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Signposts that offend people!

As I've read here on Al Jazeera Balkans, 22 Croatian war veterans' associations have declared their intention to remove Serbian Cyrillic signposts and placques in Vukovar, and they're prepared to break the law to do so!


Anarchism's taboo in Swedish media

Anarchist and Radical Documentaries on Public Television

I recently started putting Anarchist and Radical documentaries on local public television.

I have them showing Anarchy in Spain, which is a hard to find documentary featuring John Zerzan and Rottin' from Green Anarchy magazine touring Spain to discuss Anarchism.

Also, the local public television channel is showing Surplus: Terrorized Into Being Consumers, another documentary that features Zerzan.

Direct Action at Obama Inaugural

Lupe Fiasco - 40 minutes of this, repeated over and over until he was dragged off the stage by security:

Anokchan Celebrates Third Year Anniversary!

Anokchan began early 2010 as a free space for Anarchist News regular users to troll each other and play with images. Since then, we (and you) have generated scores of original images, some of which have spread outside our corner of the internet. We've generated a sister project wiki with dozens of humorous entries mocking anarchist culture.

The Journey- Revised

Revised 1-14-2013
ENJOY, The End.
This is the start of my book.

Chapter 1
The Journey
The clock was just hitting midnight. The Americans stuck together in the throng that milled about the docks. It was a perfect summer night, clear from the threat of clouds. The stars watched over them as they began to embark. It had been a nice week in Marseille, France; enough time to try to forget the sea-sickness of the journey which brought them here. The voyage across the Atlantic from New York had not been blessed with calm seas.

WARNING is selectively malicious. Worker gave up my IP to no evail. He/she then resorted to browser hacking. The control was given up to an outside source to deflect the blame for fucking with a fellow, though outspoken anarchist. I am a malevolent hacker, but I can be pissed off. Out of respect for the community I have not brought down this network. The hacks are a joke. Big deal then. You're already rooted. Nice.

Complete FAIL

Scab Hackers

You guys suck. Obfuscation nil. I could do better with my students, lol. You're not even giving up zero day. Go Away. I should make my bait harder to get to, my bad. Otherwise. fuck-off.

NAASN live

You all might be interested in checking out the live stream of NAASN 2013 which is happening today and tomorrow.




What will you be doing when you are 50?
I'll be retired
I'll be doing more than ever
I'll be surrounded by my loving family
I'll be in prison
I'm looking back on 50 dammit!
Total votes: 416

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