- published: 28 Aug 2011
- views: 4179
Odense Assholes - Tove Pigen (Jeg er en kælling)
Tove Pigen er en kælling og hun er stolt af det!!
Her er hendes første track, hvor hun sv...
published: 22 Dec 2009
Odense Assholes - Tove Pigen (Jeg er en kælling)
Tove Pigen er en kælling og hun er stolt af det!!
Her er hendes første track, hvor hun sviner alle de fis fornemme, kildevands drikkende, fitness dukker der ik ka drik en kasse bajer uden og knække sig!!!!
- facebook.com/odenseassholes -
Mash up af Sidney Samsons "River Side" og Odense Assholes
- published: 22 Dec 2009
- views: 1982348
Odense Sporvej - 100 år
Den 5. oktober 2011 er det 100 år siden A/S Odense Elektriske Sporvej påbegyndte trafikken...
published: 07 Sep 2011
Odense Sporvej - 100 år
Den 5. oktober 2011 er det 100 år siden A/S Odense Elektriske Sporvej påbegyndte trafikken på den første sporvognslinie i Odense.
Sporvejsmuseet Skjoldenæsholm er ved at gøre klar til at sende OS 12 til Odense til udstilling foran rådhuset den 5. oktober. Efterfølgende kan vognen se på Danmarks Jernbanemuseum i Odense resten af oktober måned.
- published: 07 Sep 2011
- views: 2950
Odense Assholes - Arto-Pistol (Prettyboy)
Hør hele pladen på Youtube.com/thomasdambo eller køb den på TDC, Itunes mm
Join os på f...
published: 28 Sep 2010
Odense Assholes - Arto-Pistol (Prettyboy)
Hør hele pladen på Youtube.com/thomasdambo eller køb den på TDC, Itunes mm
Join os på facebook.com/OdenseAssholes
- published: 28 Sep 2010
- views: 669788
From Danish television DR1 January 1st 2009.
English translation of the dialogue:
published: 01 Jan 2009
From Danish television DR1 January 1st 2009.
English translation of the dialogue:
And, as mentioned, the conflict had consequences here in Denmark, for it was likely politically motivated that a young man with Middle Eastern background yesterday [December 31st 2008] gunned down two Israelis in Rosengårdscentret in Odense, Denmark.
Today [January 1st 2009] Rosengårdscenteret is empty, but yesterday this sales stand was the scene of a violent drama when an armed person suddenly shot and wounded two Israeli salesmen, then escaped in a black Audi. Today, the owner of the Audi turned himself to the police, and after an initial questioning, he was sent to a constitutional questioning, suspected of being the gunman from Rosengårdscentret.
It is a man, residential here in Odense [possibly in the Vollsmose ghetto area], he is in his 20s', 27 years to be exact, a citizen of Denmark but of Middle East origin.
The police refuses to relate if the man is Palestinian, or if the shooting is connected to the current conflict in the Gaza strip.
We are of course aware of what happens around us in the world and in Denmark, but we have no clear motivate for the shooting.
In the Vollsmose quarter of Odense, on the other hand, several are telling openly that the shooting yesterday is directly connected to the conflict in Gaza, and that the shooter indeed is Palestinean.
"I know the man. I know him really well."
"The man who shot, I know the person. The one who shot is Palestinean."
From this it would seem that the conflict in Gaza has come to Denmark.
"He is one of the first in Denmark to show a really, really large, giant, giant, giant ... You should have seen yesterday, a great party we threw because of this. We really, really hope everyone will support him."
"But, I can't explain what he's done in any way, I don't agree with what happened in any way either, but somehow I do understand what happened. One out of several million Palestineans has to react."
In a statement, Danish Muslim Union sharply condemns the shootings Wednesday, and encourages citizens who feel powerless and frustrated over the sight of Israeli destruction and killing in Gaza to express their feelings in legal ways, such as demonstrations.
- published: 01 Jan 2009
- views: 219889
Odense - Bicycle infrastructure
Odense is Denmark's third largest city with 185 000 inhabitants. During the time of 1999 a...
published: 16 Jun 2011
Odense - Bicycle infrastructure
Odense is Denmark's third largest city with 185 000 inhabitants. During the time of 1999 and 2002 it was the official National Cycle City of Denmark. In these four years the Ministry of Transport and the National Road Directorate financed engineering and infrastructural measures combined with publicity or motivational campaign and practical offers to promote active modes of transport.
- published: 16 Jun 2011
- views: 1381
Mick Øgendahl - SPAS - Odense (by-præsentation)
Bestil dine billetter her: http://www.mickogendahl.dk/
Følg Mick Øgendahl på facebook her:...
published: 30 Jul 2012
Mick Øgendahl - SPAS - Odense (by-præsentation)
Bestil dine billetter her: http://www.mickogendahl.dk/
Følg Mick Øgendahl på facebook her: http://www.facebook.com/mickogendahl
I løbet af de sidste par uger har Mick besøgt alle de byer som han skal optræde i til efteråret... Og hvorfor har han så det? For at kunne lave små "by-præsentations-videoer" som han glæder sig til at vise på de såkaldte Sociale Medier.
Videoerne er lidt ligesom dem du kender fra melodi grand prix -- bare uden knap så mange mænd i lilla velour! Heeep"
Er du til revsende satire, klare politiske kommentarer og indlæg som sætter dagsordenen i samfundsdebatten? Ja, så er det her nok ikke showet for dig - det er bare en stor vidunderlig og beskidt gang SPAS. Glæd dig!
- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 26094
OA - Bøsser Bløder Lyserødt (Alle dem der danser er bøsser) Odense Assholes
Sangen og hele det nye album kan hentes på Itunes og TDC og købes i alle Stereo Studio but...
published: 27 May 2009
OA - Bøsser Bløder Lyserødt (Alle dem der danser er bøsser) Odense Assholes
Sangen og hele det nye album kan hentes på Itunes og TDC og købes i alle Stereo Studio butikker.
NY OA-gruppe på Facebook! søg på: odenseassholes (i ét ord) og bliv medlem nu Kælling!
- published: 27 May 2009
- views: 1627538
Green Wave for Cyclists (Odense)
Using an innovative design making its world debut, one can now cycle and arrive at the gre...
published: 26 Sep 2007
Green Wave for Cyclists (Odense)
Using an innovative design making its world debut, one can now cycle and arrive at the green light every time along a specific corridor in Odense, Denmark. To guide bicyclists, the City of Odense has developed a "running light" along a set of bollards that makes a "green wave." As the video clip shows, 45 bollards with lights turn green at a given speed, cuing the cyclist to speed up or slow down to avoid the red light. The light at the end will turn red just before the traffic signal turns red to warn cyclists of the impending red light. It is just one more way Odense is given priority to cyclists, giving them direct, comfortable and coherent cycling routes. See http://www.cykelby.dk/english.asp#wave for more info. The estimated cost for the bollards is £10,000-15,000 (British pounds.) A Cycling Scotland Video.
- published: 26 Sep 2007
- views: 21618
Store Amerikaner Biler i Odense 29-08-09
Flotte Amerikaner Biler på rundtur i Odense 29-08-2009 / Great American cars on tour in Od...
published: 30 Aug 2009
Store Amerikaner Biler i Odense 29-08-09
Flotte Amerikaner Biler på rundtur i Odense 29-08-2009 / Great American cars on tour in Odense 29-08-09
- published: 30 Aug 2009
- views: 15558
Lastbiler ud af Odense
Denne video illustrerer, hvorfor lastbiler og anden tung trafik skal tvinges til at køre u...
published: 22 Oct 2009
Lastbiler ud af Odense
Denne video illustrerer, hvorfor lastbiler og anden tung trafik skal tvinges til at køre uden om Odense. Videoen blev første gang vist på debatmødet 21. oktober 2009 på Åløkkeskolen i Odense afholdt af Åløkkekvarterets Grundejerforening. Her deltog 65 beboere samt politikerne Jane Jegind (V), Stina Willumsen (SF), Anker Boye (S) og Steen Møller (K).
Vidoen viser to køreture med et kamera i frontruden. Begge ture begyndte på motorvejen vest for Odense og målet var en større virksomhed på Odense Havn. Alle kort, vejvisere, gps og så videre vil fortælle lastbilchaufføren, at den bedste vej er ind gennem byen, fordi strækningen kun er 16 km. Hvis man vælger Ring 3 er turen 32 km. Ren logik ,at man vælger den korteste. Men er det nu også den bedste? Vi mener nej! Se selv hvorfor.
Med venlig hilsen Åløkkekvarterets Grundejerforening.
- published: 22 Oct 2009
- views: 5663
Youtube results:
3D Projection Odense Culture Night 2011 - Odense Slot
3D show on Odense Slot 02/09/2011. Complete show includ...
published: 23 Sep 2011
3D Projection Odense Culture Night 2011 - Odense Slot
3D show on Odense Slot 02/09/2011. Complete show including original soundtrack. It was made possible by 2x Digital HD45, 30.000ansilumen projectors.
Show made by WeCreateMagic(WCM). Technical solution Avenue AV.
See you next year at Odense Slot.
- published: 23 Sep 2011
- views: 2328
ostatnia akcja doliczonego czasu, Baye Djiby Fall strzela bramkę dla Odense na 2:2 i to WI...
published: 15 Dec 2011
ostatnia akcja doliczonego czasu, Baye Djiby Fall strzela bramkę dla Odense na 2:2 i to WISŁA jest w 1/16 LE !!!
- published: 15 Dec 2011
- views: 54612
Dokumentarfilmen om Odense Assholes - Trailer
FILMEN VISES D. 9 JAN KL. 21.00 PÅ TV2 ZULU... Dette er traileren for dokumentarfilmen "Ko...
published: 28 Oct 2012
Dokumentarfilmen om Odense Assholes - Trailer
FILMEN VISES D. 9 JAN KL. 21.00 PÅ TV2 ZULU... Dette er traileren for dokumentarfilmen "Konstrueret Virkelighed" om Odense Assholes af Jakob S. Ingversen. Filmen fortæller historien om Danmarks første internetfænomen Odense Assholes i med- og modgang i årene 2008-2010.
- published: 28 Oct 2012
- views: 31208