- published: 21 Jul 2008
- views: 112636
- author: LaneCh
Ergun Caner v. James White on Calvinism (Radio Free Geneva)
This is the first episode of Radio Free Geneva that has been put on Youtube. The purpose o...
published: 21 Jul 2008
author: LaneCh
Ergun Caner v. James White on Calvinism (Radio Free Geneva)
This is the first episode of Radio Free Geneva that has been put on Youtube. The purpose of RFG is to dispel the many caricatures, straw men, and misrepresentations that those who are opposed to Reformed Theology (ie. Calvinism) normally make when critiquing the other side. Lord willing, there will be more in the future that deal with different subjects. Ergun Caner delivered a sermon a few years ago called "Why I am Predestined Not to be a Hyper-Calvinist." However, many Reformed folk thought the sermon would have been more aptly titled "Why I am Not Predestined to Represent the Side I am Critiquing Accurately." In this episode of Radio Free Geneva, James White deals with the many straw men and mischaracterizations that Ergun Caner promoted during this sermon and rectifies them. This episode is especially helpful because many of the arguments Caner brought up are many of the same that are brought up regularly by opponents of the doctrines of grace. Here is the link to where you can buy the mp3 of this program for $1.73: www.aomin.org Here are links to where you can find out more information about how the debate that was supposed to be didn't occur. Start with 10/6/06 "Regarding the Lynchburg Situation" and work your way up.: www.aomin.org Here is some written correspondance between Ergun Caner and James White: vintage.aomin.org Tom Ascol, who was going to be James White's debate partner in this debate commented on it on Founder's Blog, as well: www.founders.org www ...
- published: 21 Jul 2008
- views: 112636
- author: LaneCh
Against the World - Why I Am A Calvinist
To order Amazing Grace: The History & Theology of Calvinsim please visit: store.nicenecoun...
published: 12 Aug 2011
author: NiceneCouncilcom
Against the World - Why I Am A Calvinist
To order Amazing Grace: The History & Theology of Calvinsim please visit: store.nicenecouncil.com Join host and president of NiceneCouncil.com Jerry Johnson as he hosts this edition of Against the World on what is and what is not Calvinism. calvinism calvinism calvinism calvinism calvinism...
- published: 12 Aug 2011
- views: 6163
- author: NiceneCouncilcom
Hitler & Calvinism
A satirical video about Calvinism and Adolf Hitler, that teaches some truth. Anyone who ha...
published: 23 Dec 2011
author: RefutingCalvinism
Hitler & Calvinism
A satirical video about Calvinism and Adolf Hitler, that teaches some truth. Anyone who has dealt with Calvinism or Calvinists should be able to relate. It is a video clip from a movie called, "The Downfall". This video is protected under fair use and the owners of the clip have allowed it under the conditions of putting an advertisement on it. That's why there is an advertisement. THIS IS SATIRE! If you want a Biblical Response to Calvinism, watch the rest of my videos! This video has NOTHING to do with whether Hitler was a Calvinist or not. I can't believe Calvinists actually thought that was what I was trying to do! This video portrays portrays Consistent Calvinism AT ITS WORST: Sinners having excuses for sinning, "god" ordaining ALL things whatsoever comes to pass (including sin) for "his glory", "god" being the author of sin (whether you want to admit it or not), Christ not dying for all people, seeing the Bible through the eyes of "pet theologians" instead of reading it for yourself, reading the theological works of men more than the Bible, wanting theological opponents to be dead instead of dealing with their arguments from Scripture, "god" wanting most people to go to Hell, "god" choosing who will go into the Kingdom, people not having true free will (instead they have the farce of "free will" that Calvinism believes in), etc. All of that IS Consistent Calvinism, whether you want to admit it or not. And many of you Calvinists believe in this UNBIBLICAL NONSENSE ...
- published: 23 Dec 2011
- views: 13132
- author: RefutingCalvinism
Calvinism & Arminianism
Pastor Mark Driscoll sums up the basic differences between Calvinism and Arminianism. God ...
published: 23 Jan 2008
author: mhcseattle
Calvinism & Arminianism
Pastor Mark Driscoll sums up the basic differences between Calvinism and Arminianism. God predestined this video clip to be taken from the broader context of a sermon entitled "Predestination" which can be found at www.marshillchurch.org
- published: 23 Jan 2008
- views: 152144
- author: mhcseattle
Calvinism in Three Minutes
published: 27 Aug 2010
author: Scott Jones
Calvinism in Three Minutes
- published: 27 Aug 2010
- views: 35710
- author: Scott Jones
"What Exactly is Calvinism? Why All the Fuss?" (Alan Cairns)
Here is more information about what Calvinism is by the late RL Dabney: www.spurgeon.org H...
published: 26 Jan 2008
author: LaneCh
"What Exactly is Calvinism? Why All the Fuss?" (Alan Cairns)
Here is more information about what Calvinism is by the late RL Dabney: www.spurgeon.org Here are a few more: www.spurgeon.org www.the-highway.com www.ltbsradio.com
- published: 26 Jan 2008
- views: 42758
- author: LaneCh
"How Should Calvinists Deal with Arminians?" (James White)
How should Calvinists deal with Arminians? Is it possible to stand firm for Reformed theol...
published: 25 Nov 2009
author: LaneCh
"How Should Calvinists Deal with Arminians?" (James White)
How should Calvinists deal with Arminians? Is it possible to stand firm for Reformed theology without causing unnecessary offense? If you're a Calvinist now but were an Arminian before and a Calvinist caused offense against you in explaining the theology, would you have been as apt to lay hold to the doctrines of grace? Dr. James White answers a call on The Dividing Line show regarding this subject and offers some great advice. www.aomin.org The Dividing Line is a bi-weekly radio show that you can listen to live Tuesdays and Thursdays here aomin.org Here is Dr. White's Youtube page: www.youtube.com
- published: 25 Nov 2009
- views: 16737
- author: LaneCh
Calvinist Pick Up Lines
www.matthewsmithonline.com A young Calvinist seminary student tries to pick up a girl...
published: 09 Dec 2010
author: Matthew Smith
Calvinist Pick Up Lines
www.matthewsmithonline.com A young Calvinist seminary student tries to pick up a girl
- published: 09 Dec 2010
- views: 66166
- author: Matthew Smith
Calvinist Witnessing
Just a little light hearted humor....
published: 18 Apr 2009
author: Steve Noel
Calvinist Witnessing
Just a little light hearted humor.
- published: 18 Apr 2009
- views: 67380
- author: Steve Noel
A Defense of Calvinism (CH Spurgeon)
"The doctrine of justification itself, as preached by an Arminian, is nothing but the doct...
published: 07 Jul 2008
author: LaneCh
A Defense of Calvinism (CH Spurgeon)
"The doctrine of justification itself, as preached by an Arminian, is nothing but the doctrine of salvation by works." ... - Charles Haddon Spurgeon "I do not serve the god of the Arminians at all; I have nothing to do with him, and I do not bow down before the Baal they have set up; he is not my God, nor shall he ever be; I fear him not, nor tremble at his presence...The God that saith today and denieth tomorrow, that justifieth today and condemns the next...is no relation to my God in the least degree. He may be a relation of Ashtaroth or Baal, but Jehovah never was or can be his name." ... - chs "We only use the term "Calvinism" for shortness. That doctrine which is called "Calvinism" did not spring from Calvin; we believe that it sprang from the great founder of all truth. Perhaps Calvin himself derived it mainly from the writings of Augustine. Augustine obtained his views, without doubt, through the Spirit of God, from the diligent study of the writings of Paul, and Paul received them of the Holy Ghost, from Jesus Christ, the great founder of the Christian dispensation. We use the term then, not because we impute any extraordinary importance to Calvin's having taught these doctrines. We would be just as wiling to call them by any other name, if we could find one which would be better understood, and which on the whole would be as consistent with fact." - chs You can buy a 5 volume set of Spurgeon's sermons online here: www.amazon.com Thanks to Henry Velez of www ...
- published: 07 Jul 2008
- views: 24005
- author: LaneCh
Who Are The REAL "Heretics" & "Pharisees" - Calvinism (Kerrigan Skelly)
Have you every been called a "heretic" or a "pharisee" by a Calvinist. Well, this video se...
published: 11 Jan 2013
author: RefutingCalvinism
Who Are The REAL "Heretics" & "Pharisees" - Calvinism (Kerrigan Skelly)
Have you every been called a "heretic" or a "pharisee" by a Calvinist. Well, this video seeks to debunk such accusations from Calvinists. This video is of Kerrigan Skelly from PinPoint Evangelism www.pinpointevangelism.com discussing these issues. TAGS Kerrigan Skelly is not a False Teacher. Kerrigan Skelly is not a Heretic. Calvinists are False Teachers. Calvinists are Heretics. Calvinism is False Teaching. Calvinism is Heresy. Calvinism is not true. Calvinism is not historical. Calvinism is not Biblical. Calvinism was not taught by Jesus. Calvinism was not taught by the apostles. Calvinism is not found in the Bible. Calvinists love to lie about Kerrigan Skelly. Calvinists love to slander Kerrigan Skelly. Calvinists love to spread false things about Kerrigan Skelly. Calvinists don't have the truth. Calvinists don't interpret the Bible correctly. Calvinists don't have sound doctrine. Calvinists don't have Biblical theology. Kerrigan Skelly is a Pastor at Refining Fire Fellowship. Kerrigan Skelly believes that the Bible is the Word of God. Kerrigan Skelly believes that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Kerrigan Skelly believes that the only way to be forgiven of your sins, is through the blood of Jesus Christ. Kerrigan Skelly believes that babies are born innocent. Kerrigan Skelly believes in Free Will. Kerrigan Skelly believes that Christ died for all. Kerrigan Skelly believes that God wants all to be saved. Kerrigan Skelly despises Calvinism, but loves Calvinists ...
- published: 11 Jan 2013
- views: 2657
- author: RefutingCalvinism
Amazing Grace - The History & Theology of Calvinism
To order, please visit: www.nicenecouncil.com Just what is "Calvinism?" Does this teaching...
published: 08 Jul 2011
author: NiceneCouncilcom
Amazing Grace - The History & Theology of Calvinism
To order, please visit: www.nicenecouncil.com Just what is "Calvinism?" Does this teaching make man a deterministic robot and God the author of sin? What about free will? If the church accepts Calvinism, won't evangelism be stifled, perhaps even extinguished? How can we balance God's sovereignty and man's responsibility? What are the differences between historic Calvinism and hyper-Calvinism? Why did men like Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon, Whitefield, Edwards and a host of renowned Protestant evangelists deny the Arminian definition of free will and label it heresy? Why did the Roman Catholic Church condemn the Reformed teaching of predestination and election and embrace free will theology? And why do so many Protestants, perhaps unwittingly, agree with Rome on this issue? Amazing Grace History and Theology of Calvinism is the first video documentary that answers these and other related questions. This fascinating three-part, four-hour presentation is detailed enough so as to not gloss over the controversy. At the same time, it is broken up into ten "Sunday-school-sized" sections to make the rich content manageable and accessible for the average viewer. Part One explores the history of the debate. It begins with the pivotal dispute between Augustine and Pelagius and continues through the semi-pelagian controversy; focusing particularly on the debate between Martin Luther and Desiderius Erasmus. Many viewers will be shocked to discover that free-will theology was NOT ...
- published: 08 Jul 2011
- views: 8823
- author: NiceneCouncilcom
Calvinism Debate-Jacques More vs. Steve Jeffery
A Live@9 Debate Special with Doug Harris on Revelation TV. This debate is between Jacques ...
published: 03 Jun 2010
author: RefutingCalvinism
Calvinism Debate-Jacques More vs. Steve Jeffery
A Live@9 Debate Special with Doug Harris on Revelation TV. This debate is between Jacques More (non-Calvinist) and Dr. Steve Jeffery (Calvinist). Jacques More is on youtube and his channel name is GraceTruthGuy: www.youtube.com Also, here is the link to Jacques personal website: www.jarom.net Dr. Steve Jeffery is a minister at Emmanuel Evangelical Church- http There is more information about each debater at the beginning of the debate. The crowd had a chance to ask lots of questions and give their input. In the crowd was also Roger Forster, the author of, "God's Strategy In Human History". He was able to ask several questions and make several comments.
- published: 03 Jun 2010
- views: 23355
- author: RefutingCalvinism
i think my wife's a calvinist.mov
this is just a silly song that my husband Brandon wrote.... brandonmilan.wordpress.com...
published: 05 Dec 2008
author: leahjaine
i think my wife's a calvinist.mov
this is just a silly song that my husband Brandon wrote.... brandonmilan.wordpress.com
- published: 05 Dec 2008
- views: 98010
- author: leahjaine
Youtube results:
Calvinism Debate - Total Depravity Part 1 (Jed Smock v. Peter Allison)
This is a four part debate on the doctrines of Calvinism between Campus Preacher and write...
published: 24 Jan 2010
author: RefutingCalvinism
Calvinism Debate - Total Depravity Part 1 (Jed Smock v. Peter Allison)
This is a four part debate on the doctrines of Calvinism between Campus Preacher and writer Jed Smock, and Calvinist Peter Allison. This is part 1. Part 2 will also be on Total Depravity, while part 3 will be on "U" and "L" and part 4 will be on "I" and "P". For more information on how to receive HIGH QUALITY DVD's of this whole debate, please use this contact info: John Moore Destiny Productions 1009 Twilight Trail #201 Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 502 227 1177 office 502 229 4044 cell
- published: 24 Jan 2010
- views: 8736
- author: RefutingCalvinism
Calvinism Debate - Total Depravity Part 2 (Jed Smock v. Peter Allison)
This is a four part debate on the doctrines of Calvinism between Campus Preacher and write...
published: 28 Jan 2010
author: RefutingCalvinism
Calvinism Debate - Total Depravity Part 2 (Jed Smock v. Peter Allison)
This is a four part debate on the doctrines of Calvinism between Campus Preacher and writer Jed Smock, and Calvinist Peter Allison. This is part 2. Part 3 will be on "U" and "L" and part 4 will be on "I" and "P". For more information on how to receive HIGH QUALITY DVD's of this whole debate, please use this contact info: John Moore Destiny Productions 1009 Twilight Trail #201 Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 502 227 1177 office 502 229 4044 cell
- published: 28 Jan 2010
- views: 2467
- author: RefutingCalvinism
Calvinism vs. Arminianism - Angus Stewart - Entire Debate
In my opinion the debate is unfair and the host sides AGAINST Preacher Stewart, but I beli...
published: 04 Jan 2011
author: seanpaynedotnet
Calvinism vs. Arminianism - Angus Stewart - Entire Debate
In my opinion the debate is unfair and the host sides AGAINST Preacher Stewart, but I believe the debate is very profitable to listen to and to read all the Scriptures referred to. Preacher Stewart does a very good job contending for the faith. Angus Stewart (Calvinist) Debates with Timothy Ramsay (Arminian) Calvinism Vs Arminianism Debate Recorded Thursday 2nd October 2008 (World In Focus) Sky TV Covenant Protestant Church Ballymena Northern Ireland Co.Antrim Make sure to visit the website of Mr. Stewart, many profitable sermons to listen to on there and many other profitable materials www.cprf.co.uk
- published: 04 Jan 2011
- views: 7006
- author: seanpaynedotnet
Is Unbelief Sin, Non-Calvinist?
The following argument has not been sufficiently and consistently answered since it was fi...
published: 28 Sep 2008
author: LaneCh
Is Unbelief Sin, Non-Calvinist?
The following argument has not been sufficiently and consistently answered since it was first posed by John Owen over 300 years ago. "The Father imposed His wrath due unto, and the Son underwent punishment for, either: 1) All the sins of all men. 2) All the sins of some men, or 3) Some of the sins of all men. In which case it may be said: That if the last be true, all men have some sins to answer for, and so, none are saved. That if the second be true, then Christ, in their stead suffered for all the sins of all the elect in the whole world, and this is the truth. But if the first be the case, why are not all men free from the punishment due unto their sins? You answer, "Because of unbelief." I ask, "Is this unbelief a sin, or is it not? If it is, then Christ suffered the punishment due unto it, or He did not. If He did, why must that hinder them more than their other sins for which He died? If He did not, He did not die for all their sins!" - John Owen (The Death of Death in the Death of Christ, Book 3, Ch. 3) A Youtube user named "Grasshopperjax" has attempted to make a rebuttal to this video and the arguments therein. Please watch his video if you have time.: www.youtube.com I commend grasshopperjax for taking the time to make a response to this, but this is the best of what the other side has to offer, folks. This is part of the DVD Amazing Grace: The History and Theology of Calvinism from The Apologetics Group. You can purchase this DVD here: www.amazon.com
- published: 28 Sep 2008
- views: 11130
- author: LaneCh