- published: 10 Apr 2012
- views: 406976
- author: TheVerge

What is the best iPad stylus?
Ellis Hamburger takes a look at some of the most popular and interesting iPad styli in sea...
published: 10 Apr 2012
author: TheVerge
What is the best iPad stylus?
Ellis Hamburger takes a look at some of the most popular and interesting iPad styli in search for the ultimate Paper companion. Read the full feature by Ellis on The Verge: www.theverge.com Styli in order of appearance: Just Mobile AluPen - www.xtand.net Wacom Bamboo Stylus - wacom.com AmazonBasics Stylus - www.amazon.com Griffin GC16040 Stylus - store.griffintechnology.com Kensignton Virtuoso Touch Screen Stylus and Pen - www.kensington.com Spigen SGP Kuel H10 - www.spigen.com Ten One Design Pogo Sketch Plus - tenonedesign.com Studio Neat Cosmonaut - www.studioneat.com Adonit Jot Pro - adonit.net
- published: 10 Apr 2012
- views: 406976
- author: TheVerge

Review: 12 iPad styluses
Macworld's Serenity Caldwell reviews various tablet styluses using an iPad and the Brushes...
published: 06 May 2011
author: macworld
Review: 12 iPad styluses
Macworld's Serenity Caldwell reviews various tablet styluses using an iPad and the Brushes app. Read the full review on Macworld.com: www.macworld.com
- published: 06 May 2011
- views: 246554
- author: macworld

Crabfu DIY iPad Stylus
Thanks to Collin's original DIY stylus video! crabfuartworks.blogspot.com for more info an...
published: 26 May 2010
author: I-Wei Huang
Crabfu DIY iPad Stylus
Thanks to Collin's original DIY stylus video! crabfuartworks.blogspot.com for more info and links to drafting lead holders.
- published: 26 May 2010
- views: 222536
- author: I-Wei Huang

What is the best iPad stylus? (Part 2)
Ellis Hamburger takes another look at some of the most popular and interesting iPad styli....
published: 31 May 2012
author: TheVerge
What is the best iPad stylus? (Part 2)
Ellis Hamburger takes another look at some of the most popular and interesting iPad styli. Read the full article here: www.theverge.com See Part 1 here: www.youtube.com Jump to a stylus: Monoprice 8843 youtu.be Pogo Sketch+ from Ten One Design youtu.be Pogo Sketch Pro from Ten One Design youtu.be The Architect from Arctic Accessories youtu.be AluPen from Just Mobile youtu.be AluPen Pro from Just Mobile youtu.be The Maglus from Applydea youtu.be Cregle iPen youtu.be
- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 90498
- author: TheVerge

Wacom bamboo stylus for Ipad
This is the wacom bamboo stylus for the Ipad. I was able to finally get one of these and r...
published: 11 Jun 2011
author: Valentina Caicedo
Wacom bamboo stylus for Ipad
This is the wacom bamboo stylus for the Ipad. I was able to finally get one of these and review it. As for now it is my favorite stylus for the Ipad. A few things to note about this stylus: -Very comfortable to hold -Takes very little pressure for the ipad to detect the pen -The nib is soft, but feels more like rubber, unlike the sponge like feel the pogo has. -Excellent weight on it compared to any other pen I have tested. -Does not have pressure sensitivity. Take in mind it may be wacom but it does not have that option as it is just a pen. We will have to wait for an app to provide that for us or a different style of pen. -Pen can be customized. You can change the nib out and remove the pen clip if you wanted. -Pen is about $30 usd on the wacom website. All In all I really like and recommend this pen. It is soft, easy to use and I do not feel like it is going to scratch my screen at all. It reads you strokes in a variety of angles which is a huge plus if you like to sketch. If you have any questions just ask. www.wacom.com Program being used Sketchbook for Ipad Glove is just a $1 garden glove I cut the finger tips so it fit better for me.
- published: 11 Jun 2011
- views: 348336
- author: Valentina Caicedo

Collin's Lab: DIY iPad Stylus
blog.makezine.com Fingertip input is great for most touchscreen usage like typing, web-bro...
published: 05 May 2010
author: makemagazine
Collin's Lab: DIY iPad Stylus
blog.makezine.com Fingertip input is great for most touchscreen usage like typing, web-browsing - all sorts of virtual button-pushing tasks. But for many people, drawing remains an activity best approached with a pen, pencil, brush, etc. With a bit of conductive foam and wire, it's surprisingly easy to make your own conductive stylus, suitable for use with iPhone, iPad and similar conductive touchscreen devices - and you'll likely find it a lot more precise compared to regular fingertip input.
- published: 05 May 2010
- views: 766956
- author: makemagazine

iPad _φ(-_- Transparent Pen Movie6 (English) (6/9)
This movie is DIY Movie6 of transparent stylus pen for iPad, iPhone,iPod touch. This is En...
published: 16 Dec 2010
author: kobausks
iPad _φ(-_- Transparent Pen Movie6 (English) (6/9)
This movie is DIY Movie6 of transparent stylus pen for iPad, iPhone,iPod touch. This is English version. (Next) "Movie8" [ More improvement ! ] ●iPad DIY Stylus Pen "Movie8" www.youtube.com (New!) "Movie9" ●iPad φ(-_- DIY Pen Movie9 / Smart Clip Filter (9/9) www.youtube.com (Movie6 "Japanese") ● iPad _φ(・_・ 透明スタイラスペン自作Movie6 www.youtube.com ・My iPad Movies (pen) Movie1 [Offset Stylus Pen version Movie1] www.youtube.com Movie2 [ iPad / iPhone DIY Superfine Stylus Pen Painting movie2] www.youtube.com Movie3 [iPad / Adobe ideas + like Pressure Sensitivity Movie3] www.youtube.com Movie4 [ iPad Carbon Copy Pen DIY Movie4 ] www.youtube.com Movie5 [ iPad Transparent Pen DIY Movie5 ] www.youtube.com Movie7 [ DIY iPad Pressure Sensitivity Pen + PenGo Paint) www.youtube.com Movie8 [Improvement. Felt-tip pen & Cap & Soft ] www.youtube.com Movie9 [Removable Smart Clip Filter & DIY Pens] www.youtube.com ● Extra [Making of the "iPad DIY Stylus Pen Movie6". Simple slow edited version ] www.youtube.com ▲ List [My iPad Movies (English)] (Movie1-8 English List) www.youtube.com ●iPad Lightsaber Pen (CG) www.youtube.com ●iPad1 x iPad2 Paint Apps Comparison Movie www.youtube.com □ reference movie「 貼るだけ iPad用スタイラス」(dixosk) www.youtube.com ■ My other Movies * iPad STAND DIY Movie www.youtube.com * My iPad Animations list www.youtube.com * iPad HoloToy 3D Paint Movie www.youtube.com * MacBook DIY Pen Display Movie www.youtube.com * My iPad Paint Gallery web.me ...
- published: 16 Dec 2010
- views: 219095
- author: kobausks

Epson Stylus Photo PX710W Multifunction Printer Review
If you need a printer, that is fast and produces superb quality prints, then you need to c...
published: 20 Oct 2009
author: davomrmac
Epson Stylus Photo PX710W Multifunction Printer Review
If you need a printer, that is fast and produces superb quality prints, then you need to check out this review of the Epson Stylus Photo PX710W Multifunction Printer. Oh, and I should also mention that it scans, copies and prints direct from memory card too. THIS IS A GEEKANOIDS GOLD AWARD PRODUCT! Manufacturer website: www.epson.co..uk Sponsor: www.academyclass.com Check out more great reviews on my YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com Or on the website: www.geekanoids.co.uk
- published: 20 Oct 2009
- views: 96569
- author: davomrmac

Stylus Trouble - Sputnik One
This is a track by Stylus Trouble aka Pete Heller. It slowly builds and builds until its f...
published: 18 Jan 2009
author: needledrop421
Stylus Trouble - Sputnik One
This is a track by Stylus Trouble aka Pete Heller. It slowly builds and builds until its finally delivered to an awesome peak. First heard this on Timo Maas' Connected.
- published: 18 Jan 2009
- views: 26637
- author: needledrop421

DAGi Stylus Pen P507 Asus transformer paint draw bruches sketch demo
DAGi Accu Pen P507 Stylus Pen Stylus Styli Pen Stylet Griffel & ASUS Eee Pad Transformer D...
published: 18 Nov 2011
author: EnjoymentN1
DAGi Stylus Pen P507 Asus transformer paint draw bruches sketch demo
DAGi Accu Pen P507 Stylus Pen Stylus Styli Pen Stylet Griffel & ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Demo. (app: SketchBook) For Apple users please check this video www.youtube.com Welcome to our site www.dagi-stylus.com You could purchase on-line or contact with jamie@dagi.com.tw -- DAGi Corporation...
- published: 18 Nov 2011
- views: 234208
- author: EnjoymentN1

Jot Touch | Bluetooth Pressure Sensitive Stylus for iPad 2 & iPad 3
The next step in the stylus evolution. Not all lines are created equally, so Jot Touch pro...
published: 24 Jul 2012
author: AdonitMedia
Jot Touch | Bluetooth Pressure Sensitive Stylus for iPad 2 & iPad 3
The next step in the stylus evolution. Not all lines are created equally, so Jot Touch provides pressure sensitive input to deliver more accurate interpretations of your strokes. Using Bluetooth technology, Touch communicates with Jot Ready apps to give you a deeper experience. Two programmable shortcut buttons makes it easy to undo a mistake or change tools. Even if an app is not Pressure Sensitive, you still have the most accurate stylus around. Jot Touch is what we always dreamed the pen of the future would be. Summary: Pressure sensitive stylus with Bluetooth. The next step in stylus evolution. adonit.net
- published: 24 Jul 2012
- views: 52463
- author: AdonitMedia

Tip#32 - Stylus RMX with Logic Studio
Organizing Sample Libraries Knowing where your assets live...
published: 07 May 2008
author: SFLogicNinja
Tip#32 - Stylus RMX with Logic Studio
Organizing Sample Libraries Knowing where your assets live
- published: 07 May 2008
- views: 51490
- author: SFLogicNinja

KORG monotron Song (finger & stylus)
All sounds are played with KORG monotron. KORG monotronだけで曲作ってみました。 もちろん録音&ミックスにDAWを使用してはい...
published: 24 Apr 2010
author: koishistyle
KORG monotron Song (finger & stylus)
All sounds are played with KORG monotron. KORG monotronだけで曲作ってみました。 もちろん録音&ミックスにDAWを使用してはいますが。 指はともかく、スタイラス(DS用のモノを使用してます)を使えばそれなりに弾けますね。
- published: 24 Apr 2010
- views: 375797
- author: koishistyle

iPad Superfine Stylus Pen Painting movie 1 (English) (1/9 e)
※This is a old version video. A new model is here↓ New! (Improvement) "Movie6" [iPad _φ(-_...
published: 08 Jun 2010
author: kobausks
iPad Superfine Stylus Pen Painting movie 1 (English) (1/9 e)
※This is a old version video. A new model is here↓ New! (Improvement) "Movie6" [iPad _φ(-_- Transparent Pen Movie6 (English)] www.youtube.com "Movie8"(latest model) www.youtube.com "Movie2" [ iPad / iPhone DIY Superfine Stylus Pen Painting movie 2 (English)] www.youtube.com (Super-discount version that can be used also with iPhone to which offset is not needed.) "Moive7" iPad DIY Pressure Pen Movie7 (自作筆圧ペン ) www.youtube.com "Movie4" iPad Carbon Copy Pen DIY www.youtube.com "Movie5" iPad Transparent Pen DIY www.youtube.com This video is a method of achieving the Superfine stylus pen on iPad. I cannot speak English -_-; All are machine translations. Perhaps, it is confused English. ^_^ sorry. I used apps (SketchBookPro and ArtStudio for iPad) on this video. The use software name is always displayed on the screen left. 日本語版(Japanese version) Movie1「iPad 極細スタイラスペンでお絵描きMovie 1」 www.youtube.com Movie2 (Japanese version) www.youtube.com Movie6(Japanese version) www.youtube.com ● iPad + Adobe ideas like"Pressure sensitivity" (+ My latest stylus pen)Movie3 www.youtube.com ● iPad STAND DIY (自作スタンド台)「HangerBird」浮遊Movie (+ My latest stylus pen) www.youtube.com ● iPad Lightsaber pen ( DIY stylus pen + CG ) www.youtube.com ●iPad1 x iPad2 Paint Apps Comparison Movie www.youtube.com My iPad Gallery site web.me.com ● latest Videos iPad DIY Pen "Move9" / Removable Smart Clip Filter & DIY Pens www.youtube.com iPad DIY Stylus Pen "Movie8" www ...
- published: 08 Jun 2010
- views: 399621
- author: kobausks
Youtube results:

How to set up the epson stylus pro 4900 printer
In this video we will show you how to set up a brand new Epson stylus pro 4900 printer. ww...
published: 21 Dec 2010
author: dtgweb
How to set up the epson stylus pro 4900 printer
In this video we will show you how to set up a brand new Epson stylus pro 4900 printer. www.dtgweb.com
- published: 21 Dec 2010
- views: 29442
- author: dtgweb

Wacom Bamboo Stylus Review for iPad
Wacom Bamboo Stylus Review for iPad and other capacitive touch screens. Buy this product h...
published: 14 Aug 2011
author: davomrmac
Wacom Bamboo Stylus Review for iPad
Wacom Bamboo Stylus Review for iPad and other capacitive touch screens. Buy this product here amzn.to Useful Links Supplied by: www.wacom.com Sponsored by: www.diabloskinz.com My 2nd Channel www.youtube.com Website www.geekanoids.co.uk Twitter www.twitter.com Facebook www.facebook.com
- published: 14 Aug 2011
- views: 38807
- author: davomrmac

Olympus Stylus 790 SW review
Full review at: www.cameralabs.com : An eight minute video tour around the Olympus Stylus ...
published: 17 Dec 2007
author: cameralabs
Olympus Stylus 790 SW review
Full review at: www.cameralabs.com : An eight minute video tour around the Olympus Stylus 790 SW, including its underwater capabilities by Gordon Laing, Editor of www.cameralabs.com. For our full review, please click the link at the start of this text.
- published: 17 Dec 2007
- views: 24639
- author: cameralabs

Stylus RMX 1.8 Power Review Part 1
Visit www.pluginguru.com to Get Custom inspiring Presets for Stylus RMX. You can also DOWN...
published: 31 May 2009
author: thepluginguru
Stylus RMX 1.8 Power Review Part 1
Visit www.pluginguru.com to Get Custom inspiring Presets for Stylus RMX. You can also DOWNLOAD these Videos for free at my website..... This is part 1 "An Introduction to Stylus RMX 1.8" introduces you to the abilities of Stylus RMX. There will be 3 additional parts to this review. Part 2 = "All about Parts". Part 3 = "Multis and Drum Kits". Part 4 = "Installation and tricks on getting the most from PlugInGuru's Power Pack for Stylus RMX."
- published: 31 May 2009
- views: 76555
- author: thepluginguru