The fourth and final season of That's So Raven aired on Disney Channel from February 20, 2006 to November 10, 2007. This season ultimately became the final season of the show, closing the chapter on the story of the Baxter family, which now consists of only Raven Baxter (Raven-Symoné), Cory Baxter (Kyle Massey), and Victor Baxter (Rondell Sheridan), following T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh's departure from the show in the third season as the matriarch, Tanya Baxter. Anneliese van der Pol and Orlando Brown reprise their roles as Chelsea Daniels and Eddie Thomas respectively.
After a record-breaking third season, season four continued to accomplish many firsts for Disney Channel. It reached 100 episodes with its series finale on November 10, 2007 and second to last episode aired that November, a record which was met on October 7, 2011 with Wizards of Waverly Place's 100 episode. There would however be a continuity-error regarding the final three episodes, since they aired after the spinoff, Cory in the House, premiered on January 12, 2007 with Cory and Victor moving to Washington, D.C..