Greg Nash

Landscape shifts on immigration

Alexander Bolton - 01/28/13 04:31 PM ET

“The Republican Party is losing the support of our Hispanic citizens," Sen. John McCain said Monday.…

Video: Senators introduce immigration framework

Related: Senators forge deal on immigration

Related: Rep. Gutierrez: Reform on target for passage

White House: Senate proposals on immigration reform ‘a big deal’

Justin Sink - 01/28/13 01:33 PM ET

The White House on Monday welcomed immigration reform principles from a bipartisan group of senators as “a big deal.”…
Clinton backers launch ‘Ready for Hillary’ super-PAC in hopes of 2016 campaign

Cameron Joseph - 01/28/13 04:26 PM ET

The group, “Ready for Hillary,” filed as a super-PAC with the Federal Election Commission last week and has nearly 50,000 Twitter…
Oversight panel to grill NFL players on use of human growth hormone

Jordy Yager - 01/28/13 04:07 PM ET

The House Oversight committee warns the players' union not to "interfere" in its questioning of football players about HGH use. …
Report: Bailed-out executives still enjoy hefty compensation from taxpayers

Peter Schroeder - 01/28/13 02:01 PM ET

A government watchdog is blasting the Treasury Department for doling out robust pay packages to executives of bailed-out companies.…
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The Hill’s guide to the House and Senate’s new lawmakers.

Obama: Congress needed for gun reform

Justin Sink - 01/28/13 12:18 PM ET

Obama has called for bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and for universal background checks on gun purchases.…

Related: Obama, Biden to meet police chiefs from Aurora, Newtown

Video: Obama: Gun reform needs 'cooperation of Congress'

Washington and business brace for an Obama wave of regulations

Ben Goad - 01/28/13 05:00 AM ET

The president is pressing forward with a second-term agenda that delights the left and terrifies the right.…
Obama: Executive action necessary

Ben Goad - 01/28/13 10:40 AM ET

Obama would prefer legislation, but says he will employ a "judicious use of executive power" when necessary to reach goals.…
Boehner pledge to committee chairmen could cause logistical problems

Molly K. Hooper - 01/28/13 05:00 AM ET

Returning power to committee chairmen will be tested with fast-approaching deadlines on the debt-limit, sequester and government funding.…
House GOP cautious on Senate's bipartisan immigration blueprint

Russell Berman

01/28/13 02:47 PM ET

Potential problems stem from the proposal's call for a “path to citizenship” for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants.…
Carney 'not sure how often' Obama goes skeet shooting

Daniel Strauss

01/28/13 01:50 PM ET

In an interview, Obama says at Camp David "we do skeet shooting all the time."…
Rep. Lamar Smith pans Senate immigration proposal as 'amnesty'

Mike Lillis

01/28/13 12:13 PM ET

His remarks are a warning that opposition to a citizenship provision is alive and well in the House.…
Report of explosion at Iran nuclear plant not ‘credible,’ says Carney

Justin Sink

01/28/13 03:28 PM ET

The administration on Monday said it had "no information to confirm" reports of an explosion at Iran's Fordow nuclear facility.…
Obama becomes first leader to congratulate Netanyahu on election

Julian Pecquet

01/28/13 01:29 PM ET

Press secretary Jay Carney characterized the call between the leaders as "warm."…
Guantánamo lawyers want CIA 'black sites' made public at trial

Carlo Muñoz

01/27/13 11:32 PM ET

GUANTÁNAMO BAY, Cuba — Defense lawyers want the government to publicly discuss the classified "black sites."…
Defense industry ‘hopeful’ on sequester despite GOP pessimism

Jeremy Herb

01/28/13 11:54 AM ET

The Aerospace Industries Association says it's "very disappointed" Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) believes the automatic cuts will occur.…

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