
Blood Has Been Shed - UATU
A video with lyrics to the song UATU by Blood Has Been Shed. If you have a recomendation f...
published: 19 Sep 2010
author: ArmedDragonLV11
Blood Has Been Shed - UATU
A video with lyrics to the song UATU by Blood Has Been Shed. If you have a recomendation for a song you'd like me to make a video of, with lyrics, leave a comment with the song name and I'll look it up and if I like it I just might make one :)

Destroyin' Wannabes
Much love to Greg and Acid, but I can't have y'all thinkin' you got badder rhy...
published: 03 Aug 2007
author: whiplash854
Destroyin' Wannabes
Much love to Greg and Acid, but I can't have y'all thinkin' you got badder rhymes than me...

Shugo Chara-Uatu
hope u all like it:] plz comment or rate...
published: 19 Jul 2008
author: lilsimely
Shugo Chara-Uatu
hope u all like it:] plz comment or rate

(UATU) [美 月 ヒタ ] Hita mitsuki - Love and joy "singing hita" + PMD MODEL
PMD MODEL: www.4shared.com "you can do her hair more shorter XDD haha" Helloooo!...
published: 20 Mar 2011
author: echiiloli
(UATU) [美 月 ヒタ ] Hita mitsuki - Love and joy "singing hita" + PMD MODEL
PMD MODEL: www.4shared.com "you can do her hair more shorter XDD haha" Helloooo!! this is mi utau hita XD And her PMD model Dx but is not really good xD hehehe I have some complications D': I did my best in this model ... D': but it's not really good, anyway XD *0* i have hita now in my MMD :'D i'm so happy, but i have another problem xD -.-UU i don't know how to do riwah XD, wahhh but is okay(?) D: i'll try to make riwah xD hehe please suscribe if you like my utau and my fandubs :D they are in spanish xDD hehe in the nex week i think i'll upload a new fandub :3 yey my firs fandub in english!! Att: echiiloli/kira0loka UST: by Sango312

[UATU] ハイドアユートピア ver Kaimei Chou (a dedication)
This is dedicated to my Grandpa who is in the hospital fighting to live.. Please pray for ...
published: 21 Oct 2011
author: UTAUKaimeiChou
[UATU] ハイドアユートピア ver Kaimei Chou (a dedication)
This is dedicated to my Grandpa who is in the hospital fighting to live.. Please pray for him! About my Grandpa: kawaiibubbleschan.deviantart.com ust: rokurin122 english lyric: If someday this world is going to disappear And I have to laugh for you Then I'll stop myself with my own arm As always The birds that fly up to the faraway sky Are strangely sad I can't fly Even if someone spreads their arms and repeats with me If we could live only by thinking Then I wont cry any more If we die only with our hearts Then I'm no longer in this place. I guess you can hear the endless song My dead utopia Ugly reality, the town I dreamt of There's no way that the connected chains will break apart When you saw me that time You said crying words You said that you wanted to go somewhere far away With a sleepy voice That first page that we looked at together While promising one another Was a lie or just spur of the moment Why are you crying as you tell me this? I guess you can hear the endless song My dead utopia I can only pray; I can only sing Why won't you stay by my side? For you I'll say it right now Please stay with me like now Why are you crying and talking so much That your voice is gone? The reality that I'll just be alone I guess you can hear the endless song My dead utopia I couldn't find it, but I'm looking for the words Dedicated to you that I dropped somewhere I guess you could hear the voice that spread as far as the sky My dead utopia You knew that the voice is crying At <b>...</b>

McJammie Jams and Acid Pwn Uatu!
This is what happens when you play with fire Esteed! Lyrics: spent last night recoverin fr...
published: 06 Aug 2007
author: acidfingers
McJammie Jams and Acid Pwn Uatu!
This is what happens when you play with fire Esteed! Lyrics: spent last night recoverin from steed's wicked flow thought he had us pinned down but he don't fuckin know were coming back strong gonna tear you apart we'll shank you like daniel did that shadow in the heart Dontcha know im jammie jams master of the verbal slams leave you in a cold sweat drippin off your shaking hands im demonic like linda blair sweet like a care bear hotter than fire but armed with a cold stare uatu you got mad flow but im sure you got to know were here to save the day just like motherfucking gi joe alone im only half the pain like able but without cain watch out for the acid rain gonna fucking scorch your brain we run shit, we run shit here! we run shit, we run shit here! we run shit here, we run shit! we run shit here, we run shit! round here when you throw down we go pound for pound acid hittin back gon slam yo ass to the ground now I'm here to finish the job started by jammie jam exposin your ass like the mutha fuckin lg scam esteed's as slick as sandpaper in afghanistan fanbase about as long as maddison's life span mother fucker thinks he's a badass like darth vader but he's as good a writer as lonelygirl's creator Uatu stay true to your name, sit back and watch my game I'm a herald of Galactus, whatchu gon do puss? hey no hard feelings dawg, just had to clear the fog show you why we da best, now sit down with the rest we run shit, we run shit here! we run shit, we run shit here! we run <b>...</b>

[UATU] Ponponpon (Miji)
Sorry, half-way through, I finish the picture and so the visual hits a wall. Also, I'm...
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: EManic29
[UATU] Ponponpon (Miji)
Sorry, half-way through, I finish the picture and so the visual hits a wall. Also, I'm probably gonna chang her second name (currently Okesutorane). A joke can go too far.

Uatu - The Watcher
Uatu watches... everything... Sketch by Critical Hit! Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.co...
published: 17 Nov 2011
author: whedonite723
Uatu - The Watcher
Uatu watches... everything... Sketch by Critical Hit! Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com

Blood Has Been Shed - Uatu.mp4
From Spirals Album One Of The Fucking Best Metalcore Bands "Blood Has Been Shed"...
published: 01 Nov 2011
author: patiko2001
Blood Has Been Shed - Uatu.mp4
From Spirals Album One Of The Fucking Best Metalcore Bands "Blood Has Been Shed"

uatu and amu fashion
enjoy this vid!!! i dont own any clips or audio!! this is purely fanmade!!!...
published: 25 Nov 2009
author: gaarasasukefangirl
uatu and amu fashion
enjoy this vid!!! i dont own any clips or audio!! this is purely fanmade!!!

[Utau Newcommer] - My uatu (no name yet)
i did it i "sucesfully" created my utau!!! this is just a test, my micro suck, i...
published: 27 Dec 2010
author: Auron510
[Utau Newcommer] - My uatu (no name yet)
i did it i "sucesfully" created my utau!!! this is just a test, my micro suck, i need a new one. he's voice bank isnt completed yet and he doesnt have a name yet, but... hu.... FAIL! XD

[UATU] Path of Wind [Akira Haru]
Hello Youtubers! I have made Haru-chan sing Path of Wind from Totoro! Also...this song is ...
published: 04 Jul 2009
author: MalchikPride
[UATU] Path of Wind [Akira Haru]
Hello Youtubers! I have made Haru-chan sing Path of Wind from Totoro! Also...this song is on Nico also. www.nicovideo.jp And if you wanna download Akira Haru's voicebank just visit my site.... joupup.blogspot.com Yeah...I still need help with the .oto file. DX Can't work it worth crap. But hey, I like this song. Oh! Drawing by me! Colored crappily on GIMP ( yay GIMP ) !

[UATU] Hope
I don't own anything that been used here js...
published: 04 Mar 2011
author: belovedkitsune
[UATU] Hope
I don't own anything that been used here js

Uatu ja uatun sahan
Kenttä sirkkelöintiä savossa...
published: 02 May 2010
author: maunoahonen123
Uatu ja uatun sahan
Kenttä sirkkelöintiä savossa

[uatu] 13 Alone+mp3
alone interpréter par l'uatu 13 mp3 links www.mediafire.com voice bank = www.me...
published: 20 Jul 2010
author: celimusdoll
[uatu] 13 Alone+mp3
alone interpréter par l'uatu 13 mp3 links www.mediafire.com voice bank = www.mediafire.com lyric indisponible ='(

indios krenak dançando "uatu" dança do rio
indios krenak dançando "uatu" dança do rio...
published: 25 Dec 2010
author: Fabinhoererre
indios krenak dançando "uatu" dança do rio
indios krenak dançando "uatu" dança do rio

[uatu] 13 -dead end-lyric+mp3
mp3 www.mediafire.com voice bank= www.mediafire.com (version rapide) Après que je s...
published: 21 Jul 2010
author: celimusdoll
[uatu] 13 -dead end-lyric+mp3
mp3 www.mediafire.com voice bank= www.mediafire.com (version rapide) Après que je suis né je me rends finalement compte que j'existe seulement pour imiter des gens VOCALOID destiné à chanter pour toujours même si une chanson a déjà existé un jouet programmé, qui l'accepte simplement rongeant sur un poireau, levant les yeux au ciel perdant se débarrassant des larmes remarquant que même tout ce qui s'efface le personnage entier selon le chant avec une base incertaine. l'endroit d'où je suis venu est déjà détruit quand chacun m'aura oublié je n'aurai plus de coeur ou le truc qui est en moi VOCALOID au bord de folie dont le monde a fini je souhaite qu'au temps où je ne peux pas chanter vous serez avec moi je veux voir votre visage heureux que j'ai pratiqué, chanter, ainsi ... Une fois que le chant était tant d'amusement, mais maintenant, pourquoi je n'estime pas quoi que ce soit? pardonnez moi désormais quand je me rappelle les visages des gens que j'ai manqué je peux me détendre juste un peu. les sons que je suis capable de chanter obtiennent moins chaque jour. La fin se dessine en quoi j'ai cru, la fantaisie confortable répétant à maintes reprises reflété dans un miroir renonce à chanter crier d'une façon violente ... (début de la version rapide) l'image virtuelle qui signifie la vie ne peut pas être secoué (version rapide) La crainte d'une disparition d'un coeur faible ou d'une panne, juste créé, je n'ai pas la force de tout faire pour empêcher tout votre expression de <b>...</b>

Kirby Krackle "Can I Watch You?" Live at Emerald City Comicon 2010 - Seattle
KIRBY KRACKLE performing "Can I Watch You?" (a love jam from the perspective of ...
published: 23 May 2010
author: kirbykracklemusic
Kirby Krackle "Can I Watch You?" Live at Emerald City Comicon 2010 - Seattle
KIRBY KRACKLE performing "Can I Watch You?" (a love jam from the perspective of The Watcher). "Can I Watch You?" is from the new KK album E FOR EVERYONE available on: iTunes - tinyurl.com Amazon MP3 - tinyurl.com and more (Zune, CDBaby, etc...) Video by: George Tramountanas Lyrics: CAN I WATCH YOU? I'm standing over you about two stories high And you can see my knees, skirt barely covers my thighs You love my baby head and my piercing white eyes So say if you want to you can call me Uatu Can I watch you? And you can watch me too So say if you want to you can call me Uatu Can I watch you? And you can watch me too So say if you want to you can call me Uatu Listen, I never instigate, Ikor didn't raise no fool You say I interfere, you think it's hot, Woo! Celestial bad boy from the blue side of the moon You like the things I do, things I say I never do But I still do, so call me Uatu Can I watch you? And you can watch me too So say if you want to you can call me Uatu Can I watch you? And you can watch me too So say if you want to you can call me Uatu You feel my eyes on you wherever you go The bedroom, the shower, the stove I made you my famous zucchini soufflé You sit there at home and you wait For me to come crawling straight in to your world We'll be joined like ice cream swirls and melt away Melt away Can I watch you? And you can watch me too So say if you want to you can call me Uatu Can I watch you? And you can watch me too So say if you want to you can call me Uatu

published: 27 Apr 2012
author: Mori732