Pope creates ordinariates for Anglican dioceses
The bishops, priests and faithful Anglicans that until now have gone to the
Catholic Church were received individually.
Benedict XVI has created a system so that Anglican parishes or entire dioceses, even, be received in the Catholic Church. Some 50 Anglican bishops have asked for their dioceses to be welcomed in this way.
The system requires converts to accept the doctrine of the Catholic Church and the authority of the pope.
Card. William Joseph Levada
Congregation for the
Doctrine of the
Yes they will be catholic and that will be clear because like people who go through
RCIA or catechumenal process they ritually and personally makes a profession of faith and so thats clear."
The structure that will welcome Anglican newcomers is based on personal ordinariates, similar to military ordinariates or
Catholic churches of oriental rite.
Joseph di
Congregation for Divine Worship
"This form, the personal ordinariates allows for something very much part of the local
Church, and as groups emerge who wish now to take advantage
Apostolic constitution wherever in the world they can do so in a local way in consultation with the
Holy See and with the Conferences in each place."
The Holy See names the ordinary which could be an
Anglican priest or bishop received in the Catholic Church.
Anglican bishops who are married cannot be ordinaries--only celibate Anglican bishops or priests will be able to exercise this charge.
Anglican priests who are married can continue in their ministry as clergy and pastors.
With this new structure, Anglicans can come into full communion with the Catholic Church still staying true to Anglican spiritual and liturgical patrimony, similar to Catholic churches of oriental rite.
Archbishop of Canterbury,
Rowan Williams, spiritual leader of the
Anglican Church, gave his approval to the new project.
The next step in the process is an
Apostolic Constitution signed by the pope that will put the ordinariates in effect.
The decision gives way to partial unification while ecumenical dialogue for full communion with the
Catholic church continues.
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