against a raid boss dummy with no buffs besides basic class abilities. Gear is level 333 premade junk. Mercifully, the feral cycle has been simplified since WotLK. Savage Roar is no longer your top priority; rip is, followed by maintaining Mangle and Rake. Your bleeds (including shred) make up 65% of your damage. Mastery is extremely effective for cats.
- published: 25 Oct 2010
- views: 255661
- author: tgnWorldOfWarcraft

World of Warcraft Swifty Duels Vs Feral Druids (WoW Gameplay/Commentary)
Win a Razer Blade Gaming Laptop! www.razerzone.com 24 hour lifecast: www.swiftycrib.com Li...
published: 26 Jan 2012
author: johnsju
World of Warcraft Swifty Duels Vs Feral Druids (WoW Gameplay/Commentary)
Win a Razer Blade Gaming Laptop! www.razerzone.com 24 hour lifecast: www.swiftycrib.com Livestream Gaming www.athenelive.com For more information about Razer line of products: www.getimba.com Join Razer for more updates and WoW contests & giveaways www.facebook.com View more of my WoW tutorial videos at: www.getimba.com Music Dj Ephixia - Dragon Roost Island Atlas Plugged - Truth Be Known Liquicity - Stan SB - Compromise Varien - Throne of Ravens
- published: 26 Jan 2012
- views: 338005
- author: johnsju

★ Mists of Pandaria - Feral (Cat) Druid Preview - Ft CabalsCorner - WAY➚
Personal Channel: www.youtube.com In this video, I preview Feral Cat Druids in Mists of Pa...
published: 04 Aug 2012
author: tgnWorldOfWarcraft
★ Mists of Pandaria - Feral (Cat) Druid Preview - Ft CabalsCorner - WAY➚
Personal Channel: www.youtube.com In this video, I preview Feral Cat Druids in Mists of Pandaria Beta. If you enjoyed the video, please leave me a Thumbs Up, Favorite and Share, also check out my personal channel for Additional WoW Content. What is WAY? - See way.tgn.tv Join the conversation at http Tell us what you think in the comments below. Click "Like" and "Add to... Favorites" if you like this video! =-=-=-= _______________________________________ WAY? (We Are You) ? tgn.tv YouTube Handbook -- Get more views! ? tgn.tv Livestream Handbook -- Get more viewers! ? tgn.tv TGN grew from 0-10 million in 5 months and shares how in the YouTube handbook! Towelliee went from $0 to a high 4-figure monthly income in 4 months solely from livestreaming and he shares how in the Livestream handbook! _______________________________________ TGN on Facebook ? tgn.tv TGN on Twitter ? tgn.tv TGN on Google+ ? tgn.tv TGN on YouTube ? tgn.tv _______________________________________ Stay up-to-date on everything TGN! ? tgn.tv Get more TGN! ? tgn.tv
- published: 04 Aug 2012
- views: 18534
- author: tgnWorldOfWarcraft

Tough Love: Socializing Feral Kittens (Part 2 of 3)
The Urban Cat League teaches you how to tame and socialize feral kittens to make them read...
published: 26 Feb 2008
author: manyca
Tough Love: Socializing Feral Kittens (Part 2 of 3)
The Urban Cat League teaches you how to tame and socialize feral kittens to make them ready for adoption into homes instead of life on the streets. Questions? Contact Mike at urbancatleague.tamingferals@gmail.com. Produced for the Urban Cat League (www.urbancatleague.org) with a Partners in Caring grant from the ASPCA (www.aspca.org). Producers: Cathe Neukum and Daniel Breton Camera: Daniel Breton and Cathe Neukum Music: Kim Sherman Post Sound-Mix: Eric Shim In-Kind Services: Ganglion Films (www.ganglionfilms.com), Neukum Pictures, Kim Sherman, and Scott Killian
- published: 26 Feb 2008
- views: 50267
- author: manyca

♠ WoW Arena - Feral 3v3 Arenas with Karizikat (Rank1 Feral Glad)
Join Karizi on a nice solid game with Jonathanlol and Corbs as they demonstrate good skill...
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: DaraMactire
♠ WoW Arena - Feral 3v3 Arenas with Karizikat (Rank1 Feral Glad)
Join Karizi on a nice solid game with Jonathanlol and Corbs as they demonstrate good skills and communication. Please Like and favorite this video and Subscribe to Karizi's new youtube channel! www.youtube.com nextlevelpvp.com Music Used - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JoshMoney - Android Factory (FixtStore) www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.http Editing and Commentary done by Karizi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - YouTube: www.youtube.com Keep in-contact with Dara Mactire! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.learntopvp.com http www.facebook.com Check out some of Dara Mactires Friends! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Click "Like" and "Favorite" if you like this video. Helps me make more! Tell me what you think in the comments below. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tags: World of Warcraft WoW Mists Pandaria Expansion Gameplay Trailer Reveal Announcement Paladin Rogue Priest Hunter Shaman Druid Warrior Mage Death Knight DK dara mactire online game mmo fun you tube warcraft addicting games arena pvp wow us EU Arena Masters Games Online Rank1 Glad ...
- published: 18 Jul 2012
- views: 4817
- author: DaraMactire

Zumio: [Duel Guides] Hunter vs Feral Druid
Facebook - www.facebook.com Only a week after we sent rogues back to the shadows, another ...
published: 03 Apr 2012
author: ZumioNET
Zumio: [Duel Guides] Hunter vs Feral Druid
Facebook - www.facebook.com Only a week after we sent rogues back to the shadows, another stealthy class has arisen! Feral druids are among the toughest classes for a hunter to beat, with incredibly potent damage and quite possibly the best mobility in the game. It took a while for me to formulate a decent tactic versus them, but once I knew the ins and outs of the fight and had a rough idea of how to counter their various abilities, the fight was very simple (but still tough)! One thing I forgot to mention in the video - you MUST use concussive shot glyph versus ferals. Pays dividends! It's completely understandable that you have problems with ferals - they are perhaps my most requested class to do a guide on, above even rogues and warlocks. Just be sure to follow a practice a few of the techniques that I demonstrate in my video, and even the most seasoned feral will be just another beast to put in your stables! I would like to do an FAQ video at the weekend. Please message me any question that you have and I'll try my best to put it in the video (so long as it is reasonable)! If you enjoy this video please be sure to like and subscribe! A screenshot of this project in Sony Vegas 10.0 (hopefully this gives you an insight into how long these guides take to make): i.imgur.com My armory: eu.battle.net Rekkiem's armory: eu.battle.net Music: 1) Kevin Macleod - Take the Lead 2) Timesplitters 2 - Return to Planet X 3) Ratatat - Wildcat 4) Ratatat - Loud Pipes 5) Orion ...
- published: 03 Apr 2012
- views: 23356
- author: ZumioNET

5.1 Feral/Warrior Capping [Ep. 9]
READ BELOW FOR INFORMATION ON THE GIVEAWAY! ================================= Hey all of y...
published: 15 Dec 2012
author: WorldofZenon
5.1 Feral/Warrior Capping [Ep. 9]
READ BELOW FOR INFORMATION ON THE GIVEAWAY! ================================= Hey all of you EPIC subscribers! Hope your prepared b/c this giveaway is EPIC! Support the thread: us.battle.net How To Win: 1. Subscribe to me (tinyurl.com 2. Like and Favorite this video 3. Leave a Mind Blowing Comment Below! :P 4. If you Refer a Friend you got 2x the chance to win! To stay updated w/ the giveaway, Like me on Facebook! (@Credits Section): www.facebook.com Official End Date: 12/25/12 (Yes, a Christmas Giveaway!) Link to card loot (WoWhead): www.wowhead.com Any Comments, Suggestions, or Questions, send me a PM. I get back to it 100% of the time. Thanks, Xenon Important Information: If you enjoyed the video, please share it with your friends! Currently the only way I'm getting views is by the awesomeness of my wonderful viewers. I upload lots of WoW Montages, Commentaries, Guides for my Feral Druid and my 19 Twinks. So yeah, subscribe to me broskies! ==================================== Credits: ★Youtube channel: www.youtube.com ★Twitter: twitter.com ★Facebook: www.facebook.com ★Click this link: tinyurl.com ★Donations are Accepted, but are PURELY optional. All money made from it is taken and spent on upgrades to PC, Software, and Giveaways. Thus going back to you guys! (tinyurl.com Free Music from: machinimasound.com The free music by Machinimasound is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. (creativecommons.org ===================================
- published: 15 Dec 2012
- views: 2299
- author: WorldofZenon

Feral Druid WoW PvP Commentary | Miirkat's Macros Tips and Lag Fix For Feral Druids
www.skill-capped.com for all of Miirkat's guides! ▼ Macros below! ▼ Subscribe so you don't...
published: 04 Nov 2011
author: SkillCappedDotNet
Feral Druid WoW PvP Commentary | Miirkat's Macros Tips and Lag Fix For Feral Druids
www.skill-capped.com for all of Miirkat's guides! ▼ Macros below! ▼ Subscribe so you don't miss any giveaways! This video has amazing information for anyone struggling with lag, so make sure you watch it even if you aren't a Feral! See all of Miirkat's Macros and Keybinds, as well as his famous "Knowing the Enemy" article series for FREE! www.skill-capped.com Miirkat is an 8 time Gladiator, who has always played at the highest ratings in Arena. He bring all of his knowledge and expertise to you only at Skill-Capped.com. Why waste any more time? learn everything in once place! Get better, faster than you could ever imagine with Skill Capped! www.Skill-Capped.com Physical Server Locations US - www.wowwiki.com EU - www.wowwiki.com Macros from this video: #showtooltip /cast [stance:1] !Bear Form; /cast [stance:2] !Aquatic Form; /cast [stance:3] !Cat Form; /cast [stance:4] !Travel Form #showtooltip /cast [stance:1] !Feral Charge(Bear Form); /cast [stance:3] !Feral Charge(Cat Form) #showtooltip /cast !Prowl #showtooltip /cast [target=focus, modifier:ctrl] Cyclone /cast Cyclone #showtooltip /cast [modifier:ctrl] Thorns; Barkskin #showtooltip /cast [@arena1, stance:1] Skull Bash(Bear Form) /cast [@arena1, stance:3] Skull Bash(Cat Form) #showtooltip /cancelaura Dash /cancelaura Darkflight /cast [stance:0] !Cat Form(shapeshift) /cast [stance:1] Stampeding Roar(Bear Form) /cast [stance:3] Stampeding Roar(Cat Form) #showtooltip /cancelaura Stampeding Roar(Bear Form) /cancelaura ...
- published: 04 Nov 2011
- views: 56723
- author: SkillCappedDotNet

Externally Feral [Ep. 1]
Giveaway Winner Announced Here + Reason for Re - Upload below! ===========================...
published: 26 Dec 2012
author: WorldofZenon
Externally Feral [Ep. 1]
Giveaway Winner Announced Here + Reason for Re - Upload below! ==================================== Hey guys in the event of YouTube being gay, I deleted this video by accident. I am soo pissed that this happened but it was only 140 views, so not much was lost, however it was my favorite video so far. So if you could please leave a comment below and a like. :'( That would make my day. Any Comments, Suggestions, or Questions, send me a PM. I get back to it 100% of the time. Thanks, Xenon Important Information: If you enjoyed the video, please share it with your friends! Currently the only way I'm getting views is by the awesomeness of my wonderful viewers. I upload lots of WoW Montages, Commentaries, Guides for my Feral Druid and my 19 Twinks. So yeah, subscribe to me broskies! ==================================== Credits: ★Youtube channel: www.youtube.com ★Twitter: twitter.com ★Facebook: www.facebook.com ★Click this link: tinyurl.com ★GunHo Referal Link: www.gogungho.com ★Video inspired by (Kajeezy): www.youtube.com ★Donations are Accepted, but are PURELY optional. All money made from it is taken and spent on upgrades to PC, Software, and Giveaways. Thus going back to you guys! (tinyurl.com Music: 1. Zedd - Spectrum ft. Matthew Koma (DotEXE Remix) www.youtube.com Free Music from: machinimasound.com The free music by Machinimasound is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. (creativecommons.org ===================================
- published: 26 Dec 2012
- views: 448
- author: WorldofZenon

Tough Love: Socializing Feral Kittens (Part 3 of 3)
The Urban Cat League teaches you how to tame and socialize feral kittens to make them read...
published: 26 Feb 2008
author: manyca
Tough Love: Socializing Feral Kittens (Part 3 of 3)
The Urban Cat League teaches you how to tame and socialize feral kittens to make them ready for adoption into homes instead of life on the streets. Questions? Contact Mike at urbancatleague.tamingferals@gmail.com. Produced for the Urban Cat League (www.urbancatleague.org) with a Partners in Caring grant from the ASPCA (www.aspca.org). Producers: Cathe Neukum and Daniel Breton Camera: Daniel Breton and Cathe Neukum Music: Kim Sherman Post Sound-Mix: Eric Shim In-Kind Services: Ganglion Films (www.ganglionfilms.com), Neukum Pictures, Kim Sherman, and Scott Killian
- published: 26 Feb 2008
- views: 32848
- author: manyca
Youtube results:

Epic Feral Druid 3v3 Arena [ft. BurstcraftGaming]
THUMB UP TO SUPPORT ZENON! ==================================== Hey Guys, today I show you...
published: 28 Dec 2012
author: WorldofZenon
Epic Feral Druid 3v3 Arena [ft. BurstcraftGaming]
THUMB UP TO SUPPORT ZENON! ==================================== Hey Guys, today I show you a funny game I had w/ burst and friend! Burst's Channel: www.youtube.com Any Comments, Suggestions, or Questions, send me a PM. I get back to it 100% of the time. Thanks, Xenon Important Information: If you enjoyed the video, please share it with your friends! Currently the only way I'm getting views is by the awesomeness of my wonderful viewers. I upload lots of WoW Montages, Commentaries, Guides for my Feral Druid and my 19 Twinks. So yeah, subscribe to me broskies! ==================================== Credits: ★Youtube channel: www.youtube.com ★Twitter: twitter.com ★Facebook: www.facebook.com ★Click this link: tinyurl.com ★GunHo Referal Link: www.gogungho.com ★Donations are Accepted, but are PURELY optional. All money made from it is taken and spent on upgrades to PC, Software, and Giveaways. Thus going back to you guys! (tinyurl.com Free Music from: machinimasound.com The free music by Machinimasound is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. (creativecommons.org ===================================
- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 818
- author: WorldofZenon

Feral Druid DPS Rotation and Openers (World of Warcraft PvP/PvE)
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com ZybakTV Store: zybaktv.spreadshirt.com...
published: 27 May 2011
author: ZybakTV
Feral Druid DPS Rotation and Openers (World of Warcraft PvP/PvE)
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com ZybakTV Store: zybaktv.spreadshirt.com
- published: 27 May 2011
- views: 71749
- author: ZybakTV

Double Feral Fun (Zybak and Mewn/Mewnfare) (2v2 Arena)
Re-Uploading to get rid of copyrighted images. I figured there would be riots in the stree...
published: 22 Jan 2011
author: ZybakTV
Double Feral Fun (Zybak and Mewn/Mewnfare) (2v2 Arena)
Re-Uploading to get rid of copyrighted images. I figured there would be riots in the street if I didn't preserve the "Double Feral Fun" series.
- published: 22 Jan 2011
- views: 46023
- author: ZybakTV

★ WoW Druid - Level 85 Druid Changes! - Feral and Resto Druid, ft. Cromar - TGN
worldofwarcraft.tgn.tv — New Feral and Restoration Druid talents and abilities in World of...
published: 21 Sep 2010
author: tgnWorldOfWarcraft
★ WoW Druid - Level 85 Druid Changes! - Feral and Resto Druid, ft. Cromar - TGN
worldofwarcraft.tgn.tv — New Feral and Restoration Druid talents and abilities in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, from the perspective of a Troll Druid. Balance Druid: www.youtube.com
- published: 21 Sep 2010
- views: 134551
- author: tgnWorldOfWarcraft