Éva Farkas (March 15, 1960, Nagykanizsa) is a Hungarian tapestry artist.
Éva Farkas was born 15 March 1960, in Nagykanizsa. She graduated from the Technical College of Art in Pécs in 1978, where her Arts teacher was the painter Valkó László, her Textile teacher was Bizséné Kovács Diana. She graduated from the Hungarian University of Applied Arts as a tapestry artist in 1984. Her Masters: Kádár János Miklós, Szabó János, Plesnivy Károly, Szilvitzky Margit and Polgár Csaba.
Since 1984 she is a member of the National Association of Hungarian Creative Artists (Magyar Alkotóművészek Országos Egyesülete-MAOE) and also has a membership in the Association of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists (Magyar Képző- és Iparművészek Szövetsége) since 1991 and the Association of Hungarian Tapestry Artists (Magyar Kárpitművészek Egyesülete) since 1996 /She was one of the designers and weavers of the gobelins “Tapestry Without Limits” and “Saint Stephen And His Work”/. Since its establishment (1998) she is a charter member of the Applied Arts Workshop in Gödöllő, which is the descendant of the famous Gödöllõ Colony of Artists (founded by Aladár Körösfõi-Kriesch). The artist often exhibit with other members of the workshop both in Hungary and abroad. She ran a drawing course until 2005 in the Creative House. She give account of her independent artistic activity at individual and grouped exhibitions.
Kenneth Bruce Gorelick (born June 5, 1956), better known by his stage name Kenny G, is an American adult contemporary and smooth jazz saxophonist. His fourth album, Duotones, brought him breakthrough success in 1986. Kenny G is the biggest-selling instrumental musician of the modern era, with global sales totaling more than 75 million albums.
Kenny G was born in Seattle, Washington to a Jewish family and grew up in the city's Seward Park neighborhood, which is a center of the city's Jewish community. He came into contact with a saxophone when he heard someone performing with one on The Ed Sullivan Show. He started playing the saxophone in 1966 when he was 10 years old. He learned how to play under the direction of local trumpeter Gerald Pfister and by practicing along with records (mostly of Grover Washington, Jr.), trying to emulate the sounds that he was hearing. His first saxophone was a Buffet Crampon alto.
Kenny G attended Whitworth Elementary School, Sharples Junior High School, Franklin High School, and the University of Washington, all in his home town of Seattle. When he entered high school, he failed on his first try to get into the jazz band, but tried again the following year and earned first chair. In addition to his studies while in high school, he took private lessons on the saxophone and clarinet from Johnny Jessen, once a week for a year.
Dr. Farkas Éva egyetemi docens, felnőttképzési szakértő
Farkas Éva Nyugdíjas búcsúztatója!
Farkas Éva Erzsébet: Novák Előd kérjen bocsánatot!
Csepregi Éva - Farkas Gábor Gábriel - Kell, hogy várj
Csepregi Éva Farkas Gábor
VÁLASZTÁS 2014: Polgármesterjelöltek - Farkas Éva
Sculpture Ceramic Art Gallery Tour Online - Int'l Sculptor Eva Farkas Fischhof
Sütő Enikő, Farkas Éva és Benedek-Epres Panni
Farkas Éva Erzsébet polgármesterjelölt
Közéleti Akadémia 8. előadás, Farkas Éva (audiofelvétel)
FogadóÓra: Farkas Éva Erzsébet
Farkas Éva a Fidesz makói polgármesterjelöltje
Farkas Éva polgármester az első teendőkról
Leadta az ajánlóívet Farkas Éva
Dr. Farkas Éva egyetemi docens, felnőttképzési szakértő
Farkas Éva Nyugdíjas búcsúztatója!
Farkas Éva Erzsébet: Novák Előd kérjen bocsánatot!
Csepregi Éva - Farkas Gábor Gábriel - Kell, hogy várj
Csepregi Éva Farkas Gábor
VÁLASZTÁS 2014: Polgármesterjelöltek - Farkas Éva
Sculpture Ceramic Art Gallery Tour Online - Int'l Sculptor Eva Farkas Fischhof
Sütő Enikő, Farkas Éva és Benedek-Epres Panni
Farkas Éva Erzsébet polgármesterjelölt
Közéleti Akadémia 8. előadás, Farkas Éva (audiofelvétel)
FogadóÓra: Farkas Éva Erzsébet
Farkas Éva a Fidesz makói polgármesterjelöltje
Farkas Éva polgármester az első teendőkról
Leadta az ajánlóívet Farkas Éva
Programot hirdetett Farkas Éva
Farkas Éva: Lelkemből lelkedig / Zene: Kenny G : Ritmo y romance
Őrkői cigánytáncok - Farkas Tamás, Mocsel Éva (2009)
Farkas Éva kézimunkái
Farkas Éva (B-M Fitness)
eva farkas fischhof - vác 20130317-ünnepség
Farkas Éva: Többlépcsős városi rezsicsökkentés Makón!
Farkas Éva: Új korszak a fiatalokért is!
eva farkas fischhof - vác 20130317-megnyitó
Eva's interview
Inspiráló Designelméleti Estek - Vendég: Farkas Anna grafikus
Interview Ektomorf
Tóth Éva-Homokóra
Decsi Ágnes - Gerdesits Ferenc: Farkas Ferenc - Csínom Palkó - Jó éjszakát
W-kvartet: A. Piazzola, F. Farkas
Eva Herr: Consciousness
Farkas Gyuláné - Vaszati térrendezés, One Brain Életvezetési tanácsadó
Concrete Jungle (City Life) - Mira Farkas - BR 2011 Dance Session 2.mp4
Faragó Laura: Szokolay Sándor: Glória, Farkas Ferenc: Stabat Mater
Interview with Amanda Doidge
Obvious Secrets of aurA Hodor - trailer
LA TRAVIATA - Theater und Orchester Heidelberg
Contemporary Sculpture in the "Raggle Taggle" Art gallery, Eva International Biennial
Short Interview w/ Edmunds Jansons
Eva Istsenko, harp, plays Bach and Glinka in Riga (2015)
An interview with Katherine Morling
Madman National Cosplay Championship 2013 Sydney Round 2nd Place - Wirru EVA Unit 05 (EVANGELION)
Szalai Tamás interjú
Barokk koncert a Miskolci Zsinagógában 2. HS10