Trachyte is an igneous volcanic rock with an aphanitic to porphyritic texture. It is the volcanic equivalent of syenite. The mineral assemblage consists of essential alkali feldspar; relatively minor plagioclase and quartz or a feldspathoid such as nepheline may also be present. (See the QAPF diagram). Biotite, clinopyroxene and olivine are common accessory minerals.
Chemically, trachyte contains 60 to 65% silica content; less SiO2 than rhyolite and more (Na2O plus K2O) than dacite. These chemical differences are consistent with the position of trachyte in the TAS classification, and they account for the feldspar-rich mineralogy of the rock type.
Trachytes usually consist mainly of sanidine feldspar. Very often they have minute irregular steam cavities which make the broken surfaces of specimens of these rocks rough and irregular, and from this character they have derived their name. It was first given to certain rocks of this class from Auvergne, and was long used in a much wider sense than that defined above; in fact it included quartz-trachytes (now known as liparites and rhyolites) and oligoclase-trachytes, which are now more properly assigned to andesites. The trachytes are often described as being the volcanic equivalents of the plutonic syenites. Their dominant mineral, sanidine feldspar, very commonly occurs in two generations, i.e. both as large well-shaped porphyritic crystals and in smaller imperfect rods or laths forming a finely crystalline groundmass. With this there is practically always a smaller amount of plagioclase, usually oligoclase; but the potassium feldspar (sanidine) often contains a considerable proportion of the sodium feldspar (albite), and has rather the characteristics of anorthoclase or cryptoperthite than of pure sanidine. Rhomb porphyry is an example with usually large porphyritic rhomb shaped phenocrysts embedded in a very fine-grained matrix.
Trachyte is a volcanic rock.
Trachyte may also refer to:
I like spring and dogs
and rusty screen doors
candle light on creaky wood floors
a good sunrise and fireflys in a jar, yes
banjo wingin thru the Pines
Way I feel on a home-made wine
And jug fishin' under a sky full of stars
I'm ok,Yes I'm just fine
Just wish the world would move slower
Or that I could go back in time
Well I'm just a down home southern
Lord Don't need nothin'
just enough to get me by
I was raised at an early age
When you shake a man's hand
You look him square in the eye
I'm a real cool old school
Don't you lie to me fool
There ain't a dang thing
About the day
Cause I'm a modern day John Wayne
Took my dad's last name
Born 50 years too late
What ever happened to an honest days work
Sweatin' hard in a flannel shirt
It's a fast paced red race
No givin all taker
Who's gonna finish first
Now day's it's safe to say
That a damn dog's got more rights
Cause the administration is tryin'
To rule the population
Folks we gotta stand up we gotta fight
Don't complain
Take it all in stride
Seems the old world it has changed
Almost overnight
Well I'm still a tell-all southern
Don't mean nothin' just enough
to get me by
I was raised at an early age
When you shake a man's hand
You look him square in the eye
I'm a real cool old school
Don't you lie to me fool
There ain't a dang thing
About the day
Cause I'm a modern day John Wayne
Got my daddy's last name
Born 50 years too late
I'm just down home southern
Lord I don't need nothin'
Just enough to get me by
I was raised at an early age
When you shake a man's hand
You look him square in the eye
I'm a real cool old school
Don't you lie to me fool
There ain't a dang thing
About the day
Cause I'm a modern day John Wayne
Got my daddy's last name