
Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell Key Moments
Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell Key Moments
[For a better experience, play it in 480p or 720p.] On this presentation, the most rich character of Prison Break: Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell. Robert Knepper is so great that makes us hate even more Bagwell, but also have much fun. He's the best. Hope you enjoy! I own nothing. All rights reserved to its owners. Music of Ramin Djawadi: "Prison Break Theme (Ferry Corsten Breakout Mix)"

Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell vs Limp Bizkit
Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell vs Limp Bizkit
theodoro....theodoro theodoro theodoro.... for you to comment !

Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell (Shadows)
Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell (Shadows)
A Tribute Of Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell from the Prison Break Series set to Shadows by Red. Made 2010.

Prison Break - Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell
Prison Break - Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell
A tribute to the best character of Prison Break, Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell, a true criminal.

Indigo Children - .::Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell::.
Indigo Children - .::Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell::.
hey hey! do u remember to t-bag? of course, i like it dis character, is super cool! :D xD Robert Knepper is a great actor! ^^! i hope dat u like!!! ^_~

Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell (I'm Not Jesus)
Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell (I'm Not Jesus)
A Tribute Of Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell from the Prison Break Series set to I'm Not Jesus by Apocalyptica. Made March 2010.

Theodore T Duck (find him on facebook)
Theodore T Duck (find him on facebook)
I introduce Theodore (my best friend) and talk random nonsense about chavs, flares and cute lil duck outfits...I need to get out more

Song 1,2-4 Commentary by Gregory, Ambrose, Apollinarius & Theodoret 22
Song 1,2-4 Commentary by Gregory, Ambrose, Apollinarius & Theodoret 22
Song1,2-4 Commentary by Gregory the Great, Ambrose of Milan, Apollinarius of Laodicea, and Theodoret of Cyrus 22

Prison Break Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell / Robert Knepper
Prison Break Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell / Robert Knepper
Prison Break Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell Robert Knepper

Improv with Theodore T. Luckdrop
Improv with Theodore T. Luckdrop
We recorded this while trying to avoid security

Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell gets kicked in the nuts!
Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell gets kicked in the nuts!
Prison Break's Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell gets his balls booted in. Footage from the Xbox 360 video game.

Robert Knepper racconta il suo "Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell"
Robert Knepper racconta il suo "Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell"
"Le relazioni più intense sono quelle tra attori e personaggi. C'è un fuoco che brucia nel cuore, e ci saltiamo dentro con la stessa ossessione che abbiamo per i nostri amanti." Stagione 1 - Contenuti Speciali - "Prison Break".

Tribute for 武闘派攻撃的若本Prison Break
Tribute for 武闘派攻撃的若本Prison Break
若本規夫氏の声、言葉は、もはや芸術。。 機動隊で鍛えた怒鳴り声はそうそう真似できるモノではありませんよ、皆さん。

Prison Break: Is T-Bag in hot water again?
Prison Break: Is T-Bag in hot water again?
Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell -- he's the character you love to hate on "Prison Break." Or maybe you just love him. Either way, you'll want to know what he's got up his sleeve (besides a prosthetic hand) for the show's new season. Chris Leary of Fox All Access talks with Robert Knepper to get the dirt on a character who knows a thing or two about dirt!

Limited Atonement Defended
Limited Atonement Defended
This is a response to Mr. Albrecht's video "Limited Atonement, further examined" ( www.youtube.com ). Mr. Albrecht has already conceded the main point of the discussion in his video by noting that Limited Atonement is not a heresy. That's for the best, since the position OneTrueChurch (Glenn) took that Calvinism's doctrine of Limited Atonement is heresy, is an untenable position. There are a few other things to clear up, however: 1. Cut-n-Paste - There are Two Kinds a) Bad - when you cut and paste arguments from Jimmy Akin to try to use them as your own arguments without understanding what Akin was trying to say. b) Good - when you quote a church father verbatim. 2. The Church Fathers At Issue a) Theodoret Whether or not Christ "thirsts for the salvation of all men" is at best tangential to the issue of the extent of the atonement. And I was surprised that Albrecht would be so blatant about telling his listeners to ignore the context - but there you have it! However, the statement that Christ was not offered to bear the sins of the non-elect is directly relevant, since that's the claim of limited atonement (though sadly, Albrecht does not understand this). 2. Augustine Likewise, the statement that Christ did not redeem all humans is directly relevant to the issue of limited atonement, since that's the claim of limited atonement. 3. Chrysostom Same as with Theodoret - the question of "bearing the sins of all" is the point that is relevant to Limited Atonement (not the <b>...</b>

SAN IGNACIO DE ANTIOQUÍA se le llamó Padre Apostólico porque, habiendo nacido en Antioquía en el siglo I, fue discípulo de los Apóstoles San Pablo y San Juan. Fué consagrado obispo por los Apóstoles, fue el tercer obispo de Antioquía, Siria, siendo San Pedro y San Evodio los dos primeros (Eusebius, "Hist. Eccl.", II, iii, 22). San Juan Crisóstomo ("Hom. in St. Ig.", IV. 587) escribe que San Ignacio fue consagrado obispo de manos de los Apóstoles Pedro y Pablo. Según Theodoret, Ignacio fue asignado obispo de Antioquía por San Pedro. (Theodoret, "Dial. Immutab.", I, iv, 33a, Paris, 1642.) Antioquía era la tercera ciudad mas importante del imperio, después de Roma y Alejandría. También era una de las iglesias mas importantes e influyentes. Habían en Antioquía muchos cristianos de procedencia judía que huyeron de la destrucción de Jerusalén ocurrida en el 70 AD.

T-Bag speed drawing
T-Bag speed drawing
my speed drawing of Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell from Prison Break took me about 2 hours to draw music: The Mountain Goats - Tallahassee and Red Hot Chili Peppers - Pretty Little Ditty

T-bag speedpaint
T-bag speedpaint
This is a timelapse of me painting my favorite character from the tv show prison break, Theodore "T-bag" Bagwell. It took about about 1h 15 minutes to paint, but its sped up for your convenience, it will take about 8 minutes to watch. Painted in photoshop using a wacom tablet. Music is Infected Mushroom - Heavyweight.