- published: 17 Dec 2007
- views: 1231897
- author: diebandbreite

Die Bandbreite - Dat is Duisburg
Die Bandbreite präsentiert die ultimative Duisburg-Hymne - eine Hommage an diese wundersch...
published: 17 Dec 2007
author: diebandbreite
Die Bandbreite - Dat is Duisburg
Die Bandbreite präsentiert die ultimative Duisburg-Hymne - eine Hommage an diese wunderschöne Stadt im Ruhrgebiet www.diebandbreite.de www.myspace.com/diebandbreite
- published: 17 Dec 2007
- views: 1231897
- author: diebandbreite

2010 International Discus Fish Championship, Duisburg Germany
Some discus fish entries from the 2010 International Discus Fish Championship held in Duis...
published: 21 Jan 2011
author: GwynnbrookFarm
2010 International Discus Fish Championship, Duisburg Germany
Some discus fish entries from the 2010 International Discus Fish Championship held in Duisburg, Germany. This is the largest discus fish show in the world. 8. Internationales Diskus Championat - Duisburg 2010 Thanks for watching! Thumbs up if you like. Remember to SUBSCRIBE! www.discushatchery.com Background Music American Vista - Version: Inspire to Achieve. Royalty Free music generated from Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Collection software.
- published: 21 Jan 2011
- views: 17012
- author: GwynnbrookFarm

2010 Canoe Sprint World Cup, Duisburg - Highlights
And here is the last set of highlights for the Canoe Sprint World Cup. We hope you've enjo...
published: 18 Jun 2010
author: CanoeKayakTV
2010 Canoe Sprint World Cup, Duisburg - Highlights
And here is the last set of highlights for the Canoe Sprint World Cup. We hope you've enjoyed our coverage of these events.
- published: 18 Jun 2010
- views: 9950
- author: CanoeKayakTV

BMX Xbox 360 Contest@ T-Mobile Playgrounds Duisburg 2010
It was the 10th outing of the T-Mobile Extreme Playground in Duisburg at the weekend (watc...
published: 27 Apr 2010
author: Marc Feldmann
BMX Xbox 360 Contest@ T-Mobile Playgrounds Duisburg 2010
It was the 10th outing of the T-Mobile Extreme Playground in Duisburg at the weekend (watch all the replays right here) and it did not disappoint. Featuring 27 top riders from the worlds of MTB and BMX, it was an intense day of riding yet it was BMXer Anthony Napolitan and MTBer Martin Söderström who were the champs on the day. The BMX Dirt Jump Finals were running at full throttle from the off; Last year's winner Rob Darden was on fire but then along came Anthony Napolitan riding in his debut T-Mobile Playgrounds. The 23-year-old American's 96 point run was always going to be tough to beat with a backflip turndown one, front flip no hander and an insane 360 Triple Tailwhip! In second with 94.4 points was Ryan Guettler with Rob Darden in third place. The MTB Slopestyle event was equally as exciting with the top three rides pushing each other hard. Last years runner up Sam Pilgrim threw down an impressive run with an Xup 360, 360 tailwhip, no handed backflip, 360 and a 360 Double Whip but could only secure silver once again as the 20-year-old Swede Martin Söderström took the number 1 spot on the podium. In his winning run he laid down a 360 and a backflip, then a double whip, 360 tailwhip and 360 downside whip, which was a difficult as Pilgrim's run but was deemed cleaner and more stylish than the UK rider
- published: 27 Apr 2010
- views: 40918
- author: Marc Feldmann

Martin Söderström - T-Mobile Extreme Playgrounds 2010 - Duisburg - 1st!
Martin Söderström - took a win at T-Mobile Extreme Playgrounds 2010 - Duisburg - check out...
published: 13 May 2010
author: nsbikesco
Martin Söderström - T-Mobile Extreme Playgrounds 2010 - Duisburg - 1st!
Martin Söderström - took a win at T-Mobile Extreme Playgrounds 2010 - Duisburg - check out his perfect run! 2nd place was taken by Sam Pilgrim. Great riding guys!
- published: 13 May 2010
- views: 50526
- author: nsbikesco

2007 Worlds Duisburg K2-200m Final
2007 Worlds Duisburg K2-200m Final. Lane 9. C. Nielsen / K. Bleibach...
published: 09 Apr 2008
author: Casper Nielsen
2007 Worlds Duisburg K2-200m Final
2007 Worlds Duisburg K2-200m Final. Lane 9. C. Nielsen / K. Bleibach
- published: 09 Apr 2008
- views: 28333
- author: Casper Nielsen

Love Parade Duisburg, july 24, Multiperspective-video
Germany, Duisburg, july 24, 2010: 16h30 - 17h15: an incredible tragedy at the Love Parade....
published: 14 Jul 2011
author: jolievdk
Love Parade Duisburg, july 24, Multiperspective-video
Germany, Duisburg, july 24, 2010: 16h30 - 17h15: an incredible tragedy at the Love Parade. The film you are about to see, is made of the 'Zapruder'-tapes of the Last Love Parade in Duisburg, Germany, filmed by numorous witnesses of the tragedy on july 24. The tragedy that unfolds, frame by frame, needs a minute of introduction, a brief summary of the events of july 24, 2010. The grimm facts: 21 people died. They were 18- 38 years old, and from Germany, Spain, Italy, China, Bosnia, The Netherlands, Australia. It's a story with countless unnamed heroes. After travelling for hours, people waited in fenced-in streets, to access a closed-off area, through cramped tunnels. Overcrowded, no emergency exits. Crowd, police, organizers had ...no means of communication. A crowd crush developed. in the attempt to escape 21 people were crushed to death, 500 others were injured. The tragedy was worsened by the sloppy terrain. Many stumbled over a broken sewage lid, near the stairs where 15 persons died. PP Rolf Cebin warned of the dangers, but he got fired, while others were ignored. Until today no-one took full responsibility, neither Organizers nor Police nor those politically responsible. A Tragedy, brought on by massive incompetence - - - - - - - Personal note from the editor: Considering it will be july 24 soon, and the Lopatragedy is not 'solved' yet, and victims are still waiting for answers from the authorities, I have made a fullHD (1280 x 720 pixels ) multiperspective video ...
- published: 14 Jul 2011
- views: 15844
- author: jolievdk

Duisburg Skateplaza Session
Fette session mit phillip Koulen patrick wenz arda cetinel anton golotsos Filmed by Tarik ...
published: 15 Sep 2009
author: Tarik Ungewitter
Duisburg Skateplaza Session
Fette session mit phillip Koulen patrick wenz arda cetinel anton golotsos Filmed by Tarik ungewitter with vx1000 mk1
- published: 15 Sep 2009
- views: 15021
- author: Tarik Ungewitter

Duisburg Plaza Montage (Canon 7D)
Setup: Canon 7D | Tamron 28-75mm | Tokina 10-17mm Fisheye | 30fps | 1280x720 | Filmed by: ...
published: 06 Jun 2010
author: Jwedelstaedt
Duisburg Plaza Montage (Canon 7D)
Setup: Canon 7D | Tamron 28-75mm | Tokina 10-17mm Fisheye | 30fps | 1280x720 | Filmed by: Jonas Wedelstädt and Matthias P. Editing By: Jonas Wedelstädt Skater: Matthias P. | Luis H. | Philip K. | Max M. | Jonas W. | Song: Delorean - Deli jonwedphoto.blogspot.com/
- published: 06 Jun 2010
- views: 14888
- author: Jwedelstaedt

tulay duisburg
plovdiv,4anite v germanija...
published: 16 Sep 2009
author: tattooboss69
tulay duisburg
plovdiv,4anite v germanija
- published: 16 Sep 2009
- views: 17442
- author: tattooboss69

Vendor fish at the 2010 International Discus Championship, Duisburg Germany
Some video clips of discus for sale by various vendors at the International Discus Fish Sh...
published: 28 Jun 2011
author: GwynnbrookFarm
Vendor fish at the 2010 International Discus Championship, Duisburg Germany
Some video clips of discus for sale by various vendors at the International Discus Fish Show in Duisburg, Germany. The event is held every 2 years. You can purchase lots of quality discus fish at the show from breeders from around the world. Other tropical fish are sold as well. 8. Internationales Diskus Championat - Duisburg 2010 Thanks for watching! Thumbs up if you like. Remember to SUBSCRIBE! www.discushatchery.com
- published: 28 Jun 2011
- views: 16959
- author: GwynnbrookFarm

Saisonauftakt 2012: MSV Duisburg vs. VfR Aalen
Seht den Marsch zum Stadion plus Choero!...
published: 08 Aug 2012
author: luetteyeah
Saisonauftakt 2012: MSV Duisburg vs. VfR Aalen
Seht den Marsch zum Stadion plus Choero!
- published: 08 Aug 2012
- views: 20370
- author: luetteyeah

Bad acting by trainer, entire scene
Take the surreal game between Duisburg and Cologne in early December 2005. Five minutes fr...
published: 31 Aug 2006
author: Tom Koster
Bad acting by trainer, entire scene
Take the surreal game between Duisburg and Cologne in early December 2005. Five minutes from time, with the game tied at one-all and the visitors from Cologne pressing for the winner, Albert Streit went to collect a ball that had gone into touch and passed Duisburg's coach Norbert Meier, standing at the sideline. Meier said something we can presume to have been unkind, as Streit stopped right in front of him for a repartee. That's when Meier, almost unperceptibly, quickly moved his head forward so that it gently touched Streit's, threw his arms in the air, flung himself to the ground with a jump that would have done any stuntman proud and lay there writhing in quite obviously unbearable pain. The ref came to the only conclusion his vantage point allowed him and sent Streit off for headbutting the opposing coach. But the TV cameras had captured the incident from an angle that left no doubt about what really happened, and Meier was quickly fired by his club.
- published: 31 Aug 2006
- views: 267997
- author: Tom Koster
Vimeo results:

Enin & Gourski @ Rolltogether Duisburg
USD´s Eugen Enin & Xsjado´s Daniel Gourski having a little session at the Rolltogether Ses...
published: 01 Aug 2012
author: TheConferenceTV
Enin & Gourski @ Rolltogether Duisburg
USD´s Eugen Enin & Xsjado´s Daniel Gourski having a little session at the Rolltogether Session in Duisburg, Germany.

Marteria - Duisburg
Marteria zum Glück in die Zukunft Tour 2010...
published: 13 Oct 2010
author: Paul Ripke
Marteria - Duisburg
Marteria zum Glück in die Zukunft Tour 2010

Frittenbude -Ochsentour
Tourvideo von Frittenbudes Ochsentour/März09. Berlin, Münster, Duisburg, Erlangen, Wien....
published: 24 Apr 2009
author: aichornmedia
Frittenbude -Ochsentour
Tourvideo von Frittenbudes Ochsentour/März09. Berlin, Münster, Duisburg, Erlangen, Wien.

MSV Duisburg vs. Dynamo Dresden
Endstand 3:0....
published: 29 Aug 2011
author: bultras.net
MSV Duisburg vs. Dynamo Dresden
Endstand 3:0.
Youtube results:

Strage mafiosa di Duisburg: i giornali tedeschi
Paolo Cappelli conduce una rassegna stampa delle pagine online dei giornali tedeschi focal...
published: 16 Aug 2007
author: RaiNews24
Strage mafiosa di Duisburg: i giornali tedeschi
Paolo Cappelli conduce una rassegna stampa delle pagine online dei giornali tedeschi focalizzata sulla strage che la 'ndrangheta calabrese ha perpetrato ieri a Duisburg, in Germania
- published: 16 Aug 2007
- views: 94985
- author: RaiNews24

Duisburg in Flammen (MSV Duisburg vs. Fortuna Düsseldorf; 18.03.2011)
www.fortuna-videos.de - Video vom Auswärtsspiel beim MSV Duisburg Marsch zum Stadion, Pyro...
published: 21 Mar 2011
author: f959595
Duisburg in Flammen (MSV Duisburg vs. Fortuna Düsseldorf; 18.03.2011)
www.fortuna-videos.de - Video vom Auswärtsspiel beim MSV Duisburg Marsch zum Stadion, Pyroshow zum Einlauf und Support während des Spiels.
- published: 21 Mar 2011
- views: 125539
- author: f959595