- published: 13 Jan 2009
- views: 39832
- author: BlurtOnlineMag
Jodie Holland: Palmyra live from BLURT TV studios
Jolie Holland, live in the BLURT TV studios. Nov, 2008 "Palmyra," from her latest album Th...
published: 13 Jan 2009
author: BlurtOnlineMag
Jodie Holland: Palmyra live from BLURT TV studios
Jolie Holland, live in the BLURT TV studios. Nov, 2008 "Palmyra," from her latest album The Living and the Dead (Anti) Directed and photographed by Brendan Canty and Christoph Green, Trixie DVD (trixiedvd.com)
- published: 13 Jan 2009
- views: 39832
- author: BlurtOnlineMag
Palmyra [New Single "The Allure" @ WestFall Recording]
Westfall Recording Co. & EAP Productions present Palmyra performing their new single "The ...
published: 18 Jan 2012
author: Westfall NY
Palmyra [New Single "The Allure" @ WestFall Recording]
Westfall Recording Co. & EAP Productions present Palmyra performing their new single "The Allure". This is a performance video recording drums & guitar. Palmyra is a up and coming band from Long Island,NY. The band is writing and recording a new album which will be released late 2012. Music Produced & Recorded at Westfall Recording Company w/ producers Ray Marte & Anthony Lopardo Co- Produced by Palmyra Video shot and edited by Ego Alley Productions. w/ Alexa San Roman Palmyra's Facebook Link www.facebook.com For Booking Email ShaunSeifert7@gmail.com or Epic0817@gmail.com Westfall Recording Co. Facebook www.facebook.com For Info about Westfall Recording Co. NY email Lopardo@westfallrecording.com or contact info on Westfall's facebook. Ego Alley Productions For info email Egoalleyproductions@gmail.com
- published: 18 Jan 2012
- views: 11321
- author: Westfall NY
RmM | AnimalePlaneten - palmyra
Magnolia har kontaktat oss på AnimalePlaneten och vi åkte för att göra vårat jobb....
published: 29 Apr 2012
author: RandomMakingMovies
RmM | AnimalePlaneten - palmyra
Magnolia har kontaktat oss på AnimalePlaneten och vi åkte för att göra vårat jobb.
- published: 29 Apr 2012
- views: 46170
- author: RandomMakingMovies
Syrien - Palmyra
Das antike Palmyra gehört zu den bedeutesten Ausgrabungsstätten Syriens und steht auf der ...
published: 18 May 2010
author: Lars Hoffmann
Syrien - Palmyra
Das antike Palmyra gehört zu den bedeutesten Ausgrabungsstätten Syriens und steht auf der Liste des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes. Die Siedlung, Tempel und Gräber decken weitläufiges Areal ab. Wir hatten bei unserer Reise mit Eberhardt TRAVEL einen Tag Zeit, ein paar Eindrücke zu gewinnen. Wir schlenderten über die Kolonadenstraße, sahen das Theater, besuchten einen Grabturm und ein unterirdisches Grab. Besonders beeindruckend war der Tempel des Baal. Zum Abschluss hatten wir einen wunderbaren Blick von der Burg, die mit rund 700 Jahren in dieser Gegend eher ein junges Gebäude ist. Palmyra war übrigens eine Oasenstadt, die aus mehrere Quellen gespeist wurde. Leider ist inzwischen auch die letzte Quelle versiegt. Das Grün zieht sich langsam zurück. Intensiv Palmyra erleben kann man hier: www.eberhardt-travel.de
- published: 18 May 2010
- views: 3585
- author: Lars Hoffmann
Wonderful Video About Syria Palmyra
Wonderful Video About video about Palmyra in Syria. Must see! Have a look at www.pangeamed...
published: 17 Dec 2009
author: stijn te hennepe
Wonderful Video About Syria Palmyra
Wonderful Video About video about Palmyra in Syria. Must see! Have a look at www.pangeamedia.nl for more wonderful HD travel videos. http
- published: 17 Dec 2009
- views: 3340
- author: stijn te hennepe
Palmyra Fireworks Gone Wrong
yeah, i'm the oh my God guy. #WeDoThis...
published: 05 Jul 2010
author: Bryan Balshy
Palmyra Fireworks Gone Wrong
yeah, i'm the oh my God guy. #WeDoThis
- published: 05 Jul 2010
- views: 628311
- author: Bryan Balshy
Site of Palmyra (UNESCO/NHK)
An oasis in the Syrian desert, north-east of Damascus, Palmyra contains the monumental rui...
published: 03 Jun 2010
author: unesco
Site of Palmyra (UNESCO/NHK)
An oasis in the Syrian desert, north-east of Damascus, Palmyra contains the monumental ruins of a great city that was one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world. From the 1st to the 2nd century, the art and architecture of Palmyra, standing at the crossroads of several civilizations, married Graeco-Roman techniques with local traditions and Persian influences. Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai URL: whc.unesco.org
- published: 03 Jun 2010
- views: 2248
- author: unesco
Palmyra - City of a Thousand Pillars
Set amid the desert savannah of Syria are the proud remains of the unique and mysterious m...
published: 08 Jan 2010
author: TravelVideoStore
Palmyra - City of a Thousand Pillars
Set amid the desert savannah of Syria are the proud remains of the unique and mysterious metropolis of Palmyra. The legendary ancient city was built in this vicinity due to the existence of an oasis, Tadmur, and today, around 30000 people live in the surrounding area. The shortest and fastest route from the Mediterranean to Mesopotamia and Persia travels directly past the Tadmur Oasis thus, it was only a question of time until an important trading post was founded there and later a flourishing cultural and economic centre developed. Close to the former Agora, the central square in which the city's inhabitants held their weekly market since the 1st century AD, is one of Palmyra's architectural landmarks, the Tetrapylon. This structure consists of four square pedestals and was rebuilt in 1963. Only one of the 16 columns is original and they once held numerous statues. In 106 AD, under Emperor Trajan, Palmyra became a province of Rome. The city was obliged to provide military aid which was something that was to have far-reaching consequences. Due to its military responsibilities, the city lost its political neutrality but the Romans honored the city's loyalty with many fine buildings and various improvements to the centre of the city. One of the most beautiful and most visited tomb towers in The Valley of Graves is the four story high Tower of Elhabel that dates back to 103 AD It is a combination of a tomb tower and Hypoaeum. It is one of the few well-preserved monuments in ...
- published: 08 Jan 2010
- views: 5550
- author: TravelVideoStore
Vendetta - Position Music Orchestral Vol. 6 - "Knights of Palmyra" by Jo Blankenburg
"Knights of Palmyra" from the new Position Music Orchestral Series album "Vendetta" by Jo ...
published: 29 Mar 2011
author: positionmusic
Vendetta - Position Music Orchestral Vol. 6 - "Knights of Palmyra" by Jo Blankenburg
"Knights of Palmyra" from the new Position Music Orchestral Series album "Vendetta" by Jo Blankenburg. Available on iTunes now: bit.ly
- published: 29 Mar 2011
- views: 5060
- author: positionmusic
DOKU: Die Wunder vergangener Zivilisationen - Die Ruinen von Palmyra - Teil 2
Inmitten der grünen Hügel von Puuc liegen die imposanten Ruinen der Maya-Stadt Uxmal. Die ...
published: 13 Jun 2012
author: FliffI
DOKU: Die Wunder vergangener Zivilisationen - Die Ruinen von Palmyra - Teil 2
Inmitten der grünen Hügel von Puuc liegen die imposanten Ruinen der Maya-Stadt Uxmal. Die Menschen dieser Zivilisation, die vor rund dreitausend Jahren in Zentralamerika entstand, kannten nicht nur bereits eine Schrift, sondern hatten auch außergewöhnlich gute Kenntnisse in Mathematik und Astronomie. Die Dokumentation nimmt den Zuschauer mit auf eine Reise von Labna nach Uxmal mit seinen beeindruckenden Pyramiden und erklärt die rätselhafte Welt der Mayas. Der 1943 von Paul Kirchhoff eingeführte Begriff Mesoamerika bezeichnet einen Kulturraum in Mittelamerika. Einer der wichtigsten Orte der mesoamerikanischen Kulturen ist Teotihuacan, einer der bedeutendsten Wallfahrtsorte der Azteken. Der Legende nach versammelten sich hier die Götter, um über die Erschaffung des Menschen zu beraten. Wer waren die Gründer und Erbauer dieser geheimnisvollen, circa 300 v.Chr. entstandenen Stadt? Chichen Itza, was so viel bedeutet wie "Der Mund des Brunnens der Itza", ist der Name einer mächtigen Hauptstadt auf der Halbinsel Yucatan, die Ihre Blüte vom neunten bis zum dreizehnten Jahrhundert hatte. Die Stadt ist berühmt für ihre Cenoten, riesige natürliche Brunnen, die durch den Einsturz von Kalksteinhöhlen entstanden. Die Itzas, Herrscher über diese heiligen Wasserquellen, brachten hier ihren Göttern Menschenopfer. Die Sonnenpyramide von Teotihuacan Teotihuacan war einer der bedeutendsten Wallfahrtsorte der Azteken. Die Dokumentation begleitet ein Forscherteam bei seiner Begehung der ...
- published: 13 Jun 2012
- views: 951
- author: FliffI
Vimeo results:
Syria. The other side.
Following the recent events that took place in Syria, people all over the world used to se...
published: 18 Jul 2011
author: Ruslan Fedotow
Syria. The other side.
Following the recent events that took place in Syria, people all over the world used to see this country like it presented by media. I have been twice there and can assure you Syria is a wonderful land with its age-old traditions and unique culture. First, I came to Syria together with my friends in August 2010. That's exactly when I shot my first video about the place. Later Blake Whitman showed it on vimeo.com HD channel. The movie was warmly met and watched by a great number of people, what gave me an opportunity to take part in another project in Syria in February this year. It was a documentary about the country made in 20 days. I was DOP in a second unit. The video you see I made together with my friend from my Syrian shot here, at home. I wish people remembered Syria a great and marvelous country like it really is! Thank you!
Director of photography: Ruslan Fedotow
Edit/color: Artem Yakimov
Canon 5D mark2, 16-35mm 2,8L II, 24-70mm 2,8L, 70-200mm 2,8 IS L II, Glidetrack. Editing and color in Sony Vegas 10.
Special thanks: vimeo.com, Blake Whitman, artwarecorp.com, dslrvideo.ru, Marta Khvastova, Dasha Kovaleva, Andrew Mikhnuik.
Julia Alexandratou for NAK
backstage of Julia Alexandratou
advertising campaign spring-summer 2009
published: 26 Feb 2009
author: seven 8 films
Julia Alexandratou for NAK
backstage of Julia Alexandratou
advertising campaign spring-summer 2009
photographer:katerina Tsatsani
backstage photographer:George Pahountis http://www.wedshooter.gr/
filming-editing:Fantopoulou Palmyra/seven8films
An outcast Roman soldier wanders the desert on a quest for vengeance, only to find the rar...
published: 25 Jun 2012
author: Alexander Bedria
An outcast Roman soldier wanders the desert on a quest for vengeance, only to find the rare chance at his own redemption.
Starring Alexander Bedria, Diana Gettinger, and Jessen Noviello
Directed by William Barfield
Written by Alexander Bedria
Cinematography by Matthew Macar vimeo.com/mattmacar
published: 07 Aug 2010
author: Cenk Ozkaraca
Youtube results:
Test Driving Bentley Continental GT Supersport - Bentley Palmyra, NJ
Derek Bell Test Driving 2010 Bentley Continental GT Supersport on The Nurburgring...
published: 08 Oct 2009
author: FCKerbeckandSons
Test Driving Bentley Continental GT Supersport - Bentley Palmyra, NJ
Derek Bell Test Driving 2010 Bentley Continental GT Supersport on The Nurburgring
- published: 08 Oct 2009
- views: 29055
- author: FCKerbeckandSons
Greatest Battle Music Of All Times: Knights of Palmyra
By: Jo Blankenburg Buy At: Itunes: tinyurl.com Follow Jo Blankenburg: Facebook: on.fb.me F...
published: 28 May 2011
author: XxImmortalmagexX
Greatest Battle Music Of All Times: Knights of Palmyra
By: Jo Blankenburg Buy At: Itunes: tinyurl.com Follow Jo Blankenburg: Facebook: on.fb.me Follow xXImmortalMageXx: Youtube: bit.ly Facebook: on.fb.me SoundCloud: bit.ly Note: Our Opinion May Differ
- published: 28 May 2011
- views: 365345
- author: XxImmortalmagexX