Blog Action Day – Poverty amongst plenty

Last year I took part in Blog Action Day whilst attacking it. I still hold true that this day will achieve little unless people do other things like take to the streets.

This year there’s thousands or perhaps millions of bloggers talking about poverty. The topic was decided ages ago, but it seems like a perfect time to discuss this in the midst of a global economic crisis. We live under an economic system that has these crises built into the system, this is a system where amongst the horrible poverty we want to end, there’s the obscenely rich, and these are the guys calling the shots.

It might be kind of predictable for me to say this but the problem is capitalism. There will be plenty of people posting today saying poverty is a personal thing. Change your personal life, your personal choices and you can be well off too. But I think the current economic crisis is another stark point that this is systematic, and poverty is the way the mega rich at top stay rich, by paying us less to put more in our pocket. This is because this is a class divided society, and the solution? We need to get rid of this system and replace it with a classless society where everyone is equal.

poverty, politics, capitalism, economics

3 thoughts on “Blog Action Day – Poverty amongst plenty

  1. I like this blog. I hope that it is also open to radical fiction, and to contributions/posts from outsiders?

  2. Note for subscribers to my RSS feed. Please resubscribe to due to moving the blog. It appears some of you are receiving comments to this post in your RSS feed.

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