- published: 02 Jan 2010
- views: 16063
- author: MedievalConflicts
The Battle of Dyrrhachium (1081 AD)
The Battle of Dyrrhachium, fought in the autumn of 1081 between Norman and Byzantine force...
published: 02 Jan 2010
author: MedievalConflicts
The Battle of Dyrrhachium (1081 AD)
The Battle of Dyrrhachium, fought in the autumn of 1081 between Norman and Byzantine forces is reconstructed using the superb graphical models from Sega's Medieval Total War II. The Battle of Dyrrhachium (near present-day Durrës in Albania) took place on 18 October 1081, between the Byzantine Empire, led by the Emperor Alexius I Comnenus, and the Normans of Southern Italy under Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia and Calabria. The battle was fought outside the city of Dyrrhachium (also known as Durazzo), the Byzantine capital of Illyria, and ended in a Norman victory. More information: www.mlahanas.de
- published: 02 Jan 2010
- views: 16063
- author: MedievalConflicts
Bad Day at Dyrrhachium- A Varangian Perspective
This is a short documantary, on the battle of Dyrrhachium, that I made in my TAFE course. ...
published: 19 Aug 2011
author: BryanTaerg
Bad Day at Dyrrhachium- A Varangian Perspective
This is a short documantary, on the battle of Dyrrhachium, that I made in my TAFE course. There are a few anachranism and inaccuracies- please excuse these; the most notable are he words of Robert Guiscard's wife. Where she says "How far will ye flee? Stand and prove your worth!" She, historically, said "How far will ye flee? Stand and aquit yourselves as men!". But otherwise please enjoy.
- published: 19 Aug 2011
- views: 1210
- author: BryanTaerg
Kreuzzüge Vorgeschichte - Angriff auf Byzanz 1081
Siehe auch www.kreuzzuege-info.de Bohemund I. stammte aus der normannischen Adelsfamilie d...
published: 26 Aug 2012
author: Peter Milger
Kreuzzüge Vorgeschichte - Angriff auf Byzanz 1081
Siehe auch www.kreuzzuege-info.de Bohemund I. stammte aus der normannischen Adelsfamilie der Hautevilles. Sein Großvater, Tancred de Hauteville besaß in der Normandie ein kleines Lehen. Zwei Frauen setzten mit seiner Hilfe 12 Söhne in die Welt. Das Lehen warf nicht viel ab, die Knaben erlernten folgerichtig das Kriegshandwerk. Die Ritter aus Hauteville haben Süditalien erobert und hätten beinahe das byzantinische Reich niedergerungen. Während Wilhelm der Eroberer über ein ganzes Herr verfügte, brach Robert Guiscard, der Sohn Tancreds und Vater Bohemunds ganz alleine auf, um ein Reich zu gewinnen. In Süditalien machte Robert mit ein paar normannische Söldnern einige Eroberungen. Seine Erfolge ließen seine Gefolgschaft anwachsen. Er besiegte ein Heer des Papstes und verbündet sich dann mit ihm. In Apulien bemächtigte Robert sich vor allem der byzantinischen Besitzungen. Schließlich beherrschten die Normannen den Süden Italiens. Als der Papst weitere Eroberungen in Italien verbot, machte sich Robert Guiscard und Sohn Bohemund an die Eroberung von Byzanz. Zweifrontenkrieg. Byzanz hatte Kleinasien bis auf einen Küstenstreifen an die seldschukischen Türken verloren. Sie standen kurz vor der Hauptstadt Konstantinopel, als die Normannen von 1081 von Westen per Schiff angriffen, mit Zustimmung von Papst Gregor. Die byzantinischen Garnisonen an der Küste können die Städte nicht halten. Byzanz muss schließlich an zwei Fronten kämpfen. Die byzantinischen Truppen unter Kaiser Alexios ...
- published: 26 Aug 2012
- views: 348
- author: Peter Milger
M2TW: The Battle of Cerami 1063 - Roger I of Sicily vs Hordes of Islam 1/2
According to Historians Goffredo Malaterra & Edward Gibbon, the Norman Count Roger I of Si...
published: 20 Aug 2011
author: Suppressingfire
M2TW: The Battle of Cerami 1063 - Roger I of Sicily vs Hordes of Islam 1/2
According to Historians Goffredo Malaterra & Edward Gibbon, the Norman Count Roger I of Sicily, son of Tancred de Hauteville & younger brother of Robert Guiscard, a badass family of hardened warriors, faced & defeated a vast muslim Saracen army of 35000 men drawn from all over Sicily, with just 136 ferocious Norman Knights & 500 infantry Sergeants. To be exact, Malaterra gives the number of muslims 50000 which is very likely an exageration, but Gibbon states 35000. Anyway, both say that Count Roger I, his remaining 136 Knights & 5 - 6 men at arms for evry Norman Knight, took to the field of Cerami against 10s of 1000s of muslims, after being besieged for a 4 month siege at the nearby town of Troina, Charged at them in the very thickest & MIRACULOUSLY or FABULOUSLY defeated them slaying roughly 20000 Saracens during the battle & rout. Legend has it that before the Normans Charged, the apparition of St.George appeared in shining white light, on a white horse with the cross of the small flag on top of his lance. Nevertheless, Count Roger & his 136 knights shouted their 'St.George' Warcry & charged streight into the thickest of the muslims, creating chaos in the muslim ranks. From this battle Roger became really famous, respected & feared. After his astonishing victory at Cerami, Count Roger had his shield with the inscription: Dextera Domini fecit virtutem. Dextera Domini exaltavit me. (The right hand of God gave me courage. The right hand of God raised me up). Palermo was ...
- published: 20 Aug 2011
- views: 1152
- author: Suppressingfire
M2TW: The Battle of Cerami 1063 - Roger I of Sicily vs Hordes of Islam 2/2
According to Historians Goffredo Malaterra & Edward Gibbon, the Norman Count Roger I of Si...
published: 20 Aug 2011
author: Suppressingfire
M2TW: The Battle of Cerami 1063 - Roger I of Sicily vs Hordes of Islam 2/2
According to Historians Goffredo Malaterra & Edward Gibbon, the Norman Count Roger I of Sicily, son of Tancred de Hauteville & younger brother of Robert Guiscard, a badass family of hardened warriors, faced & defeated a vast muslim Saracen army of 35000 men drawn from all over Sicily, with just 136 ferocious Norman Knights & 500 infantry Sergeants. To be exact, Malaterra gives the number of muslims 50000 which is very likely an exageration, but Gibbon states 35000. Anyway, both say that Count Roger I, his remaining 136 Knights & 5 - 6 men at arms for evry Norman Knight, took to the field of Cerami against 10s of 1000s of muslims, after being besieged for a 4 month siege at the nearby town of Troina, Charged at them in the very thickest & MIRACULOUSLY or FABULOUSLY defeated them slaying roughly 20000 Saracens during the battle & rout. Legend has it that before the Normans Charged, the apparition of St.George appeared in shining white light, on a white horse with the cross of the small flag on top of his lance. Nevertheless, Count Roger & his 136 knights shouted their 'St.George' Warcry & charged streight into the thickest of the muslims, creating chaos in the muslim ranks. From this battle Roger became really famous, respected & feared. After his astonishing victory at Cerami, Count Roger had his shield with the inscription: Dextera Domini fecit virtutem. Dextera Domini exaltavit me. (The right hand of God gave me courage. The right hand of God raised me up). Palermo was ...
- published: 20 Aug 2011
- views: 572
- author: Suppressingfire
Triomog plays "Walking Blues" (Robert Johnson) @ Festi'local 2012 Guiscard (France)
TRIOMOG - Walking Blues (Robert Johnson) @ Festi'local Guiscard (France) on 26 may 2012 TR...
published: 27 May 2012
author: triomog
Triomog plays "Walking Blues" (Robert Johnson) @ Festi'local 2012 Guiscard (France)
TRIOMOG - Walking Blues (Robert Johnson) @ Festi'local Guiscard (France) on 26 may 2012 TRIOMOG are : Michel Korzec : Bass guitar Olivier Lemaire : Drums Gunther Van Canneyt : Vocals & guitar Camera : Carla Van Canneyt TRIOMOG plays the blues for you. Contact us : www.myspace.com fr-fr.facebook.com
- published: 27 May 2012
- views: 189
- author: triomog
M2TW/CSUR Minimod: Count Roger I's skirmish after landing at 'Migja l-Ferha' in Malta 1091
Very little is known during Byzantine, Muslim & Norman period in Malta, in fact except for...
published: 25 May 2012
author: Suppressingfire
M2TW/CSUR Minimod: Count Roger I's skirmish after landing at 'Migja l-Ferha' in Malta 1091
Very little is known during Byzantine, Muslim & Norman period in Malta, in fact except for a few sources (written during that time & after) & some archeological findings, alot of what is known about that period in Malta is not quite clear. Geoffrey Malaterra wrote alot about the famous Norman Hauteville family & although there is some controversy in his accounts, at least 70-80% of what he wrote about Duke Robert Guiscard, Count Roger I of Sicily & some also on Roger II of Sicily & their father who was one of the First Crusade Knights Tancred of Hauteville, happened for fact, like how these Viking descendant brilliant Normans conquered & liberated southern Italy, Sicily, Malta, from the muslims, conquered England from the brave Anglo-Saxons & other places from Byzantines, even when vastly outnumbered yet they still triumphed & their Knight's charges terrified their opponents. During the first Norman Invasion of Malta 1091, the Count's ship sailed faster than the other ships & was the first to land at a small landing place (not so suitable for landing but good place to surprise defenders by a small force) that bore the name 'Migja L-Ferha' (Joyful Arrival) from that very event cos when the Roger & those aboard his ship, being 13 knights & some other light cavalry/infantry, first landed they were greeted with joy by some of the remaining Christian Maltese peasants & by some muslims gathering to stop the Count. Leading from the front, Count Roger I & the Chrisrtians behind ...
- published: 25 May 2012
- views: 175
- author: Suppressingfire
Palermo Kalsa Sicilia
The Kalsa district, seen here looking north from a rooftop in Via Roma, was built in the e...
published: 15 Feb 2009
author: Diomedes1962
Palermo Kalsa Sicilia
The Kalsa district, seen here looking north from a rooftop in Via Roma, was built in the early C9th as one of the first Arabic planned cities in Europe. The docks and La Cala port are to the west. The name Kalsa comes from al-Khalisa, Arabic for pure. The name Palermo derives from the Arabic Bal'harm, the original city of 100000 citizens growing to become modern Palermo. A Norman army led by Robert Guiscard secured victory here in January 1072 to set the stage for the conquest of all Sicily.
- published: 15 Feb 2009
- views: 1432
- author: Diomedes1962
APARTEID.COM ★ 'Апартеiдъ' ★ アパルトヘイト ★ www.youtube.com ★ BARBARIAN • VARVAR RPG ★ LIVE @ '...
published: 19 Sep 2010
APARTEID.COM ★ 'Апартеiдъ' ★ アパルトヘイト ★ www.youtube.com ★ BARBARIAN • VARVAR RPG ★ LIVE @ 'SPIDER & MOUSE' GALLERY • MOSCOW • RUSSIAN FEDERATION • 15 DECEMBER 2010 ★ www.youtube.com ★ 'Апартеiдъ' ★ ВАРВАРЪ ★ КОНЦЕРТ В ГАЛЕРЕЕ 'СПАЙДЕР & МАУС' • МОСКВА • РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ★ www.youtube.com ★ アパルトヘイト ★ 野蛮 ★ コンサート • 「'クモとネズミ」ギャラリー • 2010年9月15日 ★ www.youtube.com ★ LYRICS ★ ТЕКСТ ★ 歌詞There is a belief that once in a 1000 years one might [or might not] reincarnate... The Nephilim landed near the seashore Aeons before the start of the evil humane years The Nephilim lived in a stone city at the sea shore Those of them who failed to take off on time Died during the Great Flood... Twenty centuries later on he's alive and kicking Riding a pale horse he attacks once again his bitter enemies at a dusty dusk or ideally during a full Sun Eclipse... No more run and hide darlings! No prisoner is taken No one is spared VARVAR! Barbarians at the gate... The once Extraterrestial Nephilim turns Legend turns Hero turns Warrior turns Mercenary... And the Paladins of God will become Twilight vampires... The Barbarian... He used to be a Hyksos, a Hunn, an Onogur, a proud Viking, an evil Mongol and a drunk Burgundian... Loss or Victory - Never Mind For both are just another short date with the 'Skull, Bones & Scythe' Lady Just another date to remember... Many a Warlord needed him to fight and slay their adversaries.... So The Barbarian ...
- published: 19 Sep 2010
- views: 750
- author: VARVARRPG
Princess Julia Alethea Basseville de Loretel de Conversan
Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville . Princess Julia Alethea is the cousin of Jarl Alé de ...
published: 03 Jan 2012
author: Alexandre Ale de Basseville
Princess Julia Alethea Basseville de Loretel de Conversan
Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville . Princess Julia Alethea is the cousin of Jarl Alé de Basseville. L'ystoire de li Normant ; et, La Chronique de Robert Viscart - Résultats Google Recherche de Livres books.google.fr/books?id=0nwBAAAAQAAJ... Amato (di Montecassino), Robert Guiscard (Duke of Apulia, Calabria, and Sicily), Champollion-Figeac (Jacques-Joseph, M.) - 1835 - Normandy (France) - 370 pages Julittk, ou Judithe, ou Joette, ainsi qu'elle se trouve nommée dans un ancien titre, épousa Robert de Basseville, surnommé Zamparroni , seigneur normand ... Music and Photos made by Jarl Alé de Basseville
- published: 03 Jan 2012
- views: 90
- author: Alexandre Ale de Basseville
Odisea 7: Fiskardo
tokitan.tv En este capítulo, amarraremos nuestro velero en Fiskardo, un puerto situado al ...
published: 27 Apr 2011
author: tokitantv
Odisea 7: Fiskardo
tokitan.tv En este capítulo, amarraremos nuestro velero en Fiskardo, un puerto situado al norte de la isla de Cefalonia. Debe su nombre al conquistador normando Roberto Guiscardo, duque de Calabria y Apulia, quien fundó el Reino de las dos Sicilias allá por elsiglo XI. ; Observaremos el antiguo faro (siglo XVI) que custodia la entrada de la bahía de este pueblo costero que ha experimentado un crecimiento turístico impresionante en los últimos años. Fiskardo alberga un pequeño Museo Natural. -------------- tokitan.tv In this chapter, we'll moor our sailboat in Fiskardo, the northernmost port of the island of Kefalonia. Its name comes from the Norman conqueror Robert Guiscard, Duke of Calabria and Apulia, who founded the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies back in the eleventh century. We will observe the old lighthouse (XVI century) that guards the entrance to the bay of this coastal town that has experienced impressive growth in tourism in recent years. Fiskardo houses a small Natural Museum. -------------------- tokitan.tv Kapitulu honetan geure belaontzia Fiskardon amarratuko dugu, Zefalonia uharteko iparraldean kokatua dagoen portuan. Bere izena Roberto Guiscardo konkistatzaile normandarrari zor dio. Calabria eta Apuliako duke honek Bi Sizilien Erreinua fundatu zuen XI. mendean. Badiako sarrera zaintzen duen faro zaharra ikusteko aukera ere izango dugu (XVI. mendea), azken urteotan turismo hazkunde izugarria bizi izan duen kostako herri honetan. Fiskardon Natura Museo txiki ...
- published: 27 Apr 2011
- views: 591
- author: tokitantv
crooner radio show by jean Baptiste Tuzet with Jarl Ale de Basseville
Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville ....Castle ... Bordeaux L'ystoire de li Normant ; et, ...
published: 24 Dec 2011
author: princedebasseville
crooner radio show by jean Baptiste Tuzet with Jarl Ale de Basseville
Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville ....Castle ... Bordeaux L'ystoire de li Normant ; et, La Chronique de Robert Viscart - Résultats Google Recherche de Livres books.google.fr/books?id=0nwBAAAAQAAJ... Amato (di Montecassino), Robert Guiscard (Duke of Apulia, Calabria, and Sicily), Champollion-Figeac (Jacques-Joseph, M.) - 1835 - Normandy (France) - 370 pages Julittk, ou Judithe, ou Joette, ainsi qu'elle se trouve nommée dans un ancien titre, épousa Robert de Basseville, surnommé Zamparroni , seigneur normand ...
- published: 24 Dec 2011
- views: 60
- author: princedebasseville
paris work by Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville
L'ystoire de li Normant ; et, La Chronique de Robert Viscart - Résultats Google Recherche ...
published: 18 Dec 2011
author: princedebasseville
paris work by Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville
L'ystoire de li Normant ; et, La Chronique de Robert Viscart - Résultats Google Recherche de Livres books.google.fr/books?id=0nwBAAAAQAAJ... Amato (di Montecassino), Robert Guiscard (Duke of Apulia, Calabria, and Sicily), Champollion-Figeac (Jacques-Joseph, M.) - 1835 - Normandy (France) - 370 pages Julittk, ou Judithe, ou Joette, ainsi qu'elle se trouve nommée dans un ancien titre, épousa Robert de Basseville, surnommé Zamparroni , seigneur normand ... Music and Photos made by Jarl Alé de Basseville
- published: 18 Dec 2011
- views: 104
- author: princedebasseville
Princess Julia Alethea Basseville de Loretel de Conversan.m4v
Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville . Princess Julia Alethea is the cousin of Jarl Alé de ...
published: 03 Jan 2012
author: Alexandre Ale de Basseville
Princess Julia Alethea Basseville de Loretel de Conversan.m4v
Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville . Princess Julia Alethea is the cousin of Jarl Alé de Basseville. L'ystoire de li Normant ; et, La Chronique de Robert Viscart - Résultats Google Recherche de Livres books.google.fr/books?id=0nwBAAAAQAAJ... Amato (di Montecassino), Robert Guiscard (Duke of Apulia, Calabria, and Sicily), Champollion-Figeac (Jacques-Joseph, M.) - 1835 - Normandy (France) - 370 pages Julittk, ou Judithe, ou Joette, ainsi qu'elle se trouve nommée dans un ancien titre, épousa Robert de Basseville, surnommé Zamparroni , seigneur normand ... Music and Photos made by Jarl Alé de Basseville
- published: 03 Jan 2012
- views: 204
- author: Alexandre Ale de Basseville
Youtube results:
Princess Julia Alethea Basseville de Loretel de Conversan (12).m4v
Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville . Princess Julia Alethea is the cousin of Jarl Alé de ...
published: 31 Dec 2011
author: Alexandre Ale de Basseville
Princess Julia Alethea Basseville de Loretel de Conversan (12).m4v
Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville . Princess Julia Alethea is the cousin of Jarl Alé de Basseville. L'ystoire de li Normant ; et, La Chronique de Robert Viscart - Résultats Google Recherche de Livres books.google.fr/books?id=0nwBAAAAQAAJ... Amato (di Montecassino), Robert Guiscard (Duke of Apulia, Calabria, and Sicily), Champollion-Figeac (Jacques-Joseph, M.) - 1835 - Normandy (France) - 370 pages Julittk, ou Judithe, ou Joette, ainsi qu'elle se trouve nommée dans un ancien titre, épousa Robert de Basseville, surnommé Zamparroni , seigneur normand ... Music and Photos made by Jarl Alé de Basseville
- published: 31 Dec 2011
- views: 75
- author: Alexandre Ale de Basseville
Princess Julia Alethea Basseville de Loretel Conversan
Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville . Princess Julia Alethea is the cousin of Jarl Alé de ...
published: 28 Dec 2011
author: Alexandre Ale de Basseville
Princess Julia Alethea Basseville de Loretel Conversan
Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville . Princess Julia Alethea is the cousin of Jarl Alé de Basseville. L'ystoire de li Normant ; et, La Chronique de Robert Viscart - Résultats Google Recherche de Livres books.google.fr/books?id=0nwBAAAAQAAJ... Amato (di Montecassino), Robert Guiscard (Duke of Apulia, Calabria, and Sicily), Champollion-Figeac (Jacques-Joseph, M.) - 1835 - Normandy (France) - 370 pages Julittk, ou Judithe, ou Joette, ainsi qu'elle se trouve nommée dans un ancien titre, épousa Robert de Basseville, surnommé Zamparroni , seigneur normand ... Music and Photos made by Jarl Alé de Basseville
- published: 28 Dec 2011
- views: 110
- author: Alexandre Ale de Basseville
Count Prince Alesund de Basseville de Loretel de Conversan
Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville .. Princess Julia Alethea is the cousin of Jarl Alé de...
published: 25 Dec 2011
author: Alexandre Ale de Basseville
Count Prince Alesund de Basseville de Loretel de Conversan
Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville .. Princess Julia Alethea is the cousin of Jarl Alé de Basseville. L'ystoire de li Normant ; et, La Chronique de Robert Viscart - Résultats Google Recherche de Livres books.google.fr/books?id=0nwBAAAAQAAJ... Amato (di Montecassino), Robert Guiscard (Duke of Apulia, Calabria, and Sicily), Champollion-Figeac (Jacques-Joseph, M.) - 1835 - Normandy (France) - 370 pages Julittk, ou Judithe, ou Joette, ainsi qu'elle se trouve nommée dans un ancien titre, épousa Robert de Basseville, surnommé Zamparroni , seigneur normand ... Music and Photos made by Jarl Alé de Basseville
- published: 25 Dec 2011
- views: 29
- author: Alexandre Ale de Basseville
APARTEID ★ www.youtube.com ★ BARBARIAN @ MAFIA • 09JAN2010 ★ Aпapтeiдъ • ВАРВАРЪ BARBARIAN...
published: 30 Sep 2011
APARTEID ★ www.youtube.com ★ BARBARIAN @ MAFIA • 09JAN2010 ★ Aпapтeiдъ • ВАРВАРЪ BARBARIAN VARVAR RPG APARTEID 08JAN2010 MAFIA VARVAR RPG 1by VARVARRPG14 viewsVARVAR RPG 野蛮The Barbarian 野蛮ВАРВАРЪ www.vk.com VAVRAV RPG | The Barbarian | 野蛮| ВАРВАРЪ | AD3333 LYRICS ★ ТЕКСТ ★ 歌詞There is a belief that once in a 1000 years one might [or might not] reincarnate... The Nephilim landed near the seashore Aeons before the start of the evil human's years The Nephilim lived in a stone city at the sea shore Those of them who failed to take off on time Died during the Great Flood... Twenty centuries later on he's alive and kicking Riding a pale horse he attacks once again his bitter enemies at a dusty dusk or ideally during a full Sun Eclipse... No more run and hide darlings! No prisoner is taken No one is spared VARVAR! Barbarians at the gate... The once Extraterrestial Nephilim turns Legend turns Hero turns Warrior turns Mercenary... And the Paladins of God will become Twilight vampires... The Barbarian... He used to be a Hyksos, a Hunn, an Onogur, a proud Viking, an evil Mongol and a drunk Burgundian... Loss or Victory - Never Mind For both are just another short date with the 'Skull, Bones & Scythe' Lady Just another date to remember... Many a Warlord needed him to fight and slay their adversaries.... So The Barbarian spilled his own and others blood in the armies of Aetius Flavius en.wikipedia.org Demetrius Poliorcetes en.wikipedia.org Hannibal en.wikipedia.org Isperih ...
- published: 30 Sep 2011
- views: 42
- author: VARVARRPG