- published: 22 Dec 2011
- views: 16529
- author: ahmedkab7
The oldest language in the world. Tifinagh-Tamazight
Tifinagh (Alphabet), Tamazight (Language) is one of the oldest written and spoken language...
published: 22 Dec 2011
author: ahmedkab7
The oldest language in the world. Tifinagh-Tamazight
Tifinagh (Alphabet), Tamazight (Language) is one of the oldest written and spoken languages in the world, if not the first! The word Tifinagh means; tifin "Discovery" nagh "Oneself". It still exist till today and its spread among the Amazigh tribes from the Canaries islands in the Atlantic to the Siwa oasis in Egypt, and from the mediterranean sea in north Africa to the niger river in the Sahara.
- published: 22 Dec 2011
- views: 16529
- author: ahmedkab7
Learn the Berber language - Lesson 1: Numbers تعلم الأمازيغية Lmed Tamaziɣt - 1
Lmed tutlayt Tamazight n Umerruk d Tafrikt Tagafayt - ⵍⵎⴻⴷ ⵜⵓⵜⵍⴰⵢⵜ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ - Leer de Berb...
published: 15 Oct 2011
author: AmazighTVChannel
Learn the Berber language - Lesson 1: Numbers تعلم الأمازيغية Lmed Tamaziɣt - 1
Lmed tutlayt Tamazight n Umerruk d Tafrikt Tagafayt - ⵍⵎⴻⴷ ⵜⵓⵜⵍⴰⵢⵜ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ - Leer de Berberse taal van Marokko en Noord Afrika - モロッコや北アフリカのベルベル人の言語を学ぶ - Learn the Berber language of Morocco and North Africa...
- published: 15 Oct 2011
- views: 5352
- author: AmazighTVChannel
Amazigh Berber in EGYPT [Siwa Oasis]
A young boy speaking berber amazigh language in Egypt (he comes from the Siwa Oasis, the o...
published: 02 Mar 2009
author: ImazighenLibya
Amazigh Berber in EGYPT [Siwa Oasis]
A young boy speaking berber amazigh language in Egypt (he comes from the Siwa Oasis, the only remaining Berber-speaking spot in Egypt). Here's a the translation of the conversation in English : Q- Do you know what does AZZUL mean? The Siwi boy (in Egypian Arabic) : You mean 3AZZEL ? He doesn't know the word AZZUL. Q- How do you say "how are you" in your SIwa language ? The Siwi boy : Matta lHal Nnnek. Q- How do you say I want you? The Siwi boy : khsegh chekum Q- How do you say I want to drink? The Siwi boy : khsegh seswegh aman Q- How do you say I love you? The Siwi boy : khsegh chekum Q- How do you say I want to sleep? The Siwi Boy : khsegh aneddum Q- How do you say car? The Siwi boy : 3arabis Q- How do you say chicken? The Siwi boy : Tagazit Conclusion : AMAZIGH language is ONE LANGUAGE, spoken from Siwa to Morocco.
- published: 02 Mar 2009
- views: 13525
- author: ImazighenLibya
Berbers - Algeria
July 2004 Berbers in Algeria face systemic discrimination. Their language, culture and nee...
published: 21 Jan 2008
author: journeymanpictures
Berbers - Algeria
July 2004 Berbers in Algeria face systemic discrimination. Their language, culture and needs are being ignored by the government of Algeria.
- published: 21 Jan 2008
- views: 153589
- author: journeymanpictures
amazigh - history du roi Numide "Massinissa" Partie 1 2
are the indigenous peoples of North Africa west of the Nile Valley. They are continuously ...
published: 22 Sep 2011
author: Massin Izri
amazigh - history du roi Numide "Massinissa" Partie 1 2
are the indigenous peoples of North Africa west of the Nile Valley. They are continuously distributed from the Atlantic to the Siwa oasis, in Egypt, and from the Mediterranean to the Niger River. Historically they spoke the Berber language or varieties of it, which together form a branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family. Today, varieties of Maghrebi colloquial Arabic are spoken by a large portion of Berbers besides the Berber language itself. Foreign languages like French are used by the educated in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. Spanish is also known by some Berbers in Morocco and in the annexed Western Sahara and Italian in Libya. This presence of European languages was due to Europe's occupation and colonization of the Berber world. Today, most Berber-speaking people live in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali and Niger, as well as various diasporas from these countries (particularly in France).[5][6] The presence of the Arabic language and dialects is due to the spread of Islam and to the immigration of some Arab tribes to the region centuries ago. A Berber is not necessarily only someone who happens to speak Berber. The Berber identity is usually wider than language and ethnicity, and encompasses the entire history and geography of North Africa. Berbers are not a homogenous ethnic group and encompass a range of phenotypes, cultures and ancestries. The one unifying force is the Berber language and an identification with the Berber ...
- published: 22 Sep 2011
- views: 7104
- author: Massin Izri
Good News TACHELHEIT (تشلحيت) People/Language Movie Part 1/5
See wlmov.com for the full Good News TACHELHEIT Movie .......... This is: Good News TACHEL...
published: 10 Sep 2009
author: worldlanguagemovies
Good News TACHELHEIT (تشلحيت) People/Language Movie Part 1/5
See wlmov.com for the full Good News TACHELHEIT Movie .......... This is: Good News TACHELHEIT (تشلحيت) People/Language Movie Part 1/5 c30541 [c30541part1] Other names for this language are: Berber of Morocco, Berber: Southern, Shilha, Southern Shilha, Susiua, Tachelhit, Tachilhit,...
- published: 10 Sep 2009
- views: 10159
- author: worldlanguagemovies
Good News TAMAZIGHT, CENTRAL ATLAS (ⵜⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ) People/Language Movie Trailer
See wlmov.com for the full Good News TAMAZIGHT, CENTRAL ATLAS Movie .......... This is: Go...
published: 30 Oct 2008
author: worldlanguagemovies
Good News TAMAZIGHT, CENTRAL ATLAS (ⵜⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ) People/Language Movie Trailer
See wlmov.com for the full Good News TAMAZIGHT, CENTRAL ATLAS Movie .......... This is: Good News TAMAZIGHT, CENTRAL ATLAS (ⵜⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ) People/Language Movie Trailer c31501 [c31501t] Other names for this language are: Berber, Central Shilha, Middle Atlas Berber, Shilha,...
- published: 30 Oct 2008
- views: 6907
- author: worldlanguagemovies
Amazigh language recognised by Moroccan constitution
The Amazigh language has been recognised by a new constitution in Morocco, making it the f...
published: 08 Aug 2011
author: AFP
Amazigh language recognised by Moroccan constitution
The Amazigh language has been recognised by a new constitution in Morocco, making it the first north African country to give official status to the indigenous language. Duration: 02:26
- published: 08 Aug 2011
- views: 3243
- author: AFP
MAGA TV : SAIDA FIKRI in Amazigh Language
Concert " MUSIC For CHANGE " organized by " Sourire D'Espoir- Club Social de l'ENCG d'Agad...
published: 12 Mar 2012
author: MediagadirTV
MAGA TV : SAIDA FIKRI in Amazigh Language
Concert " MUSIC For CHANGE " organized by " Sourire D'Espoir- Club Social de l'ENCG d'Agadir " ------------------------------------- By : Mediagadir TV Page in Facebook : Facebook.com/MediagadirTv Email : MEDIAGADIRTV@gmail.com Tel : 06 62 87 57 39
- published: 12 Mar 2012
- views: 50486
- author: MediagadirTV
Lesson in Libyan Tamazight / Cours de Tamazight libyen
Libya Al Ahrar TV, 13 July 2011, Educational Program in Tamazight language. Subjects of th...
published: 13 Jul 2011
author: ImazighenLibya
Lesson in Libyan Tamazight / Cours de Tamazight libyen
Libya Al Ahrar TV, 13 July 2011, Educational Program in Tamazight language. Subjects of the course: conjugation Present, Past & Future tense - words "revolution," "soldiers" etc
- published: 13 Jul 2011
- views: 7089
- author: ImazighenLibya
Tigmai Mkourn ⵜⵉⴳⵯⵎⵉ ⵎⵇⵓⵔⵏ Ep3 - تكمي مقورن-
amazigh, souss, agadir, film, films, morocco, berbère, berber, taTigmai Mkourn Ep تكمي مقو...
published: 03 Apr 2012
author: TAMAZEGHT1
Tigmai Mkourn ⵜⵉⴳⵯⵎⵉ ⵎⵇⵓⵔⵏ Ep3 - تكمي مقورن-
amazigh, souss, agadir, film, films, morocco, berbère, berber, taTigmai Mkourn Ep تكمي مقورن الحلقة tigmi mkorn tigmai m9orn tigmai m9ourn tigmai imkkourn serie tigmai mkorn tigmi mkkourn amarg amayno amazigh tigmi meqorn episode 2 2012 تيكمي مقورن tigmi mqorn serie tigmi mqorn ep مسلسل تيكمي مقورن الحلقة 2 tikmi mkoren tigmi m9oren tigami mecorn moqouren tigmi mqorn tv tamazight online regarder tegmi mkoran me9orn youtube episode tachelhit cheleuh tv chelhite,
- published: 03 Apr 2012
- views: 6883
- author: TAMAZEGHT1
Mychael Danna - 8mm - 08 - Hollywood
Music from 8 mm pic Mychael Danna from berber traditional music, high atlas, marroco The B...
published: 08 Dec 2010
author: ordinateurpgm
Mychael Danna - 8mm - 08 - Hollywood
Music from 8 mm pic Mychael Danna from berber traditional music, high atlas, marroco The Berber languages (native name: ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ Tamazight [tæmæˈzɪɣt], [θæmæˈzɪɣθ]) are the indigenous languages of North Africa west of the Nile.
- published: 08 Dec 2010
- views: 23596
- author: ordinateurpgm
AZA Music AQARID.wmv
AZA unites traditional Tamazight (Berber) music, indigenous to the Atlas Mountains of Moro...
published: 29 Jan 2011
author: sifaoue
AZA Music AQARID.wmv
AZA unites traditional Tamazight (Berber) music, indigenous to the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, with the global influences of its diverse members. Evocative of Saharan-African blues, yet with an original style that truly defies categorization, AZA's stirring performances feature deep, danceable rhythms, intricate string melodies, and soaring, soulful vocals. Visually dynamic and engaging performers, AZA has been inspiring international audiences for nearly seven years. Founding members Fattah Abbou and Mohamed Aoualou are Berbers native to the High Atlas mountain region of Morocco, where they played and studied music for over twenty-five years, and are recognized as master musicians.
- published: 29 Jan 2011
- views: 10702
- author: sifaoue
ahmed abaamrane/si3r n tamazight
this video talks about what happened to imazighn when arabs came to ruin imazighn in north...
published: 12 Sep 2006
author: abaamrane
ahmed abaamrane/si3r n tamazight
this video talks about what happened to imazighn when arabs came to ruin imazighn in north africa. they destroyed everything belonged to our amazigh culture. they took some of our books and burn the rest .they killed every man who says No.they killed all people who rejected them and all people who insisted to talk amazigh language .people escaped to the montains leaving the good villages to arabs .ahmed abaamrane claims some of this in this video clips .he called all imazighn to put hand in hand in order to put amazigh culture in the sitaution that fits it .
- published: 12 Sep 2006
- views: 329750
- author: abaamrane
Vimeo results:
Tamazight | cycling Morocco
About 11 years ago we fell in love with the country and the Imazighen, the people of the T...
published: 07 Nov 2010
author: Blanche
Tamazight | cycling Morocco
About 11 years ago we fell in love with the country and the Imazighen, the people of the Tamazight. We fell in love with Morocco. Since then there is a spell resting on us and we have to return when ever we can.Tamazight is in fact the name for the Berber language spoken in the Middle Atlas but it is also widespread used for all the other berber languages. Imazighen 'free men' is the name for the berber people. This film is about one of our bicycle journeys as free men in Morocco through the Anti Atlas, the desert and the coast around Sidi Ifni.
http://Footage: Canon HF100
http://Stills : Canon Powershot A720
http://Music: Berber of Seville - Bombay Dub Orchestra,
Facing East - Thievery Corporation, Winter session - The Cameron Frye Project and Kai Panschow
http://Editing: Imovie and Final Cut Express
Idir and Najat Aatabou for the first time in the USA by Tala Entertainment Services
Lincoln Festival:
Two monumental Berber artists who’ve returned to the fore of the interna...
published: 15 Apr 2009
author: Tala Entertainment Services
Idir and Najat Aatabou for the first time in the USA by Tala Entertainment Services
Lincoln Festival:
Two monumental Berber artists who’ve returned to the fore of the international scene arrive at this year’s Festival on a special double bill to share their music for the first time in the United States n July 18th 2009 at Avery Fisher Hall.
Najat will also perform Millennium Park in Chicago on July 16: http://www.millenniumpark.org/parkevents/event.aspx?id=793
on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Talaent
The Algerian-born Paris-based singer-songwriter Idir (Hamid Cheriet) first captured attention accidentally from a stand-in performance of the tender “A Vava inouva” on national radio in 1973. His rendition has gone on to be translated into more than seven languages, making this unassuming musician a leading voice of the Berber culture and identity (kabyle), garnering attention not only from traditional fans but also from a new generation of younger admirers for his recent hip hop collaborations.
Originally from Morocco, Najat Aatabou defied the societal norms of her country and even her family by pursuing a career in music, her ascendancy to icon status as the “Queen of Chaabi” marked by songs that fearlessly and sometimes controversially protest against gender inequality. A vigorous advocate for women’s rights, Aatabou’s anthemic “Just Tell Me the Truth” was sampled by the British electronic-music duo Chemical Brothers for their 2005 hit “Galvanize.”
Amazigh Poetry Project--TEASER TRAILER
The Amazigh Poetry Project (working title) is a film about Soumia Aietelhaj, a young Moroc...
published: 09 Apr 2010
author: Alexia Prichard
Amazigh Poetry Project--TEASER TRAILER
The Amazigh Poetry Project (working title) is a film about Soumia Aietelhaj, a young Moroccan woman, who is in search of the language, songs and poetry of her lost culture, the Amazigh (better known as Berber in the West).
Soumia will travel throughout Morocco recording songs, poems and stories from the few singers and poets still living as she tries to piece together the picture of her ancestors.
Camera & sound record: Alexia Prichard, Nikki Bramley
Morocco is considered an Arab country however, much of the population are Berbers. Morocco...
published: 10 Jul 2011
author: Balthazartours
Morocco is considered an Arab country however, much of the population are Berbers. Morocco obtained its independence from France and Spain in 1956, but many Moroccans speak French after Moroccan Arabic or one of the three local Berber languages.
Morocco is ruled by a constitutional monarchy who can trace their lineage back to the Prophet Mohammed. The current monarch, King Mohammed VI has taken a contemporary approach to his rule which has created positive benefits and opportunities for the population.
Morocco is a predominantly Sunni Muslim country with small Jewish and Christian minorities. The culture of Morocco has been strongly influenced by Berbers, Arabs, Moors, Jews and the French. Most Islamic religious monuments are closed to non-Muslims however, there are some exceptions, such as the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, the Mausoleum of Mohammed V in Rabat and the tomb of Sultan Moulay Ismail in Meknes.
Morocco is located on the tip of North Africa, a couple of hours by ferry from Spain. It borders Algeria to the east, Mauritania to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean to the north. The country is crossed by several mountain ranges. The Atlas Mountains run across the middle of the country to the Atlantic coast. The Middles Atlas Mountains fun from the south and the Rif Mountains trace the north cost. All providing spectacular contrasting scenery.
Morocco is located on the tip of North Africa, a couple of hours by ferry from Spain. It borders Algeria to the east, Mauritania to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean to the north. The country is crossed by several mountain ranges. The Atlas Mountains run across the middle of the country to the Atlantic coast. The Middles Atlas Mountains fun from the south and the Rif Mountains trace the north cost. All providing spectacular contrasting scenery.
Youtube results:
The Amazighs of Canary Islands -The Guanches-
The Amazighs of Canary Islands -The Guanches- sea people of Atlantic ocean also of occiden...
published: 06 Aug 2009
author: samysamy25
The Amazighs of Canary Islands -The Guanches-
The Amazighs of Canary Islands -The Guanches- sea people of Atlantic ocean also of occidental North Africa (the Maurizia ,Mauretania Tangitana of Tamazgha) www.luventicus.org www.yabiladi.com www.canariasbioregion.org Guanches (also: Guanchis or Guanchetos), now extinct as an AMAZIGH people were the first known inhabitants of the Canary Islands, having migrated to the archipelago sometime between 20.000 BC to 9000 BC . Their culture as such has since disappeared, although traces of it can still be found, an example being the "whistle" Silbo language of La Gomera Island. The language of EL Guanches is Taguanciet semilar to Tassoussit and Tachelhit of Moroccans in Atlas Mountains ,Taguanciet another Atlantic Amazigh language Genetic evidence shows that northern African peoples (most likely descendants of the Amazighs of Aterians/ Iberu-Maurisians types ) made a significant contribution to the aboriginal population of the Canaries following desertification of the Sahara at some point before 10.000BC. Linguistic evidence suggests ties between Guanche language and the Berber languages of northern Africa, particularly when comparing number systems. Research into the genetics of the Guanche population have led to the conclusion that they share an ancestry with Berber peoples The islands were visited by a number of peoples within recorded history. The Numidians, and Carthaginians knew of the islands and made frequent visits,[including expeditions dispatched from Mogador by Juba ...
- published: 06 Aug 2009
- views: 15251
- author: samysamy25
Abdu Ben Tayeb - Thamath Ino
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: NadorMelody
Abdu Ben Tayeb - Thamath Ino
- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 26076
- author: NadorMelody