
spandrel metal stud framing 101.1.avi
overview of spandrels framed with exterior non load bearing metal studs...
published: 18 Nov 2010
Author: srlorentzen
spandrel metal stud framing 101.1.avi
overview of spandrels framed with exterior non load bearing metal studs

OPACI-COAT-500 Silicone Spandrel Structural Glazing Tests
Video showing how OPACI-COAT-500 Silicone Spandrel performs in a four-sided structurally g...
published: 10 Aug 2011
Author: icdcoatingsolutions
OPACI-COAT-500 Silicone Spandrel Structural Glazing Tests
Video showing how OPACI-COAT-500 Silicone Spandrel performs in a four-sided structurally glazed (silicone sealant on all sides) test. Notice how the glass pillows out. No cutbacks of the coating, it's sealant to coating, coating to glass. In fact, per ASTM and other safety tests, there wasn't a failure. Eventually, the tech used a shotgun to break the glass. I'd say it passed with flying colors!

spandrel metal stud framing 101
Exterior non load bearing cold form steel stud framing, an overview of a spandrel system....
published: 16 Nov 2010
Author: srlorentzen
spandrel metal stud framing 101
Exterior non load bearing cold form steel stud framing, an overview of a spandrel system.

Spandrel installation
spandrel installation of our house...
published: 21 Apr 2010
Author: angelpearlie
Spandrel installation
spandrel installation of our house

Gerd Müller - Beyond Spandrels: SJ Gould, EvoDevo, and the Extended Synthesis
Gerd Müller, Konrad Lorenz Institute, Vienna; Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed ...
published: 29 Jun 2012
Author: istitutoveneto
Gerd Müller - Beyond Spandrels: SJ Gould, EvoDevo, and the Extended Synthesis
Gerd Müller, Konrad Lorenz Institute, Vienna; Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti Beyond Spandrels: SJ Gould, EvoDevo, and the Extended Synthesis ---------- Stephen J. Gould's Legacy: Nature, History, Society May 10-12, 2012 International Meeting Organized by Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in collaboration with Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia May 20, 2012 will be the tenth anniversary of Stephen Jay Gould's death. Palaeontologist at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, eminent evolutionary biologist, science writer, science historian and opinion maker, Gould gave us an extended and revised version of the theory of evolution, his "Darwinian pluralism", which is today an excellent frame for understanding the scientific advancements in many evolutionary fields. His anticipating intuitions about the conjunction of evolution and development, the role of ecological and biogeographical factors in speciation, the need for a multi-level interpretation of the units of selection, the interplay between functional pressures and internal constraints in processes like exaptation, are fruitful current lines of experimental research today. Even his pungent and sometimes very radical controversies against the progressive representations of evolution (especially human evolution), the pan-selectionist and gene-centered view of natural history, or the adaptationist "just-so-stories", have left their mark in contemporary biology. Gould's histories of <b>...</b>

Taking a Trip in the Spandrel
Haven't used a Spandrel much in PR. The thought of being in such a lightly armored veh...
published: 21 Dec 2010
Author: soulfoodpizza7
Taking a Trip in the Spandrel
Haven't used a Spandrel much in PR. The thought of being in such a lightly armored vehicle with a giant AT missile launcher on top feels like such a big role that can be wiped out in an instant. Think we got lucky for the most part but had fun for sure! Dragon Fly is actually a really pretty map with some fancy nooks and crannies.

Gualtiero Piccinini -Is Consciousness a Spandrel?
Piccinini's talk at the Evolution and Function of Consciousness Summer School ("T...
published: 09 Jul 2012
Author: Richard Brown
Gualtiero Piccinini -Is Consciousness a Spandrel?
Piccinini's talk at the Evolution and Function of Consciousness Summer School ("Turing Consciousness 2012") held at the University of Montreal as part of Alan Turing Year. All videos can be found here: users.ecs.soton.ac.uk

Consciousness mind life spandrel of evolving correlate of language
Hand held metal mirrors rendered the ritual lithography encountered in standing stone mirr...
published: 16 Oct 2008
Author: kimrathbone
Consciousness mind life spandrel of evolving correlate of language
Hand held metal mirrors rendered the ritual lithography encountered in standing stone mirrors, plastic. NewSciLet 99-2011 Peter Reynolds (Reflectogenesis.com, Runcorn, Cheshire United Kingdom) P3 Last year I posed useful hand held mirrors of the age of metal UHM 'blow' vitally addictive constructive inter and self-sensory feedback bearing new synesthetic & mirror neurosystems, complex none-prairie dog language, writing & monotheism - superposing the perspectives of individual senses upon optical axes of reflection, defining a vanishing point and a window for a Self perspective within an Addictive Infectious Tensegrally Self Focused Neural Nietzschean Perspectivism, A Bubble of consciousness (life). This rapid evolving reward led autofocusing language, imprinting,leaving 'gaps' in ancient 'specially lithographed' brain structure, defining its own 'Explanatory 'Gap''; the evolving language unable to access its own Spandrels. This 'Reflectogenesis' also seen directly on Youtube when monkeys given UHM, judged by their orgasmic mesolimbic reactions had never seen their 'Self', borne, 'In the Zone', the 'moment'; rather than delocalised implicitly, through the eyes of their troop, despite generations reflected in water - (the bubble left stuck on the surface). In contrast, 'thought' has been posed in ancient Ice Age art. Nick Humphrey rather these artists not 'think' but behave as a speechless autistic savant, Nadia. I think this a stretch mistaking Autism for deafness citing <b>...</b>

Consciousness a spandrel of the neural correlate of Language
The Explanatory gap explained - Consciousness is a spandrel of the neural structure of lan...
published: 13 Jun 2010
Author: kimrathbone
Consciousness a spandrel of the neural correlate of Language
The Explanatory gap explained - Consciousness is a spandrel of the neural structure of language

Universal Spandrels
If the universe evolved - it would have spandrels Those spandrels would also evolve produc...
published: 19 Jun 2010
Author: kimrathbone
Universal Spandrels
If the universe evolved - it would have spandrels Those spandrels would also evolve producing further spandrels each being isomorphic from the function it complements. The problem with structures that evolved to convey or process information, would be that, first - unlike architectural spandrels - there was no designer - so one could not ascribe a purpose to a structure and - two - one could not know from the point of view of information, which arose by evolution and which from a spandrel of the structure giving rise to that information.

Spandrel Burn - DTS & ABS
Video showing the recordings of both 1/10th scale model tests carried out. The Deemed To S...
published: 03 Apr 2009
Author: firecheckconsultants
Spandrel Burn - DTS & ABS
Video showing the recordings of both 1/10th scale model tests carried out. The Deemed To Satisfy (code compliant) Model failed, and was shut down, This is considered a FAIL The Alternative Building Solution model burnt for 5mins before being shutdown, this is considered a PASS.

Spandrel -Thank You So Much Mr Funk
It is still very real to me dammit...
published: 11 Aug 2012
Author: enderskirt
Spandrel -Thank You So Much Mr Funk
It is still very real to me dammit
Youtube results:

Coscienza, mente, vita - 'spandrel' del correlato evoluzione del linguaggio
Coscienza, mente, vita - .spandrel del correlato evoluzione del linguaggio Tenuto in mano ...
published: 23 Jul 2010
Author: kimrathbone
Coscienza, mente, vita - 'spandrel' del correlato evoluzione del linguaggio
Coscienza, mente, vita - .spandrel del correlato evoluzione del linguaggio Tenuto in mano specchi metallici reso la litografia rituale incontrate in piedi specchi di pietra, plastica. NewSciLet 99-2.011 Reynolds Peter (Reflectogenesis.com, Runcorn, Cheshire, Regno Unito) P3 L'anno scorso ho posato la mano utile tenuto rispecchia l'età del 'colpo' metal UHM dipendenza vitale feedback costruttivo l'altro e di auto-sensoriale sinestetica cuscinetto nuovo e neurosystems specchio, complesso linguaggio del cane della prateria-none, la scrittura e il monoteismo - sovrapposizione delle prospettive di singoli sensi su assi ottici di riflessione, di definire un punto di fuga e una finestra per una prospettiva di auto all'interno di un infettive Self Addictive Tensegrally Focused Neural prospettivismo nietzschiano, una bolla di coscienza (vita). Questa ricompensa messa a fuoco automatica rapida evoluzione ha portato la lingua, imprinting, lasciando 'buchi' in antico 'appositamente litografata' struttura cerebrale, definendo la propria 'esplicativa''' Gap, la lingua in continua evoluzione in grado di accedere ai suoi pennacchi proprio. Questo 'Reflectogenesis' visto anche direttamente su Youtube in cui scimmie dato UHM, giudicati dalle loro reazioni orgasmica mesolimbico non aveva mai visto la loro 'Self', a carico, 'In the Zone', il 'momento', piuttosto che quella delocalizzato implicitamente, attraverso gli occhi di le loro truppe, nonostante le generazioni riflessa nell'acqua <b>...</b>

La conciencia, la mente, la vida - 'Spandrel' de la evolución de correlación del lenguaje
La conciencia, la mente, la vida - enjutas de la evolución de correlación de...
published: 23 Jul 2010
Author: kimrathbone
La conciencia, la mente, la vida - 'Spandrel' de la evolución de correlación del lenguaje
La conciencia, la mente, la vida - enjutas de la evolución de correlación del lenguaje. Espejos de mano de metal representa el ritual de la litografía se encuentran en pie espejos de piedra, de plástico. NewSciLet 99-2011 Peter Reynolds (Reflectogenesis.com, Runcorn, Cheshire, Reino Unido) P3 El año pasado planteé la mano útil celebrada espejos de la era de vital adictiva 'golpe' de metal UHM retroalimentación constructiva cosas y auto-sensorial sinestésica teniendo nuevos y neurosystems espejo, un lenguaje complejo perro no-pradera, la escritura y el monoteísmo - superposición de las perspectivas individuales de los sentidos a los ejes ópticos de reflexión, la definición de un punto de fuga y una ventana de una perspectiva de vacaciones dentro de un adictivo Infecciosas Tensegrally Auto Centrado neuronales perspectivismo de Nietzsche, una burbuja de la conciencia (la vida). Esta recompensa rápida evolución llevó enfoque automático del lenguaje, la impronta, dejando "huecos" en la antigua estructura del cerebro "especialmente litografiados, la definición de sus propios motivos'''Brecha, el idioma evoluciona no puede tener acceso a sus propios tímpanos. Este "Reflectogenesis 'también se ve directamente en Youtube cuando los monos dado UHM, a juzgar por sus reacciones mesolímbico orgasmo nunca había visto a su" yo ", a cargo," In the Zone ", el" momento ", sino que deslocalizado implícitamente, a través de los ojos de sus tropas, a pesar de las generaciones se refleja en el <b>...</b>

Bewustzijn, geest, het leven - 'spandrel' van zich ontwikkelende correleren van de taal
NewSciLet 99-2011 Peter Reynolds (Reflectogenesis.com, Runcorn, Cheshire Verenigd Koninkri...
published: 28 May 2010
Author: kimrathbone
Bewustzijn, geest, het leven - 'spandrel' van zich ontwikkelende correleren van de taal
NewSciLet 99-2011 Peter Reynolds (Reflectogenesis.com, Runcorn, Cheshire Verenigd Koninkrijk) P3 Vorig jaar heb ik gesteld handig in de hand gehouden spiegels van de leeftijd van levensbelang verslavende metaal UHM 'Blow' constructieve inter-en self-sensorische feedback over het nieuwe synesthetische & spiegel neurosystems, complexe none-prairiehond taal, schrijven & monotheïsme - superponeren de perspectieven van de individuele zintuigen bij de optische assen van bezinning, het definiëren van een verdwijnpunt en een raam voor een Self perspectief binnen een verslavende Infectieziekten Tensegrally Zelf Gericht Neural nietzscheaanse perspectivisme, een bel van bewustzijn (het leven). Deze snelle ontwikkeling beloning leidde autofocus taal, imprinting, waardoor 'gaten' in het oude ", speciaal gelithografeerde 'structuur van de hersenen, het bepalen van haar eigen' toelichting 'Gap''; de zich ontwikkelende taal niet in staat om haar eigen zwikken toegang. Deze 'Reflectogenesis' ook rechtstreeks te zien op Youtube bij apen die UHM, beoordeeld op hun orgastische mesolimbische reacties had nog nooit van hun 'Zelf', Borne, 'In the Zone', het 'moment'; impliciet in plaats van verplaatst, door de ogen van hun troepen, ondanks generaties weerspiegeld in het water - (de luchtbel vast zit op het oppervlak). In tegenstelling, 'denken' is gesteld in het oude Ice Age kunst. Nick Humphrey eerder deze kunstenaars niet 'denken', maar gedragen zich als een sprakeloos autistische savant <b>...</b>

Coscienza, mente, vita - .spandrel del correlato evoluzione del linguaggio
Tenuto in mano specchi metallici reso la litografia rituale incontrate in piedi specchi di...
published: 01 Nov 2008
Author: kimrathbone
Coscienza, mente, vita - .spandrel del correlato evoluzione del linguaggio
Tenuto in mano specchi metallici reso la litografia rituale incontrate in piedi specchi di pietra, plastica. NewSciLet 99-2.011 Reynolds Peter (Reflectogenesis.com, Runcorn, Cheshire, Regno Unito) P3 L'anno scorso ho posato la mano utile tenuto rispecchia l'età del 'colpo' metal UHM dipendenza vitale feedback costruttivo l'altro e di auto-sensoriale sinestetica cuscinetto nuovo e neurosystems specchio, complesso linguaggio del cane della prateria-none, la scrittura e il monoteismo - sovrapposizione delle prospettive di singoli sensi su assi ottici di riflessione, di definire un punto di fuga e una finestra per una prospettiva di auto all'interno di un infettive Self Addictive Tensegrally Focused Neural prospettivismo nietzschiano, una bolla di coscienza (vita). Questa ricompensa messa a fuoco automatica rapida evoluzione ha portato la lingua, imprinting, lasciando 'buchi' in antico 'appositamente litografata' struttura cerebrale, definendo la propria 'esplicativa''' Gap, la lingua in continua evoluzione in grado di accedere ai suoi pennacchi proprio. Questo 'Reflectogenesis' visto anche direttamente su Youtube in cui scimmie dato UHM, giudicati dalle loro reazioni orgasmica mesolimbico non aveva mai visto la loro 'Self', a carico, 'In the Zone', il 'momento', piuttosto che quella delocalizzato implicitamente, attraverso gli occhi di le loro truppe, nonostante le generazioni riflessa nell'acqua - (la bolla sinistra bloccato sulla superficie). Al contrario, 'pensiero' è <b>...</b>