Romania: The Long Arm of the Securitate | European Journal
Romanias dictator Nicolae Ceaucescu was executed 20 years ago. But his infamous secret ser...
published: 12 Nov 2009
author: deutschewelleenglish
Romania: The Long Arm of the Securitate | European Journal
Romanias dictator Nicolae Ceaucescu was executed 20 years ago. But his infamous secret service is still around. The old cliques manipulate the old files,intimidate journalists,and take key positions in the economy.Herta Müller,the ethnic German Literature Nobel Prize winner from Romania,has described the machinations of the Securitate. After she emigrated to Germany in 1987,it spread rumors that she herself was a communist agent. Even today,when she goes on reading tours through her old homeland,the Securitate shadows her.
published: 12 Nov 2009
views: 3629
A Securitate
Drakula árnyéka. Részlet Szőczi Árpád, a romániai forradalom igaz történetéről szóló filmj...
published: 23 Dec 2009
author: ArtVisionHun
A Securitate
Drakula árnyéka. Részlet Szőczi Árpád, a romániai forradalom igaz történetéről szóló filmjéből.
published: 23 Dec 2009
author: ArtVisionHun
views: 8363
Romania - The Securitate at Home | European Journal
Numerous old palaces and villas in Romania are falling prey to neglect. Investors are bein...
published: 28 Oct 2010
author: deutschewelleenglish
Romania - The Securitate at Home | European Journal
Numerous old palaces and villas in Romania are falling prey to neglect. Investors are being deliberately discouraged as former officers of the Securitate secret police attempt to win control over the Romanian real estate market.The aristocratic Kemeny family has been fighting a legal battle with the Romanian authorities for almost 20 years in order to win back some of its stately homes and estates in Transylvania. But the prospects are poor. One residence was turned into a mental hospital, for example, while another case was restarted due to procedural errors. The family is facing a war of attrition waged by former Securitate officers, who are busy securing the best properties on the market for themselves.
published: 28 Oct 2010
author: deutschewelleenglish
views: 1180
Revoluţie 1989 - Înregistrări între Securitate, MAPN şi armata loială lui Ceauşescu
Îndeplinirea unor ordine criminale de către armata RSR care avea ca scop reprimarea sânger...
published: 24 Dec 2011
author: bordincus
Revoluţie 1989 - Înregistrări între Securitate, MAPN şi armata loială lui Ceauşescu
Îndeplinirea unor ordine criminale de către armata RSR care avea ca scop reprimarea sângeroasă a revoluţiei din 1989 Link-ul audio original: youtube.com/watch?v=LsM1c3_u5mg
published: 24 Dec 2011
author: bordincus
views: 42338
In Puii Mei - Solcanu, agent de securitate la aeroport
published: 26 Sep 2012
author: DivertisChannel
In Puii Mei - Solcanu, agent de securitate la aeroport
Tagesschau vom 27.12.1989: Greueltaten der Securitate
Komplette Tagesschau mit folgenden Themen (Auswahl): - Greueltaten der Securitate / erste ...
published: 31 Aug 2011
author: meier1211
Tagesschau vom 27.12.1989: Greueltaten der Securitate
Komplette Tagesschau mit folgenden Themen (Auswahl): - Greueltaten der Securitate / erste Bilder von Geheimtunneln unter Bukarest - neue Forderungen des Runden Tisches an die DDR-Regierung - die KP Jugoslawiens verzichtet auf Machtmonopol
published: 31 Aug 2011
author: meier1211
views: 2209
Geschichte der Securitate
Die Securitate versetzt die Rumänische Bevölkerung in Angst. Anfangs mit brutaler Gewalt, ...
published: 30 Sep 2011
author: europamoderne
Geschichte der Securitate
Die Securitate versetzt die Rumänische Bevölkerung in Angst. Anfangs mit brutaler Gewalt, später mit Psychoterror und einem dichten Informatennetz. Aber wie funktioniert sie? Ein Erklärstück.
published: 30 Sep 2011
author: europamoderne
views: 947
22 DEC 1989, ora 11: 12 - Armata Română execută foc de intimidare contra trupelor de Securitate
București. 22 DEC 1989, ora 11: 12 - Trupe din cadrul Armatei Române execută foc de intimi...
published: 23 Apr 2012
author: soimpress
22 DEC 1989, ora 11: 12 - Armata Română execută foc de intimidare contra trupelor de Securitate
București. 22 DEC 1989, ora 11: 12 - Trupe din cadrul Armatei Române execută foc de intimidare contra trupelor de Securitate care interveniseră împotriva manifestanților. Prima înregistrare video a unei astfel de acțiuni. Inițial manifestanții solicitaseră, cu disperare, sprijinul Armatei (SOLDAȚI, AJUTOR!).
published: 23 Apr 2012
author: soimpress
views: 1290
Romania: Art banishes Shadow of Securitate | Arts.21
Conceptual artist Iosif Kiraly has made a name for himself in Europe and the US with his c...
published: 25 Jun 2012
author: deutschewelleenglish
Romania: Art banishes Shadow of Securitate | Arts.21
Conceptual artist Iosif Kiraly has made a name for himself in Europe and the US with his critical reflections on the regime of Nicolae Ceausescu. But back home in Romania, the installations of his artists' group subREAL are virtually unknown. Now Romanians can discover Kiraly's work in a major retrospective which the National Museum of Contemporary Art is showing in Ceausescu's former palace. Read more on www.dw.de
published: 25 Jun 2012
author: deutschewelleenglish
views: 276
Securitate - Der Kerker (live)
The first Song of Securitate. Live at Holter Meeting Contest on 19th May. 2012 in Schloß H...
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: Hangman8894
Securitate - Der Kerker (live)
The first Song of Securitate. Live at Holter Meeting Contest on 19th May. 2012 in Schloß Holte. Securitate are: Seppel: Vocals Timo: Guitar Magnus: Bass Roderik: Battery www.facebook.com
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: Hangman8894
views: 384
Cartarescu - Sublocotenent la Securitate, antrenat ca politruc si scriitor la Activistul
Dezvaluirile unui fost spion DIE: www.ziaristionline.ro...
published: 15 May 2012
author: ZiaristiOnlineTV
Cartarescu - Sublocotenent la Securitate, antrenat ca politruc si scriitor la Activistul
Dezvaluirile unui fost spion DIE: www.ziaristionline.ro
published: 15 May 2012
author: ZiaristiOnlineTV
views: 795
Curaj.TV - Măsuri sporite de securitate la Marșul Unirii
Măsuri sporite de securitate din partea forțelor de ordine la Marșul Unirii...
published: 16 Sep 2012
author: CurajTV
Curaj.TV - Măsuri sporite de securitate la Marșul Unirii
Măsuri sporite de securitate din partea forțelor de ordine la Marșul Unirii
published: 16 Sep 2012
author: CurajTV
views: 688
Bukarest: Kunst im Schatten der Securitate | Kultur 21
Der Konzeptkünstler Iosif Kiraly hat sich in Europa und den USA mit seinen kritischen Arbe...
published: 24 Jun 2012
author: deutschewelle
Bukarest: Kunst im Schatten der Securitate | Kultur 21
Der Konzeptkünstler Iosif Kiraly hat sich in Europa und den USA mit seinen kritischen Arbeiten zum Ceaucescu-Regime einen Namen gemacht. Doch in seiner Heimat sind die Installationen seiner Künstlergruppe subREAL weitgehend unbekannt. Jetzt können die Rumänen Kiraly im "Nationalen Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst" im ehemaligen Palast Ceausescus in einer großen Retrospektive entdecken. Weiterlesen unter www.dw.de
published: 24 Jun 2012
author: deutschewelle
views: 136
Securitate secret police message.flv
This message is for all Securitate agents who are still active. Romanian comrades we are a...
published: 01 Jul 2011
author: AkaAlias100
Securitate secret police message.flv
This message is for all Securitate agents who are still active. Romanian comrades we are all united and stronger than ever.
published: 01 Jul 2011
author: AkaAlias100
views: 465
Vimeo results:
Lycée professionnel Jean-Jacques AUDUBON
Site internet du Lycée: http://audubon.e-lyco.fr
- Aide à la personne - Comm...
published: 11 Oct 2011
author: DilysConcept
Lycée professionnel Jean-Jacques AUDUBON
Site internet du Lycée: http://audubon.e-lyco.fr
- Aide à la personne - Commerce - Électrotechnique - Prévention Sécurité - Restauration collective.
Réalisation & montage: Dikoumé Ulysse
Site internet: http://www.DilysConcept.fr
Page Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dilys-Concept/133377013364134
How credit cards become asset-backed bonds
Mortgages aren’t the only financial instruments that get turned into securities. Marketpla...
published: 25 Nov 2008
author: Marketplace
How credit cards become asset-backed bonds
Mortgages aren’t the only financial instruments that get turned into securities. Marketplace Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains how companies make money by buying credit card debt and bundling it. More coverage of the financial crisis is at marketplace.org/financialcrisis
Youtube results:
Un Show Pacatos - Nepotul lui Nelu Pastrama: "Mariana Zavoranu si-a turnat la Securitate sotul"
►Vezi cele mai noi episoade din emisiunea Un Show Pacatos numai pe veziunshowpacatos.blogs...
published: 16 May 2012
author: youngCAPITAL1
Un Show Pacatos - Nepotul lui Nelu Pastrama: "Mariana Zavoranu si-a turnat la Securitate sotul"
►Vezi cele mai noi episoade din emisiunea Un Show Pacatos numai pe veziunshowpacatos.blogspot.com ►Vezi filme romanesti gratis numai pe vezifilmeromanesti.blogspot.com
published: 16 May 2012
author: youngCAPITAL1
views: 320
2. Agent Katharine Siegling Dienerin der Securitate
published: 13 Sep 2012
author: froriorosalia
2. Agent Katharine Siegling Dienerin der Securitate
The Securitate Hunter
"The Securitate Hunter", directed by Mirel Bran, is a submission to the European Independe...
published: 15 Feb 2010
author: ecufilmfestival
The Securitate Hunter
"The Securitate Hunter", directed by Mirel Bran, is a submission to the European Independent Film Festival (ECU)'s European Documentary Feature category. Check out this teaser!
published: 15 Feb 2010
author: ecufilmfestival
views: 3158
Romania - Suspended between heaven and earth - Trailer
We present the first x minutes of our production "Romania - Suspended between heaven and e...
published: 09 Aug 2012
author: CatholicRadioTVNet
Romania - Suspended between heaven and earth - Trailer
We present the first x minutes of our production "Romania - Suspended between heaven and earth" (50:00) Production Date: 2011 Duration: 50:00 Copyright : CRTN Language: English, French Executive Producer: Mark Riedemann Director: Magdalena Wolnik "At that time we lived in Turda. There was always a policeman from the Securitate in church, who watched our every move. One day our Mother was summoned by the Securitate. An officer asked her:' Do you not realize that you are in fact harming your children by taking them to church?' Mother replied:' I do not meddle in your children's upbringing, so don't you meddle in the upbringing of my children!' She was so adamant, that the Securitate never summoned her again, and we practically never had any problems with them." Rt. Rev. Florentin Crihalmeanu, Bishop of Cluj-Gherla, Romania There were about 1.5 million Catholics in Romania before Communism in 1948. After 50 years of some of the worst religious persecution anywhere there are still today over 700000 Catholics. Many of these belong to the Greek Catholic Church, a Church of the Byzantine rite that never separated from Rome. This time of suffering bore great fruits - one such is the vocation of Florentin Crihalmeanu, today the Greek Catholic Bishop of Cluj, Romania. The producers spent three weeks with the Greek Catholic Bishop and the resulting film is an in-depth portrait of a man of God seeking to rebuild his Church and serve his faithful in an extraordinary time in Romania's ...
published: 09 Aug 2012
author: CatholicRadioTVNet
views: 67