
Toxin Tribute
toxin the 3rd of the symbiote...
published: 23 Jun 2007
author: hardcorefryer
Toxin Tribute
toxin the 3rd of the symbiote
published: 23 Jun 2007
views: 231927

Spider-Man Class : Toxin 101
After many many many requests, here it is, a Toxin 101 class for you all to enjoy. See wha...
published: 01 Apr 2007
author: DCompose
Spider-Man Class : Toxin 101
After many many many requests, here it is, a Toxin 101 class for you all to enjoy. See what happens when you put a pregnant Carnage, a hostile Venom and a bit of Spidey all in the mix.
published: 01 Apr 2007
author: DCompose
views: 74859

Lego Spiderman Episode II, Toxin
Carnage and Venom's symbiotes form an offspring, called Toxin...
published: 10 Mar 2009
author: CustomLegoMinifigure
Lego Spiderman Episode II, Toxin
Carnage and Venom's symbiotes form an offspring, called Toxin
published: 10 Mar 2009
author: CustomLegoMinifigure
views: 1014893

pics of Carnage,Venom and now Toxin
lol i love venom,carnage and now toxin lol...
published: 03 Jan 2008
author: thelastsparten300
pics of Carnage,Venom and now Toxin
lol i love venom,carnage and now toxin lol
published: 03 Jan 2008
author: thelastsparten300
views: 28359

Toxic Top 10 - Top Ten Toxins to Avoid and Replace at Home, Food, Coesmetics, Water, Body, Green
www.RevelationHealth.com Green cleaning and lifestyle is not only green for the environmen...
published: 21 Apr 2009
author: PompaHealthSolutions
Toxic Top 10 - Top Ten Toxins to Avoid and Replace at Home, Food, Coesmetics, Water, Body, Green
www.RevelationHealth.com Green cleaning and lifestyle is not only green for the environment and earth it is safe for the health your children and family. We focus on greening the planet by regulating industry but we need to green our homes, food, and body for our health. Dr. Pompa explains the top 10 toxins that are not green or friendly to the earth or you, polluting not only the environment but causing cancer and other health problems. Be eco friendly and nontoxic to your body.
published: 21 Apr 2009
author: PompaHealthSolutions
views: 39202

Vaccines and Toxins Cause Autism, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS & Crib Death
autismisreversible.info Dr. David Davis, MD gives insight into the multiple toxins along w...
published: 02 Mar 2011
author: LarryCook333
Vaccines and Toxins Cause Autism, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS & Crib Death
autismisreversible.info Dr. David Davis, MD gives insight into the multiple toxins along with an intensive vaccine schedule that ultimately contributes to the rise of Autism and Crib Death (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS). His book, "Dancing Cats, Silent Canaries—A Traditional Medical Doctor Takes A Closer Look At Unsolved Epidemics Of Autism & SIDS And Proposes A Solution," brings to light that multiple vaccines early in life combined with the highly toxic PVC used to make baby mattresses and cribs contribute to the alarming rate of Crib Death (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS) and Autism. Interviewee Dr. David Davis, MD Video producer Larry Cook, author of The Beginner's Guide to Natural Living - http
published: 02 Mar 2011
author: LarryCook333
views: 9831

Toxin spider-man classics (Toy Biz) - Series 19 (Marvel Legends Compatible) venom
Toxin action figure toy review. Part of Spider-Man Classics series 19. He might look like ...
published: 23 May 2012
author: ComicToyReviews
Toxin spider-man classics (Toy Biz) - Series 19 (Marvel Legends Compatible) venom
Toxin action figure toy review. Part of Spider-Man Classics series 19. He might look like Venom but this is a different symbiote. It's a good figure but not great. ================Hope you SUBSCRIBE because I'll be uploading videos regularly. I'll be covering various comic book reviews, action figure toy reviews. Thoughts on various action figure lines such as Marvel Legends, DC Universe Classics, Transformers, GI Joe, Star Wars etc. Facebook Fan Page: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com My 2nd YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com Read My Comic Book Blog: www.comicbookblogger.com
published: 23 May 2012
author: ComicToyReviews
views: 2200

Toxins, The Silent Killer
What are the toxins doing to your health? Toxicity is a contributing factor in these and o...
published: 26 May 2009
author: greensafeclean
Toxins, The Silent Killer
What are the toxins doing to your health? Toxicity is a contributing factor in these and other conditions: Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism, Alzheimer's Disease, Asthma, Arthritis, Cancer, Heart Diseases. That's just to name a few!
published: 26 May 2009
author: greensafeclean
views: 1651

"TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE" TOXIN YouTube: www.youtube.com Like TOXIN on Facebook ...
published: 25 Apr 2012
author: ToxinDirtCheapRnR
"TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE" TOXIN YouTube: www.youtube.com Like TOXIN on Facebook www.facebook.com TOXIN Official Website www.toxinrocks.com Follow TOXIN on Twitter http TOXIN on MySpace www.myspace.com TOXIN Merchandise www.merchdirect.com
published: 25 Apr 2012
author: ToxinDirtCheapRnR
views: 9411

Marvel Legends TOXIN REVIEW
my toxin review...
published: 06 Sep 2009
author: boxintypex
Marvel Legends TOXIN REVIEW

TOXIN- "Times of our Lives"
TOXINS new music video for their single "Times of our Lives." for more TOXIN: TOXN YouTube...
published: 04 Feb 2011
author: ToxinDirtCheapRnR
TOXIN- "Times of our Lives"
TOXINS new music video for their single "Times of our Lives." for more TOXIN: TOXN YouTube: www.youtube.com Like TOXIN on Facebook www.facebook.com TOXIN Official Website www.toxinrocks.com Follow TOXIN on Twitter http TOXIN on MySpace www.myspace.com TOXIN Merchandise www.merchdirect.com
published: 04 Feb 2011
author: ToxinDirtCheapRnR
views: 17494

inFact: Environmental Toxins
Have you been told that toxins in the environment are rising to dangerous levels? Learn to...
published: 22 Nov 2011
author: volleybrian
inFact: Environmental Toxins
Have you been told that toxins in the environment are rising to dangerous levels? Learn to evaluate these stories sensibly. infactvideo.com
published: 22 Nov 2011
author: volleybrian
views: 14839
Vimeo results:

Sodom and Gomorrah
by Chris Caliman
Canon 7D
Music: Gustavo Santao...
published: 13 Jun 2011
author: chris caliman
Sodom and Gomorrah
by Chris Caliman
Canon 7D
Music: Gustavo Santaolalla - Can Light Be Found in the Darkness?
Agbogbloshie is a suburb of Accra, Ghana known as a destination for legal and illegal exportation and environmental dumping of electronic waste (e-waste) from industrialized nations. Often referred to as a "digital dumping ground", millions of tons of e-waste are processed each year in Agbogbloshie
Processing electronic waste presents a serious health threat to workers at Agbogbloshie. The fumes released from the burning of the plastics and metals used in electronics are composed of highly toxic chemicals and carcinogens. Workers often inhale lead, cadmium,dioxins, furans, phthalates and brominated flame retardants.
Exposure to these fumes is especially hazardous to children, as these toxins are known to inhibit the development of the reproductive system, the nervous system and the brain.
This short Mood-Documentary is recutted from the material of the german Documentary "Die Kinder der Toxic City" which i shot this year as a second dop with Jürgen Steiger as the first dop with Christian Bock
-director- in Ghana.
This pictures are all shooted by me...
here is the link to the original full lengh german documentary from the ZDF:

A Wake-Up Story
A Wake-Up Story is a must-see video for every parent and anyone that cares about the healt...
published: 29 Jan 2010
author: Healthy Child Healthy World
A Wake-Up Story
A Wake-Up Story is a must-see video for every parent and anyone that cares about the health and development of children. Watch it. Share it. Join the movement. www.Awakeupstory.org

Everything You HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods
BUY THE DVD at: http://www.seedsofdeception.com/Public/Products/DVDsCDs/index.cfm ~ Geneti...
published: 14 Sep 2009
author: Jeffrey Smith
Everything You HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods
BUY THE DVD at: http://www.seedsofdeception.com/Public/Products/DVDsCDs/index.cfm ~ Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in your food may make you sick. Studies link GMOs with toxins, allergies, infertility, infant mortality, immune dysfunction, stunted growth, accelerated aging, and death. Whistleblowers were fired, threatened, and gagged. Warnings by FDA scientists were ignored. Expert Jeffrey M. Smith, author of the #1 GMO bestseller Seeds of Deception, and Genetic Roulette, presents SHOCKING evidence why these gene-spliced crops may lead to health and environmental catastrophes. Learn how to protect yourself and discover the Campaign for Healthier Eating in America—a brilliant plan to quickly end the genetic engineering of our food supply.

E. chromi
E. chromi is a collaboration between designers and scientists in the new field of syntheti...
published: 09 Feb 2011
author: Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg
E. chromi
E. chromi is a collaboration between designers and scientists in the new field of synthetic biology. In 2009, seven Cambridge University undergraduates spent the summer genetically engineering bacteria to secrete a variety of coloured pigments, visible to the naked eye. They designed standardised sequences of DNA, known as BioBricks, and inserted them into E. coli bacteria.
Each BioBrick part contains genes selected from existing organisms spanning the living kingdoms, enabling the bacteria to produce a colour: red, yellow, green, blue, brown or violet. By combining these with other BioBricks, bacteria could be programmed to do useful things, such as indicate whether drinking water is safe by turning red if they sense a toxin. E. chromi won the Grand Prize at the 2009 International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (iGEM).
Designers Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg and James King worked with the team to explore the potential of this new technology, while it was being developed in the lab. They designed a timeline proposing ways that a foundational technology such as E. chromi could develop over the next century. These scenarios include food additives, patenting issues, personalised medicine, terrorism and new types of weather. Not necessarily desirable, they explore the different agendas that could shape the use of E. chromi and in turn, our everyday lives. This collaboration has meant that E. chromi is a technology that has been designed at both the genetic and the human scale, setting a precedent for future collaborations between designers and scientists.
Design: Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg & James King
Animation - Cath Elliot (Little Giant Pictures)
Music - Matthew Irvine Brown
Illustration - Alice Hoult
© Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg & James King
Cambridge University iGEM Team 2009
Youtube results:

Custom 1st Form Toxin Figure!
visit my website at www.clawcarvedcustoms.com for more or sit back and watch my other vide...
published: 28 Jan 2011
author: DimwittedDinobot
Custom 1st Form Toxin Figure!
visit my website at www.clawcarvedcustoms.com for more or sit back and watch my other videos!
published: 28 Jan 2011
author: DimwittedDinobot
views: 24891

Why Is Plastic Packaging Toxic?
Learn more and download a free health report on toxins at www.dreliaz.org ! In this segmen...
published: 15 May 2008
author: dreliaz
Why Is Plastic Packaging Toxic?
Learn more and download a free health report on toxins at www.dreliaz.org ! In this segment, Dr. Isaac Eliaz exposes the growing dangers of plastic packaging. Each year in the United States, nearly 90 million plastic bottles are purchased, burdening both the environment and your health. Certain chemicals contained in these plastic containers—including bisphenol-A (BPA) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC)—act as xenoestrogens, or substances that mimic estrogen in the body. They seep into your beverages during normal use, and are especially potent at high temperatures. These substances can disrupt crucial antioxidant and DNA activity, as well as interrupt the normal functioning of the endocrine system. This influence has dangerous consequences, ultimately heightening the risk of cancer in adults, and contributing to developmental problems in infants and young children. To minimize damage to both the planet and your health, you should switch to glass or stainless steel bottles and containers, which can be safely re-used by everyone in the family. To learn more and get a free health report, visit www.dreliaz.org
published: 15 May 2008
author: dreliaz
views: 16146

Mechanism of Botulinum Toxin
Protein Lounge animations @ www.proteinlounge.com Botulinum is a bacterial toxin produced ...
published: 20 Oct 2009
author: Proteinlounge
Mechanism of Botulinum Toxin
Protein Lounge animations @ www.proteinlounge.com Botulinum is a bacterial toxin produced by a bacteria Clostridium botulinum that causes the most severe form of food poisoning. The disease is called Botulism, the potentially deadly food poisoning characterized by muscle paralysis. In a normal muscle, the place where a nerve ends to give the command to the muscle is called the muscle end plate. There is a gap between the nerve ending and the muscle surface. From the stimulated nerve, a chemical called Acetyl choline is released that bridges the gap and stimulates the muscle to cause it to contract. Botulinum destroys the muscle end-plates capability to respond to the chemical secreted from the nerve ending. It takes 2 to 4 months for the nerve to regenerate a new muscle end plate. Till that time, the affected muscle remains paralyzed. However, small doses of Botulinum toxin injections can have a paradoxical benefit for some stroke survivors and patients with spasticity due to Cerebral Palsy. The toxin can reduce the leg muscle spasticity that hampers their ability to walk, run and do active work to a variable extent. The present animation gives a brief idea about the mechanism of Botulinum toxin.
published: 20 Oct 2009
author: Proteinlounge
views: 37979

Food & Toxins: Keeping You Fat
Eating organic may help prevent obesity. Lose weight with an organic diet. diet.com...
published: 21 Jul 2008
author: diethealth
Food & Toxins: Keeping You Fat
Eating organic may help prevent obesity. Lose weight with an organic diet. diet.com
published: 21 Jul 2008
author: diethealth
views: 101973