How To Go To
Brookings Report on
Drones Confirms
High Civilian Death Rate and
Misses the
Point July 21, 2009 by dcrowe
To their credit, the folks over at the
Brookings Institution have become one of the first mainstream think tanks to recognize the horrendously indiscriminate nature of drone attacks in
Pakistan. Brookings Institute scholar
Daniel Byman wrote last Monday:
Critics correctly find many problems with this program, most of all the number of civilian casualties the strikes have incurred. Sourcing on civilian deaths is weak and the numbers are often exaggerated, but more than 600 civilians are likely to have died from the attacks. That number suggests that for every militant killed, 10 or so civilians also died.
I've been citing numbers that show a worse civilian-combatant ratio (15-1), but the Brookings citation makes the same
point: drones kill far more civilians than suspected militants.
Good for Brookings for bringing this to folks' attention.
Unfortunately, though, Byman fails to really get into the details of what causes the high ratio, preferring instead to attribute them to the
Evil Taliban:
To reduce casualties, superb intelligence is necessary. Operators must know not only where the terrorists are, but also who is with them and who might be within the blast radius. This level of surveillance may often be lacking, and terrorists' deliberate use of children and other civilians as shields make civilian deaths even more likely.
The preceding paragraph demonstrates an amazing Fareed-Zakaria-like ability to take the vile and the shocking and transform it into a passive-voice bromide.
Translation: "We need good intel to avoid killing noncombatants. We don't have good intelligence. We don't let details like that get in the way of firing the weapons, so we kill 10 civilians for every one suspected terrorist. Oh yeah the Taliban are bad."
Americans should be terrified and horrified that
CIA operators use a weapons system whose ability to avoid killing innocent men, women and children depends on "superb intelligence" when such intel does not exist. Essentially, what the CIA is doing is analagous to a police sniper aiming into a bank crowded with hostages with a sniper rifle whose barrel lacks rifling, pointing at a suspected robber and pulling the trigger. When the bullet goes astray due to the lack of a key feature that makes the sniper rifle accurate--the rifling-- and kills a hostage, the police officer shrugs. "The robber used human shields
." If the public found out that our hypothetical police sniper knew in advance that he had, oh, say, a 90-percent chance of killing a hostage rather than a robber and he pulled the trigger anyway, they'd be howling for his head on a platter. But this kind of vile nonsense is exactly what the administration asks the
American people to accept through further escalations of the CIA's undeclared war on the
Pakistanis unlucky enough to be living near our national enemies.
I repeat:
The strikes have caused such carnage that leading
British legal experts "said the aircraft could follow other weapons considered 'so cruel as to be beyond the pale of human tolerance' in being consigned to the history books," likening them to "cluster bombs and landmines."
Byman's analysis of the problem, though, ultimately misses the point. It may be true that the high civilian death rate is bad because it undermines our counterinsurgency efforts to win hearts and minds. However, the real problem is not the political consequences of these deaths, but rather the deaths themselves. Even if the 10-1 civilian-combatant death rate had zero political consequences, it would still be immoral to continue the use of drones. As I said on July 14,
"The worst effect of all this talk about counterinsurgency is that it has reduced the civilian populations of countries like
Iraq and
Afghanistan to mere means to the end of our strategy. They're not. Drones may be awful in part because their use leads to more terrorism, but the worst effect of their use is the slaughter of people whose right to life exists independent from our goals for the region."
Get those drones on the ground, now.
Despite its problems, the Brookings article shows that the CIA is lying to the American people about the drones. Here's
Leon Panetta in a May 2009 speech:
Drone] operations have been very effective because they have been very precise in terms of the targeting and it involved a minimum of collateral damage."
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- published: 30 Apr 2011
- views: 545