We’re proud of what the new Digg team has accomplished since we took over the site in August. We released an iPhone app, an iPad app (both featured by Apple), an email product called The Daily Digg, and a site redesign. We doubled our users, publishers are starting to notice “the Digg effect” once again, and most importantly, users think we’re on the right track. As we look forward to 2013, we wanted to take a moment and talk a little bit about our approach to monetization.

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It has now been over 100 days since we launched the new Digg. In the last couple of months, we launched an iPad app, redesigned the iPhone app, nearly doubled the number of stories on the homepage, and upgraded many of the features we had to skimp on during the six week sprint (Twitter login, for example). We doubled our monthly active users from June (the last full month of Old Digg) to October, and people are starting to notice.

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We’re happy to report that Digg for iPad, and an update to Digg for iPhone 5 is now live in the app store!

Free Download — go get it!

When we relaunched Digg last month, we said that we wanted to build an experience that is native to each device. The tablet is quickly becoming an important device for Digg users, and the iPad is leading the way, at nearly 30% of mobile visits to digg.com.

In this version is a new feature we call Reading Sync. For users with both iPhone and iPad, Reading Sync allows you to start reading on one device, and continue where you left off on another. Kudos to Mr. Rob for coming up with this awesome implementation.

Besides Reading Sync, Digg for iOS includes a handful of other great features:

  • “Paperboy” automatically downloads the latest Digg stories whenever you leave home or work
  • Save articles to your Reading List from digg.com, Digg for iPad, or Digg for iPhone
  • Digg your favorite stories and share to Facebook, Twitter, by email or text 

Hard to believe that launch was only seven weeks ago (p.s. we’re hiring awesome developers)!

       Digg for iPad

       Digg for iPhone

Today we launched the Digg Archive, a tool to help users of the old Digg (before July 2012) retrieve a history of their Diggs, Submissions, Saved Articles, and Comments.

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We rolled out a cool new feature this morning. Find a story on Digg that looks awesome but don’t have time to read it? Click “Save” under any story to save it to your Reading List on Digg.com and to the Digg iPhone app

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It’s been a fun and crazy seven days since launch. Here’s a quick summary of our progress to date and plans for this week.

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Coming up for air to provide a quick update on the new Digg.

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On July 20, we announced that we were turning Digg back into a startup and rebuilding it from scratch in six weeks. After an intense month and a half, we managed to get the new Digg up and running on a fresh code base and infrastructure. We now have a solid foundation on which to build, and we expect to build fast. Yesterday, we previewed the new Digg applications for web, iPhone, and mobile web and today we’re happy to share Digg v1.

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Digg v1 will launch this week after a six-week sprint to rebuild the site from scratch. Here’s a first glimpse.

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We have been blown away by the response to the survey we put out on Friday. As of today, 3,754 people have responded.

First and foremost, we learned that no one is happy with the current state of Digg. 92% of survey respondents said that they would not recommend the current Digg to a friend.

This level of dissatisfaction does not call for incremental improvements. It does not call for an evolution of Digg. The problem we are trying to solve with v1 — how can we deliver the best of what the Internet is talking about right now? — calls for something else. V1 shouldn’t be a better Digg, it shouldn’t be a better Reddit, and it shouldn’t be a better Hacker News. It has to be different.

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