wq2rx wq2rx AK1RD AK1RD lisa17g lisa17g
wq2rx wq2rx AK1RD AK1RD lisa17g lisa17g
4. Visual Cryptography Kit "Visual cryptography (invented by Naor & Shamir in 1994; read their seminal paper or a locally cached copy) is a method for securely encrypting messages in ..." www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~fms27/vck/ 5. VCK: the Visual Cryptography Kit "The idea of visual cryptography is a fascinating invention by Moni Naor and Adi Shamir (1994). See www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il ..." www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~fms27/vck/vck-abstract.html 6. EXTENDED VISUAL CRYPTOGRAPHY FOR NATURAL IMAGES "Extended Visual Cryptography[Ateni01] is a type of cryptography which encodes ... Generally, visual cryptography suffers from the deterioration of the image ..." wscg.zcu.cz/wscg2002/Papers_2002/A73.pdf 7. EXTENDED VISUAL CRYPTOGRAPHY FOR NATURAL IMAGES "Extended Visual Cryptography is a type of cryptography which encodes a number of images in the way that when the images on transparencies are stacked ..." wscg.zcu.cz/wscg2002/Abstracts_2002/A73-Abstract.htm 8. CIP - Visual Cryptography "15 Oct 2006 ... Visual cryptography is a popular solution for image encryption. Using secret sharing concepts, the encryption procedure encrypts a secret ..." www.colorimageprocessing.com/research_secureimaging1.htm 9. Visual Cryptography: Project Home "Please peruse my website to learn about Visual Cryptography: the craft of encrypting secret pictures into several shares, from which human sight can recover ..." compsci.snc.edu/cs460_archive/2003/busspr/ 10. Visual Cryptography - Naor, Shamir (ResearchIndex) "Visual <b>...</b>
4. Visual Cryptography Kit "Visual cryptography (invented by Naor & Shamir in 1994; read their seminal paper or a locally cached copy) is a method for securely encrypting messages in ..." www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~fms27/vck/ 5. VCK: the Visual Cryptography Kit "The idea of visual cryptography is a fascinating invention by Moni Naor and Adi Shamir (1994). See www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il ..." www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~fms27/vck/vck-abstract.html 6. EXTENDED VISUAL CRYPTOGRAPHY FOR NATURAL IMAGES "Extended Visual Cryptography[Ateni01] is a type of cryptography which encodes ... Generally, visual cryptography suffers from the deterioration of the image ..." wscg.zcu.cz/wscg2002/Papers_2002/A73.pdf 7. EXTENDED VISUAL CRYPTOGRAPHY FOR NATURAL IMAGES "Extended Visual Cryptography is a type of cryptography which encodes a number of images in the way that when the images on transparencies are stacked ..." wscg.zcu.cz/wscg2002/Abstracts_2002/A73-Abstract.htm 8. CIP - Visual Cryptography "15 Oct 2006 ... Visual cryptography is a popular solution for image encryption. Using secret sharing concepts, the encryption procedure encrypts a secret ..." www.colorimageprocessing.com/research_secureimaging1.htm 9. Visual Cryptography: Project Home "Please peruse my website to learn about Visual Cryptography: the craft of encrypting secret pictures into several shares, from which human sight can recover ..." compsci.snc.edu/cs460_archive/2003/busspr/ 10. Visual Cryptography - Naor, Shamir (ResearchIndex) "Visual <b>...</b>
- Duration: 3:15
- Published: 2008-08-30
- Uploaded: 2010-08-26
- Author: rat8bush
- Duration: 1:01
- Published: 2009-01-04
- Uploaded: 2010-04-26
- Author: citeseer
6DOF with wiimote and glovepie
6DOF with wiimote and glovepie
This is done with a Glovepie's script that implements Alter's equations to calculate the pose of an object from 3 points. The script is based on the implementation of the same equations found at the Free-Track source code. On the ship's demo only the equations are used to calculate its position and orientation. On the Falcon4 demo, the z800's motion sensor is the main sensor and when the leds are withing the wiimote's viewing angle, the equations are used to correct the z800's sensor data. As a plus, there are 3 extras degrees of freedom that the z800 doesn't have by itself. You can find the ship demo script here: webs.ono.com -------- Se trata de un script para Glovepie que implementa las ecuaciones de Alter para determinar la postura de un objeto a partir de 3 puntos (citeseer.ist.psu.edu El script está basado en la implementación de estas ecuaciones del código fuente de FreeTrack (www.free-track.net). En la demostración de la nave se usa sólo el wiimote como sensor de posición óptico. En las partes donde aparece el Falcon 4 se utiliza principalmente el sensor del Z800 y siempre que los leds están a la vista del wiimote, se corrigen las desviaciones con las ecuaciones. Además de obtener 3 grados extra de libertad que no tiene el z800 por sí solo.
This is done with a Glovepie's script that implements Alter's equations to calculate the pose of an object from 3 points. The script is based on the implementation of the same equations found at the Free-Track source code. On the ship's demo only the equations are used to calculate its position and orientation. On the Falcon4 demo, the z800's motion sensor is the main sensor and when the leds are withing the wiimote's viewing angle, the equations are used to correct the z800's sensor data. As a plus, there are 3 extras degrees of freedom that the z800 doesn't have by itself. You can find the ship demo script here: webs.ono.com -------- Se trata de un script para Glovepie que implementa las ecuaciones de Alter para determinar la postura de un objeto a partir de 3 puntos (citeseer.ist.psu.edu El script está basado en la implementación de estas ecuaciones del código fuente de FreeTrack (www.free-track.net). En la demostración de la nave se usa sólo el wiimote como sensor de posición óptico. En las partes donde aparece el Falcon 4 se utiliza principalmente el sensor del Z800 y siempre que los leds están a la vista del wiimote, se corrigen las desviaciones con las ecuaciones. Además de obtener 3 grados extra de libertad que no tiene el z800 por sí solo.
- Duration: 1:37
- Published: 2008-07-03
- Uploaded: 2010-11-03
- Author: crim3cost
Advanced Research Skills: Citation Searching
Advanced Research Skills: Citation Searching
This tutorial explains citation searching, using HSU library databases and Google Scholar.
This tutorial explains citation searching, using HSU library databases and Google Scholar.
- Duration: 3:49
- Published: 2010-05-19
- Uploaded: 2010-08-25
- Author: HSULibrary
- Duration: 2:10
- Published: 2008-04-06
- Uploaded: 2010-08-16
- Author: citeseer
squirrel mating 门前有只松鼠在求偶,吱吱的叫唤(但是没法录音)
squirrel mating 门前有只松鼠在求偶,吱吱的叫唤(但是没法录音)
- Duration: 0:19
- Published: 2007-12-25
- Uploaded: 2010-08-27
- Author: citeseer
Small ducks lead by their mom
Small ducks lead by their mom
there're new-born baby ducks behind our apartment. I rushed out half-naked to shot a video of them. The noise of AC disturbed them and they just pull out.
there're new-born baby ducks behind our apartment. I rushed out half-naked to shot a video of them. The noise of AC disturbed them and they just pull out.
- Duration: 1:35
- Published: 2007-11-21
- Uploaded: 2010-08-24
- Author: citeseer
Dec. 8th, 2007
Dec. 8th, 2007
- Duration: 8:09
- Published: 2007-12-09
- Uploaded: 2009-10-14
- Author: citeseer
2008 年12月17日
2008 年12月17日
- Duration: 2:30
- Published: 2008-12-18
- Uploaded: 2010-08-19
- Author: citeseer
squirrel mating
squirrel mating
- Duration: 0:15
- Published: 2007-12-25
- Uploaded: 2010-07-02
- Author: citeseer